There's Just Too Much That Time Cannot Erase

Chapter 31

Amy's P.O.V.

I woke up and groaned as the awful sunlight came in contact with my face, I noticed Gerard wasn't in bed as he had been last night.

"Morning starshine, the earth says hello!"

I glared at the doorway where Gerard stood, he looked like he'd just gotten out of the shower as his hair was still dripping wet.

I grabbed a nearby pillow and flung it at him, barely missing.

"Someone's grumpy this morning," he said chuckling before walking up to the bed and kissing my forehead as I sat up.

"Where's Layka?" I ask, noticing that she was missing.

"She's in Frank and Mikey's room watching them play video games," he said nodding.

"My own dog abandoned me to watch grown men play video games, Gee, I feel unloved," I said laughing as I fell back onto the bed.

"Ah, I love you babe," he said kissing my cheek.

"And I love you too, even if you are incredibily goofy," I said smiling.

Before he could come up with a comeback my phone rang and I picked it up, smirking at him.

"Ello?" I asked as I hit the talk button.

"Hey Amy, it's Jenni, I heard the guys are back from New York?" she asked.

"They certainly are," I said nodding.

"Courtney's dying to meet Mikey," Jenni said with a sigh and I could almost see her rolling her eyes.

"The guys are now chilling out in Frank's room, well Gerard's in here with me but yeah, how about we meet up in a few hours?" I suggested.

"Sounds perfect, tell the guys I said hi, see you Amy," Jenni said before hanging up.

"Jenni," I said noticing the confused look on Gerard's face before he nodded.

"So you're trying to hook up Toro and my little brother?" he asked smirking as he sat down next to me, nuzzling his face into my neck.

"I never said that," I said chuckling.

"That may be true my dear but we both know that's what you meant," he said looking up at me.

"You know me too well," I said smiling. "Courtney's nice, don't worry about it," I said, reading his thoughts from the look in his eyes, he was worried about his brother getting hurt and I'd try my best to make sure that didn't happen if I could help it.

"I admit I'm protective of him okay?" he said knowing I'd just read him like a book.

"And so were Carrie and I over Laurie, yes I know it's different with brothers but in a way it is the same ya know. Robbie never let us out of his sight and maybe we were the cause behind him breaking up with a few of his girlfriends, and I'm starting to ramble aren't I?" I said sighing.

"I like it when you ramble," Gerard said laughing before kissing my cheek. "But Layka's on my side if Courtney and him end up getting together and she hurts him," he warned.

"Fair enough," I said nodding.

I gave Gerard a peck on the lips before getting up to find something to wear, finally settling on black jeans and a black t-shirt with a green fairy on the side of it. I again kissed Gee's cheek before leaving the room to go take a shower, the cold floor making me slowly wake up as I stepped into the bathroom with bare feet.

I stripped down and got in, letting the warm water wash over me as I started washing my hair, I'd have to dye it again soon though. I finished up and got dressed, finding Gerard lying on his stomach, drawing in his sketchbook. I still find it amazing that through all of the time we've been together, I still haven't gotten the chance to look inside that thing. Even if he leaves the room he makes sure to hide it from me, making me even more curious about it's contents.

He smiled as I walked out, hair still semi-wet even after towel drying it, and I'd forgotten my eyeliner in my bag, so I was makeup-less as well, I truly don't think he's seen me without make up on for awhile, he looked a bit shock.

"What?!" I said looking at him, holding myself back from bursting out laughing, a habit of mine you see.

"Wow," he barely got out. "Very different without the makeup on, I like it," he said looking me up and down.

"Shut up," I said blushing as I bent down to open my bag, digging through all of the stuff in search of the eyeliner.

"Someone's blushing," he said chuckling. "Very bottom babe."

"Woot!" I said as I finally found it, I applied it without a mirror suprisingly, tossing it to Gerard so he could use it. "Now let's go find your lazy band mates," I said poking him in his side.

He closed his sketchbook and made me turn around as he hid it where ever and got off of the bed, wrapping an arm around my waist as we walked out the door.

"You know Gee, I will find that thing one day," I said as we down the hall to Frank and Mikey's room.

"Maybe," he said shrugging before opening the door. "Or maybe one day I'll crack and show it to you.

"Hey booger," I said to Layka as she looked up as we both walked into the room.

"Amy!" Frank said jumping up from his game with Ray to hug me, and when I say hug I mean almost tackle me to the ground, had Gerard not been standing right behind me to keep me from falling.

"Frank, don't break my fiance please," Gerard said shaking his head as he helped me back onto my feet.

"I still love you Frank, even if you were seconds away from tackling me to the ground," I said laughing as I hugged Frank and plopped down next to Layka on Frank's bed.

"You didn't tell her?" Frank asked looking at Gerard.

"Didn't tell me what?" I asked looking from Gerard to Frank, searching for some sort of clue.

"Ames, I've been thinking about this for weeks, and really care about Laurie a lot, and...." Frank trailed off as he faced me, scratching the back of his neck as if he was nervous.

"And?" I asked, motioning for him to go on.

"I want to ask Laurie to marry me next month, on Valentine's Day," he said smiling.

"Awww, how cute. That's awesome Frank, you two are really good for each other," I said hugging him.

My little sister getting married to one of my best friends, how cool.

A Few Hours Later

"Amy!" Courtney screamed in excitement as she jumped on me, embracing me in what could only be described as a bear hug, legs around my hips and all. Seriously, I wondering how I hadn't fallen, it seemed like she'd planned this out perfectly.

"Sorry Amy, lesson learned, no more skittles for Courtney," Jenni said chuckling as I walked into the park where we'd decided to meet. "Where's the others?"

"That'd be us."

Jenni turned her head and her jaw nearly dropped when her eyes landed on Ray, even Courtney had turned her head to stare at Mikey.

"Courtney get off of her already," Jenni said to Courtney as she smacked her head. Courtney laughed before jumping off of me, making the guys laugh as she nearly tripped me in the process.

"So, guys this is Jenni and Courtney, Jenni and Courtney I'm sure you know Gee, Mikey, Ray, Frank and Bob," I said introducing everyone.

"Amy never stops talking about you two, glad to meet you," Gerard said smiling as he shook both their hands.

"Toro fan," I said pointing to Jenni. "Mikey fan," I said pointing to Courtney. "Now we're gonna have you two go over there, and you two over there," I said splitting them up into couples and shoving them lightly in opposite directions. Ray and Jenni went to go sit under a tree while Mikey and Courtney just started talking as they walked, making their way towards an old swing set.

"I think we have a success," Bob said smirking when he was sure they wouldn't hear us.

"I think so too," I said nodding, smiling as Gerard stood behind me, his head on my shoulder and arms around my waist, yep, this was definately going to work out like I'd planned....