There's Just Too Much That Time Cannot Erase

Chapter 32

A Week Later: Amy's P.O.V.

Okay, so it's been a week since we met Jenni and Courtney at the park, and of course things went along as planned. Ray and Jenni have now been on the phone for an hour and a half, how do I know this? Well I'm sitting in Frank's room, sketching something that even I don't know was supposed to be, as it now looked like a few circles with tons of x's through it. Gerard's gone out to get some cigarattes and said that he'd be back soon, leaving me with the four guys.

And what about Mikey you ask? Well he and Courtney are close to setting a record, they've been texting back in forth for more than three and a half hours, I don't think Mikey's even gotten up to use the bathroom!

Why am I not screaming at them and telling them to call their girlfriends, and yes I meant girlfriends, later. Well honestly I don't know, I'm sketching something that's not really a sketch, but merely a bunch of...lines.

"I'm gonna go back to our room, see you losers," I said getting up and Layka followed.

"Later Ames," Ray and Mikey said not looking up from what they were doing. Bob and Frank rolling their eyes.

"You two haven't put those things down for hours!" Frank said waving a hand in front of Mikey's face, probably to check and see if he was still alive. "And now Amy's leaving because you're boring her to death, and quite honestly, Bob and I are feeling the same way!"

"Then why don't you leave if it's so annoying?" Ray asked him with a smirk.

"I share the room with Mikey ya dumb ass!" Frank said throwing his hands out dramatically.

Mikey snickered before returning to his text conversation with Courtney and I rolled my eyes before hugging Bob and Frank, leaving the room and walking back to the room I shared with Gerard. That's when something clicked.

Gerard had left exactly five minutes ago, meaning he'd be back in about twenty, giving me a little time to search for his hidden sketchbook. But as soon as I stepped into the room and thought it over, it seemed wrong. Gerard was my fiance and I loved him a lot, was it right for me to be going through his stuff without his consent?

I decided against it and plopped down on the bed, flipping to a non-line filled page in my sketchbook, working on something I'd been thinking about earlier. It started out with the circles and lightly drawn eyes, eventually forming eyes, a nose, curves and everything else required to make it look realistic, and eventually, it formed into...a girl. Now let me describe this girl to you, as never in a million years did I ever think something like this would come from me.

She was of average height, well of course she was on paper but yea. Anyway, her hair was short and even though I didn't have colored pencils with me, they were buried somewhere in Gerard's bag and I didn't feel like looking through it, I imagined it either a dark brown or black.

She had brown eyes and a line of black right across her eyes, her outfit, probably one of the most detailed I'd ever drawn. It was a short dress with tights, a black dress (once again this is if I had colored pencils) and buttons going up in, the tights seeming to fit her perfectly.

When all shading was done I tapped my fingers against the paper, thinking.

"I should give you a name, but what?" I said partly to the sketch, partly to myself. Something clicked once again and suddenly the name was being quickly written over the top of my character's head. Fear, yes, I'd just named her Fear. And now, she needed a sister....