There's Just Too Much That Time Cannot Erase

Chapter 37

The Next Day: Amy's P.O.V.

Okay, so I wasn't completely breaking any rules, yes I should've told the guys I was going outside, but Layka was my buddy. I had calmed down a great deal since last night, I was still nervous about this place but I had to clear my head. The backyard was huge like Gerard had said, the pool was near the very large porch outside, closed up of course.

I pulled my jacket closer to me as I sat down on a lawn chair and crossed my legs under myself as I opened my sketchbook, feeling a bit better already. Layka stayed right on the ground next to me, which also made me feel safe.

"You know, you're just making my job harder."

I immediately looked up and had to rub my eyes twice before deciding that there really was a little girl standing in front of me.

She looked about eight, had very pale skin and long blonde hair with gray eyes. The thing that made me want to second guess myself was the blood stain on her shirt.

"Excuse me?" I asked confused as she looked at me.

"Annalise m'am," she said holding out her hand to me.

"Okay Annalise, I'm Amy, mind telling me what's going on?" I asked as I reached out my hand to shake hers, but grasped nothing but air. I looked up at her and she nodded.

"I know who you are Ms. Lee, and I'll try to explain things as best I can," she said as she began. "You remember Cassandra don't you? Dark brunette hair with blue eyes? The one from New York?" she asked and I nodded. "Cassandra was there to make sure you did nothing drastic, I on the other hand have the very hard job of protecting you."

"From what exactly? Because I could've needed that protection in New York," I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"The spirirts here want you gone if you hadn't noticed. And some use a bit more violent matters to persusade you, you were lucky last night. It's not safe here, too many bad memories," she said looking around. "That room you and your fiance sleep in, a young woman was murdered in there, she doesn't like new comers. She was the one scaring you last night."

"So why am I the only one being targeted?" I asked her.

"Because you're the most vulnerable and you're weaker, therefore it's easier for them to mess with your head and scare you. The others, it'll take more than some random voice to make them want to run for the hills," she explained. "You weren't told the history of Paramour were you?"

I shook my head and she began to inform me, the facts pouring from her as if memorized.

"Paramour was quite well known for it's party atmosphere. There was a lot of room, and more space meant more guests. So sometimes women would be raped and killed, their bodies left in rooms that wouldn't be occupied for quite some time. There was always a lot of gambling and alcohol at these parties, and after the town had gotten news of the many deaths, the owners got nervous and sold the house to the first young couple who'd take it.
"Many parties later it turned into a tour museum before finally being converted into a hotel/recording studio for bands such as the one you're with," she told me. "The spirits will only get more violent but for now there's nothing to worry about, and if you leave now you'll only be haunted by your own curiousity. I do my best to make sure they don't cause you any harm but it's best you stay with your friends, I must go now but you will see me another time."

And then she just disappeared into thin air, no evidence she was ever there.

"Amy? Babe where are you?" I heard Gerard calling. Great, now they're looking for me and probably thinking the worst.

"Back here," I called and he came walking around the corner, a look of relief on his face.

"You had us scared shitless," he said hugging me. "Why didn't you wake me up?"

"Just needed to get outside for a bit to clear my head, and I knew you didn't sleep well last night, you were too busy watching over me," I said smiling as I gave him a peck on the lips.

"I'm fine," he said kissing me back. "But let's get you inside, it's chilly out here and the last thing we need is you catching a cold," he said helping me up and taking my hand in his.