There's Just Too Much That Time Cannot Erase

Chapter 28

Amy's P.O.V.

Sadly this is the last day of the tour, which means that Gerard and I won't be seeing each other for two days. Their last concert was in Nebraska, Kelly's hometown to be exact and the guys put their all into it. The fans seemed disappointed that the tour was finally ended but I was happy that we'd gotten around to just about everywhere in these past three months.

It was after the show and Gerard and I were lying in his bunk, just enjoying our time together. I'd be going to Pennysylvania tomorrow where we'd start practicing for real and actually perform at a couple of clubs and the guys of MCR would be in New York going over concert dates and stuff for their newest album, Gerard hadn't told me much about it but I think the name of it was "The Black Parade" or something.

"We're gonna miss you so much," Gerard said looking into my eyes.

"I'm gonna miss you guys too but it's only two days, even if it does seem like forever," I said smiling before kissing his cheek.

"You're right," he said smiling. "And we'll be over as soon as we're done."

"Don't worry about it babe, your album's important to you guys and I know that, just focus on that while you're in New York, I'll still be here for you when you get home," I said kissing his lips softly.

"God I love you," he said smiling.

"I love you too Gee," I said kissing his cheek.

"So when do you want to start discussing the wedding, whenever is fine with me."

"We'll save that for until you guys get back, because this is my only interest at the moment," I said lying my head on his chest.

Gerard chuckled and we lie together before both falling asleep, hoping that those two days would pass by quickly.

"I'm gonna miss you guys," I sniffed as Gerard hugged me tightly. We were at the airport and the guys were taking a seperate flight to New York, I'd be taking another to Pennysylvania and meeting the guys of Evanescence, our new and official band name.

"We're gonna miss you both," Ray said hugging me and patting Layka's head.

"Take care of your mom for us," Mikey said to Layka as she licked his face.

"I love you Amy," Gerard whispered in my ear. "And I'll call you as soon as we land."

"Sounds like a plan, I love you too Gee," I said kissing his cheek.

"Flight 121 to New Jersey has arrived, please have your tickets ready," the intercom buzzed.

Gerard gave me a quick peck on the lips and another hug, when everyone else had hugged me they waved a goodbye and walked towards the line where people were waiting to board the plane. Before disappearing around a corner Gerard blew me a kiss and I smiled before returning it, I loved how he was so goofy.

There was a vibration coming from my pocket, my cellphone.

"Ello?" I asked, putting it up to my ear.

"Hey Ames, they should be calling your flight any minute but we just wanted to make sure you were there, the guys already leave?" Rocky asked.

"Sadly yes, but yeah I think my flight's-"

"Flight 072 to Pennysylvania has arrived, please have your tickets ready," the intercom buzzed again.

"Well I see we were right," Rocky chuckled.

"Yes you were, well I'm boarding now, I'll see you guys when I land okay?"

"Cya Ames."

I hung up my phone and got my plane ticket out of my pocket before walking up to the line and handing the flight lady my ticket.

"Have a nice flight Ms. Lee," she said smiling as she took my ticket, recognizied me I guess.

I nodded and when the line had finally ended I got on the plane, putting up my bag and taking my seat next to a girl that looked about my age. Her skin was tanned and she had black hair and these dark brown eyes that reminded me of Ray's.

"Hey, I'm Jenni, you're Amy Lee right?" she asked me as I sat down.

"Amy please, nice to meet you Jenni," I said smiling.

"So, Pennysylvania?" she asked and I knew what she meant.

"Gerard and the guys are going over album stuff in New York and I'm meeting up with some friends to start practices, you watch Fuse don't you?" I asked her.

"Oh yeah, I loved your documentary though, you know you and Gerard are really cute together," she said smiling.

"Aww, thanks Jenni."

"So you're starting a band of your own? That's really cool, you certainly know how to rock a stage," she said, making me blush.

"I'm not that good, no My Chem are the stage rockers," I said chuckling.

"C'yea right, I may love My Chemical Romance but you're also way up there on my favorites. That was awesome when you told that MTV bitch off," she said laughing.

"Oh my god, Mr. A said he was gonna cut that part out of the footage," I said slapping my hand over my mouth, millions of people had just seen me tell off this chick that was flirting with my fiance, wow.

"So Layka's coming with?" Jenni asked.

"That's the thing I hate about airports, if your dog's not a poodle it has to stay in baggage," I said rolling my eyes.

"Layka could beat a poodle in a dog show anyday," Jenni said smiling. "She's a beautiful dog."

"Thanks, she's about four now but she's our baby," I said smiling.

"And the three of you look even cuter together," she said nodding.

"So I'm guessing you like the 'fro man aye?" I asked looking down at her messenger bag that had tons of pins on it, most of them had Ray on them.

"He's just so adorable," she said giggling. "I'm not a teenie but he's one of my favorites and he can play the guitar way better than anyone I know, I mean Frank's just as good but wow," Jenni said looking down at her bag.

"Well Jenni, looks like I'll be introducing you two when the guys visit in a few days," I said smiling.

"Oh my god, Amy are you serious?!" she said, her eyes wide in shock.

"Damn right I am," I said smiling. "I think you and Ray would get along really well."

"Thank you so much, hey, where are you heading to anyway?" she asked.

"Well we're gonna be in Pittsburgh for now," I said nodding. "Rocky and the guys are picking me up, you?" I asked her.

"Forest Hills, you know, that town not far from there? Visiting a friend," she explained.

"Oh yea, I remember Forest Hills. So I take it you're riding with your friend?"

"Yeah, her name's Courtney, we've been friends ever since first grade, I just moved to Jersey with my parents but we still keep in touch," she said nodding.

"Cool, she listen to My Chem too?" I asked.

"Yea, she won't admit it but I know she has a crush on Mikey," Jenni said chuckling.

"The boy's goofy at times but I can see why," I said laughing. "We'll have to invite her along, give me your number?" I asked pulling out a slip of paper from my pocket.

"Of course," she said taking out a pen and scribbling down her number. I did the same and was about to say something when the announcement came on.

"Ladies and gentlemen we have now arrived in Monroeville, Pennysylvania (yes it's a real town). The time is 11:30 in the morning, we hope you've had a wonderful flight," said the voice of the pilot.

"Wanna walk with me to get Layka?" I asked Jenni as the plane landed.

"Sure," she replied.

We got off the plane and went inside to baggage area where Layka's cage was waiting.

"Oh my poor baby, stuck in that tiny cage for three (I have no idea how long it takes to get to P.A. from Nebraska, just go with it) hours," I cooed to Layka as I unlocked the cage and she hopped out, sniffing Jenni's hand when she got down.

"She's bigger in person," Jenni said, chuckling when Layka licked her hand.

"Aww she likes you," I said smiling.


I turned my head to see the guys running towards me and I swear, Layka's tail was wagging a mile a minute as Rocky got to me first and hugged me tightly.

"Good to see you guys too," I said smiling. "Guys, this is my friend Jenni, we met on the plane ride. Jenni this is Rocky, Terry, John and Will," I said introducing them all.

"Nice to meet you, a Ray fan I see," Terry said smiling as he looked down at Jenni's bag, making her blush.

"Can't help it," she said smiling. "He's an awesome guitar player, so are you guys," she said.

"We agree with you there, plus Rocky knows that Bob owns on the drums," John said laughing.

"That he does," Rocky said laughing along.

It was good to be home with my guys, I couldn't wait for Gerard and the others to come, but things were awesome now and there was no denying that.


Note: Updating this much in a row is not good, I need sleep...