There's Just Too Much That Time Cannot Erase

Chapter 19

The Next Day: Amy's P.O.V.

My eyes fluttered open and I smiled when I saw Gerard lying next to me, fast asleep. I went to get out of bed and immediately yelped in pain, my side slowly started bleeding and Gerard woke up.

"What's wrong babe?" he asked, trying to stay calm.

"Side," I whispered, trying not to look down at my bleeding side, and now for some reason I was feeling sick. "And now I feel like I have to puke."

Gerard helped me up and into the bathroom, holding my hair back as I emptied the contents of my stomach into the toilet.

"What the hell?" I moaned as I sat against a wall of the bathroom.

"When you were kidnapped yesterday they drugged you with something and it temporarily parilized you, also wiped some of your memory. So the throwing up is your body's reaction to it, it's not used to the drug and is therefore trying to get rid of it," Gerard said nodding as he sat next to me.

"Since when did you become a doctor?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Well when you've overdosed on anti-depressants for a few months, five hospital visits later it just sticks," he said smirking. "And as for your side bleeding, when you were pushed to the ground, the camera lense shattered and you must've fallen on it. I got a huge piece out yesterday but there's probably more, I couldn't look because you almost slapped me when I tried to pick you up."

"Oh my god," I said chuckling at the last part.

"Let's have a look," he said helping me up. He sat me on the counter and I didn't expect what he'd say next.

"Take your shirt off."

"Excuse me?" I said raising an eyebrow.

"One: I am your boyfriend, whatever 'secrets' are under there I'm gonna see eventually. And two: you are wearing a bra," he said with the same smirk.

"Fine," I said pulling off my t-shirt, smirking when his eyes widened slightly.

"Wow," he said to himself before looking my sides over. "There, there and another one there."

"This may hurt a little," he said looking up at me.

I nodded and he got a grip on a rather large piece of glass, before slowly and painfully taking out.

"Ouch, Gerard, just yank the damn thing out!" I yelped when he started on another.

"What are you two doing in there?" I heard Mikey ask from behind the door.

I snickered to myself and Gerard rolled his eyes.

"Getting the rest of the glass out of her side, and unless you want to help, I suggest you shut it," he yelled back to Mikey.

"I'm good, thanks."

After a half hour all of the hidden pieces of glass were out, bloody and transparent as they laid on a side of the sink. Gerard wet a rag and washed the remaining blood off of me, my side still felt sore but at least the glass was gone.

"How did you guys do yesterday?" I asked when he was done.

"We called off the show."

"What?!" I shreaked.

"Calm down Ames. Everyone was really worried about you, we knew we wouldn't be able to focus onstage without knowing you were okay and figured canceling was better than ruining a performance," he said looking into my eyes. "We're doing a make up concert tonight."

"But what about the camera? It's probably in a city dump some where by now, Mr. Arsona is gonna have my ass for letting something happen to it," I said sighing.

"Okay, one: the ass already belongs to me," he said smirking. "Two, we called and told him, there'll be a new camera waiting at the venue, that's if your up to filming tonight."

"Since when is my ass yours?" I asked smiling.

"Now," he said smirking as he kissed my lips.

"Works for me," I said smiling. I went to grab my t-shirt and put it back on when Gerard grabbed it and put it behind his back.

"Gerard, give it," I said holding out my hand.

"Now tell me why would I want to do that when I have a topless girl sitting in front of me?" he asked smirking.

"Because your a good boyfriend and you obey your girlfriend or she makes sure to embarass you at tonight's show," I said smiling evily.

"Frank's a bad influence on you," he said handing me back the shirt.

"I learn from the best," I said slipping the shirt back over my head.

Gerard chuckled and the two of us walked outside hand in hand, yeah, things were slowly going back to normal.