Sequel: Honey, You're Dead.
Status: Completed.

Oh. It's You

You're Much Better, Forever and Always. Well, for fifteen hours.

A/N: Because of the live-chat in this chapter, the names are close together, and grammar is crappy, only for the live-chat excerpts, because if you've ever sat through a Jonas live-chat, you know most Jonas fans have horrifying grammar. Sorry about that. Forgive me?


Kevin watched me, “Don’t you mean ‘Mother’?” He asked.
I shook my head, “No. Monster.”
Kevin looked confused.
My mother came up to us, she smiled slightly at Rachael, “Hello, again.” She said quietly.
Rachael didn’t smile at her, “Hi.” She answered coldly.
She then looked at Kevin, ignoring me. “And you are?” She asked.
Kevin smiled lightly at her, holding out his hand to her, “It’s nice to meet you, I’m Kevin Jonas, your son in law.”
She didn’t take his hand, she just stared at him, “I’m sorry?” She asked.
I saw him take a breath, “I’m your son in law.”
She shook her head, “No.”
I saw Kevin roll his eyes, “Because, I married your wonderful daughter.”
“My daughter?” She asked confused.
I saw Rachael roll her eyes.
“Yes.” Kevin said, trying to keep calm, as he wrapped his arm around my waist. “Lauren.”
She looked in my direction. “Her.” She mumbled.
I saw Kevin glare at her, and he held me closer to his side.
“It’s all your fault.” She spat. “We all know it is.” She said glaring at me. “We all blame you for this.”
I saw Rachael’s eyes widen.
Kevin stared at her shocked.
I felt confused, “What’s my fault?”
“It’s all your fault Sarah died.” She said, glaring at me. “You’re not welcome here.”
“How is it my fault?” I whispered, I wasn’t able to talk. I felt as though someone had stabbed me.
“She came over to America for you. You’re older than her, you should have looked after her, it should have been you in that cab, not her!”
Kevin and Rachael were both silent, and I was fighting away tears, “She came over by her own free will, to look after me, when no one else in this dammed family would come.” I said through gritted teeth, trying both not to cry, and not to lose my temper like I always did when I was anywhere near my mother.
Afterall, she’d just said she’d prefer me to be dead.
“It’s still your fault, you let her go.” She said, “It’s your fault she died. You’re not welcome here.”
“Well, If I’m not welcome here. I’ll go. I want nothing more to do with you, or anyone else.” I shouted, turning around, and running back to the car, tears streaming down my face, Kevin and Rachael followed me quickly, they got into the car and sat beside me, there was some sort of shocked silence, I had wiped the stray tears away from my face, and was staring blankly out the window, as we made our way back to Dublin Airport. “Are you okay?” Rachael asked.
I nodded slowly.
“Are you sure?” Kevin asked.
I nodded again, resting my head against the glass, and looking out the window, as we drove back to Dublin, the jetlag was starting to hit me. But lately, whenever I slept I always woke up with nightmares. I knew that there wouldn’t be any difference in that in the near future. Especially not after this.

I could feel my eyes closing, as I rested my head on Kevin’s shoulder, we had been on the plane for about an hour, leaving ten hours left, and I was so tired, Kevin was asleep, and Rachael was in the seat behind us as we were travelling first class, and I wasn’t sure if she was awake, or just watching a movie.
I jumped upright when I heard a girl screaming, I had been asleep, and I noticed Kevin had just woken up too, seeing as we were the only ones travelling first class on this flight, the first thing that came to mind was, Rachael.
I looked up at Kevin, “Who died? Where’s Rachael? And why did she kill someone?” I asked quickly.
“Rachael’s the only one in this part of the plane other than us.” He said sleepily.
I stood up, and walked to where Rachael was sitting, tugging at her tee-shirt. “What’s wrong?” I asked.
I saw Kevin walk over to my side, looking confused, and worried.
Rachael made a face, “I’m wearing Hoe Cyrus’ top! Get it off me!” She screamed.
“Who?” Kevin and I asked at the same time, sounding extremely confused. As far as I knew, she’d just bought that top in Wal Mart a few days ago.
“Miley hoe freaking Cyrus.” Rachael whined.
“How do you have her top?” I asked confused.
She was tugging at it, “It’s from her icky fashion line, ew, ew, ew get it off me!”
Kevin glanced at me, confused, then he looked at her, “It’s a top, it wasn’t worn by her, you’ll be fine.”
Rachael glared at him, “It’s designed by her! It has her name on the tag! Get it off me!” She screeched.
“Um…” Kevin said awkwardly, “I’d rather not.”
She glared at him, “I.Need.A.New.Top.” She said through gritted teeth, “Now.”
“I don’t have any for you to wear!” He said quickly.
Rachael sighed, then looked up at me, innocently. “May we please swap tops?”
I shook my head, “My top is long sleeved, yours is not. I kinda need long sleeves, plus you and I both have a coat-”
“Thank you!” She said happily.
I stared at her confused, “..Why?” I asked.
“I’ll take off the top, put on my jacket, then burn this top when we get back to L.A. Perfect plan.” She said grinning.
“Wow…you really hate Miley, don’t you?” Kevin asked.
Rachael nodded, “Hell yes. If I could burn her I would, actually, I think I’d torture her more than that..”
Kevin bit his lip, “What would happen if you somehow ended up together for a month or two?” He asked.
She stared at him confused, “Well I never intend to. But if it happpend, she’d die. A very painful death.”
Kevin nodded slowly, “I’m going to go sit back down..jetlag, you know?”
Rachael nodded slowly, watching him walk back to his seat, “I’m not going to spend months on end with Hoe Cyrus, am I?” She asked.
I shrugged, “I haven’t heard anything about her.”
Rachael sighed with relief, “Good.”
I stared at her confused.
“I hate her. I can’t believe I ended up in one of her tops, I need to take it off, I’ll just go to the bathroom, you look tired, why don’t you sleep?” Rachael asked.
“I can’t.” I mumbled.
“Why?” She asked, standing up, grabbing her jacket.
“Nightmares.” I mumbled.
“That was just one time, right?” She asked.
I shook my head, “Every single night since I woke up properly.” I mumbled.
“Is that why you’ve been looking like a zombie lately?” She asked.
I shrugged.
“Try and sleep. It’d do you the world of good. Now, I’m going to take off Hoe Cyrus’ top.” She said, walking towards the bathroom, I walked back to my seat and sat back down, Kevin’s eyes were closed, and I was guessing he’d fallen back asleep.


“At least when we get inside we can sleep.” Rachael mumbled, trying to keep her eyes open, “Jetlag’s a bitch.”
We were nearly at the house, and Rachael and Kevin were both half asleep, while I was awake, as usual.
“Agreed.” Kevin mumbled, before yawning.
“Are you not jetlagged?” Rachael asked me.
I shook my head, “No.”
“Lucky.” She mumbled.
When we walked through the door, Rachael looked at me, confused, “Do you hear that?” She asked.
I nodded slowly, “Someone’s playing forever and always…and much better?” I asked.
Kevin yawned, “I’m going to go to bed, love you.” He said lightly, kissing me gently, before walking up the stairs.
“Love you too.” I said lightly.
Rachael looked around confused, “You know what? I think I’ll go get an hours sleep.” She mumbled walking upstairs.
I walked into the sitting room, seeing Joe looking extremely tired, singing ‘Much Better’ as loudly as he could.
“Joe…? Why are you singing that?” I asked, leaning against the doorframe.
Joe glared at the other sofa, not answering me, I walked further into the sitting room, and on the other sofa, Taylor was singing ‘Forever and Always’
Now, I was confused.
“Taylor?” I asked.
She looked up at me, but didn’t stop singing. She also looked just about as tired as Joe.
“Wait. How long have you been here for?” I asked.
She held up both her hands, “Ten..minutes?” I asked.
She shook her head, “Hours?” I asked.
She nodded.
“Oh my God. You’ve got to be kidding me.” I whispered, running my hand through my hair.
She shook her head.
“So..let me get this straight, you’ve been singing at each other for the last ten hours?” I asked.
Joe and Taylor both nodded.
“Seriously?” I asked.
They both nodded again.
I sighed and sat down. “Do you both know how childish this is?” I asked.
They both nodded slowly.
“Then why don’t you’s just shut up, and make up? Be friends?” I asked.
Taylor shook her head, glaring at me as she sang.
I saw Joe make a face.
I looked at my watch, “You two are aware that it’s two A.M, right?” I asked.
They both nodded,
“And that you are both extremely childish?”
They shook their heads.
“This isn’t childish, really?” I asked.
They shook their heads again. I sighed, and walked out of the room, into the kitchen and picked up two pens, and found two refill pads in the press, I checked to see if they were empty, and they were, I walked back into the sitting room, and threw the first refill pad at Joe, then gave him the pen, I did the same with Taylor. “Work it out. Now.” I said, trying to keep my patience.
They both started to write, then held it up for me to see, Taylor’s said ‘No way.’ and Joe’s said ‘I’d rather not.’ I rolled my eyes, starting to feel the jetlag creep in. “Do you want me to kill you both?” I asked.
They both shook their heads. “Then shut up, and talk to each other and sort out all the crap between you.”
They shook their heads again. “Ugh! Okay, he broke up with you in twenty seven seconds, but you dissed him a lot after that, can’t you just call it even? Please? I want to go to sleep.” Well, try to sleep.
They both showed me their pages, and they both said the exact same thing. ‘Go to bed then.’
“You know what? I was always convinced you’s were perfect for each other, and Joe was an asshole for breaking up with you, now I’m completely convinced.” I said before walking out of the sitting room, and upstairs. I walked into our room, and closed the door, trying not to wake Kevin up, I dropped my bag on the floor, and I went to look for something to wear to bed, that’s when it hit me, I mean, really hit me, I was never going to see Sarah again. Suddenly, I didn’t feel so tired anymore. I pulled on the first pair of pjs that I could get my hands on, I walked over to bed, and I got in, I could hear Kevin’s slow breathing so I knew he was asleep. I closed my eyes, hoping that I could just forget everything, if even for an hour, just to stop myself from crying about Sarah. I missed her.
I sat upright suddenly, I glanced at the clock on the bedside table, it was 4 AM. I sighed. Two hours sleep is better than one I suppose. I looked to see was Kevin still asleep, he was, I smiled slightly, then got out of bed, I hated nightmares. I walked downstairs, I noticed the sitting room light was still on, I rolled my eyes, I was going to get coffee, because if I went in there and they were still singing, I probably would murder them for being so childish.
I flicked the switch on the kettle, and took out a mug, and a jar of coffee, and as soon as I had made the coffee, I sat down at the table, and started to drink it, basically, the other two had been in the sitting room for twelve hours, that's if they were still alive..
As I finished my coffe, I went over to the sink to wash out the mug, seeing a reminder on the calender that the live chat was in two days I rolled my eyes, where they seriously intending on having the live chat in the sitting room? Are they asking for more drama?
I walked into the sitting room, where I saw Joe and Taylor locked in a glaring match, still singing.
“You two are going to lose your voices.” I said lightly, as I sat down.
They paid no attention to me. I stuck out my tongue at them, and looked around, I saw on the table a book called ‘Wendy’ I picked it up, I didn’t know who owned it, but I knew I was going to read it now.
About three hours later, I had read half of it, I looked up seeing the sun had risen outside, “You’ve been having an epic fifteen hour song battle, do you both want to give up now?” I asked.
They ignored me, again.
The door opened and Rachael came in, she had her pjs still on, and she looked like she hadn’t brushed her hair, in her hand was a bottle of Coke Zero. She refused to drink Diet Coke. She sat down beside me, “What’s going on?” She asked.
“They have been sitting here for fifteen hours, non stop singing at each other.” I said bluntly.
“Woah.” Rachael mumbled.
“Childish.” I mumbled.
Rachael started to sing ‘I don’t love you’ under her breath.
“Not you aswell.” I whined.
She grinned, “Nope, but can I hit Joe and distract him so Taylor wins?” She asked.
I looked up at her, “I don’t care.” I said in a bored voice, “I’m not your mother, you can do what you want.”
“You need sleep. And food. Lots of food.” She said quietly.
I rolled my eyes, “Are you going to distract Joe?” I asked
She looked over at him, “I don’t know what to hit him with, but he looks extremely tired.”
“So does Taylor, and you would too if you were as childish as to have a fifteen hour song battle with your ex.” I said loudly, so they’d hear me.
“Have you had coffee yet?” She asked.
“Yes.” I mumbled.
“You need more. Can I borrow that book? Actaually, it’s mine…so can I have it?”
I handed her the book, and watched her skip over to Joe, and whack him over the head with the book, he didn’t stop singing, but he looked in pain, Rachael sat down, and handed me the book, “That’s why I buy hardback books, they hurt people when you hit them over the head.” She said lightly.
I nodded slowly, “That’s why you have no paperbacks..” I mumbled.
There was a bang, and Joe stopped singing, Taylor who had been singing Forever and Always still, stopped, stood up, threw her hands in the air, “YES! I won! Hah!” She said loudly.
I saw Rachael laugh beside me, I looked to where Joe was, collapsed on the floor, asleep.
Taylor was currently dancing around the room. I shook my head, “I cannot believe that just happened.”
Rachael was laughing, “It did, and I’m so happy it did.”
The sitting room door opened as Taylor was dancing around, and Emily walked in, looking like she was still half asleep, “Do you know where Joseph is?” She asked sounding confused.
Rachael and I both pointed to where he was lying on the floor.
“Oh my God. What happened to him?!” She asked, worried, as she ran over to him and knelt down beside him.
I noticed Taylor had stopped dancing around, and was staring at Emily, her eyes wide and her face shocked. I had to look carefully to make sure she was actually breathing.
“Taylor and Joe had an epic fifteen hour song battle, he passed out and fell asleep.” I mumbled.
Emily looked up to glare at Taylor, but instead she looked confused at her face, “Why are you staring at me like that?” She asked, confused.
Taylor looked as though she was trying to find the right words, “Are you…are you..” She shook her head, as if what she was going to say was impossible.
Emily stared at her, “Pregnant? Nooo…I’m a watermelon thief.” She said sarcastically.
Taylor’s eyes looked like they were going to pop, “You are?” She asked.
Rachael collapsed laughing beside me.
“No. I’m not a watermelon thief.” Emily said bluntly.
“I meant pregnant.” Taylor said quickly, realizing why Rachael was laughing.
“Well what does it look like?” Emily asked, “I mean, I love stealing watermelons and putting them under my top, it’s like a pastime of mine.” She added sarcastically.
“Wow. You are.” Taylor mumbled.
“No shit.” Emily mumbled.
Taylor started laughing, almost…..hysterically? “The media are going to skewer you and Joe.” She said between laughs.
Emily stared at her as though she was crazy, “And that’s funny?” She asked, starting to sound pissed off.
Taylor nodded, “Now that is karma.” She said, still laughing.
I noticed Rachael stare at Emily and Taylor, as though she was expecting a fight.
“If you leak this to anyone outside this house, I’m afraid I’ll just have to kill you.” Emily said, her voice serious.
Taylor stared at her, not sure if she was being serious or not. “And why wouldn’t I?” She asked, “Afterall, that’d be revenge.”
Emily glared at her, “Have you ever heard the saying ‘Don’t mess with the pregnant chick?’” She asked.
Taylor shook her head.
“Well, now you have. I know how to kill people in sadistic ways, I have read a hell of a lot of books on serial killers, so lets get this straight. You’re not going to go to the media about this, are you?” Emily asked.
“You wouldn’t.” Taylor mumbled.
“Do you want me to prove it?” Emily asked.
Taylor didn’t answer her.
“You do?”
“Then you’re not going to say anything, are you?”
Taylor shook her head, “No.”
“Promise?” Emily asked.
“I promise.”
“Good.” Emily mumbled.

~2 days later~

Again, I sat upright in bed, this had been happening ever since I’d woken properly, but ever since I’d came home and Sarah had died, the nightmares were worse, I was basically surviving on coffee. I glanced at the clock, it was three AM, I sighed, and glanced at Kevin, who was still asleep, glad I hadn’t woken him, I slipped out of bed, and walked downstairs, to the kitchen. I opened the door as quietly as I could and turned on the light, and I think I jumped out of my skin, when I saw Emily with her back to me over by the sink. “Holy crap, Emily! You scared me!” I said trying to catch my breath.
Emily turned around, and shrugged, “Sorry.” She mumbled, before going back to making her sandwich.
I pulled my dressing gown tighter around me, I stared at Emily confused, “It’s very early for you to be awake.” I said quietly, as I looked for a mug.
“I was hungry.” She mumbled. “Plus, I could say the same for you.”
I shrugged and flicked the switch on the kettle, I then saw Emily’s sandwich, It was huge. “What are you eating?” I asked,
“Well…Em, there’s nutella, peanut butter, jam, cheese, chocolate, lettuce, pickles, ham and-”
“Okay, Okay, I get the idea. Ew.” I said interrupting her, my stomach was already churning at the thought of all of them put together.
I looked through the press for the jar of coffee, and I felt Emily’s eyes on me, “It’s actually pretty tasty.” She mumbled.
“I wouldn’t say so….what possessed you to make all of that?” I asked as I found the jar and started to make my coffee, I could still feel her eyes on me.
“Cravings….I also have the craving to suck coal….which is weird because I’ve never been near coal before.” She mumbled.
I didn’t look up at her, I just nodded, “I remember someone telling me years ago that sometimes pregnant people want coal dust.” I mumbled, it was my Mum, but I wasn’t going to mention that to Emily, because I didn’t want a discussion on that right now.
“Oh, cool. So I’m not turning into a mutated monster.” She mumbled.
I shook my head, bringing my coffee over to the table and sat down.
“Why are you drinking coffee at this hour?” Emily asked curiously.
“Because I’m awake for the day.” I said quietly.
“It’s pretty simple.”
“Why so early?” She asked.
“Oh, well that’s only one day.”
“No.” I mumbled.
She brought her sandwich over to the table and sat down, “Hmm?”
“It doesn’t matter.” I mumbled.
“It kinda does.” She said in between bites of her huge sandwich.
“Why?” I asked, “Why does anything matter anymore?”
She glanced at me confused, “It should matter, you look like a zombie, actually, no, a skelaton.”
“Why should it matter the way I look?” I asked, taking a sip of coffee.
She rolled her eyes, “Because. It just does, when was the last time you ate something?” She asked.
“Last night, at dinner. You saw me.” I said steadily.
She rolled her eyes, “Yes, because one piece of pasta is eating. I mean when is the last time you ate a proper meal? Kevin worries about you, a lot.” She added.
“I don’t know. Food just doesn’t agree with me. Simple as that.”
She sighed, “Just don’t…don’t do anything…stupid.” She said slowly. “This is actually really tasty, do you want some?” She asked, changing the subject.
We avoid the topics, we make the kids have secrets.
I shook my head, “I’ll pass.”
“Crap!” Emily said suddenly, I jumped.
“What?” I asked, starting to get worried.
“I forgot to take a pill yesterday.” Emily said quietly.
“That’s not the only day you forgot to take your pill.” I mumbled under my breath.
I saw her glare at me. “Well, I’m quite happy with the way it all turned out.”
“I’m sure you love being kept inside the house for months on end.” I retorted.
She stuck her tongue out at me.
“Wow, you’re going to be just as childish as your children.”
“And you’re going to be one of the most annoying, strict mothers ever.” She replied. “Why are you staring at me, like you’re….going to cry? I was joking.” She mumbled.
“It doesn’t matter.” I said standing up, and walking out the door.


“This sucks, this completely sucks.” Rachael mumbled.
I looked up from the book I was reading, and raised an eyebrow, “What sucks?” I asked.
“In exactly fifteen minutes we are banned from the downstairs sitting room for an hour.” She said sounding pissed off.
I looked up at the clock, it was a quarter to two, the live chat started at two. “Yes, and?” I asked.
“I wanted to go down to the sitting room.” She mumbled.
“Ah..” I mumbled, confused.
“Hey, where’s Em?” Rachael asked.
I shrugged, “Her room, she said she’s going to be watching the live chat.”
Rachael rolled her eyes, “Why? Couldn’t she hide behind the sofa and listen to it?”
“We’re banned from the sitting room, remember?”
“Right.” She mumbled.
I went back to reading my book, after a few minutes I looked at the time, it was five to two, “I’m going to get a drink of water, don’t do anything stupid.” I mumbled, as I stood up. Rachael looked up to me, and raised an eyebrow, “You’re freaking phychic. How did you know I was going to….never mind.” She said quickly.
I stopped, and stared at her, “What were you going to do?”
“Nothing…go get your water.”
“Seriously, if you try to ruin this live chat, we will all get killed.” I said seriously, before walking downstairs, I wasn’t really looking where I was going, and I tripped on the bottom step, Somehow I ended up in Nick’s arms. May I just say one thing, awkward?
“Sorry!” I said quickly, standing up straight, “But thank you for catching me.”
He smiled slightly, but was watching me somewhat carefully? I started to feel self-conscious.
“You’re not waering a cardigan?” He asked, somewhat confused.
I shook my head slowly, “I was too warm, sorry if my arm is freaking you out.” I said quietly.
He shook his head slowly, “No…you look pretty.”
I stared at him confused, “Uh…thanks..” I mumbled.
He glanced at his watch, “I’ to go to the live chat…” He mumbled, walking into the sitting room.
I stood still for a few minutes, confused. “Awkward.” I mumbled, walking into the kitchen, the sitting room door was open, so I walked past it quickly. The sitting room they were doing the live chat in, wasn’t the one Joe and Taylor had had their song battle, the one they were using was the nicer one, by the window, which was at the front of the house, they had a suite of leather sofas, that were extremely comfortable, then they had a widescreen tv, behind the sofas, there was a dining table, that we ate dinner at each evening, along the walls, there were family portraits from older years, there was a huge bookcase, filled with books, and above the fireplace, which was near the sofas which weren’t facing the dining table, there was a wooden framed mirror that matched the colours of the room, it was one of my favourite rooms in the house. I poured out water into a glass, and I could hear the others talking in the sitting room, and I smiled to myself, that was until I heard Emily argueing with Rachael…and they sounded closer than being up in separate rooms, I took a drink of water, and left the glass in the kitchen, as I was walking past the open door whoch would have been opposite the window at the front, I stopped in my tracks, until I remembered, because the sofa’s back was to the door, and that was the sofa they were sitting on, and the camera would be pointing this way, that they could probably all see me, I ran over to the stairs, where Rachael was trying to drag Emily downstairs, and I’m guessing to ruin the live chat, and letting the world see Emily’s stomach. “Rachael!” I hissed. “Let her go!”
“No. Why should I?”
“Because I will kill you if you don’t.”
A smile spread across Rachael face as she let Emily go, “You’ve got to catch me first.” She said, running down the stairs and into the sitting room, the one they were holding the live chat in.
“Rachael!” I hissed.
“I’m going…to my room…to watch this unfold.” Emily said quietly.
I stood by the door, “Rachael!” I hissed.
She stuck her tongue out at me, and stood at the far end of the dining table.
I walked into the room slowly, and as soon as I did, Rachael ran around the table, meaning that I started to chase after her.

*Emily’s P.O.V*
I sat down on the sofa in my room, and pulled my laptop onto my lap, thinking about how close Rachael had came to showing the whole world my ‘secret’ I guess I had to thank Lauren for something, although she was acting extremely different lately.
Then again…she had almost died, and her cousin had died. But still..there was something else, I just didn’t know what.
I clicked onto the live chat, the first thing I saw was, Kevin trying to keep a straight face as he watched the screen intently, and Nick’s head in his hands, and Joseph had turned around and was watching Lauren chasing Rachael around the dining table in circles, and he was laughing out loud, finding it hilarious.
I smiled at the scene, then I sighed into the live chat, I laughed as I chose my name. JoesBabyMama, they’d never know.
I continued to laugh at they boys expressions as Rachael continued to run away from Lauren, I glanced at the comments.

NickJsSoulmate: WTF? Are they high?
OffTheChain: Why….?
JoesDreamGirl: Hello….guys? Snap out of it…?
KevsEnegizer: Are they children…?
VideoGal: What the hell happens all day long?
Fannah: GO LAUREN!
EvilSmile: Rachael rocks. Number one role model.
JoesSoonToBeWife: I’m going….this is going to go on all day…
CantHaveYou: Where’s Emily? Is it true Joe killed her?

I stared at that comment, seriously? There where rumours going around that Joe killed me? I laughed out loud.

JoesBabyMama: No, Emily’s alive.
CantHaveYou: Prove it.
Fannah: Ooooooh O_o
PoisonIvy: Omg. I heard that too, maybe she is dead….aww, Joe and her were cute.
JoesBabyMama: I know she’s alive. I have connections.
VideoGal: I bet she’s pregnant.
WorldWar: Agreed!
KevsEnegizer: Oh yeah, I heard all them rumours! She’s probably pregnant.
EvilSmile: Or Rachael killed her ^_^
OffTheChain: I agree, we all saw those photos from the hospital.
CantHaveYou: Did you notice that person shut up since then? Connections my ass.
FlyWithME:Face it, they ain’t gonna answer, until the children stop playing chase, therefore lets gossip about Emily’s rumoured pregnancy.
ChargeMe: Lauren’s anorexic.
JoesBabyMama: Maybe Emily is…sick? Ever thought of that?
Fannah: She spoke O_o
CantHaveYou: Sick…yes, morning sick. Thank you for verifying that. =]
EvilSmile:Haha! Love it. Now lets see someone kill someone.
OnlyHuman: Oh…they’re not answering questions…phew I wasn’t late….wait, what the hell?
VideoGal: They’re being children. Ruining this live chat.
JustFriends: Oh shut up, all of you idiots. Watching what’s happening right now is more entertaining.
705: I’m glad I stayed up late, disobeyed my curfew. For this.
MerciPourLeVenin: *yawns* Shitty webcast.
JoesBabyMama: Teenies. Rumours can hurt people.
OffTheChain: Are you Emily?
CantHaveYou: So totally Emily.
WorldWar: I agree.
EvilSmile: I’m getting bored.
FlyWithME: Thank you, Emily. We now know you’re pregnant.
VideoGal: LMFAO! Epic win!
JustFriends: You just laughed your ass off, so you have no ass now. Text speak pisses me off.
705: I agree. There’s like no need for it.
PoisonIvy: I think I just fell asleep. Oops.
Fannah: Is bored.

Joe jumped over the back of the sofa, caught Rachael by the back of her shirt, dragged her over to Nick, and sat her down, “Stay.” He said calmly, He then caught Lauren around the waist, lifted her up, and carried her over to Kevin, put her down, and sat back down in the middle of the guys, acting as though nothing had happened.
Rachael was now glaring at Joe, as though she was about to kill him, Lauren had rested her head on Kevin’s shoulder, and had her eyes closed, she looked like she was going to break, she was too thin. I then noticed that she wasn’t wearing a cardigan, and that if she pointed at anything, her arm ould be in clear view, I hoped she remembered that.
If she didn’t, if would be attack of the paps.

JoesBabyMama: By the by, I’m not Emily.
CantHaveYou: Uh-huh.
WorldWar: YAY! JONAS!
OnlyHuman: HI!
705: NICK!
NickJsSoulmate: Back off, he’s mine.
JoesBabyMama: Actually, he’s Rachael’s.
VideoGal: Epic win!Nice.
JoesBabyMama: Why thank you.
OffTheChain: *Rolls eyes* Old ladies.
EvilSmile: Uh..Where? Should I run?
PoisonIvy: she meant the others talking.
JustFriends: Jonas?

“Hey Guys! Sorry about that….distraction, that was unplanned, but now we have new guests, this is Rachael, and this is Lauren.” Joe said smiling, “So where were we?” He asked, ignoring Rachael’s glare.
“Talking about the tour!” Kevin said, sounding enthusiastic.
“Yes! So any questions you guys?” Joe asked.

CantHaveYou: Where’s Emily?
WorldWar: Is Lauren anorexic?
NickJsSoulmate: Will you marry me, Nick?
VideoGal: He’s married, ohhh EPIC FAIL.
OnlyHuman: I wish you’d EPIC SHUT THE HELL UP.
EvilSmile: Have you ever killed anyone?
OffTheChain: Violent much?
PoisonIvy: What’s the song World War three about?

Nick was reading the questions, “Poison Ivy asked, what’s the song World War Three about, It’s actually about a personal experience for me.” He said smiling.
I saw Kevin laugh lightly. We all knew it was about Rachael.
“Okay, any more questions?” Nick asked.

NickJsSoulmate: If you married me, I’d be kinder than Rachael.

“Excuse me, Nick J’s Soulmate, but Nick is my husband, he loves me, he is MY soul mate, not yours. Nothing personal. But he’s mine.” She said, then smiled innocently, I saw Joe, Kevin, and Lauren stare at Rachael confused, but Nick just looked kind of dazed and happy.

AustrailianGirl: Where’s Emily?
OnlyHuman: Yeah, Where’s Emily?
EvilSmile: We all know either Joe or Rachael killed her.
PoisonIvy: Is she alive?
OffTheChain: Where is she?
CantHaveYou: Probably Pregnant.
VideoGal: EPIC WIN!
WorldWar: As you were told before, go and EPIC SHUT THE HELL UP!
KevsEnegizer: Yeah, basically, where’s Emily?

Joe bit his lip, “Emily, is upstairs. Watching the live chat.” He said calmly.

JoesBabyMama: Damn right she is.
CantHaveYou: You are so Emily.
FlyWithME: And Pregnant.
705: I agree completely with the above.
Fannah: Lauren! Virtual hug!
JoesDreamGirl: Aww, Give me a hug too! I like hugs!

I saw Lauren hesitate for a minute, “Virtual hugs you want? Virtual hugs you shall get!” She said, forcing herself to look happy, she held out her arms, as though she was giving someone a hug, then pointed at the screen, “that was a hug for all of you.” What she hadn’t realized, was theat her arm was in clear view, you could clearly see the long gash, that was slowly scarring, and I wasn’t the only one that noticed that.

CantHaveYou: Holy flying pig, what the hell happened to your arm?!
Fannah: ….It can’t be right…you can’t have…no…
EvilSmile: Now…this is getting good.
OnlyHuman: Lauren…?
OffTheChain: Holy cow.
705: *Is shocked*
KevsEnegizer: Woah.
World War: Holy…
VideoGirl: …..You wouldn’t, would you?
Poison Ivy: I thought you were smarter than that.
YouFoundMe: Get help.
JustFriends: SHIT! How are you not dead?
JoesDreamGirl: Are you okay?!
FlyWithME: You did that? Holy Moley…roley poley.
JoesBabyMama: Calm down….Rachael could have attacked her with a sharpie, hence the chasing?
CantHaveYou: Yeah, sure, because sharpie looks like she tried to kill herself.
JoesBabyMama: She’s alive, isn’t she?
Fannah: I guess, but she was in hospital….
EvilSmile: Top news story, I called it.
World War: How can you not be dead?

I saw Lauren stare at the monitor in front of her, and it was evident from her face that she was reading all the comments, which were basically all the same, and she did not look happy. I saw Kevin glance at her, his eyes worried. Joe was biting his lip, Nick looked pissed off, Rachael looked bored.
“Is there any questions?” Joe asked, seing more questions pile in about Lauren’s arm, “About the tour.” He specified.
“As we said before, Emily is upstairs watching the live chat.” He said quietly, after seeing a question asking him did he murder me.
Nick sighed, “How many of you all are going to come to our tour?” He asked.
Joe, Nick and Kevin all smiled, when comments poured in telling them where people were going to go to shows, and when.

OnlyHuman: ME! D.C BABY!
VideoGal: Madison Square Gardens. FTW!
CantHaveYou: Ottowa. I still maintain that either Joe killed Emily, or Emily’s pregnant.
EvilSmile: New Jersey. I like the idea of killing, so I’ll go with that.

“I’ll go get Emily, although, she may not want to come into the room.” Joe said, as he left the room.
I watched, Nick, Rachael, Lauren and Kevin all look at each other, confused, and lightly worried.
Joe opened the door, “Do you want to show your face?” He asked, smiling slightly at me.
I laughed lightly, “How am I going to do this?” I asked.
“Just stick your head around the door, and say hi, then leave?” He asked.
“You. Are genius.” I said, grinning brightly at him, as I stood up, and walked down the stairs, I watched Joe go back to the sofa, and I saw Nick stare at the ceiling, as though he was going to scream.
“And here’s Emily!” Joe said smiling.
I held onto the door, and waved at the camera, making sure, that no one could see my stomach. “Hey everyone!”
“They all want you to come in.” Rachael said grinning, as she smirked at me.
“Oh, sorry, I can’t guys, I have to…go finish the writing I had been doing, sorry, but I hope to talk to you all soon!” I said, before I walked out of the room, I saw Nick sigh, and I noticed Lauren still reading the comments.

*Lauren’s P.O.V*

“Dinner!” Denise called from downstairs.
“Ugh.” I mumbled, sitting up, Kevin was watching me,
“It will be okay.”
“Sure it will.” I said sarcastically.
He came over to my side, and hugged me gently, “It will be, I’ll be here.”
You should know, that you’re not on your own, these secrets are walls that keep us alone, I don’t know when, but I know now, together we’ll make it through somehow.
We walked downstairs, and into the dining room, I sat down beside Kevin, Rachael was sitting across from me, and Joe and Emily walked into the room, Joe sat beside me, and Emily beside him, Rachael was already eating, and so was Emily, and Joe, and Kevin. Nick was pacing back and forth, rubbing his temples, he looked stressed.
“Nicholas, sit down, and eat. You don’t want to end up like Lauren.” Denise said sternly.
I had picked up my knife, which was an extremely sharp steak knife, and my fork, and I had been cutting up the food on my plate, not eating it, but I froze, and my mouth dropped open, had she just said that?
Joe put his hand on my arm, “I’m sorry she had to compare you to Nick.” He mumbled.
The pain that shot through my arm was insanely sore. I flinced, but the way I flinced, the knife slid down in my hand, and I dropped the knife onto the table the minute I felt another pain shooting trough my hand, I saw Joe’s face fill with shock.
I held my hand in front of me, across my palm, was blood, a lot of blood. I just stared at it.
I hadn’t noticed that everyone else had stopped eating and was just staring at me.
Caught in the middle of a cross-fire, lost my balance on a high-wire, trying to figure out what to do.
I looked up at Denise, there was so much blood, but not as much…as the other time. “May I be excused?” I asked.
She nodded slowly, her eyes wide.
I stood up slowly, I saw Joe watch me, “I’m sorry.”
I walked out of the room, and walked upstairs, and into the bathroom, turning on the tap, and seeing the water go down the drain, I stared at my hand, not putting it under the water, I knew it was going to hurt like hell.
“Are you okay?” Kevin’s voice came from behind me, I jumped slightly, and turned around,
“I guess..” I mumbled.
He took my hand gently, and pressed a wet towel to the cut, and held it down, I looked up into his eyes, I continued to stare at him, the pain wasn’t that bad anymore, not when I was watching him.
“Can I ask you something?” Kevin asked, looking down at my hand, and turning the towel around.
“Sure.” I whispered.
“Why do you wake up so early?” He asked, a slight smile on his lips, “I’m extremely curious as to how you do it, I need tips.”
“Have nightmares.” I mumbled.
He looked up at me, “Nightmares?”
“They’re horrible.” I mumbled.
“You’ve had nightmares ever since you’ve been back from the hospital?” He asked.
I nodded slowly.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He asked.
“I didn’t want to wake you.” I said quietly.
He shook his head slowly, “I really wouldn’t have minded.”
I smiled at him lightly,
“Seriously. Wake me the next time.”
“Okay.” I said quietly.
He took the towel off my hand, “That looks sore.” He mumbled. “I don’t think it needs stitches, just care.” He said quietly, “As in not letting it get infected.”
I nodded, “Thank you.”
“No problem.” He whispered, as he wrapped a bandage around my hand, in a way you’d think a doctor would. “I never knew you were so good at first aid.”
He laughed, “Joe and myself are registered babysitters in New Jersey, we had to learn first aid.”
“Oh, cool.”
He smiled, “So are you coming to wait backstage at Ellen with Rachael?”
“Sure.” I said quietly. Then I remembered the promise I had made Sarah, I promised I’d bring her to meet Ellen. That wasn’t happening now, Sarah wasn't coming back
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the delay int he update, I've spent a lot of time on this, and I'm back to school, and it's an exam year, so the updates will be slower. For the next update, can I have at least 3-4 comments? Please? I have 22 subscribers, so it shouldn't be that hard, please?
There's a sequel in planning too...maybe...would you's read it after this?
My favourite part of this whole update: VideoGal: He’s married, ohhh EPIC FAIL.
OnlyHuman: I wish you’d EPIC SHUT THE HELL UP. Ha, what's your favourite part(s)?
Songs used this chapter: Topics-Nevertheless (I'm still very much obsessed with that song.) Courage-Superchick & Sink Or Swim by Tyrone Wells (Heard it in the G.A promo, yay for new series! Listen to that song though, it's amazing!)
Okay, so I think that's everything, I love you all for subbing, and reading, and commenting, please comment? All I'm asking for is 3-4 comments?