There's Just Too Much That Time Cannot Erase

Chapter 20

My Chemical Romance's Make-Up Concert

I had started feeling better so I decided to come with the guys and promised them I'd stay close, this time Layka would act as my 'guard dog'.

The sound of roaring fans rushed through my thoughts as the six of us exited the tour bus and walked into the venue. Never did I expect to run into an old enemy.

"Amy Lee from Bransom High? Long time no see."

The hair on the back of my neck rose and I turned towards the familiar voice, Brad.

Brad had been Derek's best friend and after Derek had commited suicide, Brad had never let me forget that I was to blame.

"What do you want asshole?" I spat at him, Gerard and the others looking perfectly confused.

"Nothing, just didn't think I'd ever see my best friend's killer again is all," he said smirking.

I fought back the tears and the urge to sock him in the face right there, instead I just walked off, I didn't need this right now.

Gerard's P.O.V.

"Excuse me, what did you just say to my girlfriend?" I asked the guy as Ray, Bob, Mikey, Frank and I approached him.

"So you're the boyfriend, I feel sorry for you bud, Amy's nothing but a heartbraker," he said with the same smirk he'd just given Amy.

No one had to tell Frank twice, I snapped my fingers and both he and Ray grabbed a side of the guys hoodie, pulling him with us into the venue.

"Dude, you're lucky we're not punching you right now," Bob said shaking his head as we walked into the dressing room, suprisingly, Amy wasn't in there.

"One, do not ever talk to my girlfriend like that, two, who the hell are you. Which brings us to three and four, how do you know Amy and why are you being such a prick?" I asked the guy.

"Brad, and your girlfriend went out with my best friend in highschool. It was her fault he commited suicide in the first place," he said looking at us. "I'm sure you know about Derek already."

"Get to the point before we have the guards kick you out for verbal harassment," Mikey said with arms crossed.

"Okay, I admit that Derek had done some dumb shit in high school but did Amy ever try to help him? Even ask him what was wrong? No. He thought she didn't care about him, which I'm sure she didn't and killed himself over the phone with me. I was sitting on my bed, talking to him like normal and he did it," he said shaking his head, I could tell he was holding back tears.

"Brad, do you know how depressed Amy was when Derek killed himself? She gave up singing, all because Derek had told her she'd never be any good, would never make it in the real world. Three years Brad, three god damn years and then you just bring it right back up when she's starting to believe in herself again. That my friend, is pretty low," I said kneeling down in front of him.

"And her brother also told us that he'd caught her cutting once, really if Amy didn't care about Derek, would she put herself through that? Gerard went through just about everything Derek did but we stopped him before he couldn't be saved. You were Derek's best friend, it's truly sad that you decided to take out your agony on his OLD girlfriend when really, she had no part in it," Mikey said shaking his head.

"I didn't think about that and I'm sorry about being an ass to her all of those years. I just...never really got over it. I needed some way to get out all of that anger and instead of getting help for it like I should've, I took it out on Amy...just like Derek did, geez...I feel pretty bad right now," Brad said looking down.

"You should, we don't even know where she walked off to and I'm murdering someone if she gets kidnapped again," I said shaking my head.

"Kidnapped?" Brad asked looking at me.

"That's why we're back here and not in Chicago, we were walking in and someone must've tripped Amy. Her camera lense shattered and she fell on it, on top of that some guys drugged her and held her hostage in a back room. She woke up and didn't remember anything or anyone until late last night," Frank told him.

"That's pretty messed up," Brad said.

We all nodded.

Amy's P.O.V.

I sat outside of the venue, my knees up to my chest, black tears streaming down my face as I cried. Why did Brad have to just show up? Just when things are starting to get better and then he brings back all of the memories I desperately tried to leave behind.

"Why are you crying m'am?"

I looked up and saw a girl of no more than six, her dark brunette hair flowing over her shoulders as she looked down at me.

"Nothing hun, but where are your parents? It's dangerous to be out here alone at night," I said, tears steadily sliding down my face.

"They're long gone," she said sitting down next to me.

She looked at me and something clicked when she spoke next.

"These wounds won't seem to heal, this pain is just too real, there's just too much that time cannot erase," she sang softly as she rested her head on my shoulder. "When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears, when you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears, and I held your hand through all of these years, but you still have, all of me....."

I went to look down at the girl, expect her little head to still be rested on my shoulder, but when I did, there was no one there. I quickly got up and tried rubbing the goosebumps off of my arms, returning to the guys' dressing room.

"What's up babe?" Gerard asked with a worried expression as I walked in, ignoring Brad who was sitting on one of the couches.

"I was outside and there was this little girl...I was talking to her and she sat next to me, then I looked down and no one was there," I said shivering.

"We didn't want to scare you Ames, but the owner did say a little girl was murdered here three years ago," Bob said looking at me.

Was that the little girl I'd talked to, a...ghost?