There's Just Too Much That Time Cannot Erase

Chapter 26

Honestly, how can you not love this one?

Gerard's P.O.V.

I'd tried calling Amy a million times after the guys had told me what happened, also learning that Kelly had now joined the tour. Sadly she never picked up her phone, and Robbie said she hadn't left the room except to go to the bathroom.

I sat down on my bed and jumped when my phone rang, picking it up in a hurry.

"Gerard here," I said.

"Gerard, she's leaving for the airport now, if you're gonna fix this I suggest you get your ass down there and quick," Robbie said.

"I'll be there, thanks Robbie," I said hanging up, the guys looking at me with confused expressions.

"Amy is leaving for the airport to go back to Jersey and hopefully I can stop her and apologize," I explained, only I'd left out one important detail, but that would have to wait.

Amy's P.O.V.

I was standing in the long line, waiting to board the plane. Robbie said he'd bring Layka with him tomorrow to Jersey and I was ready to go, even if I was having second thoughts. And when I heard Gerard's voice I thought it was just in my head, but it wasn't.

"Amy, wait," I heard him say breathlessly as he jogged up to me. Everyone seemed to be shocked, seeing Gerard Way at the airport, probably expecting the rest of the band to be with him. When I heard my name being whispered as well I knew they'd probably figured out that I was 'that crazy chick he's going out with'.

"Gerard please don't do this," I said quietly as I looked down, I was confused and hopefully it wasn't showing.

"Amy I'm sorry, I'm sorry I even let this happen when I promised I'd never hurt you. Last night, I wasn't kissing that girl, she payed the bartender to put something in my drink and on my way to the bathroom she shoved me against the wall, I wasn't kissing her back," he said softly. "I love you and I'd never try to hurt you by doing something like that, please believe me," he said lifting up my chin with a finger.

Everyone in the crowd around us had gone silent, waiting for my responce.

"How Gerard, how am I supposed to do that? I do believe you but at the same time my mind's telling me not to," I said, hearing my own voice crack.

"What does your heart say?" he asked looking into my eyes.

"Says I should give you a second chance," I said smiling softly, tears forming in my eyes when he knelt down in front of me and reached for something in his pocket, pulling out a small box.

"Give me that chance?" he asked opening the box to reveal a ring, it had a black band and a red center, an engagement ring.

I nodded repeatedly and when he slid the ring onto my finger and stood up, I fell into his arms, crying as he held me close. There were many camera flashes but neither of us cared, all that was important now was each other.

"I love you so much Amy," he whispered into my ear.

"I love you too Gerard," I said quietly as I closed my eyes, tears of happiness still coming down. Things were going to get better now, after all, when you've hit rock bottom, the only way to go is up.

All together everyone, on the count of three, 1...2...3....Awwwww......