There's Just Too Much That Time Cannot Erase

Chapter 22

Amy's P.O.V.

I woke up when I felt someone kiss my cheek and was looking into Gerard's eyes when I opened mine.

"Hey sleepyhead," he said softly with a smile.

"How was the show?" I asked yawning as I sat up.

"You tell us," Ray said smiling as he and the others walked into the bunkroom, a black tape in his hand.

"To the lounge!" Frank said smiling.

I raised an eyebrow before getting up and wrapping an arm around Gerard's waist, following him into the lounge room where Ray was already popping in the tape. Mikey switched off the lights and Frank passed around the sodas, and we all got settled on the couches, of course I was huddled up next to Gerard as close as possible.

I smiled when I saw what the tape was, it was their performance and Brad did a great job introducing them. Demolition Lovers was the first song they played and I'd started silently crying when Gerard and the audience sung together in complete rhythm.

"We love Amy! We love Amy! We love Amy!" they all shouted when that song was done.

Right when I thought the concert was over and all the songs were done, the screen went black and when it came back, there was a huge group of girls onscreen.

"What do you guys think was the best thing about the concert?" Brad asked from behind the camera.

"Demolition Lovers!" they all said in unison.

"Yeah but the concerts aren't the same without Amy, the guys have so much more energy when she's up there with them, and that was really sweet what Gerard did," one girl said smiling.

"Yeah, Amy if you're watching this this is a message from everyone at (yes I made that up, Cemetery Drive's like my favorite MCR song, bite me)," said another girl as she bended down to get something. When she stood back up with a poster in her hands I cried even harder.

Written in huge letters was 'We love Amy Lee and My Chemical Romance, please continue to rock the stage like you already do. You guys rock and keep it up', what made it even more sweet were all of the signatures on it. Some kids had signed their location on it along with their names, there were some from Nebraska, Idiana, Washington State, California, all over, even some from Alaska!

"We made this poster after tonight's concert, everyone that had a pen signed. We hope to see you during the next show Amy, bye!" said a girl as everyone waved goodbye and the screen went blank, meaning the video was over.

"So what'd you think?" Mikey asked smiling as he turned around to face me, frowning when Ray flicked on the lights.

"Aww don't cry Ames," Frank said hugging me.

"Thank you guys so much, that was really sweet, I didn't even know the fans liked me that much," I sniffed, wiping some of the tears from my eyes.

"Well there's always the jealous teenies but Amy, that one girl was right, I've noticed that we have a huge amount of energy when you're onstage with us, it wasn't the same tonight and we missed ya," Ray said hugging me as well.

"You guys are awesome," I said smiling.

"And so are you," Gerard said kissing my head.

Really, could things get any better than this?