Sequel: Honey, You're Dead.
Status: Completed.

Oh. It's You

Get ready to meet your monster in law.

I had been asleep, when I said had, I meant I was still kind of, but I had had a nightmare, and was now awake, and felt like I was being crushed like a pancake. I opened my eyes, and suddenly saw my knees, and then realized that my bed was being folded up, HOW?!Then I saw Rachael, being the only one in the room with me, messing with random buttons, and not paying any attention to me, “What the flying fuck are you trying to do to me? Make me a pancake?!” I shouted.
Rachael looked up at me, “What happened to the bed? It’s crushing you.”
“You are pressing the buttons for it, making it fold up on me. Undo it now.”
She pressed another buttom, and the bed started to go back to a proper position.
“Thank you.” I mumbled.
She nodded slowly. Then started pressing other buttoms on one of the machines beside the bed, my eyes widened as I watched her, “That’s the life support, Rachael!” I shouted.
She shrugged, “You’re still alive, you’re awake. You don’t need it.” She said, still playing with the buttons.
“Are you trying to kill me?” I asked.
“No.” She answered.
The door opened and Kevin and Nick walked into the room.
“Hey.” I mumbled.
“Hey there.” Kevin said smiling at me, he came over and sat down on the bed beside me.
Nick sat in the chair beside Rachael, “Good news, if all goes well you should be out of the hospital by next week.” He said smiling at me.
“Really? That’s cool” I said smiling.
“Very.” Nick said lightly.
Joe, Emily, and Sarah came into the room next.
Rachael stood up and grabbed Joe by the arm, and dragged him out of the room.
“Uh…okay…” Nick mumbled.
I saw Kevin laugh, and Emily meet Nick’s eyes with the same confused glance.
Sarah sat down on the chair beside me, “Maybe she still loves Joe.” She said calmly.
Nick and Emily both looked at Sarah, “How can you say that so calmly?” Emily asked.
Sarah shrugged, “Statement of fact. Affairs happen all the time.”
“Have you ever had a boyfriend?” Emily asked her.
“No.” Sarah answered calmly.
“Then I can safely say you wouldn’t understand.” Emily said quietly.
I saw Sarah raise an eyebrow and look down at Emily’s stomach, then back up at Emily. “Really?”
Emily rolled her eyes. “Fine. You win.”
Sarah clapped lightly.
Emily stuck her tongue out at her.
Sarah grinned back.
“TAG YOUR IT!” We heard someone that sounded like Rachael scream, from down the bottom of the corridor.
“Completely normal.” Sarah mumbled.
“You’ll need to get used to this kind of behaviour.” Emily said lightly.
“Agreed.” Nick mumbled.
“I have to get used to this childish behaviour?” She asked, looking confused.
“Yes.” Emily said seriously.
Sarah looked to Kevin and I, “Seriously?”
Kevin and I nodded, “We’re probably the most mature, the others are all extremely childish.”
Sarah looked at Nick, and raised an eyebrow.
“What?” He asked
“I never knew you had it in you.” She teased.
He stuck out his tongue at her, childishly.
“And you just proved me so wrong.” She said teasingly.
He rolled his eyes.
A nurse came in the door, she had one hand on Joe’s shoulder, and another on Rachael’s. She looked directly at Emily. “We all would appreciate you kept your children under control.” She said sternly.
Emily stared at the nurse confused.
“Hello Mommy.” Rachael said, staring at Emily, her eyes wide and innocent.
I saw Sarah pull her bag up off the gorund, and onto her lap, and as she pretended to look around in it, I saw her shoulders shake with laughter. Nick was looking down at the ground, his shoulders shaking, he too was laughing, Kevin had buried his head in my shoulder, and was laughing lightly. I stared at Emily’s expression, it was full of confusion, and hilarious.
“Uh…my children?” Emily asked after a minute.
“Yes.” The nurse said sternly, “They were running through the corridors hitting random patients and visitors telling them ‘Tag, you’re it.’ please don’t let that happen again.” She said, as she let go of Joe and Rachael’s shoulders, and walked out of the room.
As soon as she shut the door, everyone burst out laughing, except for Emily. “She thinks you’re my daughter? And you’re my son?” She asked.
Rachael grinned, “Yup!”
“Why?!” Emily growled.
“Because, I’m being brilliant and giving you practice for when you have two whiny children.” Rachael said innocently.
“Then why is Joe in on that plan with you?” She asked, throwing a glare in Joe’s direction. “He’s going to be a daddy, so he should have practice.”
Rachael sighed, “Because, I was kind of hoping tagging random people would get him sent to the psych ward.” She said quietly, “But it didn’t.” She said sadly.
Sarah laughed aloud.
Rachael turned around, staring at her curiously, “It’s not that funny..” She mumbled.
“I wasn’t laughing at that.” She said grinning.
Rachael raised an eyebrow, “Okay, what’s so funny?” She asked.
“Nick and Emily thought you and Joe were having an affair, extremely funny.” She said grinning.
Nick put his face in his hands, and Emily glared at Sarah.
Rachael stayed silent for a minute, then burst out laughing, “That just made my day, I think.” She said grinning, “I can’t believe they’d think that, they know I try to kill either Joe or Nick whenever I have the chance..” She said shaking her head, “Funny, funny people.” She said lightly.
“I can’t belive that nurse thought I was your mother.” Emily said quietly, breaking the silence.
Rachael smiled innocently at Emily, “But, Mommy, why are you disowning me?”
“I’m not your mom!” Emily said, starting to get agitated.
“Take a chill pill.” Rachael said quietly.
Emily rolled her eyes, “I’m going to get something to eat.” She said quietly, standing up.
“Is it okay if I join you?” Nick asked, he looked kind of pale.
“Sure. You okay?” She asked, noticing he was pale.
He nodded, “Yeah, I just need to eat something to get my blood sugars up.” He said quietly.
I saw Rachael throw Nick a worried look, and it looked like she hesitated before she spoke, “Do you want me to come with yous?” She asked, not looking at Emily.
I saw Sarah raise an eyebrow.
Nick shrugged lightly, “I don’t mind, if you’re hungry I guess.” He said, as he stood up slowly.
“I think I’ll come with you.” She said, as she walked over to his side, she linked arms with him and they walked out of the door behind Emily.
“She so loves him.” Sarah said as soon as the door closed.
“Of course she does.” Joe said quietly. “We all knew that.”
Sarah stared at Joe confused, “You see, I haven’t been here for very long. So what did I miss?” She asked.
I rested my head on Kevin’s shoulder, waiting to hear what Joe would say.
“Well, she was pregnant, if that proves a point? And she does care about him, she just hates showing it…but they are good together.” He said quickly.
Sarah’s eyes widened, “She was pregnant?” She asked, slightly shocked.
We all nodded slowly.
“I never knew…”
“She miscarried.” I said quietly.
“Oh my gosh, I’m sorry.” Sarah whispered.
I looked over towards Sarah, “No need to apologize to me.” I said quietly, although I could feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end, she didn’t know that I couldn’t have children, but she was staring at me as though she knew something was up.
I had taken out my laptop to check some e-mails, and I heard Joe and Sarah laughing with each other, I smiled, “hey, have any of you heard of Stewart Francis?” I asked.
Joe nodded, standing up, and walking over to the other side of my bed, so his back was facing the door, “He has one awesome joke, that I guess really sums me up.” He said grinning.
I raised an eyebrow, “What’s that?” I asked.
The door opened, and Emily walked in, but didn’t say anything, and Joe didn’t notice, she was standing by the door, listening intently.
“Well, I’ve been going out with my girlfriend for..” He said, counting on his fingers, “Sex.” He said bluntly.
Emily coughed from behind him. “Really?”
Kevin and I both burst out laughing, and Sarah was watching Emily, as if expecting her to kill Joe.
Joe turned around slowly, “Love…I didn’t see you there.” He mumbled.
“Everyone always says that, and I don’t know why you’re saying that, because you’re not getting any right now, are you?!” Emily shouted.
“Okaaay.” I said sitting up, “To much information.”
“Agreed.” Sarah said quickly.
“I agree to the agreement.” Kevin said quietly.
“Hey, where’s Rachael and Nick?” I asked, trying to change the subject quickly.
“Nick wasn’t feeling well, so they went home.” Emily said quietly.
“I hope he’s okay.” I said quietly, “He was fine when they first came in today.”
Kevin nodded, “Somedays, he just has bad days.” He said softly.
“Same with my Gran, and my aunt Maire.” I mumbled.
“Yeah.” Sarah said agreeing with me, “Remember that time we were down in Gorey, and that Nora lady made Maire dinner, and she was sick later, I always hated her.”
I nodded, “I hated her too, I think we both really hated her from the first day.”
“Yeah, and we only saw her, what? All of three or four times?”
I nodded, “Yeah.”
“Wait?” Joe cut in confused, “Your Gran and your aunt Maire have diabetes?” He asked, confusion clear in his face.
Sarah rolled her eyes, “No.”
“They’re Coeliac.” I finished Sarah’s sentence for her.
“Yeah.” Sarah said quietly.
Joe, Kevin and Emily stared at Sarah and I confused. “What’s that?” Joe asked.
“Well…” Sarah started.
“It’s when the body has a bad reaction to Gluten-” I said
“Which is in all wheat products.” Sarah continued.
“Yeah, and it’s a problem with the small intestine, that you can’t take in the gluten, and you get sick-” I tried to say, before Sarah cut in again.
“And usually if you eat gluten or wheat, you don’t feel well for two or three days, and you feel fatigued.”
“And that’s why you would have to go on a gluten free diet.” I tried to say.
“Yes, but when you’re on a gluten free diet, you eat gluten free foods-” Sarah said matter-of-factly.
“But say if it were cross-contaminated, like say if you were preparing a meal for someone else, you’d need to wash your hands before touching your food, or else you may take in gluten, and then you’d feel sick.” I finished.
Joe, Kevin and Emily stared at Sarah and I, they looked slightly.. freaked out?
“Wow.” Joe mumbled. “You’re like twins or something, not in looks, but you just explained that as though you were one person…that was freaky.”
“I agree.” Emily mumbled.
“Completely.” Kevin mumbled from beside me.
Sarah and I both laughed, “That’s because we’re close.” I said smiling, “She’s probably the only one in the family who I really get along with, as well as Maire and my Granny, but even they aren’t on the same wavelength as the one Sarah and I share.” I said lightly.
“Yeah, it’s actually kind of cool. We can amuse ourselves by talking about memories we’ve had together for hours, that always end up with us laughing hysterically.”
“That’s why can never sit in church together after that time in Ashford-”
“Oh my gosh, I remember that! That was hilarious, and completely embarrassing for me.”
I laughed at her, “But I found it hilarious.”
“Just like the way I found it hilarious when you tripped over that step in Rathdrum, how did you not see it?!” She asked, laughing quietly to herself.
“I don’t know, I wasn’t really looking.”
“Well now, I laugh every time I pass that, because I see you fall.”
I laughed, “How nice!”
She grinned, “I know, I’m lovely.”
“Lost, completely lost.” Joe mumbled under his breath.
I grinned at him, “Sorry.”
“He smiled lightly, “It’s okay.”
“Of course, because he’s never actually not lost.” Kevin said quietly, “He’s used to it.”

~1 Week Later~

“Welcome home!” Frankie said, happily, running up to greet me as I walked through the door,
I laughed, “Thank you.” I said lightly.
Denise and Kevin Snr were smiling at me, “Welcome back.”
“Thank you.” I said smiling.
Kevin wrapped his arm around my waist gently, pulling me closer to his side.
“Dinner will be ready in an hour.” Denise said smiling, before turning around and walking towards the kitchen.
“I’m going to lie down for a while.” Emily mumbled.
“I’ll follow.” Joe said quietly.
Rachael sighed, “I’m just going to go on the internet for a while.”
Sarah was smiling lightly, “Nick, is it okay if I go out and play with Elvis, he reminds me of my old dog, Rocky.”
Nick smiled at her, “Of course you can, I’ll come with you.” After last week, he had gotten better, and he had tried to ensure us all it was just a bad day for him, and that he was fine now.
She smiled, “Thanks.”
“I think I’ll have a shower, and lie down for a while..” I mumbled, yawning.
Kevin nodded slowly, “Okay, then.” He said quietly, as he walked upstairs with me.
I took some fresh clothes out of the wardrobe, and smiled at Kevin, “I’ll be out soon.” I said as I walked into the en suite, and turned on the shower. Before I got into the shower, I froze, and looked down at the floor, the tiles were shining and white, but I blinked, and then I saw blood splattered over the floor, and a dead me lying in the middle. I gasped and pinched my left arm, the one that didn’t hurt and the room was back to normal again. I took a few deep breaths, then walked into the shower.
When I was dressed, I walked back into the bedroom, Kevin was sitting on the bed, reading some book, and looked up as soon as I walked out of the en suite, “You okay?” He asked.
If I told him about dead me, would he think that normal? Probably not. “Yeah.” I said lightly, grabbing my cardigan and putting it on, covering the long gash that was turning into a scar on my arm, then I grabbed my hairbrush and brushed my hair, and didn’t bother drying it, I was tired, and I wanted to sleep, so I lay down beside Kevin, and closed my eyes.
“Dinner will be ready in forty five minutes, will I wake you?” Kevin asked softly.
“If you want.” I mumbled, already half asleep.


“Lauren?” I heard Kevin whisper.
“Dinner’s ready.” He said lightly.
I opened my eyes slowly, “Help me up?” I asked, holding out my left arm for him.
He smiled and helped me up easily.
I stumbled slightly over my own feet, and I ended up in Kevin’s arms. He laughed lightly, and pulled me close.
“I’m not coherent when I’ve just woken.” I mumbled.
Kevin brushed a strand of hair out of my face, and behind my ear, then kissed my forehead gently.
After we had went downstairs and sat at the table, Denise brought out the food, I felt my stomach turn when she placed my plate in front of me, I’d been fed through a tube for the last few weeks, and there was no way I was hungry, and I didn’t want to eat anyway.
Nick and Rachael were missing from the table, Sarah, Emily and Joe were already eating, as soon as Nick and Rachael came through the door, Nick smiled, “We have it all sorted.” He said as he sat down.
Everyone stared at him confused.
“We’re having a live chat in five days, to kick start the promotion for this tour, then in seven days we’re appearing on the Ellen Show again.” He said smiling as he sat down.
“Brilliant.” Kevin snr said quietly.
“Are you okay?” Kevin asked me, when we were back in our room, I was on my laptop, syncing my iPod.
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” I asked.
“You hardly ate anything.” He said quietly, looking worried.
“I wasn’t hungry.” I mumbled. That, and I would have puked if I had have eaten, because my stomach wouldn’t have been able to take a large amount of food.
Before he could talk again, the bedroom door knocked, I leaned back against the pillow, that was behind me, “Come in!” I called.
Sarah walked in slowly, and sat at the bottom of the bed, Kevin smiled at her warmly.
“Lauren?” Sarah asked quietly.
“Yeah?” I asked, curiously.
“Do you know where’s the nearest movie theatre?” She asked.
“Um…” I mumbled.
“It’s about five blocks away.” Kevin said smiling.
“Thanks.” Sarah said smiling.
I raised an eyebrow, “Why?” I asked.
“Remember my friend, Sorcha? She’s in L.A. for a few days, so we agreed we’d meet up at a cinema tonight. So I just have to tell her where, get a cab, and then we can meet up.”
“Oh, Sorcha was nice. So you’ll be out late then?” I asked curiously.
“Probably. The movie starts at half ten, so I probably won’t be back ‘till after twelve. But I’ll see you then.” She said grinning.
I nodded, as I watched Sarah walk towards the door. “Oh, Lauren?” She asked, walking back over to me.
“Can you take me to the Ellen show with you? I really want to meet her.”
I saw kevin smile slightly.
“Sure.” I said happily.
“I promise.” I said smiling at her.
“Thankyouthankyouthankyou! You’re the best cousin ever!” She said pulling me into a hug.
“Ow, mind my arm.” I whispered.
She pulled away slowly, “Thank you!”
“No problem.” I said smiling.
She looked at her watch, “I’d better get going, I’ll see you later.”
I smiled, “Okay, see you.”
“Bye!” She said smiling as she walked out the door. I looked in Kevin’s direction, “Am I the only one that feels weird?” I asked.
Kevin stared at me confused, “Weird? As in how?”
I shook my head, “I don’t know…like something’s going to happen.”
“Good or bad?” He asked.
“Bad, definitely bad.” I mumbled.
“Maybe you’re just tired?” He asked.
I bit down on my lip, “Something’s going to happen.” I said quietly. “I’m sure of it.”
Time is running out. Come save. Death Is creeping in. Come save.
Kevin pulled me into a gentle hug. “It’s okay.”
“What if it’s not?” I asked.
He kissed my forehead lightly, “I’m sure it will be.”
I sighed, I looked at the clock on the wall, it was almost ten o’ clock. I yawned.
“Maybe you should try and sleep?” Kevin asked,
“I could try..” I mumbled, getting up and walking over to the wardrobe to get some pajamas, when I got them, I walked into the en suite, not looking at the floor, I jumped into the shower, and about ten minutes later I turned off my laptop, and got into bed, Kevin was reading a book, I smiled up at him, “Night then.” I said quietly.
He put down the book for a moment and kissed me softly, “Love you, and goodnight.” He said quietly, “And don’t worry.”
“Love you too.” I said lightly, before closing my eyes.
Go to bed, everything’s alright, don’t know the whole world’s changing as you sleep tonight.
A taxi came into clear view, driving down a road, I could see the cinema two blocks away, it wasn’t hard to miss. At the junction, the light turned green, and the taxi drove forward, only there was a large fed-ex truck, that never stopped at the red light, and ended up crashing right into the taxi..
I sat upright, breathing heavily, “Oh my god.” I whispered. I glanced at the clock, it was half ten, I’d barely been asleep for half an hour, Kevin was still awake, as soon as I’d woken, he’d put the book he was reading down, and his hands on my shoulders, he looked terrified, I was trying to catch my breath, but I felt like I was chocking.
“Lauren? What’s wrong?” He asked quickly.
I tried to find my voice, “I had this…it was so…vivid…” I mumbled.
He stared at me confused, “What was?”
I ran my fingers through my hair, “A taxi, it crashed into a fed-ex truck…it was so real…” I whispered.
Kevin stared at me worriedly for a second, until the door opened and Rachael walked in, “Lauren, where’s Sarah?”
Sarah. There’s something wrong with Sarah.
“She went to the cinema with a friend from Ireland.” Kevin said quietly.
“Damnit, because I wanted to borrow her top, it was really nice, she was wearing it yesterday…” She trailed off, before staring at me, “Lauren, what’s wrong?”
“She had a nightmare.” Kevin mumbled.
Rachael wasn’t buying it, she came to sit beside me on the bed, “Tell me what you saw?”
“There was a car crash, a truck plowed into a taxi….I think Sarah was in the taxi.” I whispered, tears filling my eyes.
Just another day like any other, nothing in the sky said run for cover, just another reason I never thought it would end this way, there was no parade, no lights flashing, no song to sing along the way.
Rachael and Kevin were both silent, after a second, Rachael looked around, “Uh, I’m sure Sarah’s fine. We could ring her if it makes you feel any better?” She said, handing me my sidekick from the bedside table, I stared at Rachael for a minute. “Go ahead. Kevin and I are here for you.” She said quietly.
I dialled Sarah’s number, I heard a click, but no voices, “Sarah?” I asked.
“No. My name is Mark.” An unfamiliar voice said, I could hear screaming in the backround, “Are you a relation to Sarah?”
“Yes. I’m her cousin. Who are you?” I asked.
“I’m a paramedic.” He answered.
“Oh my God. What’s happened, is she okay? Please tell me she’s okay.” I said desperately.
“There’s been a bad car crash, maybe you should come down here. We haven’t yet been able to get her out of the car.” He said quietly, starting to sound distracted.
I felt my stomach drop, “Where?” I whispered.
“Two blocks away from the cinema, you know where I’m talking about?” He asked.
“Y-yes.” I stuttered.
“Okay. Come quickly though.” He said before the line went dead.
Cover my eyes, cover my ears, tell me these words are a lie, it can’t be true, that I’m losing you.
The phone fell out of my hand, “We need to go. She was in a crash.” I whispered.
“Where?” Kevin asked.
“Two blocks away from the cinema, exactly as in my dream.” I said quietly.
Rachael stood up, went over to my wardrobe, and threw some old clothes at me, “Put them on quickly.”
I ran into the en suite, and got changed as quick as I could manage.
When Rachael, Kevin and I arrived at the scene, it was exactly like it had been in my dream. “What if she’s died?!” I asked, trying not to cry, Kevin wrapped his arm around my waist, and Rachael walked by my side, over to one of the paramedics, he turned around, he had a look of helpnessless in his eyes, “I’m sorry but I’m going to have to ask you all to move back a bit.” He said quietly, his voice sounded exactly like Mark’s had.
“I’m Lauren, Sarah’s cousin, this is Kevin, my husband, and this is Rachael, Sarah’s friend and I guess you could say distant relation.” I said quickly.
Recognition glittered through his eyes, “You came.” He said quietly.
“Of course.”
“They’ve just taken her out of the taxi.” He said quietly.
“Please tell me she’s alive.” I whispered.
“I’m so very sorry.” He said quietly, “She never survived.”
We'll meet again, when both our cars collide
I felt like I was going to collapse. “She can’t have died!” I shouted.
“I’m sorry, I know this is hard for you.” Mark said quietly.
And as the cars collided, promises you kept were broken, her last words were left unspoken.
Tears started to stream down my face, and I noticed Rachael standing still and just staring at the scene before her.
I could vaguely hear Kevin talking to Mark, he was saying about Sarah living in Ireland, and how we’d have to get her back, they were making plans to bring her back to Ireland, Rachael walked over to me slowly, and hugged me, as Kevin was talking, and making arrangements.
I noticed she was crying too,
Tears stream down your face, When you lose something you cannot replace.

~12 hours later~

Rachael, Kevin and I got off the plane at Dublin airport, the flight had taken eleven hours, we had left quickly, trying to get to Ireland. We didn’t have suitcases, we were leaving tonight. The funeral was today. It seemed rushed, but everyone found it the best idea. The only thing I wasn’t looking forward to, was seeing my family. No one else could come with us, as Nick and Joe were busy trying to make plans to promote the tour, Emily couldn’t fly, and Denise and Kevin Snr were also sorting out things for the tour.
“Okay..” Kevin mumbled, “Where do we go from here?” He asked.
Rachael looked around, then put on a pair of sunglasses, even though the weather was gloomy, “I’d say put on your sun glasses, or we’ll get attacked and never get out of here.” She mumbled.
Kevin and I did as she said, “Now, I mean literally, where?” He asked.
“Rathdrum.” I mumbled.
He stared at Rachael and I confused, “See because I’m smart, I’ve booked a car.” Rachael said quietly.
“Okay, then. Let’s go.” Kevin said forcing a smile.


“Okay, we’re here.” I mumbled, as we pulled up outside Greenane church.
“Are you ready to do this?” Kevin asked me.
“No, but I’ll have to be.” I mumbled.
“No, you don’t.” Rachael and Kevin said at the same time.
“Well I can’t miss my cousin’s funeral. I’ll just have to deal with the family anyway.” I mumbled.
“Well if they say anything, I will hurt someone.” Rachael said seriously.
“If they say anything, we leave before someone gets hurt, okay?” Kevin asked, calmly.
Rachael sighed, “But I like my idea better.”
Kevin bit his lip, “I’ve never met Lauren’s family, so maybe I might prefer your idea, but we use my idea, and go to the airport, okay?”
“Trust me, You’ll prefer my idea.” Rachael mumbled, “But fine, as long as we get to L.A as quick as we can, before my mother or father figure out I’m in Ireland.”
“Deal.” Kevin said quietly.
“Cool.” Rachael mumbled.
“Ready?” Kevin asked us,
I nodded slowly, and Rachael opened the door, as we stepped out I saw some of my family waiting around outside the church, then I caught someone’s eye, none other than my mother.
I clenched my fists, and glared at her, Rachael looked in the direction I was, and glared also, Kevin just looked clueless. “Who are you glaring at?” He whispered, as my mother started walking towards us,
“Get ready to meet my monster in law.” I said under my breath.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sadly, I have to admit, the only reason Sarah came into this was to die. I'm sorry Sarah, I hope you never read this.
Anyone care to comment? I swear, it would make me work a lot faster. There's a live chat in the next chapter, trust me, It's going to be hilarious. There'll also maybe a breakdown.
I used a few amazing songs in this, they are: Come save-Sarah Reeves, You'll make it-Jem, No parade-Jordin Sparks, Tears of An Angel-Ryandan, Cars Collided-Keep me conscious, Fix you-Coldplay.
Also, thanks to Rachael for helping me with this, read her story, I'm not Okay or die =] And thanks to Daisha for the name 'Mark' for the paramedic. :)
Random coincidence, I'm listening to LVATT on shuffle, and WWIII just came on, can we all laugh now?
Comment & subscribe, please, I love all of you who do :)
P.S, This is what they wear to the funeral.