Sequel: Honey, You're Dead.
Status: Completed.

Oh. It's You

She Left Me

*Novemeber 5th*

Beep! Beep! Beep!
I moaned, and grabbed the pillow from under my head and put it over my face, and sank down further under the covers, trying to block out the obnoxious sound of the alarm clock, which was not meant to go off today, we had a day off today because it was Kevin’s birthday, and the others wanted to go sightseeing around Italy aswell, seeing as we were in Italy for the show tomorrow night, and now I was listening to an alarm clock at five in the morning, which was not how I wanted to wake up today.
Did I mention my insomnia had started to wear off over the last few months? There were pros and cons to that. Pro; I didn’t look like a ghost, and have black circles under my eyes anymore. Con; It took ages and a shitload of coffee to actually be coherent and awake.
Kevin rolled around in bed, after whacking the crap out of the alarm clock in the dark to make it shut the fuck up, and then I heard him snore lightly again.

~3 hours later~

“Why the hell does it have to be so sunny?” I mumbled to myself, rubbing my eyes, and stepping out of bed, trying to be as silent as possible, and not wake up Kevin.
The sun was shining through the curtains, and made it hard to actually stay asleep, so I grabbed the clothes I’d be wearing today out of the suitcase in the corner, and walked into the ensuite and turned on the shower, after my shower, I tied my hair up with the elastic band from around my wrist and tiptoed passed Kevin who was still pretty much unconscious, I smiled slightly and walked into the kitchen part of the hotel room, which was an extremely big room, that had a bedroom, ensuite, living room area, and a kitchen place, it was awesome, I pulled out a few rice cakes from the press, and buttered them, while I turned on the kettle to make a mug of coffee-in no way was my coffee as good as Starbucks, but it would have to do until I could find a Starbucks and find my inner superpowers that will enable me to melt every single camera holding person that tries to take a picture of me, while yelling questions-in other words, I’m talking about the unintelligent dweebs that think taking photos of people and selling them for money actually counts as a job, and not a creepy perverted Edward Cullen like pastime. (Zing!)
As I was just about to sit down to eat my breakfast, I heard Kevin move around in our room, and smiled lightly to myself, and took his (Extremely badly wrapped) present out of the cupboard I had hid it in yesterday.
I was secretly in love with the fact that he hadn’t mentioned my birthday yet, and only his, he seemed to have understood that I hated people shouting ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY!’ at me.
“Hey” I said lightly, as he walked out of the room.
He smiled, “Hey there.” He said sleepily, walking over to me and kissing me on the cheek.
“Happy birthday!” I said happily, handing him his present.
He grinned, “Wow, thank you!” He said happily, sitting down beside me, and unwraping it, a smile spread across his face as he took the watch out of the box, “I love it! Thank you!” He said grinning at me, and leaning in to kiss me lightly.
He put on the watch, smiling as he did. “This is pretty awesome.” He said smiling, “Being here with you.” He said happily, “I’m just going to go get dressed.” He said, standing up.
I nodded, “I’m just going to go for a quick walk, I’ll be back soon.” I said, standing up and walking out the hotel room door.
He forgot.
What is it with anyone I’m with forgetting my birthday?

*Rachael’s P.O.V*

I felt the covers around me move slightly, and I growled at whoever was trying to wake me up.
“I made breakfast in bed for you.” Ick’s voice came from very close beside me.
“Fuck off. Sleeping.” I growled before I pulled the covers over my head.
“Rach, we had planned on giving Lauren and Kevin their birthday presents this morning.” Ick’s voice seemed closer now, how was that possible?! Oh..
I sat up slowly, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes and stretching,
“Ouch!” Ick mumbled, covering his face
Hah, I had hit him when stretching, score!
“Oh yeah, it’s Lauren’s birthday today.” I mumbled, looking over to the corner where there was a bag of birthday presents, bought between Ick and I, both for Lauren and Kevin.
“Yes.” Ick said quietly.
I looked at the tray of various breakfast stuff, “Thanks.” I mumbled, beginning to eat some of the food.


We both knocked on Lauren and Kevin’s hotel door, Nick had offered to carry the bag of presents, so after a few minutes of Silence, he put the bag down, I tried not to laugh, “Too heavy for you?” I asked teasingly.
“Heavy? No. Not at all.” He mumbled quickly.
“Sure.” I said sarcastically, as I heard footsteps on the other side of the door, and then a lock being unlocked, and then Kevin smiled as he saw us when he opened the door. “Hey there!”
“Happy birthday, dude!” Nick said grinning at him.
He grinned back, “Thanks.”
“Where’s Lauren? I want to wish her a happy bithday.” I said, trying to see past Kevin into the room.
Kevin’s smile disappeared from his face almost straight away, and a blank look replaced it. “Please tell me it’s not her birthday today?”
“Kevin, you idiot! It’s her birthday on your birthday, it’s NOT that hard to forget!” I shouted.
Kevin seemed to be getting paler by the second, and Nick pushed me gently into Kevin’s room, to avoid other guests hearing the shouting, I guessed.
Kevin stared at me, “What do I do?” He asked.
“Where is she?” I asked.
“She said she was going for a walk, and would be back soon.”
“Oh, you’re scewed, that means she’s extremely pissed off, but just doesn’t want to say anything about it.”
Kevin sighed, “But I’m sure she isn’t that pissed off?”
“You wish.” I said seriously, “She holds grudges for a long, long time.”
“I’m sure that won’t be the case fo me, though, right?” He asked hopefully, “She loves me..”
I patted his shoulder sympathetically, “She loved Emily too, but Emily forgot her fifteenth birthday, and skipped her party to go see a movie she had already seen. She wouldn’t say it to Emily, but she was both extremely upset and pissed off. Even if you asked her today, she would probably go on into a long rant, so I would seriously advise you to do something by the time she gets back, and be all like actor-ish and be like ‘And you thought I forgot, didn’t you?’ and then Nick and I will come back later with the presents so that you know, she won’t think we told you. How about that?”
Kevin’s smile returned and he hugged me tightly, “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
“I like you and all, but please, don’t hug me.” I mumbled, trying to get out of Kevin’s arms, awkwardly.
He let go of me quickly, “Sorry…but you have possibly just saved me from Lauren having a huge grudge against me for the rest of my life.”
“And I really don’t know why she doesn’t hate you for the way you reacted when she told you she couldn’t have kids, but I hate you enough for that.” I said quietly.
Nick was standing at my side awkwardly, “Um, so we probably should disappear in case she comes back..?”
“Sadly…I have to agree with you, text us when you want us to appear baring gifts, okay?” I asked Kevin.
Kevin nodded slowly, “Sure.”

*Lauren’s P.O.V*

I walked back to the hotel slowly, avoiding the weird looks of recognition I was getting, I was greeted by the dooman, and I smiled lightly, Italy was pretty and the people were friendly, I took the elevator to the floor we were staying on, and took out the roomkey, and walked in, the room was completely silent, and I sighed quietly, before I saw the piece of paper sitting on the table, I took it up in my hands,
Lau, just gone out for a little bit, I’ll be back a.s.a.p, love you xx-Kev.
I sighed lightly, and walked back into the bedroom, I felt sick, and tired, especially tired, so I walked over to the bed, and lay down and closed my eyes for a while.


“Hey” Kevin’s quiet voice made me open my eyes, “Happy birthday!” He said, sitting down cross legged beside me on the bed.
I stared at him confused, as I sat up and rubbed my eyes, “What?” I asked sleepily.
“Happy birthday!” He said, kissing me lightly, when he pulled away, he smiled at me “And you thought I’d forgotten, hadn’t you?”
“Um, wow. Kinda..” I mumbled, still half conscious.
He smiled, “I didn’t” He said, brushing a stray piece of my hair behind my ear, and handing me a neatly wrapped present.
“Thank you..” I whispered, kind of still very confused.
“Aren’t you going to open it?” He asked.
I nodded, “Of course.” I mumbled, taking the wrapping paper off the box (Very awkwardly and with great difficulty; Fail.) After about five minutes I finally got the wrapping paper off the present, to uncover a wooden box, that had plowers engraved in it, and a silver clasp on the front, “A jewellery box?” I asked, looking up at Kevin.
He smiled and nodded, “Do you like it?”
I ran my hand over the soft wood, and nodded, “It’s so pretty! I love it! Thank you!” I said, putting it down gently, and wraping my arms around Kevin tightly.

*3 days Later*
We were sitting around the table in our room waiting for Nick, Rachael and Joe to come in so we could all eat dinner together, we usually went to restaurants, but we had found it was too much touble, because someone would let it out that we were in the restaurant, fans would sneak in and long story short, we never actually got to eat, at all.
So one of us would go to the restaurant, get the food, and come up to one of our hotel rooms, and we’d all eat together.
The room door opened and Rachael and Nick came in together, carrying bags in which they had our food in.
Joe was still no where to be seen.
“Food!” Nick announced, helping Rachael set out our food on the table carefully, “You told Joe we were having food at five, right?” He asked, after looking around and not seeing Joe.
I nodded, “Yeah.”
Rachael rolled her eyes, “And you expect Joe to understand basic info, like that?” She asked.
“We would hope he could at least tell the time.” I mumbled.
“He did actually learn how to do that.” Kevin said quietly.
“Well he’s over fifteen minutes late, maybe he forgot.” Nick mumbled.
At that moment the door opened slowly, and Joe walked in a few footsteps, his eyes were puffy as though he had been crying, and he had tear stains on his cheeks, we were all silent at this extremely rare sight.
“R-Rachael, can I talk to you for a minute?” Joe asked.
Rachael looked just as lost and and shocked as the rest of us, but she nodded slowly and walked out of the room with Joe.
“What the hell has just happened?” Nick asked, “Joe never cries. Ever.”
“We’ll have to see when Rachael comes back.” Kevin said quietly.

*Fifteen minutes ago.*
*Joe’s P.O.V.*

I could hear the message tone to my phone, but I couldn’t see my phone….which was really helpful, you know?
I searched through the bundle of clothes that were strewn about on my bed, finally finding my phone, “Yes! Score!” I said as I sat up, and tried to avoid the clothes that were trying to attack me.
New Message; From Emily.
I stared at my phone for a minute, confused, “Why would she be texting me? We’ll be video chatting later?” I asked, myself confused, of course nothing in my silent room replied, not even the mass pile of clothes.
I opened the text, as I was searching for my coat, but stopped dead in my tracks as soon as I saw what exactly was on the text, Then I kind of fell to the ground, re-reading the text again and again,not bothering to wipe away the tears that were stinging my eyes,
Joe, I’m so so sorry, but I can’t do this anymore, all the hiding and the lying, I just can’t do it, I’m so sorry, but I just don’t love you like I did yesterday. I’ve returned to Ireland, and you’ll never hear from me again, you also don’t need to worry about the children, they’ll be fine with me. Bye.

I'm, staying in tonight
Watching T.V by myself
'Cause yesterday my girlfriend wrecked my life
I don't want to explain
There's nothing I can say to you
All I got is this one note she left me

It says that she's not coming back
Not now, not then
Next year or ever
If one more person asks me why
I'll try to lie
And then

I will say
She got herself arrested
Got ten years locked away
But that's okay
'Cause the honest truth
I was gonna end it anyway
I'll make up anything yeah, truthfully
So no one finds out she left me

She's, enrolled in the marines
I try to see her most weekends
But in all honesty she's never allowed leave

She says that she's not coming back
Not now, not then
Next year or ever
If one more person asks me why
I'll try to lie
And then

I will say
She got herself arrested
Got ten years locked away
But that's okay
'Cause the honest truth
I was gonna end it anyway
The reason's I don't have a clue
This could easily happen to you
And then you'll know just what it's like

She says that she's not coming back
Not now, not then
Next year or ever
If one more person asks me why
I'll try to lie
And then

I will say
She got herself arrested
Got ten years locked away
But that's okay
'Cause the honest truth
I was gonna end it anyway

And I could say
She did a bungee jump, rope snapped
She passed away
But that's okay
'Cause the honest truth
I was gonna end it anyway

I'll make up anything yeah, truthfully
So no one finds out she left me

*An hour later*
*Lauren’s P.O.V.*

The door opened, and a very pale, extremely pissed off looking Rachael walked into the room.
“What’s wrong with Joe?” Nick asked, worry clear in his voice.
“Emily left him.” Rachael said through gritted teeth. “And is now ignoring all of us.” She said, slamming her phone down on the table, which I guessed she had been trying to contact Emily with.
“SHE WHAT?!” Nick, Kevin and I all asked at the same time.
“She went back to Ireland.” Rachael mumbled, sitting down beside Nick.
Nick wrapped an arm around Rachael, pulling her closer to him, surprisingly she didn’t bite him or scream at him to get away.
“But what about the two children…that aren’t born yet?” Kevin asked.
Rachael shook her head, “Emily will have them…and Joe can’t take custody of them, because it’ll be all over the media, and it’ll probably ‘Ruin your image’” She said, impersonating Denise, glaring at her phone which was in the centre of the table.
“Is he okay?” Nick asked.
“He’s not taking it well.” Rachael mumbled, shaking her head.
“I’m just going to go in and check on him.” Nick said quietly, getting up slowly, and walking out the door.

~2 days later~

Demi, Selena, Nick, Kevin, Rachael and I were all sitting on the floor in a circle, trying to think of a plan to help cheer Joe up, especially before the Irish concert, where apparently, there was plans that MTV were going to do another Live And Mobile show that day.
And Joe had made it a habit in the last few shows of covering Go Audio’s song, ‘She Left Me’ which, of course sparked rumours over all the gossip sites.
The door opened then, and a tired looking Joe came in, and sat down beside Nick, staring at us all confused, “What are we doing?” He asked.
“Deciding on a game to play.” Selena said quietly.
“Why?” Joe asked.
Selena rolled her eyes, “For fun, you know, the thing that makes you feel happy?” She asked.
Joe nodded slowly.
Demi let out a laugh, “I’ve got an idea!” She said, biting her lip lightly.
“What is it?” Selena and Nick asked at the same time, leading to an awkward glance.
“Spin the bottle.” Demi said seriously.
“Okay.” Rachael, Selena, Joe, and Nick all said at the same time.
“Spin the bottle it is then.” Demi said grinning.
♠ ♠ ♠
I can be a bitch when I want to be.

But anyway, on another note; This is the penultimate chapter of 'Oh. It's you.'
In the next chapter, there'll be the spin the bottle, the Irish concert, and a shocking announcement to finish this story, then you can all vote on whether you want a sequel or not.
Sound good? Comments?
The song used in this was 'She Left Me' by Go Audio, I love it, it's been on repeat a lot lately.