My Heart

To Gerard

You are right Gerard you are a mess. That’s all I can say about your situation, I mean if you are unhappy talk to someone especially you’re fiancee. What has happened to you? I know you’re asking yourself the same question, I am just as clueless as you. Gerard promise me something… promise me you won’t go back to depression and comfort-drinking. I know you’re smarter now but it’s so easy for anyone to fall back and with you not talking to anyone nobody can help you up.

I am scared Gerard, scared for your health and happiness (or even the lack of it!). I hate seeing you like this and so this is why I have decided to accept your invitation. I will not try and “fix” you while I’m there. I love you and this is why I am doing this, I’m going to help you even though you don’t need any help that’s not the proper reason of my decision I just need to see you face to face.

See you in a week and a half!


NOTE: I told you it was short :D I promise it will get better. Narration and POV's are coming.