Sequel: Honey, You're Dead.
Status: Completed.

Oh. It's You

And they found you on the bathroom floor.

~1 week later~

I was sitting in the living room, my knees up near my chest, an old pair of jeans and a jumper on, even though it happened to be sunny outside today, but I was cold lately. The characters on the TV moved slower than usual, and I found my mind wandering. The door opened and Emily and Joe came in. “Lauren?” Emily asked.
I looked up, “Yeah?”
“Are you not going to eat anything?” She asked looking at me worriedly, “I haven’t seen you eat since you came back, I’m worried.”
“I ate before you woke up.” I lied.
Emily sat down, “Okay..”
Joe wrapped his arm around her, “How are you today?” He asked her.
She smiled up at him, “The sickness isn’t as bad today.”
I stared at her confused, “You’re still getting sick?” I asked, confused.
She blushed and smiled slightly, “Yeah…I probably should tell you-”
“LAUREN!” Rachael screamed running into the sitting room,
I looked up at her, “What?”
She grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me out of the room, and pulled me upstairs, the pain that shot through the fresh cuts was horrible, “Rachael. Let go of my wrist.”
She let go, not noticing anything.
As we walked into her room, she locked the door behind her, and sat down on the bed, “I need your help.” She said looking up at me.
I sat down beside her, looking at her worriedly. “What’s wrong?”
She put both hands on her stomach, and looked up at me.
I stared at her confused, “Your stomach looks swolen.” I said quietly, “What’s wrong?”
She looked at me seriously, “How long is it since my wedding?”
“Um…a little over a month I guess.” I said quietly after counting back in my head.
“Shit.” She mumbled.
“Are you going to tell me what’s wrong, or are you just going to keep cursing and asking me more questions?”
“Lauren.” She whispered.
“I think I’m pregnant.”
My mouth dropped open, and I tried not to cry, even though I was happy for her, “And why did you want my help?”
“You have your license, right?” She asked.
I nodded slowly, “I don’t see what that has got to do with anything.”
She rolled her eyes, “I don’t want this child.” She said seriously, looking awkward.
I stared at her, “You mean, you want me to drive you to a clinic so you can get an abortion?”
She nodded, “Pretty much.”
“There’s no way I will do that.” I said bluntly.
“Why?” She asked shocked.
“Because have you ever thought of it in a way that there are people out there that can’t have children, and would do anything so that they would be able to have a child of their own, and you’re sitting here telling me you want an abortion?” I said, my voice sharp even for me as I sat there glaring at her, tears in my eyes.
She was quiet for a minute, “Since when have you started campaigning for people who can’t have children?” She asked, her tone semi-sarcastic.
“Because, maybe for one moment, if you had have noticed, or sat with me while I cried and stuck with me when I told you to go away, I probably would have found the strength to tell you.” I whispered, wiping the tears away with the back of my hand.
“Tell me what?” She asked, staring at me, she looked almost …..scared?
I put my head in my hands, “Rachael.” I said quietly, “I ca-”
The en suite door opened, and Nick walked out, his face pale and shocked.
“Shit.” Rachael mumbled to herself.
I wiped my eyes, “I should probably leave.” I mumbled standing up.
Nick shook his head, “No.”
I stared at him confused, “You don’t want me to leave?”
“Is anything I just heard true?” He asked.
Rachael stared at the ceiling, not answering him, so he turned to me, “Is it?”
I nodded slowly.
He looked torn, “And you weren’t going to tell me?” He asked Rachael.
“That was the kinda ruined that..” She mumbled.
“I can’t believe you!” Nick shouted .
“I’m going to leave…” I mumbled, walking out the door, leaving them shouting at each other.
“Lauren!” I jumped, started, turning around seeing Frankie.
He laughed at my expression, “Hi!”
“Hi..” I said, forcing a smile.
“Can I ask you something?” He asked looking up at me.
“Uh…yeah, sure?”
“Do you have a fake leg?” He asked, arching an eyebrow.
I stared at him confused, “No…..Who told you that Frankie?” I asked.
“Joe.” Frankie said simply.
“Because I asked him why you always either wore trousers or tights.”
“Oh…you see last year I was sick, and I was in hospital because I had an ulcer on my leg, and it got infected, and it was horrible, and I still have the scar from it on my leg and I don’t like it so I cover it.” I said quietly,
He nodded slowly , “Oh, so Joe lied then?”
I nodded, “Yes. And when you see Joe, tell him for that I will set Rachael on him and she’s not in a good mood right now.”
Frankie’s eyes widened, “Whoa.”
“Joe’s dead.” Frankie said quietly.
“Not yet.” I said quietly.
Frankie laughed, “Talk to you later.” He said walking off.
I sat at the top of the stairs, and rested my head against the wall, I was tired, I just wanted to go to sleep and not wake up until this was all okay.
I walked down the stairs, hearing Emily and Joe laugh in the sitting room, I sighed and walked into the kitchen, sitting up on a stool, staring blankly out of the window.
“Lauren?” Denise’s voice broke me from my thoughts, and I jumped as she stared at me.
“Are you okay?” She asked, a worried glint in her eyes.
“Yeah.” I lied.
“Kevin called me earlier, he said he should be back next week.” She said lightly as she started packing away her groceries.
“Really?” I asked, “Did he say anything else?”
She raised an eyebrow, “Did he not call you?”
“Oh. No, he didn’t say anything else.”
“Okay, thanks Denise.” I mumbled, as I stood up and walked up to our room, closing the door behind me.

~Two weeks later~

I was sitting out in the back garden, Elvis was sitting on the bench beside me, and his fur was warm, comforting almost. Kevin had avoided me most of the week, but the sad thing was I was starting to get used to it now.
Emily and Joe had been out a lot of these days and I hardly ever saw either of them, but whenever they were around there were whispers and hushed conversations, so that only left Nick and Rachael who spent the majority of the day arguing so I had decided to come outside, it was easier, and quieter, plus Elvis was good company.
“Lauren!?” Rachael screamed, running down the garden, tears coming down her face.
I stood up and walked towards her, when she reached me she pulled me into a tight hug, crying into my shirt,
“Rachael?” I asked shocked, “What’s wrong?”
“I need you to drive me to the hospital.” She said through her sobs, she was holding her stomach as if she was in a lot of pain.
I’d never seen her cry before, and the wide eyed confused look in her eyes scared me. “Why?”
“Lauren, please.” She whispered.
“Okay, okay, come on.” I said holding her hand as we walked through the house, picking up the keys and walking out to the car, she got into the passenger seat, looking shaken.


“Miss? You can go in and see her now.” An unfamiliar doctor said to me, I stood up and nodded slowly before walking into Rachael’s room, she had her eyes closed and looked so much paler than yesterday.
I sat in the chair beside the bed, and took her hand, watching her carefully.
“Lauren?” She asked, her eyes half open.
“I’m here, I’m here.” I whispered.
“Where’s Nick?” She whispered, her voice hoarse.
I stared at her confused, “He doesn’t know you’re here, do you want me to ring him?”
She nodded slowly. “Can I have your phone?”
I nodded and handed it to her, watching her punch in Nick’s number which she knew off by heart.
She waited for a minute, squeezing my hand, “No, it’s Rachael.” She said, her voice was weak, and I idly wondered what Nick would do.
“No, I’m at the hospital.” She paused for a minute, “You might want to come down..”
She hung up, “He’s on his way.” She said handing me back the phone. And closing her eyes, “I am so stupid.” She mumbled.
I stared at her confused, “Why?”
She opened her eyes to look at me, “What you said about people not being able to have children, that stuck with me….and just thinking back on how I wanted an abortion, and now look at me.”
“You look sick.” I said quietly.
“I had a miscarriage.” She whispered.
“Rachael, I’m so sorry.” I whispered.
“Don’t feel sorry for me. But I want to know what you were going to tell me two weeks ago?”
I stared at her confused.
“Nick interrupted us, but you said something like If I had have stuck through everything with you, you would have found the strength to tell me what?” She asked, staring at me, her eyes curious.
“I don’t know if today is the right day to tell you..” I mumbled.
She sighed, “Will any day ever be the right one?”
I stared at her, “I don’t know..”
“Tell me, please.” She whispered.
“I don’t know..”
“Just spit it out, I don’t care if it’s blunt.” She said, squeezing my hand lightly.
“Rachael.” I whispered, “I can’t have children..” I whispered, tears welling up in my eyes.
Her mouth dropped open, “Lauren, I’m so so sorry.” She whispered.
I shook my head, If I talked now, I would cry.
The door opened and Nick walked in, a worried look on his face, “What’s happened?” He asked, glancing at me for a minute, I stood up from my chair and let Nick sit down beside Rachael, I stood beside the window.
“I….”Rachael mumbled, “I…had a miscarriage.”
Nick’s face was a mask of shock, and I just hoped his reactions weren’t like Kevin’s..
Nick stood up, and tried to wrap his arms around Rachael, although it was harder for him from the way she was lying. “Are you okay?” He asked.
She nodded slowly, “Yes.”
“I’m sorry.” Nick whispered. “I’m so, so sorry.”
Rachael looked up at him confused.
“I was the one that shouted, we argued almost everyday…that couldn’t have been good…I’m sorry.”
“I shouted back, so are you saying this is my fault too?” She asked, her voice sounded sharp.
“We both played a part. And I’m sorry.” Nick said quietly.
Rachael sat up in the bed, “I cannot believe you.” Her voice sounded angry as she spoke.
Nick just stared at her confused.

*Emily’s P.O.V*

“Great, the house is empty.” I mumbled.
“That’s great?” Joe asked from where he was sitting watching me pace back and forth in the living room.
“Yes, because you know sooner or later your mother will start calling me fat.” I growled.
He sighed, “How are you feeling today?”
I turned to glare at him, “I’m feeling, fat, achy, bloated, tired, nauseous, restless, annoyed, hungry and downright miserable. Thank you for asking.”
He stood up and held out his arms, I walked into them, laying my head on his shoulder. “I’ve done the maths, I’ve been pregnant for at least two to three months maybe…I’m not sure.” I mumbled.
He kissed my neck gently, “We’ll have to tell my mum.”
I sighed, “I’m starting to show…”
He pulled away from me, a smile spreading across his face, as he placed his hand on my stomach.
I laughed shaking my head, “I probably need to go have a scan too…”
“I’ll come with you.”
I grinned, “I also need to get new clothes.”
“Why?” He asked clueless.
“Because, nothing is fitting me anymore, have you not noticed that I’ve stolen half of your jeans lately? As well as tops?”
“Oh….That’s where my clothes have disappeared to.”
I nodded, "It’s not fun trying to put on pants that don’t fit, so I stole yours.”
“Because, really isn’t it all fun and games until you fall over putting your pants on?” I asked sarcastically.
He laughed, “You’re such a ray of sunshine.”
“I know, I do try.”
The door front door opened and Denise walked in alone, “Anyone home?” She called.
“We are.” Joe answered.
Denise walked in smiling, “Hello there.” Then she turned to me staring at me, “No offence, but maybe you should hit the gym, or eat less, you’ve been eating a lot lately.”
I glared at Joe, throwing him an ‘I told you so’ look.
“Um….”Joe said, going red. “We need to tell you something.”
Denise looked confused, “Come into the kitchen, you can talk while I make the tea.” She said before walking out the door.
I turned to Joe, “She will castrate you.” I said seriously.
“She’s not violent.” He replied.
“Humph, and you’re saying this before she finds out that her son whom isn’t freakin’ married is going to be a daddy?”
He stayed silent for a minute, “I’m superman though, remember?” He asked,
I stared at him shaking my head, “I can grow people! What the hell is your superpower?!”
He stared at me, lost for words, “Lets go inside. I’ll protect you.”
“Thank you.” I whispered.
We walked into the kitchen, and sat on the stools, Denise was moving around, she took a knife into her hand and started slicing up lettuce, there were many other vegetables that were to be cut up as well, I’m guessing we’re having salad. Rabbit food.
I looked at the knife, then made a face at Joe.
“What was it that you two wanted to tell me?” She asked, not looking up from the various vegetables she was slicing apart.
Joe looked at me,
I rolled my eyes ‘You’re telling her’ I mouthed.
“Mom, Emily’s p…pregnant.” Joe stuttered.
Denise who had been chopping vegetables stopped immediately, and looked up at the both of us, giving us a harsh glare, still holding the knife, which looked extremely sharp in her hand. “What?” She asked sharply, looking at me.
“I’m not fat….I’m pregnant.” I mumbled.
Denise stared at Joe, then at me, “You two are going to have to get married.”
“But I don’t wanna get married!” Joe and I moaned both at the same time.
Denise’s grip tightened on the knife. “Then Emily, you’re to stay inside, you can’t be seen outside looking pregnant, if you are seen outside, Joe’s whole reputation will be ruined. And you wouldn’t want that would you?”
“But I don’t wanna stay inside!” I whined.
Denise glared at me,
“What?! This is his fault! If your son was a daughter this wouldn’t have happened!”
Denise’s glare became harsher, “You’re to stay inside.”
“Don’t worry.” Joe said quietly. “I’ll buy you starbucks every day.”
“Awh, really?”
“Nope.” He said lightly, getting down off the stool, and walking towards the door.
“Joseph Adam Jonas, don’t you dare leave this room.” Denise said through gritted teeth.
Joe turned around, silently and sat back down beside me.
Denise watched us, “What are we going to do?” She whispered to herself.
“From the way you were talking I thought you were going to lock me in a basement somewhere.” I said sarcastically.
The front door opened, and banged shut, and Lauren walked into the kitchen, she looked….Ill? Upset?
“Rachael and Nick won’t be home tonight.” She said quietly.
“Why not?” Denise asked confused, watching Lauren as she went to the fridge,
Lauren turned around and leaned against the fridge as though she needed something to keep her standing. “Rachael’s in hospital.” Lauren said softly, “Nick said he’d stay with her.”
Denise looked at Lauren worriedly, “What’s happened?”
Lauren sighed, “I don’t know if I’m the one that should be telling you.”
I saw Joe staring at her confused.
“Tell me, no one else in this house will tell me anything anymore.” She said throwing a glare at me.
“Hey! I told you I was pregnant didn’t I?” I answered back.
Lauren’s mouth dropped open, “You’re pregnant?” She whispered, her eyes wide with shock.
“Crap. I hadn’t told you yet.” Emily mumbled.
“No shit.” She mumbled, turning around and opening the fridge.
“What happened to Rachael?” Denise asked.
Lauren didn’t turn around, “She had a miscarriage today.” She said bluntly.
My mouth dropped open, “Rachael was pregnant?” I whispered.
Lauren turned around, a bottle of milk in her hands, and leaned against the fridge again, “Was.”
“Oh my God.” I whispered.
Denise was staring at Lauren shocked.
Lauren was staring at us, her eyes sad, “Oh, Denise, I’ll pass on eating tonight, I’m not hungry.”
Denise nodded slowly.
I raised an eyebrow, “You’ve been saying that since you came back from New York. You’re wasting away, Lauren.”
She shrugged, then feigned a confused look, “What are you going to do about going out now?” She asked.
I glared at her, watching her take a sip of the milk. “Apparently I’m being locked in a basement.” I growled.
Lauren stared at me confused, “By who?”
“I am not locking you in a basement, you can stay within the grounds, unless you want Joe’s reputation killed, and the media attacking you. Like seriously, you won’t even get married! Look at Lauren, she’s married, she’s not pregnant yet, is she?” Denise turned to Lauren, who was staring at her with a hurt look, “When are you going to give me grandchildren?”
The bottle that was in Lauren’s hand fell out of her hand, and smashed into pieces on the ground, the milk wetting the tiles, before I knew it Lauren had ran up the stairs.
“Clean that up.” Denise said staring at me.
I bit my lip, “I’m in a delicate position, giving you grandchildren. Joseph, clean that up.”
Joe made a face at me, but started to clean up the mess that Lauren had made.
Denise sat down on a stool, “I cannot believe this is happening.”
“Trust me, neither can I.” I mumbled.
“Poor Rachael.” Denise said sadly.
“Yeah…although she never did like children, neither did Lauren. But she goes all touchy when you mention kids now.”
Denise raised an eyebrow, “Do you think she’s pregnant?”
I shook my head, “Definitely not. There’s something, I just don’t know what.”
Denise looked at me confused, “What do you think it is?”
“I’m not sure…” I sighed, “Would it be okay for you to take Frankie out in two days, when Rachael’s back and rested, with Kevin senior, Joe and I want to hold a family meeting, and it might get a bit heated for Frankie, we want to know what’s wrong with everyone lately.”
Denise nodded, “That’s probably the best idea I’ve heard in a long time.”
I grinned, “Thanks.”
“But, we also need to organize a scan for you.” Denise mumbled.
“I booked one for tomorrow.” Joe said, still clearing up the shards of glass.
“Thank you!” I said happily.
“Try not to be seen, you know the way rumours spread.” Denise mumbled.
“Oh, I know.” I mumbled.

~1 Day Later~

“I cannot believe this.” I whispered as Joe and I walked through the front door.
“Neither can I…” He whispered.
“Try to avoid your mother?” I whispered.
Joe nodded, “Oh yeah.”
I snorted at his expression.
“You’re back!” Denise called, emerging from the kitchen.
“Shit.” I whispered under my breath.
I felt Joe squeeze my hand,
“How did the scan go?” Denise asked curiously.
“Umm….” I mumbled.
She stared at me waiting. Then she looked up at Joe, “You look extremely pale.”
“Yeah….shock…” He mumbled.
“Why? Is everything okay?” She asked, starting to look worried.
“I’m….erm…having twins.” I mumbled.
Denise’s mouth dropped open. “Really?”
I nodded slowly.
Lauren came down the stairs slowly, “Wow, everyone looks pale…and in shock. Why?”
“I’m having twins.” I said quietly.
The familiar hurt look returned to Lauren’s eyes again, “Oh well, this just gets better, doesn’t it?” She asked, before turning around and walking back upstairs, slamming the door.
“Family meeting, tomorrow. We’re getting to the bottom of this. Speaking of Lauren, have you seen Kevin lately?” I asked.
Joe shook his head, “No..” He said confused.
“He’s been with your father the last while, they were arranging tour dates, venues, etcetera. They’ll be home sometime tonight.” Denise said quietly.
“Oh…” I mumbled, “Cool.”
The front door opened and Nick and Rachael came in, she looked sick, and pissed off. “I’m going to bed.” She growled, moving past us and walking up the stairs, slamming her room door.
We turned to look at Nick, who had bags under his eyes and was pale with the tiredness, “She’s refused to talk to me. Apparently I implied it was her fault she miscarried.”
I rolled my eyes. “Great.” I said sarcastically. “Could you not have just comforted her?”
Nick blushed slightly, “I’m sorry.”
“Try telling her that” I snapped.
“Woah, you’re cranky.”He replied.
I pointed to my stomach, “They just have a mind of their own. I couldn’t blame them if they never come out, they’re probably listening and saying to themselves ‘if this is my family I’m never coming out.’”
Nick stared at me confused, “They?”
I grabbed Joe’s hand, “We’re having twins.” I said smiling slightly.
Nick’s eyes widened, “But…you’re not married?”
“No shit.” I mumbled.
He laughed, “Congratulations!”
“Thank you.” Joe and I said in unison.

*Lauren’s P.O.V*

I sat on the windowsill, my head pressed against the glass, staring out on the back garden, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, and I took it out quickly, answering it.
“Hello?” I asked, my voice cracking slightly.
“Lauren? Is everything okay?” Taylor’s voice came through the phone, sounding worried.
“What?” I asked confused.
“Long story short, I saw a pap picture of you, you look ill, sick, tired, upset, and way too thin.” Taylor said on the other side of the phone. “What’s wrong?”
I sighed lightly, “I’m fine. I’m alive.”
I heard her sigh, “Just because your alive does not mean you’re fine.”
“I guess..” I mumbled.
I heard someone call Taylor, in the background. “Crap. I have to go, I’m sorry. I’ll call you tomorrow, and you will tell me everything.” She said seriously, “I love you. And please, try.” She whispered.
I sighed, “I’ll try. Love you too. Have a good show.”
“I will, talk to you soon.” She said, before the line went dead.
I sighed, staring out the window, my arm ached and my stomach was screaming at me, but I ignored it, I ignored it all.
I watched the sun set in the distance, I yawned, I felt tired. I hadn’t slept properly since I came back from New York, in the middle of the night each night, I’d wake up screaming from a nightmare. I wondered why no one else ever heard me, did they even care at all?
I got changed into my pyjamas, and slipped into bed, forcing my eyes to shut, even though I knew sleep wouldn’t come soon, I pulled the covers over my head, making everything seem dark, darkness, also showed me how the world could seem so lonely. I hadn’t seen Kevin in so long, and when he was in the same room as me he’d ignore my existence. It made me feel like my heart was breaking slowly. I felt warm, salty tears fall down my face, I didn’t bother wiping them away. I didn’t have the energy.


I felt the covers move, and the weight of someone else in the bed, my eyes opened wide, and I could feel my heart beat fast. “Kevin?” I whispered, the room was dark, the digital clock said it was four thirty.
“No. It’s Nick.” A tired voice mumbled back.
It took a second to sink in, then I sat upright in the bed, and turned on the bedside lamp. “Why are you in MY bed?” I hissed.
“Actually, it’s Kevin’s”
“Go sleep with Nick…wait you are Nick…Go into Joe and Emily.”
Nick sat up, “You seriously want me to go in there?” He asked, making a face.
“The sofa in the sitting room is comfy.” I said, trying to drop a hint.
“Kevin’s sleeping there.” Nick mumbled.
I sighed, “There’s a guest room.”
“Fine. I’ll go, I’ll go.” He mumbled. “I just thought maybe you might have wanted to tell someone what’s wrong?”
I stared at him, not wanting to cry, “My life fell apart.” I whispered, a tear rolling down my cheek.
He watched me, “What happened between you and Kevin?” He asked gently.
“He hates me now..” I whispered, starting to cry.
Nick looked awkward, never having seen me cry. “He can’t hate you…he loves you.”
“I can’t have children, Nick..He hasn’t talked to me since he found out.” I whispered, trying and failing to hold back the tears.
Nick pulled me into a gentle hug, “Shhh, it’s okay.” He mumbled.
“No, it’s not okay. I love him, Nick.”
He started to rub calming circles into my back, “He loves you too.” He said quietly.
I closed my eyes, “No.” I said between sobs.
“I could always talk to him..?” Nick offered.
“No! You and him are the only two that know about it.” I whispered.
“I’m sorry” He mumbled. “I won’t tell anyone.”
“Thanks..” I whispered, trying to stop crying. “You should go back to Rachael.”
He pulled away, “If she’ll talk to me.” He mumbled, “Night, Lauren.” He whispered, walking out of the room, I lay back down, putting my face into the pillow, trying not to cry too loud, I never knew it was possible to lose your breath crying, but it is possible.

~The next day.~
*Emily’s P.O.V*

I sat down beside Joe, “Ready?” I asked.
He nodded, “Do you think they’ll come?”
“With the way I have worded this text they’ll know it’s in their best interest to come to this fucking meeting, if they don’t want me to turn into a pregnant serial killer.” I growled.
He rubbed my back, “I’m sure we’ll get this sorted.”
I nodded as I sent the texts.

*Lauren’s P.O.V*

Kevin was downstairs somewhere, and I heard my phone beep in the bedroom, I was sitting on the floor in the en suite, tears streaming down my face, I was holding one of the sharpest knives I could find, and I looked down at my arm, it was a sight, some cuts bleeding, but I was ready to end it. Once and for all.
I held the knife tightly, Don’t do it, don’t do it..are you there at all? Do you care at all? Are you there at all? So far. Hard. Way down..
The backing vocals for ‘Cemetery Drive’ played in my head, more tears came down my face, “Shut up! Shut up!” I whispered, pressing the knife to my skin.

*Emily’s P.O.V*

Kevin came in first, followed by Rachael, followed by Nick. “Great that you are all here.” I said smiling slightly, standing beside the white board that Joe had found, I had written everyone’s name up, “Okay.” I said, drawing out a pointer and tapping the white board, “Nick, You have been pissed off and depressed. What the hell is wrong with you?”
Nick stared at me, then shrugged.
I growled, “Do not mess with a pregnant person, Nicholas.”
“Rachael, You’ve been more pissed off than usual…I can gather why, but you’ll tell us all in a minute. Kevin, you’ve been away a lot, not near Lauren, and depressed, angry even?” I asked, Kevin just stared at me.
“And Lauren, You haven’t been eating, you haven’t been talking, and you’ve been depressed and angry, what’s wrong?” I asked.
Then turning around, I saw Rachael look up at me, “Lauren isn’t here.”
“Why?” I asked, “She was upstairs earlier, I was talking to her.”
Rachael shrugged.
I stared at Kevin, “Go upstairs, and get your wife.”
“I’d rather not.” Kevin mumbled.
I saw Nick throw a glare at him, as if he knew more than us.
“Kevin.” I said after taking a deep breath. “She is your wife, you love her, go upstairs right now and get her.” I growled.
Kevin looked terrified of me, “Fine.” He mumbled standing up, and walking out of the room.

*Kevin’s P.O.V*

I walked up the stairs slowly, dreading to actually have to talk to Lauren in so long, why wouldn’t she have gotten the text anyway? It annoyed me. I walked into the bedroom, it was empty, Lauren’s phone on the bed, “Lauren?” I called.
There was no reply, but the en suite door was open a crack, and I could hear water running. “Are you in the shower?” I called.
There was no answer again, my stomach clenched a bit, I walked slowly over to the door, knocking it, but there was no reply, I walked in and didn’t see her for a minute, then something red on the floor caught my eye, I looked down, seeing Lauren pale as a ghost, surrounded in a pool of blood, a long gash along her arm, from her wrist to her elbow, it looked extremely deep, “Lauren?!” I cried, kneeling down, feeling the blood seep through my jeans. At the top of my lungs in my arms she dies, she dies.
I tried to find her pulse, “Oh please god no, Lauren, please, wake up!” I said trough my tears.
I looked around the bathroom, the tiles were now red with her blood.
And they found you on the bathroom floor, well I’ll miss you ,Well I’ll miss you so far, and the collision of your kiss, that made it so hard.
I couldn’t find a pulse, “Lauren, You’ve got to wake up, please!” I whispered. Then it hit me, this is all my fault, If I had have treated her properly, this wouldn’t have happened, she had stopped cutting, I can’t believe this, I’m so stupid.
I let her go, laying her down, then ran to the top of the stairs, my clothes now covered in blood, “SOMEONE HELP ME! PLEASE!” I shouted.
Joe ran out into the hall, looking up, seeing my clothes, then he ran up the stairs, “Oh my god, what’s happened Kevin?” He asked, I heard the others walk up the stairs, Joe followed me into the en suite, putting his hand over his mouth when he saw Lauren, “Call an ambulance, NOW.”
“I don’t have my phone on me.” Joe said quickly, flustered,
I ran out into the room where everyone was standing,
“What’s happened?” Emily asked worried.
“Call an ambulance, please!”
Nick took out his phone quickly, and dialled the number, he started talking straight away. I turned to Emily, “She’s….cut herself…badly, I can’t find a pulse.” I whispered.
I saw Rachael standing there emotionless, “I never noticed…I should have noticed…” She whispered.
Emily shook her head, “No, I was wrapped up in my own happy little bubble, and I didn’t even try and talk to her.” She whispered, tears in her eyes.
Nick was watching me carefully, his face composed, I may have been losing it, but I could have sworn I saw him shake his head, as if he knew. “The ambulance is on their way.” He said quietly.
I walked back into the bathroom, seeing Joe still staring at Lauren, shocked at what he saw.
Love is like the red rose on your coffin door, what’s life like bleeding on the floor, The floor, The floor?
I kneeled down beside her, she was so cold, “Joe, go back to Emily.” I whispered.
Joe left the room quickly.
I brushed the hair out of her face, all of a sudden I heard new voices, “Move aside sir, please.” A paramedic mumbled, looking slightly shocked at the site in front of him, I saw another paramedic put a hand over her mouth, “But she had it all.” She whispered under her breath.
“Sometimes things aren’t as they seem.” The paramedic beside her whispered back.
“Sir, would you mind standing out of the room to give us room please?” He asked.
I nodded slowly, walking out into my bedroom.
Lauren’s phone started to buzz on the bed, Joe picked it up in his hand, made a face at the name and passed the phone to me, you answer it.
Taylor Swift Calling…
“Hello?” I answered.
“Kevin?” She asked confused, “Where’s Lauren?”
“Taylor.” I said quietly, “Lauren’s…in a bad state.”
“W-what?” She whispered, her voice worried.
“Lauren….she’s….I can’t find a pulse.”
“Kevin.” Taylor said, her voice almost venomous, “What’s happened?”
“She’s cut too deeply…I found her in the bathroom.”
I heard an intake of breath on the other side of the phone, “How bad?”
“Very.” I whispered.
“I’ll be in L.A. tomorrow, please keep me informed?” She asked, desperately.
“Promise.” I whispered, “I’ll talk to you later.” I whispered.
“Thank you. Bye.” She said, sounding as though she was holding back tears.
“Sir?” The paramedic asked.
I turned around, his face was solemn, “What?” I asked, feeling everyone watch me.
“We found a very faint pulse..”
I felt my stomach churn, “Oh thank God.”
“But, it’s very faint, we’re going to take her to the hospital, we’d advise you to come, to say your goodbyes. There’s no guarantees she’ll make it.”
As he said this, the other paramedics carried her out on a stretcher, her face whiter than white. Like a ghost, nothing but skin and bones.
I followed them out to the ambulance, inside they put her on a heart monitor, the pulse was hardly nothing, I heard the sirens but everything sounded distant as I listened to nothing but the heart monitor,
“No!” The paramedic said quickly, suddenly, he started to do CPR, it took me a minute to realize the heart monitor was no longer beeping, it was a continuous noise, and one flat line across the screen.
♠ ♠ ♠
Dun, dun, dun.....To be continued. (Don't you just hate when people do that?)
Coincidently, speaking of Joe being superman, I watched the Superman movie last night (the one with Christopher Reeves) And can someone tell me what the hell is up the all the old dudes at the start? O.o
Weird I know, The next update should be soonish, I'll start working on it now.
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And sorry for the cliff hanger...forgive me?