There's Just Too Much That Time Cannot Erase

Chapter 14

It was the day of Halloween, Frank's birthday and my favorite holiday. We were back on our way to Jersey, the guys' hometown (except for Bob who's from Chicago) and I was lying on Gerard's chest, eyes closed but I wasn't asleep, and he was stroking my hair.

We've gotten closer ever since that concert in Pennysylvania but we're not offically going out yet, like Gee said, we're trying to take one step at a time. Layka is now our official 'bus guard dog', she hasn't had to use her guard dog abilities as of yet but is now chilling next to the bunk like she usually does.

Frank, Mikey and Ray are in the back practicing for tonight's show which'll be Halloween themed, costumes and everything and Bob (or Bobbert as I've started calling him, I'm the only one that can call him that without getting pounded) is listening to his iPod in his bunk.

"Nervous about meeting mom and dad today?" Gerard asked softly. Yes, I was meeting the Ways today.

"A little," I said opening my eyes slightly, looking into his hazel ones.

"Don't worry, they're gonna love you," he said kissing my lips softly.

I nodded and again closed my eyes, thinking about my costume for tonight. I hadn't told any of the guys what I was dressing as (only Laurie and Carrie, who were coming with the other guys to tonight's concert), well I told him I was going to be a vampiress but nothing about how the costume looked like which was safely hidden in my bag.

It was a black and red corset top and the skirt of the dress was long and black, the cape also black. The costume was complete with vampire fangs and my gray-blue contacts of course.


"Yeah Ames?"

"What exactly did you tell your parents about me?" I asked opening my eyes again.

"That you're an amazing and beautiful girl that can play the piano like no other, why?" he asked.

"You don't think they'll find it slightly odd that we're not dating yet it's perfectly normal for us to be this close," I asked him.

"Not really," he said smirking. "I'm fine with where we are, and when we do start dating I don't think it'll change anything much," he said kissing my cheek.

"Gotcha," I said kissing his cheek before lying my head back down and closing my eyes.

About An Hour Later: Almost At The Way House

"Wake up babe," Gerard whispered and my eyes fluttered open, I must've fallen asleep on the way here.

"Do I have to?" I mumbled.

"Yes you do," he said chuckling before kissing my forehead.

I decided to be stubborn and didn't budge, making him laugh even more before he sat up, making me fall into his lap.

"Meanie," I said sticking my tongue out at him.

"But you love it," he said smirking.

"This is true," I said nodding before giving him a quick kiss and finally getting up.

"Okay that time you didn't have to get up," he said chuckling.

"Too bad," I said smirking before I started looking for Layka's leash, my search unsuccessful.

"Yo Bobbert, have you seen Layka's leash?" I asked Bob as he switched off his iPod.

"Was in your bunk the last I saw it," he said shrugging.

I nodded and went back over to my bunk to look for it.

"Looking for this?"

I turned around and smirked when I saw Gerard holding Layka's leash.

"Give it," I said trying hard to sound serious.

"I'll think about it but you have to come back over here before I do," he said grinning.

I rolled my eyes and walked over to his bunk where he pulled me back down. I got an idea as he pulled me into a kiss and licked his bottom lip, distracting him before snatching Layka's leash out of his hand and jumping out of the bunk, falling onto the floor in the process.

"Hey!" he said chuckling as he looked down at me.

I stuck my tongue out at him and went off to find Layka before the bus arrived at Gee and Mikey's parent's house. I eventually found her in the practice room where she was curled up next to Frank as he was practicing with the guys.

I whistled and it seemed to startle the guys when Layka jumped down from the couch and came to the doorway.

"Sorry guys," I said smiling.

"No problem, we were just a little caught up in something," Ray said looking up.

I nodded and walked out of the room, heading into the lounge where I'd left my sketchbook. I sat down on the couch with my knees folded up under me and began sketching this sunset I'd saw yesterday, ever since I'd came on tour I've started drawing a lot of other stuff.

"Well we're almost there. That's pretty good," Gerard whispered into my ear as he came behind me and wrapped his arms around my shoulders.

"Thanks, saw it yesterday and it just stuck I guess," I said giving him a quick peck before continuing with the sketch.

A few minutes later the bus stopped and Gerard kissed my cheek, Way house, here we come.

Meeting Mr. and Mrs. Way

"Boys! How was your trip? And who's this beautiful young lady?" asked an older looking woman, who I assumed to be Mrs. Way as Gerard rung the doorbell.

"Mom this is Amy, the one I told you about over the phone," Gerard said giving her a hug.

"Nice to meet you Mrs. Way," I said smiling shyly.

"Same here, and please call me Donna. And is this pretty little one Layka?" she asked looking down at Layka.

I nodded and Layka looked up at Donna before licking her hand when Donna went to pet her.

"Aww," Mikey said smiling.

"Well your father's inside, shall we?" Donna asked standing back up and giving us all hugs.


Gerard wrapped an arm around my waist and we walked inside.

"Don, they're here," Donna said as we walked inside.

"How was the trip boys?" an older looking man as he came out of the kitchen.

"Great so far, we've got all of November and then taking a Christmas break in December so we're just looking forward to seeing all of the fans and everything. Dad this is Amy, Amy this is our dad," Gerard said introducing us.

"Nice to meet you sir," I said shaking his dad's hand.

"Call me Don hun, and it's nice to meet you too, we've heard tons about you and Layka, she's beautiful by the way, just like her owner," he said smiling before looking back down at Layka.

"Thanks, she was a birthday present from my older brother, she's about three now, Frank's not the only one with a Halloween birthday," I said smiling.

"You never told me that Ames," Frank said smiling.

"Birthday suprise," I said smiling. "She turns four at midnight, she's a very cool little pup."

"Awesome," Frank said smiling.

"So Gerard tells me you play piano?" Donna asked as we all sat down.

"Yep, my mom and grandma both taught me and then I studied classical piano for nine years," I said nodding.

"She's really good, we suprised her a few days ago at our Pennysylvania show and made her play onstage after we were done," Mikey said smiling.

"Yes, they had a piano in the dressing room and I'm onstage with them just about to shut off the camera when two guys bring the piano onstage, the guys had left and my old friends came on, Gerard came back with a mic and then I played one of my songs that I'd named 'Going Under'," I said smiling.

"Could you play a little for us? I used to give piano lessons awhile back, haven't played lately though, it's nice to have some new talent," Donna said smiling.

"Sure, any requests?" I asked looking at the guys, by now I'd shown them a couple of my songs, not all of them but a couple.

"Bring Me To Life," they all said nodding.

I chuckled before getting up and walking over to the piano against the wall, sitting down and starting off the song.

How can you see into my eyes like open doors
Leading you down into my core where I've become so numb
Without a soul (without)
My spirit sleeping somewhere cold
Until you find it there and lead it back....home

(Wake me up)
Wake me up inside
(I Can't Wake up)
Wake me up inside
(Save me)
Call my name and save me from the dark
(Wake me up)
Bid my blood to run
(I can't wake up)
Before I come undone
(Save me)
Save me from the nothing I've become

Now that I know what I'm without
You can't just leave me
Breathe into me and make me real
Bring me to life....

Guessing by the look on everyone's faces (yes I mean everyone as it was my first time playing or singing it for them) I'd either a) started singing and not realized it or b) I was really pretty good.

"That was awesome babe," Gerard said as I got up from the piano and went to sit back down.

"You are really good, and I love your voice," Donna said smiling.

"Thanks," I said smiling.

This Is Going To Be One Interesting Halloween....

The guys were in the dressing room getting ready for the concert and Donna had took me into a back room to help me into my costume, we were defiantely going to suprise the guys.

I stepped into my skirt and zipped it up before pulling on the corset and letting Donna lace the back as I applied my make up which was black eyeliner, blood red eyeliner and blood red lipstick as well. Donna handed me the vampire fangs and I put those in my mouth (not the cheap plastic ones that make you gag) before putting in my contacts.

"You look like Vampira herself, now let's go give those boys a scare," she said smiling as she looked me up and down before we walked out of the room. It was funny because Donna was dressed up as an old witch and the two of us were the only ones walking down the hall in costume among all of the stagehands.

Donna knocked on the guys' dressing room and I hid behind a nearby wall as Ray opened the door.

"Oh my Raymond, I think I may have lost Amy on our way to get changed," Donna said shaking her head and I held in a giggle when everyone else ran to the door.

"Mom how could you loose her, she's not that small!" Gerard said on the verge of freaking out.

"I heard that," I said smiling as I walked around the corner and stood in front of them. "What do ya think?"

"One word, hot," Gerard said smirking at me.

"Smooth Gee, very smooth," I said giggling as he hugged me. He went to kiss my lips and I stopped him.

"Unless you want to be wearing lipstick the whole show I suggest you not do that, this stuff's pretty hard to get off," I said smiling.

He shook his head and kissed my cheek before a stagehand came.

"My Chemical Romance, your on in five."

Oh yes, this would be one interesting Halloween indeed.