There's Just Too Much That Time Cannot Erase

Chapter 12

A Few Hours Later: Amy's P.O.V.

I opened my eyes and yawned before sitting up in my bunk. How'd I...must've fallen asleep on Gerard, smooth Amy, real smooth.

I got up and ran a hand through my hair before walking off of the bus, finding everyone sitting outside.

"Hey sleepyhead," Carrie said smiling.

"Hey," I said sitting down next to Gerard and resting my head on his shoulder as he wrapped an arm around my waist.

"So what're you doing on tour Amers?" Rocky asked.

"Documenting, any diary entries, practices, concerts, I videotape 'em. I've also got some footage of Frank sucking his thumb while asleep," I said winking at Frank.

"You what?!" he screeched. "That whipped cream is so coming out tonight Amy!"

"So scared," I said rolling my eyes. "Haven't even told you half of the embarrasing stuff I have on film Frankie."

"Evil," Frank muttered as Laurie giggled.

Gerard chuckled and I decided to embarass him as well.

"Don't know what you're laughing at Way, I hope you weren't trying to keep those skeleton pajamas a secret," I said smirking.

"You didn't."

"I certainly did, sent the footage to Mr. Arsona yesterday," I said smiling.

"Frank, I'm helping you with the whipped cream!" Gerard said laughing as he kissed my cheek.

We continued to joke around until it was time to leave, the bus was big enough so the eleven of us (Carrie couldn't come because she was pregnant and Mark stayed behind with her, I'd give her a copy of the concert of course) boarded onto the bus and drove off to the venue.

At the venue, in the dressing room

We'd walked into the dressing room and my eyes widened when I saw an old styled piano against one of the walls. The guys of My Chem went to go get dressed and I snuck off towards the piano.

I sat down on the stool and started playing one of the songs I'd wrote awhile ago, I'd called it 'Going Under'.

Now I will tell you what I've done for you
50 thousand tears I've cried
Screaming, deceiving and bleeding for you
And you still won't hear me
(I'm Going Under)
Don't want your hand this time, I'll save myself
Maybe I'll wake up for once (wake up for once)
Not tormented daily, defeated by you
Just when I thought I reached the bottom
I dive again

I'm going under
Drowning you
I'm falling forever
I've got to break through
I'm going under

Blurring and stirring the truth and the lies
(So I don't know what's real and what's not,)
(So I don't know what's real and what's not)
(What's real and what's not)
Always confusing the thoughts in my head
So I can't trust myself anymore
I dive again....

I didn't notice that the guys had walked in just when I got to the middle of the song, and I didn't know that I'd started singing, this was one not even Rocky, Terry, Will, John, Carrie, Laurie or Robbie had heard, it was written in the very back of my lyric book.

"Woah!" Gerard said as I turned my head.

"I didn't start singing did I?" I asked smacking my head.


I stuck my tongue out at Gerard, the others staring wide-eyed at me.


"Is it me or did she get better?" Terry asked the guys.

"Way better," Rocky, Will and John said nodding. "And that song was awesome, didn't even know you'd written it."

"That'd be because it's in the very back of my lyric book," I said nodding.

"Well it rocked!" Mikey said smiling.

"Haven't heard you play piano in awhile Ames, you've still got it," Laurie said smiling.

"Aww thanks Laur."

Gerard winked at everyone and before I knew it, the ten of them were in a circle, whispering about something.

Oh great, they're plotting about something, and if Robbie's in on it, this is gonna be big.

I got out the camera when they were done and started introducing everyone.

"Hey there, Amy again. We're here in Pennysylvania with some old friends of mine, my older brother Robbie and little sister Laurie," I said pointing the camera to them.

"Here we have Rocky, Will, John and Terry, old friends of mine from high school. And then there's Robbie and Laurie over here," I said, the camera moving to each individual. "Now I usually do individual diary entries but let's get everyone in here, what's goin on guys?"

"Well My Chem's going on in a bit and invited us to the show, we haven't seen Amy, or Ames as we call her, for awhile so it's nice to get caught up," Will said looking into the camera as they all sat on a couch (it was pretty big mind you, to fit all of them).

"We were also talking about starting a band after My Chem's tour with our dear Amers, so be looking forward to that. All that we have to do is come up with a band name," Rocky said into the camera.

"And Laurie has a crush on someone from My Chem," Terry said winking at Laurie.

"Don't you d-"

"Frank!" John said smiling.

Both Laurie and Frank went red with embarassment and I turned the camera back to myself.

"Yes well our sister Carrie couldn't make it as her and husband Mark are expecting a little one soon but you've seen how goofy we can get without them. And yep, the guys and I are definately considering starting a band, it'll be rough at times but I think we'll be just fine. My Chemical Romance is going on in a few minutes and of course I'll be video taping it, so stay tuned for that, you're watching Fuse," I said before switching off the camera.

Little did I know this would be anything but an ordinary My Chem concert...