There's Just Too Much That Time Cannot Erase

Chapter 24

Amy's P.O.V.: Happy 22nd Ames!

"Layka, off!"

Isn't it just lovely to be woken up on your birthday by your dog licking your face?

There was giggling coming from the other side of the room and I picked up a pillow and threw it in the direction from which it was coming from, nailing Gerard in the back of the head.

"Ouch, grumpy much?" he asked rubbing his head.

"," I said pulling the covers back over my head. We'd stayed up late last night, not only that but Carrie had said she would probably go into labour either today or tomorrow, so maybe I was just a bit nervous.

"Yes I know you are, but get up babe or Frank'll wake you up," Gerard said pulling the blanket off of me.

"Yes mom," I said sitting up and glaring at him, making him laugh his ass off.

"What's so funny?"

"You look too adorable in the morning, especially when you have that pissed off look on your face," he said chuckling before kissing my cheek.

"Yeah whatever," I mumbled getting out of bed. I got my outfit for today out of my bag, a black corset with a long black skirt that was trimmed with pink at the bottom, walking into the bathroom of our hotel room for a shower.

When I got out I applied a pale pink eyeshadow with the usual black eyeliner and brushed my hair before walking out, finding Gerard lying on his bed, drawing in his sketchbook while Layka lied next to him.

"How cute," I said smiling. "Whatcha drawing?" I asked sitting next to him.

"Not telling and or showing," he said smirking as he closed the book.

"Meanie," I said chuckling before lying down next to him.

He turned his head and kissed my lips, after about two kisses more he ended up on top of me and we were making out when Frank decided to walk in.

"My eyes!" he said running out of the room.

"Knock next time you idiot!" I shouted after him.

Ray and Bob soon walked in shaking their heads, Mikey dragging Frank along with him.

"Can you two keep your hands off of each other at least until we're on the bus?" Ray asked with a smirk.

"Maybe, maybe not," Gerard said shrugging as he got off of me.

"I feel sorry for Layka, she must get tired of all your random make-out fests," Frank said sticking out his tongue.

"Sick 'im girl!" I said to Layka, pointing to Frank and laughing my ass of as Layka chased him out of the room. Eventually I fell off of the bed and Gerard leaned over and picked me back up, shaking his head.

"Stop scaring him," he said kissing my cheek.

"Ruin my fun," I said sticking out my tongue before whistling, Layka coming back in but with a large patch of denim in her mouth.

"What the?" Mikey said scratching his head.

"Layka! You evil little monster," Frank yelled from the hallway, sending us all into fits of laughter, she'd probably ripped out the back of Frank's pants again, only it was hilarious when she did it while the guys were onstage once.

"Bad girl, mommy said no ripping of Frankie's pants," I said pointing a finger at Layka. She gave me the puppydog eyes and of course I had to let her slide.

"Fine, but don't do it again," I said, and with that Layka hopped onto the bed and snuggled up next to me.

"You let her get away with everything!" Frank whined, walking back into the room with a new pair of jeans on.

"I suggest you shut it unless you want her to bite more than your jeans," I said raising an eyebrow at him.

"Yes ma'am," Frank said pretending to pout.

We hung out in Gee and I's room for a bit more before packing up everything and going outside to the bus. Today we'd be going to Pennysylvania as we were now in New York, the guys still hadn't told me what my 'suprise' was.

"For the thousandth time Ames, no."

See the thing about Gerard, he was just as stubborn as me and my puppydog eyes weren't working on him. And the thousandth time he's referring to, me guessing at what the suprise is going to be.

I decided to give up for now and buried my face in his neck as he wrapped his arms around me, thinking about tonight. Robbie, Laurie, Will, Rocky, Terry and John would be at the concert tonight, Carrie was in the hospital but had already called to wish me a happy birthday, good enough for me.

"What're you thinking about?" Gerard asked.

Somehow he had this way of knowing I was thinking about something, and at times could guess what.

"Tonight I guess, and worried about Carrie still," I said looking into his eyes.

"She'll be okay, and if something happens the hospital's only a half hour away from the venue," Gerard said kissing my forehead. He may be right but I was still worried, I mean this was Carrie's first baby, anything could go wrong.

The Concert: A Suprise To Remember

I was onstage with the guys and the crowd was going absolutely wild while the guys were playing Cemetery Drive, the last song of the concert, dedicated to me since it was my birthday.

Way down, way down...

The song ended and Gerard smiled at me before speaking into the mic.

"Well since it's Amy's birthday, we decided to sneak behind her back again and I'm sure you remember Rocky, Terry, Will and John!" Gerard said into the mic, and as soon as he did so the four guys walked onstage and waved to the crowd, all giving me hugs.

"Happy birthday Ames!" they all said into another mic.

"Since Amy and the guys love performing together already, we figured why not plan it on her birthday. So, any requests for them?" Gerard said extending the mic to the audience.

"Bring Me To Life! Bring Me To Life! Bring Me To Life!" they all chanted.

I blushed and Gerard kissed my lips and hugged me before waving a goodbye and walking offstage after taking the camera from me. The guys got set up and I got behind the piano that was already onstage.

"I'm certainly gonna kick Gee's ass for this later but since I love you guys so much we'll play this and Going Under?" I asked looking at the guys who nodded. "Okay, we've been practicing on this some more and things are gonna be a tiny bit different, hope you like it," I said as I started off the song on piano.

How can you see into my eyes like open doors
Leading you down into my core
Where I've become so numb...

I stood up from the piano and grabbed the mic as I started to walk around the stage.

Without a soul (without)
My spirit sleeping somewhere cold
Until you find it there and lead it back...home

(Wake me up)
Wake me up inside
(I Can't Wake up)
Wake me up inside
(Save me)
Call my name and save me from the dark

The energy rushed through me as I started twirling around, my skirt twisting and turning with every move I made. I got closer to the crowd and they helped me out with some parts as the song progressed.

(Wake me up)
Bid my blood to run
(I can't wake up)
Before I come undone
(Save me)
Save me from the nothing I've become

Now that I know what I'm without
You can't just leave me
Breathe into me and make me real
Bring me to life

(Wake me up)
Wake me up inside
(I Can't Wake up)
Wake me up inside
(Save me)
Call my name and save me from the dark
(Wake me up)
Bid my blood to run
(I can't wake up)
Before I come undone
(Save me)
Save me from the nothing I've become
Bring me to life

(I've been living a lie, there's nothing inside)
Bring me to life

Frozen inside without your touch,
Without your love, darling
Only you are the life among the dead

(All this time I can't believe I couldn't see)
(Kept in the dark but you were there in front of me)
I've been sleeping a thousand years it seems
Got to open my eyes to everything
(Without a thought, without a voice, without a soul)
Don't let me die here
(There must be something more!)
Bring me to life.....

I was pretty much out of breath by the end of the song and the fans just screamed at the top of their lungs, applauding the guys and I like mad. Now I knew how Gerard and the others felt after a show, kind of.

"Thank you guys, this has been an awesome birthday-"

Just then my cellphone rang and the whole crowd went silent as Gerard walked onstage and handed it to me.


"Amy, she just went into labour now, is there anyway you can get down here as soon as possible?" Mark asked, it obvious that he was pretty stressed out already.

"Of course, we'll be right there," I said closing the phone, my heart pounding.

'We need to go now' I mouthed to Gerard and he nodded.

"Looks like I'm gonna be an aunt tonight! See you guys!" I said into the microphone before dropping it and running offstage with Gerard. I told the guys(Will, Terry, John and Rocky) and they said they'd be right there, while the others and I hurried onto the bus and to the hospital.

Here We Go!

"Okay Mrs. Jacobs, we're gonna need one more push and the baby's out," the doctor said.

I sat next to a very tired Carrie, Mark was sitting behind her, holding her hand as she made one last push and her baby was born.

"We have a baby boy," the doctor said smiling as the nurse came over with a blanket.

"Oh my god, he's adorable Carrie," I said as Carrie held her newborn son.

"He sure is," Gerard said smiling. He'd been sitting next to me as I probably have a nervous breakdown if I was in here on my own, the others were out in the waiting room. Laurie rested her head on Frank's shoulder and we all just sat around for awhile as Carrie and Mark bonded with their new son.

"What're you guys gonna name him?" I asked yawning as I rested my head on Gerard's shoulder, I was really tired, it always seemed to happen when I was nervous.

"Aiden Ryan Jacobs," Mark said looking up. "Thank you so much for being here guys."

"No problem, wouldn't miss the birth of my new nephew for the world," I said smiling.

"Want to hold him sis?" Carrie asked smiling.

"Oh my god yes," I said immediately waking up. The nurse took Aiden from his mom and smiled as she showed me how to hold him, he looked just like Carrie.

"Hey little one, I'm your aunt Amy and this is my boyfriend Gerard, over there is your Aunt Laurie, her crazy boyfriend Frank, and your uncle Robbie, welcome to the world kiddo," I said smiling as he put one of my fingers in his mouth.

"He's a cute one," Gerard said smiling.

"I heard that Amy," Frank said chuckling.

"Well I can't lie to the kid," I said smirking.

"Jack, where's the camera?" our mom asked our dad.

"Mom, dad, what're you doin'?" I asked looking at the two of them who were smiling.

"You and Gerard just look too cute right now with Aiden," Mom said smiling. Before I could protest she'd snapped two pictures and Laurie, Frank, Carrie, Mark, my parents and Gerard were all chuckling at the annoyed look I had on my face.

"I'm curious to see how their kids'll come out," Laurie said looking at Carrie and Robbie.

"Now those would be some adorable babies," Carrie said chuckling as the nurse gave Aiden back to her.

"Hey! Thinking way too far ahead you two," I said laughing and Gerard kissed my cheek.

"They have a point there," Frank said smiling. "I can see the mini Gee and Amy's running around now."

"Shut it Frank," I said yawning again.

"I don't have a hard time imagining that either," Robbie said high-fiving Frank.

"How about we bring the others in to see Aiden before we go back to the hotel so Carrie can get some rest?" Gerard suggested.

"I'll go get them," the nurse said as she left the room, soon coming back with everyone else.

"This one is all Carrie, sorry Mark," Rocky said smiling as he and the others gathered around Carrie's bed to see their new 'nephew'.

"No problem," Mark said chuckling. "Maybe the next one, which won't be in a very long time."

"I've trained him so well," Carrie said laughing as she kissed her husband's cheek.

We spent about a half hour in the hospital room before everyone headed home, it was nice to be an aunt, but right now, I needed some sleep.

Note: I think everyone knows it's not really her birthday today..., it is on December 13th though!