Sequel: Honey, You're Dead.
Status: Completed.

Oh. It's You

I'm Pregnant

*Lauren’s P.O.V*
~5 Days later~

“Lauren!Lauren!Lauren!” Rachael shouted coming into the living room, “Stop planning your fucking wedding for five minutes and look at the TV!”
I looked up from the magazine in front of me, my glasses falling down my nose, “Huh? And no need to shout, I’m only like five seconds away from you.”
“Whatever! We’re on the TV, looooooook!” She said jumping up and down pointing at the TV, like a five year old child.
“Holy zombie Jesus on a unicycle, what the hell has Nick done to you?” I asked.
Nick walked in, a smirk playing on his lips, as he placed his hand on Rachael’s shoulder, “Oh…A few things…None of your business.”
Rachael blushed and slapped him, “Shut up! As I said…I only did it because I was cold.”
Nick looked as though he was about to laugh, “And you’ve been cold all these nights.”
“Yes.” She hissed.
I looked at them confused, “Okay. I’m leaving. I really don’t want to know about your sex life.” I said quietly, picking up the magazines that Denise had told me to look through and walked towards the door.
Rachael grabbed me by the shoulders, “One, shut the fuck up. Two, watch the news which I will now rewind because we’ve missed most of it, and the TV is magical like that.”
“Rachael it’s called Sky +”
“Piss off and watch the TV.” She replied.
“I can’t do both.” I answered back.
“Just shut up, and watch the TV” Rachael growled, “Before I kill you.”
I sat back down on the sofa.
‘Welcome to E! News, we have a few interesting updates on the Jonas Family, and soon to be Jonas Family, yes you heard, Kevin Jonas and Lauren Davis are now engaged, what a blow for the Jonas diehard fans, first Nick gets married, now Kevin’s getting married, apparently at the end of the month, why so soon you ask? We’ll get to that story afterwards,but now for Nick and Rachael’s white wedding, apparently the bride looked radient and dare I say it happy, for the first time ever seen-’
“That woman is dead, what is her name? I need to kill her. She must die.” Rachael interrupted.
‘-They were rumoured to have had a very passionate kiss at the alter, the footage has not yet been released, but we do have pictures see-’
“She is so dying, it’s like she wants to dig her own grave.”
“Rachael shut up.” I growled.
Rachael paused the TV, grinning to herself, “I love how that does that! And now…back to the matter, I am so unloved.”
“I love you.” Nick said seriously.
“If you loved me, you would stop letting my mother get her hands on my phone number, she won’t leave me alone.” As she spoke her phone started ringing, “Speak of the Devil and the Devil shall ring.” She said before turning off her phone and putting it in her pocket, “I need a new number.”
“You’ve had six this week so far.” Nick stated.
“And you keep giving her my number and I don’t want to tell her my honeymoon details.”
“Why would your mother even ask you that?” Nick asked.
“Because my mother-”
“Are we going to watch the news or what?” I asked.
Rachael turned to me, “You’re either depressed, on the verge of tears daily, or angry lately, what the hell is wrong with you?”
I hit the play button on the remote, ignoring her question, I wasn’t ready to tell anyone yet.
‘The kiss. They are then supposed to have flown out to the Australian outback, to a five star hotel none the less. We don’t have anything about the honeymoon, but it’s pretty easy to guess judging by that kiss. They returned to LA yesterday, all smiles, Rachael looking quite radient, I’m judging she had a good time-’
“That woman is-”
“Rachael, shut up.”
‘Now onto Lauren and Kevin, he is rumoured to have proposed to her under fairy lights, by a lake on the night of his brothers wedding, sweet right? They are rumoured to be getting married at the end of the month, why so early we ask? Well, Lauren was pictured leaving a private doctors surgery looking as though she had been crying, with no Kevin beside her, what could possibly be wrong? We haven’t seen her out since the wedding, and a close Jonas family friend has leaked that she is planning the wedding from the Jonas household, we’re all curious as to what’s wrong with Kevin’s sweetheart, as Kevin has been seen out looking well and healthy, as well as the Jonas household. Here at E! news the speculations are running high, even some of our viewers have e-mailed in answering a poll on our website as to what’s wrong with her. Some of the most popular are, has the Jonas sweetheart got swine flu? Cancer? Or the most popular, is she secretly hiding a pregnancy? She-’

*Rachael’s P.O.V*
Lauren slammed the door as she stormed out of the room,
“What the hell?” Nick asked, looking severely confused.
I turned around to him, “I don’t know….” I mumbled, “I should probably go see what’s wrong…you go do whatever Jonai do when they’re not with their wives or their girlfriends or whatever…” I said as I walked out of the room, upstairs to Kevin’s room, Lauren lying on the bed crying, Kevin was no where to be seen, I think he could have been out with Joe and Emily, “Lauren?”
“What?” She snapped, but her voice was muffled by the pillow.
“What’s wrong?” I asked, sitting beside her.
“Nothing.” She mumbled.
“Nothing? Do you think I’m the biggest gobshite alive?” I asked sarcastically.
She sat up slowly, and wiped her eyes, but her eyeliner had run down her face and she now looked a lot like Morticia Adams Although maybe I shouldn’t say that…
“Lar you can tell me?”
“I’m not pregnant!” She shouted, her eyes dark.
I stared at her shocked, she’d never shouted at me like that before, “I…didn’t….say you were…”
“Just go away.” She mumbled, fresh tears falling down her face.
“But I don’t want to leave you being like sad…”
“Oh my God, Rachael cares about something.” Lauren muttered.
“Ouch, bitch.” I walked out slamming the door behind me, Nick was waiting outside the door for me.
“How’d it go? What’s wrong with her?”
“How do you think it went genius?!” I yelled.
“What did I do?” He asked.
“Nothing! I’m just gonna yell at you, ‘cause I’ve got no one else to yell at.”
“Oh, Okay…so I didn’t do anything? That’s good.”
“You know, you’re shit to yell at, I’m gonna go kill someone over MSN on my magical laptop.”
“That I bought you.” Nick added smiling.
“Fine. Will you be cold later?” He asked, grinning.
“As from now I’m not talking to you.” I said glaring at him.
“Until later.” He replied.
I rolled my eyes and stomped down the stairs, finding my laptop, I plugged it in. I decided to sign my e-mail first, I hadn’t checked it since I went to New York, and if I had no e-mails I will cry.
As it popped up, I nearly fell off the kitchen stool, “Holy vampire Santa, falling off the north pole! I have 895 fucking e-mails, how the hell…..Becca, she will so die after this.”
Nick sat across the table from me, “So where is Becca?” He asked, “I haven’t seen her in ages.”
“I told you to go away.” I growled.
“Answer the question.”
“She went home…when I told her to, weeks ago, did you not notice?”
I ignored him, and went back to my inbox, Hate mail, Hate mail, Hate mail, Hate mail, Spam, Hate mail, hate mail, You Tube, Bebo, Hate mail, hate mail……
*2 hours later*
Hate mail, Hate mail, hate mail, bebo, Mibba, Hate mail, Myspace, hate mail, self harm help site, anti suicide campagin, spam, hate mail,hate mail..”Freddie?” I said aloud.
The others had all came home and were sitting around watching me, Nick was behind me.
Emily jumped off her stool, “What? Where? Ruuuuuun!”
Nick looked up at her, “Huh?”
I clicked it open.

You’ve basically disappeared off the planet, you aren’t dead are you? Wait-if you’re dead why am I e-mailing you? And how did you die, and why haven’t I heard of it…oh wait, you can’t be dead, you were on the news.
Congratulations on your attempts to rid the world of the Jonas Brothers, although you seem to have failed slightly recently, marrying Nick Jonas?! Are my eyes defying me?
Have you became a moral being? Are you being religious? Don’t be religious, there’s no god.
What happened to MY Rachael, and where have you hidden her?
Unless, MY Rachael is still there, and you only married Nick Jonas to ‘dispose’ of him properly, am I right?
Please let me be right.

Nick growled, “His Rachael?” He asked.
Emily over to read the e-mail, “Oh! Oh! What happened? What’d he say?!” She asked reading the e-mail.
I started banging my head off the table.
“His Rachael?” Nick repeated.
“Nick, do me a favour and go away.”
“No, I want to know exactly who he is?”
“A boy friend?”
“A friend, that is a boy.” I answered.
“That adores the ground you walk on.” Emily added in.
“And I hate him with a vengence.”
“Oh, that’s okay then.” Nick said quietly.
“Now I need to kill people over MSN, leave me alone.”
“Why are you talking to him if you hate him?”
“No, she means his best friend is hot.” Emily said grinning.
“Emily, do me a favour and shut up, or Joe might mysteriously die of natural-ish causes.”
“Don’t you dare touch a single hair on my Joey’s body.”
I stared at her, “Why would I want to? I might get a disease.”
Emily glared at me.

~2 weeks later~
*Lauren’s P.O.V*

“Rachael something, something Mooney Jonas! Get your ass down to this room right now!” I screamed.
Taylor put her hand on my shoulder, “Lauren, calm down down, everything will be okay…Apart from the fact I have to stand across from the guy who broke up with me in 27 seconds all frickin’ day.”
“Not helping.” I mumbled.
“Sorry, I really do love you.” She said smiling at me.
“I love you too.”
Emily was on top of the kitchen counter, ready to leave, when the kitchen door banged open, “What have I done?” Rachael asked, I stared at Rachael, she was wearing one of Nick’s oversized tee-shirts and her make-up from yesterday was still on, although considerably smudged.
“Why the fuck aren’t you dressed?!” I screamed.
“It’s Saturday, I don’t have anywhere to go..why are you wearing that big white dress?”
“Rachael Jonas, I will fucking murder you.” I threatened, I felt Taylor’s hand tighen around my arm to restrain me.
“As I will murder you if you don’t stop calling me Rachael Jonas.”
“Rachael. Today, see SATURDAY! Is MY wedding day, you are meant to be my maid of fucking honour, and we have to be in the church in fifteen minutes, and you are not even fucking dressed!”
“Oh…That’s why Nick tried to wake me up…..and I hit him, and I think I knocked him out…”
Taylor gasped, “He’s not dead is he? Such a shame for the fan girls” She said sarcastically.
Emily jumped down from the counter and covering her mouth ran out into the bathroom, where I think I heard her getting sick, “Oh my fucking god…..someone tell me that I did not just hear her getting sick?”
Rachael and Taylor who were the only two in the room stayed silent, “Murphy’s law, everything that can go wrong, will go wrong.” Rachael said lightly,
Taylor looked at her confused, “Murphy’s law?”
“It’s an Irish thing.” Rachael said quietly, yawning.
Rachael turned around and ran upstairs, “Getting dressed! Getting dressed! Getting dressed! Getting dressed!”
Emily came out of the bathroom, wiping her mouth, “I need to wash my mouth out.”
Taylor squeezed my arm, “Lauren, take a few deep breaths in and out, in and out.”
I bit my lip, “Fine.”
Rachael ran through the door wobbling on the high heels, and walked into the chair, “OW! I’m dressed, look, look, I’m dressed, see, dress! Make up fixed.” Rachael said quickly, looking terrified.
I glared at her, “Rachael, oh so help me, I will murder you in a very sadistic way while singing show tunes if you do not brush your fucking hair in the next sixty seconds!”
I threw a hairbrush at her,
“Ow! Brush hair now…look! Look! Brushing hair! Don’t kill me!”
Emily ran out of the room again, slamming the door of the bathroom,
I turned around to Rachael and Taylor, “I am so going to murder Emily for getting sick, today, of all fucking days!” I growled.
“Lauren, let’s go get int the car, the car that’s going to bring you to the church to marry Kevin, car , now…see,…I’ll get Emily. Taylor look after her and make sure she doesn’t drop dead from stress or murder anything…”
“Sure, Lauren come on.”
I follwed Taylor out to the car, I had been talking to Taylor since Kevin had brought me to her concert months ago, and I asked her to give me away when I told her I was getting married and she said Yes straight away, which made me extremely happy, and in saying that I should have known that I’d be hearing random snide remarks about Joe, which I didn’t really mind at all, most of the time I agreed with her.
Rachael came into the car with Emily who looked really pale.
“Emily, I mean this, if you puke over me, or anyone else, or in this church, I will murder you.”
Emily smiled lightly, “It’s passed now, I’ll be fine.”
“What’s wrong?” I asked.
She looked at me wide eyed for a minute, then shrugged and looked out the window.
~Outside the church~
“Rachael, did you organize the band like I told you too, or am I left bandless?” I asked as we waited outside the door.
“Nope, I got a band.”
“Who the hell do you think?” She asked.
I was about to grab her around the throat, but Taylor took my hand, “Rachael, if you got MCR to be the band at my wedding, don’t get me wrong, I love them, but I mean it, if MCR are the band I will-”
“-We’ve got to go, like now..” Rachael mumbled walking ahead of us, made easier because I didn’t have a flower girl, Demi and Madison where away on tour.
As I walked up the aisle, a few steps behind Rachael and Emily, the piano playing the wedding march was interrupted by electric guitars and very familiar voice screaming into the mic, as we were still near the back of the church I leaned closer to Rachael, so that my mouth was near Rachael’s ear, “You are so fucking dead later. I mean it.”
Rachael started walking down the aisle faster than Emily, and hid behind Nick.
I was afraid to even look at Kevin, but eventually we managed to reach the altar, Taylor squeezed my hand as she left me to stand beside Kevin, he was smiling softly at me.
“Kevin, repeat after me, I Kevin Jonas take you Lauren Davis to be my beloved wife, and I promise before God and these witnesses to be your loving and faithful husband; in plenty and in want; in joy and in sorrow; in sickness and in health, for as long as we both shall live.”
I watched the minister for a moment, then smiled softly at Kevin, who smiled back, “I Kevin Jonas take you Lauren Davis to be my beloved wife, and I promise before God and these witnesses to be your loving and faithful husband; in plenty and in want; in joy and in sorrow; in sickness and in health, for as long as we both shall live.” I saw Taylor smiling up at me, I looked back to Kevin who was smiling brightly.
“Lauren, repeat after me; I Lauren Davis, take you, Kevin Jonas to be my beloved husband, and I promise before God and these witnesses to be your loving and faithful wife; in plenty and in want; in joy and in sorrow; in sickness and in health, for as long as we both shall live.”
I looked up at Kevin, and he smiled softly at me, I looked up to the minister, trying to remember what he had just said. “I Lauren Davis, take you, Kevin Jonas to be my beloved husband, and I promise before God and these witnesses to be your loving and faithful wife; in plenty and in want; in joy and in sorrow; in sickness and in health, for as long as we both shall live.”
The minister smiled, “Do you, Kevin Jonas take this woman, Lauren Davis, to be your wife, according to God’s holy decree; do you promise to be to her a loving and loyal husband, to cherish and keep her in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, to be faithful only to her as long as you both shall live?”
“I do.” he answered steadily.
“Do you, Lauren Davis, take this man, Kevin Jonas, to be your husband, according to God’s holy decree; do you promise to be to him a loving and loyal wife, to cherish and keep him in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, to be faithful only to him as long as you both shall live?”
“I do.” I said happily.
“I now pronounce you both husband and wife.You may now kiss the bride.”
Kevin smiled as he moved closer to me, before pressing his lips against mine.
I heard people clapping in the backround, and I smiled against Kevin’s lips.

“Now for the new couple to have their first dance together!” Gerard said aloud, “We’re going to play a song called-”
“Actually, no I’m singing.” Taylor’s voice came clearly on the microphone, I thought I saw Joe shiver from where he was standing with Emily.
“But we were hired.” Gerard said confused.
“And I’m singing.” Taylor answered back.
Rachael looked up at Gerard. “Let her sing, if you don’t I’ll be taken to pieces.”
Gerard stepped away from the microphone,
“This song is called ‘crazier’ and it’s dedicated to Lauren and Kevin.” She said softly, before she started strumming her guitar, and singing, her voice filling the room.
“I never gone with the wind
Just let it flow...
Let it take me where it wants to go
Till you open the door
There's so much more...
I've never seen it before
I was tryin to fly but I couldn't find wings,
But you came along, and you changed everything!
You lift my feet off the ground,
You spin me around,
You make me crazier,crazier
Feels like I'm fallin,
And I'm, lost in your eyes,
You make me crazier, crazier, crazier...
I watched from a distance as you
Made life your own...
Every sky was your own kind of blue...
And I wanted to know
How that would feel,
And you made so real...
You showed me something that I couldn't see...
You opened my eyes and you made me believe!
You lift my feet off the ground,
You spin me around,
You make me crazier,crazier
Feels like I'm fallin,
And I'm, lost in your eyes,
You make me crazier,crazier
Feels like I'm fallin,
And I'm, lost in your eyes,
You make me crazier, crazier, crazier... Ohhhhhh
Baby you showed me what living is for,
I don't want to hide anymoooore...
You lift my feet off the ground,
You spin me around,
You make me crazier,crazier
Feels like I'm fallin,
And I'm, lost in your eyes,
You make me crazier,crazier
Feels like I'm fallin,
And I'm, lost in your eyes,
You make me crazier, crazier,
crazier... crazier.…”

Kevin kissed me lightly, “I love you.” he whispered.
“I love you too.” I replied.

~5 days later~
*Emily’s P.O.V*

“Lauren and Kevin’ll be leaving New York tonight won’t they?” I asked Joe, who had his arms around me gently,
“That’s what Kevin said.”
“On their wedding day.”
“Ah…she’s not answering her phone.” I said quietly.
“Maybe they’re having fun.” Joe said, smirking at me.
“I would laugh, but it’s nine in the morning, why are we even awake again?”
Joe shrugged, “You woke me up telling me you were hungry, then I made you breakfast.”
“Oh yeah..” I said quietly.
“Goldfish.” He teased.
I stood up quickly, running out of the room, and into the bathroom, getting sick for the second time this morning, when I had washed out my mouth, I stepped outside and Joe was staring at me worriedly, “Are you okay? You’ve been sick all week.”
I took his hand, and brought him back into the sitting room, closing the door behind us, then sitting down on the sofa beside him, “I’m not sick.” I said quietly.
He stared at me confused, “So you’re trying to tell me that you getting sick means you’re not sick?” He asked sounding lost.
I took his hands in mine, “I’m pregnant.”
His mouth dropped open, “What?” He whispered, his eyes wide.
“I’m pregnant. You’re going to be a daddy.” I said slowly, pronouncing each word slowly.
He stared at me wide eyed, still. “How?”
I rolled my eyes, “Well, when a man and a woman-”
“No, I don’t mean like that. We used protection.”
I shrugged, “I don’t know…”
“My mother is going to kill us both.” He whispered.
I coughed, “Three of us.”
He touched my stomach gently, placing his hand on it, “I can’t feel anything, you don’t even look pregnant.” He said confused.
“Early days.” I said smiling up at him.
He pulled me into a close hug, “I love you.” He whispered.
“I love you too.” I said, sighing happily.

*Lauren’s P.O.V*

“Good morning Mr and Mrs Jonas, going out to enjoy the wonderful weather?” The doorman asked as he opened the door for us.
“Yes, a walk in central park seems wonderful today.” Kevin answered smiling,
“Have a great day sir.” The doorman said as we walked out,
“You too.” Kevin said lightly.
Kevin smiled at me as we walked down the steps of the Trump towers, we had both decided to come back to New York for our honeymoon , seeing as we had both met first here, and it was possibly my favourite city ever.
“It might be a good thing everyone’s in school right now, right?” Kevin asked, smiling at me as we walked into central Park.
I laughed, and held his hand tighter, not wanting to let him go. “Right.”
We walked by the lake and we saw a woman of about twenty three playing with three small children that looked around two or three, I smiled at the sight of the happy family, Kevin noticed my smile, “Just to think, that could be us one day.” He said letting go of my hand, and pulling me into a hug, I had to try not to cry.
“Kevin?” A woman's voice came from behind us,
Kevin let go of me and smiled at the woman, “Hello.”
Her children were at her side, looking at Kevin as though they recognized him.
“I’m Beth, I’ve been a fan of you and your brothers for many years, and it’s amazing that I finally get to meet you.” She said calmly, then she smiled at me, “Also, congratulations on getting married!”
“Thank you very much, that means a lot to us to have fans that stick by us through the years. And thank you.” He said grinning at her, shaking her hand.
One of her children tugged on the leg of Kevin’s trousers. “Can you play with us?” He asked innocently.
I saw Kevin’s smile widen, “Of course!”
I smiled at him as he ran up onto the grass and started chasing the children around, I sat down on the bench, watching them, a smile on my face. And seeing all I could never have.
Beth sat down beside me, “You must feel so lucky.” She said smiling at me.
“I do.” I said happily.
“He’s amazing with children.”
“He is.” I said quietly.
“If you don’t mind me saying, your children will be so amazingly cute, and he’d be the perfect father. Is it true your pregnant?”
I was biting my lip trying not to cry, “Thanks. And no, I’m not pregnant, It was a rumour. Would you mind telling Kevin that I’ve gone back to the hotel? I’m not feeling well.”
“Sure, I’ll tell him.”
“Thank you.” I mumbled as I walked up to the hotel, wiping tears away with the back of my hand, as I walked up the steps, the door was opened, and I smiled at the doorman who looked slightly confused.
It’s amazing what you can hide, just by putting on a smile.
As I got into the room, I slid to the ground, tears coming down my face more than ever before, I’d never cried so hard before.
What seemed to be ages later, Kevin came in the door, and he saw me sitting on the floor, he came over to me and sat in front of me, placing his hand on my leg, “What’s wrong?”
“Kevin, I can’t have children.” I blurted out, letting more tears flow down my face.
The warmth from Kevin’s hand on my leg disappeared as he pulled his hand away, he stared at me shocked.
“I’m sorry, I….I….” I started sobbing too loud to talk, or try to talk.
He was still staring at me, he had moved further away from me, “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Why didn’t you tell me before I married you?”
I stared at him, “I….you don’t love me?” I stuttered.
“We should pack, our plane leaves soon.” He answered, standing up.
I stared at him, “You didn’t answer me.”
He ignored me when I said that, his face staying clear of all emotion,
I put my head in my arms, seeing the healed scars on my wrist and my arm, there were many of them, but since I had met Kevin, I had stopped cutting, and as I felt my world crash down in front of me, I knew what was going to happen when we got back to L.A.
♠ ♠ ♠
Two bombshells. Rachael's bombshell next chapter.
I'm going to start to work on the next chapter now. Also, shout out to Rachael, for helping me write a lot of this last night, *Coughs* 5 A.M in the morning.
Sorry the end is sad, I know it's sad, it nearly made me cry, and I hardly ever cry. But bear with me and you'll see how everything bad that happens will bring everyone together.
Oh, Lauren's wedding dress and the other dresses are : here
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