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You're Not What I Was Expecting To Find

Chapter 13

“Hey, finally you come out. We heard you two were making babies out front. Good thing those windows are tinted, or you’d be hauled in for indecent exposure,” Jimmy yelled as Matt and Charlotte rounded the side of the house, entering the backyard through a big wooden gate. They were the last to arrive and everyone else was sitting or standing around as they talked.

Matt smirked as he saw Charlotte blush at Jimmy’s comment. “Not exactly making babies,” he told everyone. He set down the beer be had brought inside the cooler and walked over to an empty chair, pulling Charlotte with him and down into his lap. Charlotte sat stiffly, aware that she must be heavy and not wanting Matt to be uncomfortable.

“Sweetheart,” Matt addressed Charlotte, “You’ve already met the guys and Michelle, but that’s Leana beside Jimmy at the grill, Gena sitting beside Zacky, and Lacey sitting in Johnny’s lap.” Charlotte smiled and waved as all the girls smiled back at her.

“It’s really nice to finally meet you,” Leana started, hoping the other girls would join in. She could already see the glint in Matt’s eye that hadn’t been there in quite some time and she knew it was caused by the woman sitting in his lap. “The boys told us all about how they found you. So you work as a waitress? Do you like it?”

Charlotte nodded, “Yeah, it’s okay. Hopefully it’ll only be temporary.”

“Where do you work?” asked Gena.

“I work at Charlie’s. My family knows the owner, so that’s how I got in,” Charlotte explained, beginning to relax as the girls asked their questions. She had been so worried that she wouldn’t be accepted into what she was sure is a tight knit group. But their questions and comments as they continued to talk were genuine and sincere.

Matt watched closely as Charlotte and the other girls talked. He knew that they wouldn’t be mean, but he wasn’t entirely sure how they would react to him bringing another girl around after they had all been so close to Valary, his ex-girlfriend. Especially Michelle, as the two were twins. Everyone, including himself, remained friends with Val, but she and Matt had both decided that they were better off as just friends, even after their long history and what had happened just a few months ago.

Matt had found Val cheating on him with another man. She reasoned that she was lonely, as he was out on the road touring so much. She used to go along with the band as their manager, but she gave up that role several years ago, realizing that she needed to spend more time with her family and other close friends, not just Matt and the band.

“Hey, enough girly talk,” Jimmy called, referring to the fact that the girl’s conversation had turned to make-up and hair. “Food’s ready.” With that statement, everyone made their way over to the hot grill, mouths already watering.

Matt and Charlotte were last to get in line, but that was okay with Charlotte. She wasn’t very hungry, but took some salad and a hotdog, while Matt took a burger, some chips and some salad after Leana pointed out he had no vegetables on his plate. Grumbling, he led Charlotte over to the large glass table set in the middle of the patio.

“I’m going to get a beer, do you want anything to drink?” he asked Charlotte as he set down his plate. Charlotte turned to look up at Matt, shielding her eyes from the sun.

“Just a water, please,” she told him. He nodded, kissed her forehead and went off to get their drinks. Charlotte sat down in her chair and used her fork to slowly start eating her food.

“So, Charlotte,” Leana began, “Are you from Huntington?”
Charlotte swallowed her food, thankful for the distraction of conversation and answered,

“No, I grew up in Canada.”

“Really?” Johnny asked, and then turned to Brian, “How did you know she was from Canada when you made up that story?” he continued, referring to the original story that Brian had told Matt about Charlotte being a friend on Brian’s family, who had been living in Canada while taking care of her ill grandmother.

Brian shrugged, “I didn’t, it was just a good guess.”

“You didn’t fool me, though. Charlotte’s ears gave her away,” Matt added as he re-joined them at the large table, setting down his beer and Charlotte’s bottle of water.

“What are you talking about, Shads?” Zacky asked, and Matt chuckled.

“Well,” Matt started, looking down at Charlotte, “Her ears turn bright red when she lies.” The girls sympathized with Charlotte, realizing it would be hard to keep any secret, while the boys laughed and envied Matt and his good luck. Charlotte, overwhelmed with the attention, lowered her eyes to the table.

“Are you alright Charlotte?” Lacey asked, speaking for the first time from beside Johnny. Charlotte looked up and smiled slightly.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” she assured everyone.

“Charlotte’s not used to a whole lot of attention,” explained Matt.

“Well, you better get over that, and soon. We’ve decided that we’re taking you shopping tomorrow,” Gena said, addressing Charlotte.

“You don’t work tomorrow, do you babe?” Matt asked. Charlotte shook her head.

“Then it’s settled,” Leana told her, “We’ll pick you up tomorrow morning at Matt’s house.” Charlotte was about to protest when Matt answered for her.

“Sounds good,” he told the girls. Charlotte turned to look at him. He said quietly, while everyone talked around them, “Stay with me tonight?” he asked, “I promise, no funny business. We can sleep in different rooms. I don’t feel safe letting you sleep at your apartment alone, and I have to be in the studio early tomorrow morning so I can’t stay with you tonight.”

Charlotte hesitated before answering. She had never stayed over at a man’s house before and she was nervous. “I’m not so sure, Matt. I’ve stayed at my apartment alone before I even met you. It’s nothing new. I can take care of myself.”

“I know that. But I would feel uneasy with you so far away. Can you just do this for me?” he reasoned, giving Charlotte the puppy dog face. Charlotte rolled her eyes.

“Alright, fine. But I need to go get clothes and stuff from my apartment,” she negotiated.

“Deal,” Matt told her, then smiled. He leaned in and their lips connected softly, earning a chorus of awe’s from the girls. The boys just pretended that they weren’t seeing one of their best friends be sweet with a girl right in front of them. The pair pulled away and Charlotte blushed for the millionth time that evening.
♠ ♠ ♠
I think this one's kind of cute

I'm not sure when I'll be able to update next
Probably the Friday after I get back

I love everyone who comments and subscribes : )