There's Just Too Much That Time Cannot Erase

Chapter 27

Amy's P.O.V.

A few days later and everything was back to normal, at least almost everything. Bob and Kelly had gotten closer, Gerard and I were of course engaged but still hadn't settled on any specific date or month for the wedding, like our relationship, we were taking things one step at a time.

Remember how Gerard had proposed to me in the airport? Well turns out there were a couple of reporters there, now pictures of the scene were all over magazines and T.V., it didn't bother us much, well okay, maybe it bugged me a little, an upcoming interview would prove it though.

The Interview From Hell

MTV had asked to interview not only My Chemical Romance, but Gerard and I as well. We arrived at the station and Gerard wrapped an arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer as the six of us walked into the building along with Layka at my side.

The director told us to go onto the set where Chad and Andrea would be interviewing us and as we walked onto the set not only was 'It's Not A Fashion Statement, It's A Deathwish' blaring through the speakers, but the audience started cheering when they saw the ring on my finger and that Gerard and I had our fingers linked as we all sat down.

The music stopped and we were all handed microphones as the cameras faced us and the show began.

"Chad Ambroso and Andrea Jaser here, live on MTV with My Chemical Romance and frontman Gerard Way's fiance, Amy Lee. The guys were so kind to come here today and I think today we're gonna have an interesting show," said the guy named Chad. His hair was blonde and spiked up, eyes were blue and he was dressed in a gray t-shirt and black jeans.

Andrea had long brunette hair, green eyes and was dressed in tight jeans and a t-shirt that said 'Too hot to handle' in large letters on the front, it wasn't like me to judge people but I could tell I wouldn't like her much already.

"Thanks Chad, well we're gonna start off with the most asked question today, there's a story going around that there was a temporary split between you and Amy?" Andrea asked looking at Gerard.

"We're not going into too much detail about that incident but yes, we were seperated for a day," Gerard said nodding.

"And there's a rumor going around that Amy may be pregnant?" Andrea asked raising an eyebrow at me.

"Andrea," Chad said shaking his head.

"Any truth to that?" she asked again.

"No, sorry for the language, but that's total bullshit," I said glaring at her.

"Like I told the director earlier, we're not talking in detail about our personal lives, that rumor's false and even if it was true, we'd tell the media about it when we thought it was right, please stay off of the personal questions," Gerard said kissing my cheek.

"So Amy, there's news that you and some old friends are starting a band at the end of MCR's tour?" Chad asked me.

"Yes we are planning on starting a band, we actually already have a few songs practiced but nothing's recorded yet and we haven't settled on a band name," I said lying my head on Gerard's shoulder.

"And the guys have actually suprised you a couple of times by letting you close a couple of shows?" Chad asked.

"Yea the first time I think I was playing Bring Me To Life in the dressing room on a piano in there?" I asked looking at the guys.

"Actually I think it was Going Under," Mikey said.

"Yeah, we walked into the room and heard her singing and since her friends were already at the show we got together and decided to suprise her," Ray said nodding.

"Sounds awesome, and Amy you work for Fuse?" Chad asked, it seemed like Andrea was thinking of some other inappropriate question to ask.

"Yes and that's actually how I ended up on tour with the guys, my boss thought I'd be 'perfect for the job' and they asked me to come along after I interviewed them but of course I had to bring Layka," I said smiling.

"She's a beauty, so she's half wolf?" Chad asked interested.

"Yes, my older brother gave her to me when she was a year old and she's now four, she and Frank actually have the same birthday and she's ripped out the back of his jeans occasionally," I said chuckling.

"She may look cute and innocent but that dog is evil," Frank said laughing, making everyone else laugh as well.

"Yeah we were onstage and Frank had just stopped jumping around and Layka just ran onstage and sunk her teeth into the back of his pants, then she took a big chunk of denim back to Amy and Frank had to stand still for the rest of the set," Ray said chuckling.

"And she acted like she was proud of it, we teased poor Frankie about it for about five days straight," I said patting Layka's head.

"Yeah she's everybody's baby," Gerard said smiling. "But Amy let's her get away with a lot of stuff."

"Oh god yes, Layka took one of my skeleton gloves one time and when I told Amy about it she said that I should've put it up!" Frank said fake-glaring at me.

"I can't help it, she's like the master of puppydog eyes," I said giggling. "But she and the guys bond a lot, I came into the hotel room once and she was curled up next to Gerard and they were both asleep, it was too cute," I said smiling.

"Could've swore I heard a camera go off," Gerard said with a smirk as he poked me in the side.

"I'll blackmail you later babe," I said kissing his cheek.

"So Amy, being on tour with five guys, that's gotta be interesting," Andrea said with a smirk.

"What exactly are you getting at?" I asked glaring at her.

"It doesn't get crazy on the bus when you guys drink?" she asked smirking.

"If you're asking if I'm sleeping with any of them, no. But the beauty of working at Fuse, I know what happened between you and The Used frontman Bert McCracken, after their interview. So unless you want that footage aired on 100 different channels all over America and several in the U.K., I suggest you stop calling me a slut," I said returning the smirk, holding back the urge to laugh at her shocked expression.

"Well someone just got told," Chad said smirking at Andrea.

Gerard just stared wide-eyed at me, I don't think I've ever told someone off like that.

"Well we're gonna break for a commercial and when we come back My Chemical Romance will be performing one of their chart toppers, The Jetset Life Is Gonna Kill You, we'll be back in a minute," Chad said into the camera, and when they were turned off by the cameramen he turned to highfive me when Andrea stormed off of the set.

"That was awesome Amy," he said smiling.

"Well she was being a bitch. The guys are like brothers to me and she had no business asking about what Gerard and I do together," I said tucking some of my hair behind an ear.

"We love you too Amy," Bob said smiling as he hugged me and Frank, Gerard, Mikey and Ray joined in.

"Squishing me here!" I whined and they all laughed before getting off of me.

"Well we better get set up, the show'll be coming back soon," Gerard said kissing my cheek, I nodded and moved over into Andrea's seat as the guys went onto the stage and started practicing before the cameras came back on and Chad spoke into his microphone.

"We're back with Amy Lee, fiance of My Chemical Romance's frontman, Gerard Way, but before they go on in a minute, I think we're all curious about one thing: are you glad you came on tour with the guys Amy?" Chad asked looking at me.

"Definately, the guys are great and I love them all so much, you always have the rocky moments but I'm really glad I came," I said nodding.

"Well you heard it from one of our favorite girls, and now ladies and gentlemen, The Jetset Life Is Gonna Kill You by My Chemical Romance!" Chad said smiling before the cameras turned to the guys onstage and they started playing.

Gerard locked eyes with me as he began singing and the audience went wild.

Gaze into her killing jar I'd sometimes stare for hours.
She even poked the holes so I can breathe.
She bought the last line.
I'm just the worst kind.
Of guy to argue.
With what you might find.
And for the last night I lie.
Could I lie with you?

Give up
Get down. It's just the hardest part of living.
She wants
It all to come down this time.

Lost in the prescription she's got something else in mind.
Check into the Hotel Bella Muerte.
It gives the weak flight.
It gives the blind sight.
Until the cops come.
Or by the last light.
And for the last night I lie.
Could I lie next to you?

Give up
Get down. It's just the hardest part of living.
She wants
It all to come down this time.

Give up
Get down. It's just the hardest part of living.
She wants
It all to come down this time.

Pull the plug.
But I'd like to learn your name.
And holding on.
Well I hope you do the same.
Awww sugar.
Slip into the tragedy you've spun this chamber dry.

Give up
Get down. It's just the hardest part of living.
She wants
It all to come down this time.

Give up
Get down. It's just the hardest part of living.
She wants
It all to come down this time.

Pull the plug.
But I'd like to learn your name.
And holding on.
Well I hope you do the same.
Awww sugar

There was mad applause as the guys bowed and walked offstage, shaking hands with Chad before Gerard wrapped an arm around my waist and we walked off the set with Layka following close behind and out of the building. Yep, the interview from hell I'd say....