There's Just Too Much That Time Cannot Erase

Chapter 29

So We're Back In P.A., What Now?

Amy's P.O.V.

I'd said goodbye to Jenni after meeting her friend Courtney. She was nice I guess, about 5'6 with shoulderlength blonde hair, green eyes that were way brighter than mine and she seemed pretty shy at first but hyped up after awhile, exactly how Mikey was when I'd first met him, another perfect match.

The ride home wasn't that long but sure felt like it, and I jumped when my cellphone rang. I pulled it out and smiled when I saw the caller I.D.

"Hey babe, sorry I didn't call earlier, we were ambushed by teenies as soon as we stepped foot inside the airport, I swear one day I'm changing my name to Gerald," he said chuckling at the last part.

"Don't do that," I said laughing. "I love your name, teenies are just poor lost creatures."

"This is true, so how was your flight?" he asked.

"It was really good, I met a My Chem fan that I want you guys to meet, she has a thing for Ray," I said chuckling. "Yours?"

"Well I'm sure Ray'll be happy about that, and yea, besides the ambush thing ours was good too, though Mikey did snore half the flight, OW!" Gerard yelped and I could tell that Mikey had slapped him in the back of the head.

"Mikey's a little touchy isn't he?" I asked laughing.

"I'm afraid I'll get slapped again if I answer that," he said and I could imagine the smirk on his face. "How's Layka?"

"Layka's good, a little pissed about being stuffed in that damn airplane carrier but she's fine," I said patting Layka's head.

"That Amy?" I heard Frank ask in the background and Gerard told him yes.

"Hey how about we both go on speaker?" Gerard suggested.

"Okies," I said hitting the button.

"Hey guys," My Chem said as Gerard got them on speaker.

"How's it in New York?" Terry asked while Rocky drove.

"Pretty good, we got attacked by teenies when we landed but it's all good," Frank said chuckling.

"Damn, I thought I told them to get you guys on the plane!" John said snapping his fingers in fake defeat, making everyone crack up laughing.

"Guess your plan backfired then, huh John?" Ray said still laughing.

"I guess so," John said chuckling.

"Oh! Amy met some My Chem fans at the airport, Jenni and Courtney right?" Terry asked me.

"Yep," I said nodding.

"Jenni likes Ray and Courtney likes Mikey," Rocky said as he made a turn, I could almost see the raised eyebrows of Ray and Mikey.

"That's not a joke is it?" Mikey asked sounding suprised.

"Nope, I have both their numbers and want you guys to meet them, they're really down to earth and Jenni didn't jump me when she noticed me on the plane so I take that as a good sign," I said nodding.

"Sounds cool," I heard Kelly say as she came into the room.

"Hey Kelly!" everyone in the car said, they'd already met Kelly and were becoming good friends.

"Hey guys, how's the trip coming so far?" Kelly asked and I knew she was now sitting next to Bob, his arm around her waist, it was amazing how well I knew them all.

"We're almost to Pittsburgh, we're gonna rest up for a bit today and then get started, what do you think Ames?" Rocky asked me.

"Sounds good to me, you guys?" I said looking around at them.

"Yep," they all replied and I smiled.

"Yep, we're getting a head start and starting off today," I said nodding.

"Awesome," Gerard said along with the others.

"Sorry to interrupt Amy but I gotta steal the boys for a bit," Brian said as he too came into the room.

"No problem Brian, love you guys," I said smiling.

"Love you too Amy," they all replied.

"I'll call you later tonight babe," Gerard said.

"Sounds good, love you Gee," I said.

"Love you too babe," Gerard said before the guys all shouted a goodbye and he hung up, I did the same. This was gonna be the longest two days of my life.

Rocky's House

We were now at Rocky's house in Pennysylvania where the band would be staying with Rocky's wife Renee and their two kids, Abraham and Madison.

"Aunt Amy!" they both screamed when I walked in with Layka.

I thought it was cute how they called me their aunt, of course I wasn't my blood but these two were like my number one fans ever since they could crawl.

"Hey kiddos," I said smiling as I kneeled down to hug them. They then ambushed their dad and the rest of the guys before jumping on Layka.

"She's getting big," Madison said as she wrapped her arms around Layka's neck.

"Is she gonna have babies Aunt Amy?" Abraham asked looking up at me, making the others chuckle.

"Not at the moment Abe, I might have to talk with my fiance about that," I said smiling.

"Aunt Amy's getting married?!" they both asked excitedly.

"Yes, wanna see?" I asked smiling and they nodded, eyes widening when I pulled out a picture of Gerard and I.

"He's from..." Madison started.

"My Chemical Romance!" Abraham finished as Renee walked in and Rocky kissed her cheek.

"Amy! Glad to see you," Renee said as she rushed over to hug me. Renee and I had been good friends since college, it was nice to see her again.

"Hey Renee," I said hugging her back.

"So shall we get to work?" Rocky asked and we all nodded.

"You guys wanna play with Layka while we get started?" I asked the kids.

"Yeah, come on Layka!" Madison said as she led the way upstairs, Layka and Abraham following close behind.

The guys and I went down into the basement where our equipment was already set up, sitting around on the couches.

"Alright, so I checked the clubs around here and found three good ones, there's a rumor that someone in charge from Warped is going to be there so I think we have a really good shot," John said and Rocky nodded.

"The Black Rose, Ashes Will Fall, and After Death," Rocky said nodding.

"Okay, so we'll check for openings and how long they want stage performances to be," I said nodding.

Terry tossed me the phone and Will gave me the phone numbers, and this was only the start.

Later That Night

We'd already called the guys and told them we were performing at After Death tonight, they were really suportive and wished us luck. We were now backstage at the club, the guys were warming up and Rocky was going over our selected song for tonight with me. We would be playing Whisper, one of my favorite songs and also one the guys of MCR hadn't heard, one of the reasons why Mr. Arsona had sent one of my co-workers at Fuse, Dianna, to 'document' for tonight.

"And here we have the lovely Amy Lee and Rocky Gray, what are we up to?" Dianna asked as she walked over with the camera.

"Shhh, it's a secret," I said putting my finger to my lips.

"Evanescence, you're on," came the voice of the manager of the club.

We all did our secret hand shake we'd made up and as we walked onstage the audience went crazy, I think most of them had probably been watching Fuse.

"How's it going tonight you guys?" I yelled into the microphone. "Well from the looks of it I see most of you have been watching Fuse, am I right?" I asked and they screamed back yes in reply.

"Well tonight we'll be playing one of our favorites, something none of you, not even my fiance, have heard. This one's called Whisper and we hope you like it!"

Catch me as I fall
Say you're here and it's all over now
Speaking to the atmosphere
No one's here and I fall into myself
This...... truth drives..... me
Into..... madness.......
I know I can stop the pain
If I will it all away
If I will it all away.....
Don't....... turn.... away......
(Don't give in to the pain)
Don't....... try to hide
(Though they're screaming your name)
Don't.... close.. your eyes........
(God knows what lies behind them)
Don't.... turn... out the light......
(Never sleep, never die)

I'm frightened..... by what.. I see...
But somehow I know
That there's much more to come
Immobilized... by my fear
And soon to be
Blinded by tears
I... can stop the pain
If I will it all away......

Don't...... turn...... away......
(Don't give in to the pain)
Don't.....try to hide
(Though they're screaming your name)
Don't..... close... your eyes...
(God knows what lies behind them)
Don't.... turn..... out the light....
(Never sleep never die)........

There was a ton of applause from the audience when we finished and I smiled before bowing with the guys, of course Dianna had gotten everything on film, and I blew a kiss into the camera before we exited the stage.

"That was awesome you guys," I said as I hugged my band mates.

"So were you," they said smiling.

Of course I couldn't wait until tomorrow, these two days had been murder on me and I couldn't wait to see Gerard again. Dianna had sent them the videotape and they all loved it. Tonight we were playing at The Black Rose, one of the best clubs in the area. Backstage again we were warming up and the guys and I had dedicided to play Everybody's Fool tonight.

The manager called us on and we did the routine of waving to the crowd and getting them ready for our performance, little did we know that there was a special guest in the audience tonight.

Perfect by nature
Icons of self indulgence
Just what we all need
More lies about a world that

Never was and never will be
Have you no shame? Don't you see me?
You know you've got everybody fooled

Look here she comes now
Bow down and stare in wonder
Oh how we love you
No flaws when you're pretending
But now I know

Never was and never will be
You don't know how you've betrayed me
And somehow you've got everybody fooled

Without the mask
Where will you hide?
Can't find yourself
Lost in your lie......

Tonight's crowd was definately crazy when we left the stage and it was awesome to hear them screaming for more.


"Excuse me, you all are Evanescence aren't you?"

We looked up to see a man in a black suit, short and spiky black hair and dark green eyes that were hidden behind the black sunglasses he wore, he looked to be in about his thirties.

"Yes sir," Rocky said nodding. "You are?"

"I'm Harrison Garrah, and I'm one of the people in charge of Warped Tour and the bands that'll be playing. My boss sent me out to find some new talent and I think I see it right in front of me," he said smiling.

All of our jaws litteraly dropped.

"You may or may not know that Warped Tour is starting up in April? We'd love to have you as one of the performing bands, what do you say?" he said taking a card out of his pocket and handing it to me.

"What do you guys say? I won't do it without all of you?" I asked the guys.

"We're in if Amy's in," they said nodding.

"Then I'm in too, sign us up," I said smiling.

And this would only get better........