There's Just Too Much That Time Cannot Erase

Chapter 1

Amy Lynn Lee was your average 21 year old girl, well woman I should say, working day in and day out to make something of herself. She lived with her wolf mix, Layka, in Belleville, New Jersey, somewhere she thought she'd never leave. Fresh out of college with no boyfriend but parents who cared enough to get her a house and two sisters and a brother that believed in her, Amy got closer to living one of her most longed lived dreams, becoming lead singer of a band.

Her hair was long and naturally a dark brunette but it was currently dyed black. Her eyes a pale green and her skin all around pale as well, she didn't think of herself as attractive, probably the explanation for the no boyfriend thing. But things were about to change, forever.

Amy's P.O.V.


I groaned as I slapped my hand over the alarm clock and switched it off, causing the annoying beeping to stop.

Layka stirred and her deep blue eyes looked into mine as I opened my eyes.

"Hey girl," I said smiling before ruffling the fur on her head. I yawned before getting out of bed and walking over to my closet.

"What to wear to work today..." I mumbled to myself as I flipped through my closet, finally settling on black jeans and one of my favorite fairy shirts, it had a fairy sitting on a rock, looking up at the moon with a black background. I put the clothes on my arm and took a quick shower before getting dressed, brushing my hair and applying my make-up which was black eyeliner like usual and some silver eyeshadow to match the fairy's hair.

"Hungry girl?" I asked Layka as I walked back into my room, yes I know it's weird talking to your dog, it was just something I did. My brother Robbie had given Layka to me two years ago, now making her three. Layka hopped off of the bed and eagerly followed me into the kitchen where her bowls were.

The lights in the kitchen made her silvery gray coat almost glow as she picked up one of the bowls in her mouth and gave it to me. I took it from her and filled it with her food, since she was half wolf she didn't eat ordinary dog food. Robbie wasn't sure of what type of dog she was mixed with, and to be truthful, I had no idea either, she looks pure wolf but we know for sure that she's not.

After giving Layka some water I grabbed my laptop off of the kitchen table and opened it, checking to see if Cassie or Laurie was on. Cassie and Laurie were my two sisters, and instead of talking over the phone we mostly IMed each other, was just something we did, a sister thing you could say.

Hopeless_Hearts and Fallen_Angel have logged on!

Hopeless_Hearts: Morning sis
Fallen_Angel: Mornin Ames
Hope_Forgotten: Morning Cass, morning Laurie, how's it?
Hopeless_Hearts: Just woke up, damn morning sickness!
Fallen_Angel: Don't worry Cass, the baby'll be here soon enough
Hope_Forgotten: I still can't believe I'm gonna be an aunt *squeals*
Hopeless_Hearts: Shush you two lol, I'm gonna log guys, Mark just woke up and he's taking me to the doctors.
Fallen_Angel & Hopeless_Hope_Forgotten: Bye, love ya sis

Hopeless_Hearts has logged off.

Fallen_Angel: How's it sis?
Hope_Forgotten: Just showered and fed Layka, on my way to work in a couple of minutes, you?
Fallen_Angel: Spending most of the day at the shelter but I'll bring my laptop, Drea's supposed to have her puppies sometime this afternoon
Hope_Forgotten: Very cool, make sure to send me pics
Fallen_Angel: Will do, gotta go, love ya Ames
Hope_Forgotten: Love you too Laurie

Fallen_Angel has logged off.

I closed my laptop and checked the time before standing up and putting my laptop in my messenger bag. I thought about my siblings as I slipped on my converse. Robbie was engaged to Destiny, they'd been going out since high school, Cassie was married to Mark and they were soon expecting a baby and Laurie was dating some guy named Alex.

And then there was me, the one with no boyfriend and really no life either. I worked at Fuse, setting up interviews and yes, even interviewing the bands themselves sometimes. My boss took no excuses and if I was ever late even once I got 'the speech'. He'd go on and on about how life doesn't wait for you to tie your shoes, luckily, I usually wasn't late.

"Bye baby," I cooed to Layka before slinging the bag over my shoulder and walking outside to my car. I got in and turned on the C.D. player, one of my favorite bands, My Chemical Romance, blaring through the speakers as I pulled out and drove off to work. I parked in my reserved spot and locked my car before grabbing my bag and walking into the building, taking the elevator up to the fifth floor where my office was.