Sequel: Honey, You're Dead.
Status: Completed.

Oh. It's You

Seriously? You're going to try stab a ghost?

I walked through the front door, literally, it was so cool. I walked past Denise, and she never noticed, she just shuddered. How lovely.
I floated up the stairs, and walked through Joe and Emily’s wall. Emily wasn’t in the room, but Joe was sitting on the bed, reading a book. I walked up in front of him, and waved at him, he didn’t move. So…no one could see me, well that ruins everything.
I sat beside him, well I floated slightly, but really, same thing. He looked around for a minute, then shivered like Denise had. nice.
I grinned to myself as I came up with an idea, “I love you, you love me, lets get together and kill Barney.” I sang, “Eh-oh Joe.” I said trying to do an impression of a teletubbie.
Joe’s book fell to the ground, as he jumped back further onto the bed, “W-w-ho’s there?” He stuttered, his eyes wide, he looked extremely terrified. "And no one kills Barney, he was my idol when I was younger! I had a glow in the dark Barney shirt and spent hours in the closet."
I smiled and walked through the wall, I listened to him walk around for a few minutes, trying to decide what I could do to scare him even more. Okay, so if I convince myself that he can see me, he’ll see me, and if I sing Forever and Always, that’d be evil, but funny…
I walked back through the wall, Joe was now lying down with his eyes closed.
“Was I out of line? Did I say something way too honest, made you run and hide like a scared little boy-”
Joe jumped up, and backed up to lean against his wall, staring at the spot where I was standing, his face had drained of colour in the last five seconds. “I’m seeing things, I’m seeing things!” He said, looking directly at me.
I shook my head, “No. I’m here.” I said calmly.
He shook his head, “No….you’re in the hospital…” He whispered.
I walked over, well floated, to him, he tried to move back, but he was already pressed against the wall, he pointed at me, “The power of Christ compels you!”
I stood in front of him, and crossed my arms, “This is not an exorcism.” I said, slowly.
“You’re a freaking Ghost!” He shouted.
“Aw the big boy’s scared of me.” I teased.
“Yes….I’m talking to a GHOST, of course I’m scared!” He said quickly.
I rolled my eyes, and walked up in front of him, “I’m not a ghost!”
“Yes you are!”
“I’m alive, so how can I be a ghost?!” I shouted at him.
“Uh….you could have died, I hope not, but you could have…uh…but what you are now is a ghost, A ghost. Spooky flying see through thing. G-h-o-s-t.” He said slowly.
“I’m alive.” I said bluntly. “And I do know what a ghost is.”
“Well you’re one.” He said, shaking slightly.
I tried to whack him over the head, but my hand went right through his head. “..Shit” I whispered, moving my hand a little.
“You’re giving me a headache.” Joe said, starting to sound pissed off.
“Boo.” I said quickly, trying to scare him.
He jumped, “Go away!”
“Fine. I will.” I said angrily.
“You’re going to haunt me now, aren’t you?” He asked, still sounding freaked out.
I smiled to myself, “Oh yes.”
“Then fine, don’t go.”
The door opened and Emily walked in, I stood behind her, she shivered lightly, but didn’t see me, “Joseph, who are you talking to?” She asked, soudning confused.
“Lauren.” He answered truthfully, he still looked pale.
Emily nodded slowly, “Joe, dear, Lauren’s in hospital.”
“No. She’s standing behind you, she’s some sort of ghost..”
Emily turned around, and looked directly at where I was standing, but her facial expression never changed, so I knew she didn’t see me.
“Honey, there’s no one there…” She said quietly.
“She is there, I swear!”
“I’m just going to get your medication..” She said, calmly walking out the door.
I laughed at him.
He glared at me, “Out. Now.”
“Why?” I asked.
“Because my girlfriend now thinks I’m crazy.”
“Well..if you’re already on medication, she already knows you’re crazy.” I said, smiling innocently at him.
“Out. Shoo. Go back to your body.” He hissed.
“Problem with the truth?” I asked, “And maybe I don’t want to go back to my body.”
“No. I have no problems with the truth.” He said, starting to look pissed off, “Well…then…go freak out your cousin, Rachael, or Nick..”
“You so do have big problems with the truth.” I said,grinning at him.
Emily came through the door, with a bottle of tablets in her hand, Joe’s back was to the door, as I stood by the wall, he was facing me, “I do not have a problem with the truth!” He shouted.
I laughed, and walked through the wall into Rachael and Nick’s room. I overheard Emily say to Joe ‘Calm down, and take these..’
Rachael was lying on her stomach, reading an old book, she looked tireder than I’d ever seen her.
I didn’t know if I wanted to freak her out or not.
“You don’t scare me.” She said out loud, not looking up from her book.
I stayed silent for a second, she banged the book shut, and sat up, looking up at me. “Seriously, I’ve seen you die, therefore you being here as something like a ghost doesn’t scare me.”
“Fine.” I mumbled, and as I was half way through the wall, I turned around and stared at her, “Wait- you’ve seen me die?” I asked.
She nodded, standing up and walking towards me. “Many times, I’ve seen myself die too. There are no dead Emily’s though.” She mumbled.
“Ah….” I whispered.
“So you didn’t die?” She asked, a worried glint crossing her eyes, it was half a question, and half a statement.
“Right. So you freaked out Joe?”
“Yeah, how did you know?” I asked.
“I heard him shouting.” She said quietly.
Nick walked into the room, a confused look on his face, “Rachael…who are you talking to?” He asked, he genuinely looked scared. I collapsed to the floor laughing at his expression.
“Lauren.” Rachael answered smoothly.
Nick walked over to Rachael and put his hand gently on her shoulder, “Honey, Lauren is in hospital.”
“No. She’s currently standing right behind you.” Rachael said watching me.
Nick pulled Rachael into a gentle hug, “I know this is a lot for you to handle, but we can go visit Lauren later.” He said, slowly turning around, “I’m just going to get you some meda-SHIT!” He shouted as he jumped back, his hand over his heart.
“Ohhh you cursed.” I said teasingly.
He pointed at me, speechless.
“Told you I was talking to Lauren.” Rachael mumbled.
Nick had gone a ghostly white, I was actually starting to worry about him.
“Wow, you look like you’ve just seen a ghost.”
He continued to point at me, his expression terrified.
“Okay then…you think I’m a ghost..” I mumbled. “Deep breaths Nicholas, in and out.”
“You can’t have died!” Were the first words out of his mouth, “You cannot die! You just can’t! No! You can’t do that to Kevin, Lauren, You can’t die.” He said quickly.
I crossed my arms. “I’m alive.”
“You cannot die! You just ca-” Nick collapsed onto the ground.
I looked up at Rachael, “What the hell did you just hit him with?”
Rachael turned the large book around in her hands, “The Holy Bible.” She said, making a face, before throwing it into the corner, “And that is about as much use as I’ll ever get out of that.”
I stared at her in disbelief. “You just knocked out your husband with the Bible.”
“Yeah?” She asked, calmly.
“He’s unconscious!” I said, pointing down at him.
“And…?” She asked.
“Is he even breathing?” I asked, worried.
“Yes. He is. All that he might have is a concussion, no big deal.”
I stared at her shocked.
“Stop staring at me like that, you’d swear I just killed someone.”
“Eh..” I mumbled, pointing at Nick, then looking back up at her.
She shrugged.
“How did you even get a Bible in your hands anyway?” I asked.
She shrugged, it was face down on Nick’s nightstand, so I took it ‘cause it was the first thing I could find. And the room is half Nick’s, of course there’s going to be a bible in here.” She said rolling her eyes.
“I’m surprised you haven’t burnt it.” I mumbled.
“I burnt his smaller one,that one’s too large to burn.” She said, making a face.
“Now I get it.” I mumbled.
She clapped sarcastically.
I stook my tongue out at her.
“Hide behind me!” She hissed, as the door opened.
“Rachael?” Emily asked confused, coming into the room, followed by Joe, “Who are you talking to?”
Joe’s eyes widened as he saw me, he moved forward, and was now standing on top of Nick, not noticing it, “Emily! Lauren’s there! Rachael knows it!” He said, pointing at me.
“Uh..Joe, you’re standing on my husband.” Rachael said quietly.
Joe looked down, then back up, not moving. “Oh..” He mumbled.
“Get off my husband!” Rachael shouted, Joe obediently moved aside.
“Rachael, what happened to Nick?” Emily asked.
“uh….he hit his head.” She mumbled, kneeling down beside him.
Joe pointed at me, “Emily look!”
Emily stared right through me, clearly not seeing me. “Joseph, sometimes I do worry about you.”
Rachael’s shoulders were shaking, and her hair very clevery covered her face, because I knew she was laughing.
“But she’s there!”
“Joe, shut it. She doesn’t see me.” I said quietly.
“Rachael? Is Nick breathing?” Emily asked, a hint of worry in her voice.
“Yeah, he is.” She mumbled, sounding pissed off.
“Ghost..” Nick mumbled, not opening his eyes.
“He sees her too!” Joe said quickly.
“His eyes are closed, love.” Emily said, sounding tired. “So he can’t see her.”
“So you believe me?” Joe asked hopefully.
“No. Lauren is not a ghost, she’s not here. And I’m going to lie down for a while.” She said quietly, before walking out the door.
“But..but he’s standing right beside Rachael..” Joe mumbled.
Rachael glared at him, “If only I hadn’t thrown the Bible into the corner over there, because I’d gladly use it to hit you too.”
Joe stayed silent for a minute, “But you said he hit his head?”
“He did. Off the bible I was holding over it.” Rachael said calmly.
Joe looked confused, “Why did you have a bible?”
“Because I’m thinking of becoming a Nun.” She said sarcastically. “Why the hell do you think I had a bible in my hands, here’s a clue, it was heavy and hard, and it knocks people out.”
“Oh. I should have known that thinking you had become religious was way too weird.” Joe said quietly.
“Hah. Hah.” Rachael said sarcastically.
“Actually, I’m surprised you didn’t burn from touching it.” Joe continued.
Rachael glared at him, “Do you want me to knock you out with something?” She growled.
“Then shut up!” She shouted.
Nick sat up slowly, his head in his hands, “My head hurts so badly.” He mumbled.
“Doesn’t really surprise me, she hit you pretty hard from what I could see.” I mumbled, Joe and Nick’s heads both snapped up to look at me,
“See, Rachael, she’s beside you!” They both said in unison.
I saw Rachael smirk, “You Jonas people are seriously insane.”
“Rachael, you’re the one who was talking to her when I came into the room.” Nick mumbled.
“I think you hit your head a bit too hard.” She lied.
“You hit me.” Nick mumbled.
“Yeah…”She mumbled, “You still hit your head. I didn’t say it was your fault, I said I was going to put the blame on you anyway, even though I was the one that smashed your bible against your head.”
Nick lay back down on the floor, “I give up.” He mumbled.
Rachael clapped, “Yay!”
“Uh, hello? There is a ghost in the room!” Joe shouted.
“I’m not a ghost. I’m still alive!” I yelled.
Joe took a step back. “Then what are you?”
I noticed him afraid of me, and I laughed. “How the hell am I supposed to know?” I asked.
“You are a ghost.” Joe muttered.
“Agreed.” Nick whispered.
“Do not piss me off, I can put my hand through your heads and give you both a migrane. Boo.” I said, milking this whole, ‘I’m scary, fear me’ thing.
“Don’t!” Joe shouted.
I saw Rachael sitting down cross legged beside Nick, watching us talk, laughing her head off.
The door knocked three times.
“Ohh, look, here’s the Grim reaper.” I said, staring at Joe.
He moved over to the other side of the wall, actually believing me.
“Who’s there?” Rachael called.
“Sarah.” A tired voice said quietly.
“Come on in.” Rachael said lightly. Then she turned around to me, “Will she be able to see you?”
“Probably not, she doesn’t believe in any paranormal stuff.”
“Ah, okay.” Rachael mumbled before Sarah opened the door and walked in, she was pale and looked tired.
“Lots of shouting, huh?” She asked, confused.
“Yeah, we’re shouting at your cousin.” Joe replied.
I fell to the floor laughing at the way she looked at them all. “Which one?”
“Lauren.” Nick mumbled, still lying on the floor.
She glanced at him confused as to why he was lying on the floor, “Uh…she’s in hospital…”
“That’s what you think.” Nick said quietly.
“Maybe because she is.” Sarah answered.
“She’s right there.” Joe said pointing at me.
Sarah stared right through me. “Are you sure you’re feeling okay? I mean I knew you were rockstars and all, but seriously? I thought you were better than having a drug problem.”
Rachael put her head in her hands, and her shoulders shook from laughing. “Sarah, have I ever told you, I loved you?” She asked.
“You just did.” Sarah said lightly.
“We do not have drug problems. We don’t do drugs.” Nick said seriously.
“Says the person that drugged my wine, so the next day I woke up married to him.” Rachael mumbled.
Sarah gave Nick an ‘I told you I was right’ look.
“Then a while later you had a white wedding, with me from your own free will.” Nick retorted.
“If you call ‘free-will’ being your mother threatening me, then sure, why not?”
Sarah looked confused. “Uh..okay…..I thought you two loved each other, everyone’s calling you the couple to watch?”
“N-”Rachael tried to say, before Nick cut her off.
“We DO love each other.” Nick said quickly.
Sarah stared at all of them for a second, her face basically said what she wouldn’t say. ‘You guys are weird.’ “Uh, so um, can one of you give me a lift to the hospital later when you’re visiting Lauren?” She asked.
Joe nodded, “I will, you can come with Emily and I.”He said quietly.
“Yeah, Because Nick and I are going now, and you look tired.” Rachael cut in.
“We are?” Nick asked confused.
“Oh well thanks.” I hissed at him.
He sat up, “Go back to your body.” He whispered.
“No.” I said sticking my tongue out at him.
Sarah was now looking at Nick as if he was crazy.
Rachael leaned over and whispered something in his ear, I briefly caught something like ‘We’ve got to go and put her back in her body.’ Then so as to not look suspicious, she kissed him on his cheek lightly.
Sarah just stared at them confused.
“Yeah, um, we’re leaving now.” Nick mumbled, standing up slowly.
Rachael walked over to Nick’s beside table and pulled out the drawer, and put something in it into her pocket, I never saw what it was.
Rachael walked over beside Nick, putting on a coat, “Yeah…so um, we’ll see you later..” She said smiling at Sarah.
“Yeah, sure.” Sarah mumbled, she looked freaked out.
Rachael looked over towards me, “Here now.” She hissed.
Sarah was staring at her confused.
I laughed, walking over to Rachael’s side.
Rachael smiled innocently at Sarah, “So we’re off now, see you later.” She said as she pushed Nick out of the room, I followed them. “Thanks. Now she thinks I’m crazy.” Rachael hissed.
“Uh, she thinks I’m on drugs!” Nick said, sounding pissed off.


We were walking through the corridor where my room was, “Okay, Nick, stay outside and guard the door, and I’ll force her into her body.” Rachael said quietly.
Nick nodded slowly, “Okay.”
“How are you going to force me into my body?” I asked.
Rachael took a knife out of her pocket.
I stared at her, “Seriously? Seriously?” I asked, trying to hold back a laugh.
“What’s so funny?” She asked, slipping the knife back into her pocket.
“You’re going to try and stab a ghost?” I asked, I couldn’t help the smile that crossed my face.
“No.” Rachael said lightly, “I’m going to stab her husband.” She said, before smiling at me innocently.
“Oh no you fucking won‘t” I growled.
“Watch me.” She said, opening the door to my room, where Kevin was asleep, he was sitting in the chair, but slumped onto the bed, holding my hand. He looked so peaceful.
“Rachael! Get the fuck away from him!” I shouted.
“If you get into your body, I will.”
“Fine! I’ll get into my body, just don’t you dare touch one hair on his head, because if he gets hurt, I will haunt the fuck out of you.”
“Is that a threat?” She asked.
“Hell yes.”
“Okay, then get into your body.”
“Fine.” I mumbled, climbing up on the bed, and sitting on top of myself, “I mean it, I’m watching you.” I warned.
She rolled her eyes, “Body, now. Wake up.”
What seemed like ages later, I opened my eyes slowly, I felt like I had been trampled by an elephant, or something along the lines of that. Rachael was the only one in the room, and she was sitting on one chair, had her feet resting on another, and had a large book in her hands, and was clearly not paying any attention to me.
“Where’s Kevin? What did you do to him?” I asked, quickly.
Rachael jumped so high that she dropped the book out of her hands, “Jesus Christ, Lauren, you fucking scared me!”
“I’m awake, now where is Kevin, and I swear if you as much as touched him I will murder you. Sadistically whilst singing Defying Gravity from Wicked. I promise.”
“Chillax, He’s just gone to eat. He’ll be back soon.” She said quietly.
“You didn’t hurt him?” I asked.
“No. Stop worrying, your hearts going way too fast.” She said, glancing at the heart monitor.
I relaxed a little. “Okay, good.”
“Can you move?” She asked.
I tried to move my arm, I couldn’t believe it, I could move! “Yes!” I said excitedly.
She clapped, “Yay!”
The door opened and Nick walked in, he looked tired, “Hey, you okay?” I asked.
He jumped slightly, “You’re awake?”
“No. I’m fast asleep.” I said sarcastically.
“Welcome back.” He said smiling.
“I was never anywhere other than here…but thanks.”
He laughed, as he sat down on the chair beside Rachael.
“I feel like I’ve been trampled by an elephant.” I mumbled.
“You’ll feel better soon.” Nick said lightly.
The door opened and Joe, Emily, and Sarah walked through the door.
“You’re awake!” Emily said grinning at me.
“Yep, I am.” I said smiling.
Emily sat down beside Joe, and Sarah sat at the bottom of my bed, “So, can you move?” Sarah asked.
I nodded, smiling, “Yes!”
Sarah grinned, “Awesome!”
I grinned at her.
Joe got up and turned on the T.V, then sat back down again.
Rachael rolled her eyes.
Kevin walked in, and smiled widely when he saw me awake. “Well hello, Sleeping beauty.” He said gently, walking over to me.
I laughed, and held out my arms so I could hug him.
I saw his eyes light up when I moved, “You can move!”
“Yes! Now give me a hug.” I said happily.
He hugged me gently, and I didn’t want to let him go. At all.
He sat down on the bed beside me.
Sarah was smiling at us, then went to look at the TV.
“Can I please ask why you are watching yourselves on TV?” Rachael asked, sounding pissed off, pointing at the screen where ‘JONAS’ was playing.
Joe shrugged, “I don’t know…”
“It a funny show, that’s all I’ll say.” Sarah mumbled.
Rachael grinned, “I really like you.”
Sarah laughed lightly, “Thanks, I guess.”
The show cut to a commercial, advertising the Jonas Brothers Word Tour, starting next month, and it showed all their Cds, starting at the second one, the self titles yellowish one.
“I used to have that CD.” Rachael said quietly.
Everyone turned to stare at her, their expressions were priceless with the shock.
“You….you used to be a fan?” Nick asked, his eyes wide.
Rachael turned to look at him. “No. I used to be a fan girl.”
Nick fainted.
I tried to hold back laughter, because the rest of the room was silent.
“Y-you? A fan girl? What happened?!” Joe asked, trying to find his voice.
Rachael shrugged, “I was too lazy to go out and buy ‘A little bit longer’ so I just decided I hated you all.”
Joe stared at her, Nick was still unconscious, and I was sure Kevin hadn’t moved since she’d announced that she’d had a CD. Sarah looked confused, and Emily looked worried, as she stared at Nick lying on the floor.
“You? A fan girl? Wow…” He mumbled.
“I probably shouldn’t mention to Nick, that I hated him, and was always in love with you Joe.” Rachael mumbled standing up, and walking towards the door.
Joe’s mouth dropped open.
“Yeah, I think I’ll go get lunch, while you get over the shock..” She mumbled as she walked out the door, five seconds later she came back, “Oh, Kevin!”
“Yeah?” He asked.
“I’ve always liked you, you’re cute. But not in the ‘Oh my gosh, I totally love you!’ way, but ‘Aw it’s a kitten and it’s not dead!’ kinda way, you’re so hyperactive and cute onstage, I’ve never hated you.” She said smiling at him.
Kevin looked shocked. “Wow…um, thanks.” He whispered.
“No problem.” She said as she smiled and walked out the door.
Nick sat up slowly, “Did I just imagine that?” He mumbled.
♠ ♠ ♠
Prepare for a very long authors always..
Yes, Rachael was a fan, and the other night we watched the Jonas 3-D movie, and some JONAS episodes. (Does anyone know why the name of the show is capitalized like that?) And she decided she thought Kevin was cute in a 'Aw it's a kitten and not dead' way. She also says that if she ever becomes a fangirl again, she wants someone to shoot her.
Also, I'm NOT a fangirl, I'm just a fan. What's the point in freaking those poor boys out by running after them, and basically attacking them?
I love this chapter, it was like comic relief after all the other stuff. What do you all think of Sarah's character?
You know what I like about this story? (When I'm not pissed off or annoyed with it) It's funny, and when I'm spending the hours/days writing it, it helps me escape from my stupid 'Family' problems, which piss me off, and I'm going to stop talking about this now,or else I'll rant all night, but basically, I want to thank all you readers/commentors/subscribers for reading and giving me a reason to still be writing it. I love you all.
So basically, the two main songs I've listened to while writing this chapter are: Ignorance-Paramore ♪I'm not the same kid from your memory, well, now I can fend for myself ♪
And Topics-Nevertheless ♪And we avoid the topics, we make the kids have secrets, when they are exposed, and everyone else knows, we'll say we never knew it, that they had a problem, 'cause if we would have known, we surely would have solved it, but we can't it's too late♪
Yeah, that's a personal song. Um, yeah, so I'll update as soon as I can. There'll also be a death coming up, or will there? O_o Sorry for this insanely long A/N if you read it all, comment with your favourite colour. Lol.
~Love, Lauren~