Sequel: Honey, You're Dead.
Status: Completed.

Oh. It's You

I Hate You, Really

As we walked, slowly up the street, He was pretty quiet.
"So, tell me again, why?" I asked, I knew this would get annoying after a while..
"Because, one for all, I'm quiet sick of girls coming after me, just because I'm famous, as I said, You're different. So I'm taking you to dinner."
I stared at him, Okay, so because a girl didn't go all 'Ahhh Joe! I'm In love with you' and all that shit, he takes her to dinner?...If that's how that works...I'd like the free food.
"Okay, did your mom drop you when you were a child, a lot?" I asked.
He laughed quietly, "I don't think so."
I do.. "Right." I muttered.
He looked at me, "You really don't want to be with me, do you?"
Clap clap! We have a winner.. "Well done, I'm actually quiet annoyed with you."
He stared at me completely confused. "Huh?"
"For how you broke up with Taylor." I said in a matter-of-fact voice.
"Oh..You're a fan of hers?"
"One of her biggest fans, I know just about every song of hers of by heart. Including forever and always." Just had to add that in...
I saw him frown, "Well...what would you like to eat?"
He changed the fucking subject, ugh the utter retard. "I don't know." I answered curtly.
He turned his head to the side to hide, what I knew was a smile, Nice to know I'm so fucking entertaining, lets all be comedians...
We walked up the steps if the Trump Hotel, I saw the door guy look at me, as though he was going to stop me, but Joe put my hand in his, Which I hated, and I could have murdered him for..But his hands were warm.. The door guy even smiled at me, multiple personality disorder...definitely.
We walked into the lush lobby, like wow, this, compared to our hotel made it look like shit, but this, wow, this is how the filthy rich live, it was amazing,t he marble, the seats, wow.
Like the lobby, shiny marble, elegant chairs, it was warm, it was nice.
I didn't notice that Joe was still holding onto my hand, I was too busy looking around..
"Yo Joe!" A voice came from behind us, I knew it instantly as Kevin, I couldn't help the smile cross my face, he seemed a genuinely nice guy.
Joe turned around, meaning he pulled me around too, I tried to keep an expressionless face, but boy was he hotter in real life. Note to self, no drooling..
I saw Kevin look down at our intertwined hands, well there goes that, thanks a fucking lot Joe.
"Joe? Who's this?" He asked curiously,
I saw Joe smirk, "This is Lauren, and she's not a fan, so I'm taking her to dinner."
Kevin looked utterly confused, "Yeah, I don't get it either." I mumbled.
To my surprise they both laughed at me.
"So, um..are you two like..?" Kevin asked awkwardly, glancing down at me every few seconds, I think something about the glare I was giving him made him leave the question. ..Oops
I saw Joe hesitate for a minute, "I guess." His voice sounded serious, but htere was a note of teasing in it.
What? No!" I said loudly. He's only just met me...for fuck sake, kill me now.
They both burst into a fit of laughter, I was starting to see red.
"Joking.." Joe said in between laughs, but he squeezed my hand lightly.
I had started to feel uncomfortable when Nick appeared, I smiled at him, he looked at me confused, then to our hand, then to Joe with a raised eyebrow.
Joe burst into laughter again.
I saw red again..
Kevin was watching me carefully, as was Nick.
"How's Selena?" I asked, trying to break the silence, with what was probably not the best thing to say.
Nick smiled softly, "She's good."
Should have asked how they were first..but as long as you set it out that your fans of others, they'll soon get the idea.
I nodded, starting to feel awkward, really damn awkward.
Joe started to walk me towards some unknown part of the hotel.
"Avoid the paps.." I heard Nick whisper, "You don't want stories circulating everywhere. And I'm sure she doesn't either." His voice was so serious, I actually felt my stomach do twists, sure they were sex symbols, but really, could they not have girlfriends, not that I was implying that I was Joe's girlfriend, which I wasn't, and am not, but doesn't it seem harsh..I may ask them that.
We walked into a fabulous restaurant, it was nice, natural color tones, I smiled, the smell was divine, I paid no attention that we were still holding hands, but I did see many people in the restaurant look at me, I only realized then that I must look horribly plain next to the superstar I was holding hands with. More reason to hate him..
"Shall we sit?" He asked, breaking me from my reverie.
I nodded lightly, "Sure."
He brought me to the table in the corner. I sat down, and he sat beside me, still not letting go of my hand, I felt slightly uncomfortable, but I'm not going to keep it a secret, It felt nice..
♠ ♠ ♠
Before anyone tells me, I know Joe is going out with Camilla, I just don't like her, LOL.
Kevin's going out with someone too, I just can't remember her name..I know all that, but as I said It's my imagination!
Okay, Rachael, Here's your cookie, thanks for commenting :)
Anyone else want to comment?
I don't bite...