There's Just Too Much That Time Cannot Erase

Chapter 18

My Chemical Romance Concert: Canceled

Everyone agreed that it'd be best if we didn't play tonight, we apologized to all of the fans and promised we'd make up for it tomorrow, they seemed to understand as somehow, word got out about Amy getting kidnapped.

Right now Amy was lying in her bunk, just staring at whatever kept her attention, she was still mostly paralized and I'd had to carry her onto the bus, though it would've been easier if she didn't try to fight me off at first. Like the cop said, she really didn't know what was going on at the moment.

Layka seemed to be the only one she was trusting at the moment, and even then she didn't speak, just stared blankly at a wall.

"What's that?" Ray asked with eyes widened as he noticed a noticeable red stain on Amy's side, it was blood.

I rushed over to her bunk and saw that the spot wasn't really getting any bigger, but there seemed to be something under her shirt where the blood was coming from. I gently lifted her t-shirt and saw a very big piece of glass stuck in her side, she must've fallen on that broken glass when the lense broke.

"Guys, I'm gonna need a little help here," I called over to them. Ray came over and gently held Amy down while I tried to get the glass out without further hurting her.

Tears streamed down her face when the piece was halfway out, it hurt both Ray and I doing this but we had to get the glass out.

She squirmed under Ray's grip on her shoulders when the shard of glass was almost out, hopefully I hadn't pushed anything deeper.

"Amy, you need to hold still hun, I'm trying to get it out, okay?" I said softly as I looked into her eyes.

She nodded and let me continue, yelping in pain when it finally came out. Holy crap that was a big piece of glass!

Ray carefully took it from me and went to go throw it away, I don't think anyone would be too happy if they stepped that in the middle of the night.

I was just about to return to the guys when something pulled on my sleeve, I looked down and saw that it was Amy.

"You want me to stay?" I asked softly.

She nodded and I gently scooted her over, when I lied down next to her she curled up next to me and rested her head on my chest.

Things seemed to be slowly going back to normal as Amy fell asleep, we can get through this, I know we can.