The Fear Keeps Coming Back

The Fear Keeps Coming Back. Chapter 7

Normal P.O.V
"Happy birthday,dear Parker,happy birthday to you!"everyone chorused.There was probably a little over 100 people surrounding him.I know.Wow.
Parker blew out the electronic candles on the huge batch of chocolate cupcakes.Birthdays were fairly common here so instead of wasting precious butter on a ginormous cake,Mrs.Bartlett made cupcakes instead(Don't know how that's supposed to work but I'm not complaining.).Which wasn't really a downgrade.Mrs.Bartlett and her little helpers(no,not elves.) were amazing cooks.
"There were screams of "happy birthday!".The people who actually knew him,tackled him to the ground.(well,Bryce did.The rest just kinda sat on him while he was smothered to the ground.)The people who didn't know him grabbed cupcakes and devoured them.
I slowly edged to him and helped him off the ground.His hair was ruffled and is shirt was twisted halfway up.He took me by surprise and pulled me in for a deep kiss that curled my toes.I enjoyed it for a second but then I remembered that there were adults present.
I playfully swatted him."Hey!I'm supposed to give the presents today!"
He grinned and said,"Okay,but tomorrow,it's gonna be back to normal."
I blushed a bright pink,digging in my pocket for his present.I pulled out an emerald green box.Handing it to him,I blushed even more.Aah,those stupid cheeks again.
He opened it curiously.Inside the velvety box was a vintage watch I discovered carelessly strewn to the forest floor while taking a walk with Brooke.The leather band was a smooth,chocolate brown.The actual watch itself was shiny and sliver.Real silver,according to Sumner.Was it too much for him?Did Parker like it?
I watched his face contort from surprise,to confusion,then to delight.He lifted the watch out,snapping it on to his wrist.
"You like it?"I nervously asked him,fidgeting with the frayed strand of thread on my woven bracelet.
"Yes!It's great.Really.Thank you!"He stepped forward,hugging me.I hugged him back,burying my head into his shoulder.Someone loudly cleared their throat.Bryce?I opened my eyes.It wasn't Bryce(who was watchfully regarding us).It was Mr.Dupont.
"It's your dad,"I whispered into his ear.I stepped away from him,flustered.
"Parker,"his dad greeted,nodding."Eden."His eyes grazed over my outfit to check if my neckline was too low(I was wearing a scoop neck tee) or if my shorts were too short(Hello,bermuda shorts!) before giving me an approving nod.I guess I passed the parental test today.Thank God he didn't catch me wearing the spaghetti straps and short shorts I wore on that surprisingly hot April day last week.
"Do you have something for me?"Parker asked.It's been a month since Mr.Dupont's been here and Parker is still uncomfortable around him.
"Yes."Mr.Dupont presented a roughly elegant locket hanging off a strand of light blue string.The locket was heart-shaped,with sharp corners."It belonged to your mother."
Mr.Dupont placed it in Parker's hand."I want you to have it."
Parker numbly opened the locket.Inside were miniature pictures of a gorgeous blond couple.The young woman was eerily beautiful.It was her huge,dark eyes that seemed to hold many secrets.On the other side of the locket was a good looking,younger Mr.Dupont.His chin was tilted upward,as if he was confident about everything and everyone.Very unlike the Mr.Dupont standing before me.
"Are you sure you want me to have this?"Parker asked,still staring at the pictures.
"She would've wanted you to have it and so do I."He put a fatherly hand on his son's shoulder before walking away.Mr.Dupont stopped,turning around."Happy sixteenth birthday!"
Parker smiled.I see improvement coming!
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I hope you all liked this!