You Got Wasted And Wasted Your Life

Your not alone.

But he was not alone. He saw a woman sitting in front of him. “You feeling alright son?” she questioned. He yet again opened his mouth to speak, but it sent another jolt of pain though his upper body. He panicked viciously and arose to his feet. Immediately he was held down and he felt a sharp pain in his upper left arm.

Yet again, he awoke. In a comfortable bed. He felt amazingly well. He felt clean, and his jaw felt like it was in place. He looked at the wall on the left hand side. A calander adorned with small furry animals read the 25th of June, 2007. He fully took in his surroundings. A bleak white room. A slight hint of disinfectant. A hospital.

And a locked door, as he realized when he heard a key turn half an hour later.