Sequel: Honey, You're Dead.
Status: Completed.

Oh. It's You

A lesson learnt, always put the bolt on the door.

We walked back to the hotel in a strange silence, it wasn't awkward so to say, but it was just the slightest bit uncomfortable, and I have to admit, I liked his voice.
But of course, I didn't have the room key, Thanks a bunch rockstar..
I knew, that Rachael and Rebecca would be wondering where I was gone, after all they hadn't seen me since I mysteriously disappeared, thanks to the starstruck teachers
I walked in the front door of the hotel, I had like so figured their trick, Make the lobby look nice...and the rooms crap, but because the lobby looks good, the rooms will..this equals steady business, which in turn means you can't have customers that complain about the rooms, because the lobby looks good and they chose to stay...right? Oh I should lecture people on the art of hotels!
I saw the teacher that had let me go with him, My Irish teacher to be exact. She was looking at Joe, I rolled my eyes. She scared me yes, but she had just..ugh!
I started to walk up the stairs, to see he was following me, "Um I don't think you should come up here." I said, trying to sound firm.
Are you thick? No..wait don't answer that, I guess you definitely are. "It's a school trip."
Ugh! "I have room-mates."
"They don't like me?"
I rolled my eyes, "You are so difficult!"
"That's just me." He said, as I walked up the stairs.
Well if he wants to get random things thrown at him, of course he can come in. "You're coming in at your own risk."
"I know that."
I doubt it. "Sure."
I knocked on the door,
"Who is it?" Rachael called, I could hear laughter aswell, Rebecca.
"It's me, Lauren."
The door opened, and I walked in, and before she could close the door Joe walked in, the room went completely silent, even Rebecca stopped laughing.
Rachael turned to me, "Why couldn't you have brought Gerard Way back here?!"
I held up my hands, "Sorry Sorry"
Rebecca walked over, "Joe." She held out her hand, she used to like the Jonas brothers, but not as much now, but she was so calm.
"She drank the tap water, she's been high for the last half an hour." Rachael whispered.
I pursed my lips, "Are you sure it's safe to drink that?"
Rachael shrugged, "The first time she filled the cup, the water was a milky colour, the second time it was clear, so she drank it."
"That doesn't sound safe." I whispered.
Rachael shook her head, "The hotel isn't." She then turned back to Joe, obviously still pissed that it wasn't Gerard standing there. "Right." She said loudly, making Joe look at her with wide eyes, she was glaring at him. Go Rachael!
"You, Out now!" She said, pushing him out the door, and banging it shut in his face.
I couldn't helo my next action, I broke down on the floor in fits of laughter, and Rebecca joined me, while Rachael looked pleased with herself, and walked over to the T.V and turned it on, her eyes widening, "Twilight!" She screamed,
Rebecca and I both rand over to Rachael's side, to see Twilight plastered across the screen, our eyes wide, "Yay!" We all said in unison, this was kind of why we were called triplets back in school.
The door knocked, and I went over to answer it, Maeve, another of my friends came in, I let the door close behind us, forgetting about the deadbolt.
"Hey!" She said happily walking over to us.
We sat in the bed, watching the Twilight trailer, again and again and again, and again..
We were in the middle of the conversation after the toilet being flushed, "I should goo back to my room soon." Maeve said.
We all shook her heads, "No, you don't have too."
I looked over to the bathroom door, surely the toilet shouldn't still be making a weird noise, it was then that I saw the water overflow, "Oh my god! The fucking toilets flooding! What do we do?!" I screeched.
Rachael jumped up, using a string of curses under her breath, she put the towels around the toilet, "We need to tell someone!" Rebecca said panicked, I nodded in agreement, Maeve was silent, a shocked, dazed expression on her face, looking towards the door, her eyes wide. I looked to where she was looking, and I couldn't help but scream, I should have put that fucking bolt on that fucking door!
"Joe! What the fuck are you doing here?!" I screamed, okay my stress level was going through the roof, I had a cold, my ear still hadn't popped from the plane, I was cold, we had barely been in the hotel for five hours, and the fucking toilet has flooded. This. Is. Not. A. Good. Time.
"Oh my god." Maeve whispered from behind me.
I shook my head, this problem wasn't going to get sorted, I ran out of the room, pushing past Joe before he could form a sentence, seeing the obvious chaos in the room, and I would have to be in my fucking pajamas, wouldn't I?
I ran down the stairs, to the front desk, I could feel tears in my eyes, the front desk person guy, thingy looked up at me, shocked at my obvious stress state.
"Our toilet is flooding! We need help! And I'm being stalked!"
I saw out of the corner of my eye, two of my teachers coming over to me.
"Which room?" He asked smoothly, ignoring the 'I'm being stalked' comment.
"205" I said, glaring at him.
"Someone'll be right there."
"That's not good enough!" I said loudly, normally I was a calm person, sometimes agro, but I had just literally lost it.
"Well I'm sorry." He muttered.
I growled, and turned around, my two teachers looking at me confused.
I shook my head, and took to the stairs, two at a time.
I arrived back to the chaotic room, shaking my head I growled.
Joe was looking at me shocked, "Calm down."
Maeve also saw me, "Yeah, Chillax."
Rebecca and Rachael were just staring at the toliet, with a worried expression, I was too.
"No! I will not calm down, I've barely been in New York for five hours, and I already have a stalker, as If I didn't have enough over in Ireland, I have a cold, my ear hasn't popped, and the toilet is flooding, how am I supposed to calm down?!" I shouted at him.
He had started to open his mouth, when the person that fixes leaks and stuff walked in, staring around at all of us, meeted with glares, and Joe's confused look. He went straight to the bathroom, not saying a word.
"Shut up Joe, Just Shut up!" Rachael shouted at him.
He went silent after that, He didn't want to mess with her, not again.
After a few minutes of silence, Maeve stood up, "I'd better get back..I'm sorry, talk to you tomorrow." She took a last glance at Joe, probably wondering why was he here.
The door closed behind her.
"I have an-"
"Joe, Either you shut the fuck up, or I will knock you out." Rachael growled.
"I have an idea!" He said, dispite her warning, although I could see him ready to defend himself, if she did make good on her promise.
"What idea?" Rebecca asked, clearly annoyed.
"You three could come and stay at the Trump Towers."
I glared at him, "And how do you propose we do that, unlike you, we aren't millionares!"
"I can pay."
"No." Rachael said adamant.
"Gerard might be there." Joe said lightly.
Rachael turned around, "Don't you even try that!" She said loudly.
We were interrupted by the guy that was trying to fix the toilet.
"Pack up, and see is there any spare rooms."
I growled, flinging my things into my suitcase, I saw Joe kneel down beside me, "Don't even touch me!" I growled.
He stood back up again quickly, the three of us, that now looked like jet lagged zombies, walked downstairs, suitcase in tow, Joe in front of us.
We went to the desk, the man looked at us confused. "We need a new room." I said angrily.
"I'm sorry, we're all booked out, it being Valentines night."
I was truly about to cry.
My English teacher came over, "What happened?" He asked.
"Our Toilet flooded." Rachael said quietly.
He raised an eyebrow, "What did you put down it?"
Rachael shrugged, "Oh you know, a dead body, it was in my suitcas-"
"TISSUES!" Rebecca said angrily.
He backed away slowly, leaving us with the teacher that was supposed to be looking after us, she seemed uncertain, "Well what are we supposed to do?"
"They can come stay in the Trump hotel." Joe piped in.
She looked at him, as if he had just spoke double dutch.
"We don't have that sort of money, it's a school trip."
"I can pay!" He said, clearly tired, at having to repeat this again.
She looked at the three of us, who were now glaring into different directions.
"I don't know if that's a good idea.." She mumbled.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, possibly the longest chapter ever, Haha.