There's Just Too Much That Time Cannot Erase

Chapter 25

One Week Until The End Of My Chem's Tour: Amy's P.O.V.

We were nearing the end of My Chem's tour, one that I'd never forget. Even though the ending of the tour wouldn't be that bad, it did mean Gerard and I wouldn't be together for a few days.

The guys would be going over dates for their next tour and I would be in Pennysylvania with the others, doing band practices and setting up appearances at some local clubs, everyone needed to start somewhere after all.

This morning I was again lying on Gerard's chest, my eyes partly closed as he ran a hand through my hair. These were the moments I'd miss while we were apart, ever since Gerard and I had started going out there hadn't been one night where I didn't fall asleep with or near him, how would I function without him?

"What're you thinking about?" Gerard asked me.

"Nothing really," I said looking into his eyes, of course he wasn't buying it.

"You know you can tell me anything Ames," he said sitting up, causing me to fall into his lap as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I just have this feeling that somethign bad's gonna happen tonight, like really bad," I said looking up at him.

"Whatever it is, I'm sure we'll get through it together, don't worry about it," he said before kissing my lips softly.

I nodded and buried my face in his neck, but the feeling was only getting worse, something bad was going to happen and I knew it.

After The Concert: Gerard's P.O.V.

We'd just got done playing our set and after the other bands went on, the fans would be coming for autographs so we were at the bar of the venue, just hanging out and talking about the tour. No we weren't drinking, at least not alcohol.

No one had seen the bartender plunk two small white pills into my drink, and neither did I after picking it up and taking a sip, my attention focused on the conversation I was having with Ray about the guitar parts for a new song we were working on. Amy had just went outside to get her sketchbook from the bus and I had the sudden urge to use the bathroom. I excused myself and set my soda down before walking towards the men's room, only to be grabbed once I'd turned the corner.

I was thrown against a wall and this girl, no more than twenty, that was dressed in a revealing top and mini skirt with fishnet stockings, forced her lips upon mine. I didn't even have the strength to fight her off, and I felt horrible when Amy walked in with Layka, staring at horrified at the sight of me kissing someone else. She ran out of the venue, black tears streaming down her face, leaving a confused Layka behind.

Amy's P.O.V.

I hate him, how could he do this? I'd given my heart and soul to him and he kisses another girl. He'd lied to me, said he'd loved me and that everything would be okay, well it's not. So as he's sucking the face off of some teenager, my eyesight is getting blurrier by the minute with every new batch of black tears streaming down my face and I'm barely able to walk back onto the bus to get my cellphone, I'm crying so much.

"Hello?" Robbie asked as he picked up.

"Robbie, it's Amy, can you please come pick me up from the venue?" I asked, trying to hold back the many tears.

"Calm down Amy, what happened?" he asked calmly.

"Gerard, I...I walked back into the venue and he was k....issing another girl," I barely choked out.

"Oh my god Amy, just hold on, I'm leaving the house now," Robbie said and with that he hung up. I walked off of the bus with my coat, waiting on the curb for Destiny and Robbie.

Mikey's P.O.V.

"Where the hell are they?" Brian asked when neither Gerard nor Amy had come back, we were getting worried now.

"Let's go look for them, I have a feeling something's up," Frank said putting down his drink. We followed him and Brian around the corner to the men's room, confused expressions on our faces at what we saw.

Two girls were fighting, a slutty looking one with dirty blonde hair and one that actually looked like she was here for the concert, not to meet guys. Dressed in black jeans, a Bouncing Souls t-shirt, black eyeliner and with green eyes and shoulderlength light brown hair, she looked like a true fan. These two weren't standing up and slapping each other like you'd expect, no, they were rolling around on the floor and clawing, pulling at one another's hair and then slapping each other. In the corner with a faraway look in his eye that was only too familiar was Gerard, what the hell was going on?!

"Okay, Ray and Bob seperate them please. Frank and Mikey, come with me," Brian said and Frank and I went over to Gerard.

"Gerard, bud,can you hear me?" Brian asked waving a hand in Gerard's face.

Gerard didn't even blink, just looked at Brian with the same depressing look he'd had after grandma Elena had died, a look I hoped I'd never see again.

"He's been drugged, you can see it in his eyes," Brian said shaking his head. "Someone better start explaining and fast."

"I'll tell you what happened, that bitch over there payed the bartender to put something in Gerard's drink so she could have her little make out session with him, it made it so he couldn't fight her off and Amy walked in and saw them, thinking he was kissing her back and ran out crying, Marissa you are so dead when he let's me go," said the girl in black as she tried to loosen Bob's grip on her arms which wasn't working.

"Okay, wait a damn minute, you put something in his drink and I hope you realize that not only does his girlfriend have a severe case of depression but what you did is not only considered harrassment but assault, you had no right and I will make damn sure that you're banned from every venue in America and in the U.K.," Brain yelled at the girl that Ray was holding. "I should have Bob let her go and continue to beat the shit out of you," Brian said nodding in the other girl's direction.

"Kelly," said the one that Bob was having a hard time holding back as she was still trying to get to Marissa.

"Okay, we have to figure out where Amy went to and get Gerard back on the bus, come on," Frank said as he started to help Gerard up. Brian and I nodded and each took one of his arms, using most of our strength to get him to stand up.

"Kelly, come with us please?" Brian asked her as we finally got Gerard to stand straight. She nodded and instead of letting her go, Bob picked her up and slung her over her shoulder before Ray let Marissa go, good move. The seven of us made it onto the bus and Frank went over to the kitchen table, picking up a slip of paper.

"Guys! Get over here and now!" Frank said just as we'd layed Gerard in his bunk and Kelly had gotten Layka onto the bus. We rushed into the kitchen and read over Frank's shoulder, staring at the note in disbelief.

Guys, I can't do this anymore. After seeing what happened tonight, I just can't. Robbie's coming to pick me up and I'm flying back to Jersey later on, I'm really sorry, but I'm quitting the tour.

Love Amy

This couldn't be happening, Amy couldn't go back to Jersey, we needed her not only to document but she was the glue that kept us together, that kept Gerard together. How were we going to handle this one?

Amy's P.O.V.

I lie on the guestbed, staring up at the wall as silent tears made their way down my face and onto the blanket beneath me. I hadn't stopped crying since Robbie and Destiny picked me up, it'd just slowed down recently. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and my door opened, I didn't have to look to know that it was Robbie.

"Brian she hasn't stopped crying since she got here, I don't think she wants to talk right now," Robbie said quietly into the phone after he shut the door.

Robbie was right, if I talked to any of the guys I'd just break down. I felt like I was letting them down, confused about what I'd seen and really wished Layka was here with me right now, it seemed like everything was going wrong and I didn't know what to do.

"Amy?" Destiny asked as she opened the doorway. "Wanna talk?" she asked.

"Sure," I said wiping my eyes, the tear flow stopping slightly.

"What happened between you and Gerard again?" she asked sitting next to me on the bed.

"I walked back into the venue and saw him kissing another girl," I said quietly.

"Are you sure that's what you saw?"

"Huh?" I asked looking at her.

"How do you know he was kissing her back? Was he holding her, whispering sweet things in her ear and running a hand through her hair?"

"Why's that important?" I asked.

"Because hun, that's all he was doing with you on Thanksgiving. Amy, he cares about you and even if I don't know him personally, I know he wouldn't do anything like kiss another girl to hurt you. He loves you, and unless he was showing the same compassion to someone else, you have no idea of what really went on. I'm not saying to forgive him but just something to think about," she said hugging me before walking out of the room.

Maybe Destiny was right, but I couldn't forgive Gerard now, I needed some time to think, but even then I realized that I wanted Gerard, and I wanted this all to be a dream, but it wasn't.