There's Just Too Much That Time Cannot Erase

Chapter 39

Later That Day: Amy's P.O.V.

"So you're leaving?"

I sighed as I turned to face Annelise, the guys were waiting downstairs and if I didn't get a move on there was a chance that we could miss our flight.

"Only for a few weeks Annelise, we'll be back," I said as she hugged me.

"I can't come with you, so you're on your own," she said looking up at me. "The girl in Ireland is really sick and she needs me."

"I understand, do what you gotta do, bye Annelise," I said as she pulled away.

"Goodbye Amy," she said waving as I grabbed my bag and headed out the door, walking downstairs where Layka and Gerard were.

"Finally she comes down!" Gerard said dramatically.

"Hush you," I said smiling as he stood up and kissed me.

Layka led the way out and Gerard locked the door to the house before we piled into Brian's van (Seven people and a dog, keep that in mind).

An hour later we were boarding the plane to Los Angeles, I know Layka wasn't looking forward to being locked in the cage but she was 'over the weight limit' and wasn't allowed in the passenger area. Somehow Gerard had picked up on the fact that I was nervous, I admit it, I was nervous around new people and there'd be more than two bands to meet in the hotel we were staying at.

"They don't bite, well Bert does but not that hard," Gerard whispered with a smile, trying to get me to laugh, which he did.

"I'm just nervous around new people I guess," I said sighing.

"And it's killing you too be seperated from Layka?" Gerard added.

"Exactly," I said nodding.

"It's only for a little while babe, she'll be fine," he assured me as I rested my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. "Need a pillow?"

"Nope, you're more comfortable," I said smiling, making him chuckle.
Hello Los Angeles

"It's My Chemical Romance, oh my god!" screamed a teenage girl as we walked into the airport toward the exit doors.

"Just keep walking," Gerard whispered as we quickened our pace and Layka growled as some camera's flashed.

Finally we were out of the packed place and much to my suprise, were riding to the hotel in a limo. Twenty minutes later we were parking in the parking lot and got our stuff out before the eight of us walked into the building.


We all turned and I smiled when I saw a familar face, I hadn't met Bert personally but he and The Used had came to Fuse for an interview before. He litteraly jumped on Gerard and knocked him to the ground, the others cracking up as Bert licked Gerard's face.

"I missed you too Bert," Gerard said rolling his eyes before pushing Bert off of him. "Bert this is my fiance Amy Lee, Amy this is Bert," he said introducing us.

"Dude, how'd you get that lucky? She's hot!" Bert said looking at me, making me blush. "Bert McCracken," he said shaking my hand before squatting down to look at Layka who looked just as curious about him.

"And that'd be Amy's dog, Layka," Frank said.

"I've never seen a dog like her in my life," Bert said scratching her head.

"That's probably because she's half wolf," I said smiling as he looked up at me in disbelief.

"No way."

"Yep, my older brother gave her to me in high school," I said nodding.

"Very cool," Bert said. "The rest of the crew's upstairs in Quinn and Jeph's room, let's go shock the hell out of them."

"They didn't know we were coming?" Brian asked.

"Nope, only I did," Bert said standing up.

The now nine of us got onto the elevator (It's a big elevator) and went up to the third floor, plotting how we were going to suprise the others.

"I'll walk in first since I 'left to use the bathroom' and have one of you knock on the door, Bob and Ray your job is to hide Amy in the back until I give the signal," Bert whispered as we gathered in a circle.

"Hey Bert?" I asked holding back my smile.

"Yea sweetheart?"

"We're suprising them, not planning a battle strategy!" I said slapping him upside the head.

"I like her Gee," Bert said rubbing his head.

"We all do," Gerard said kissing my cheek.

"Alrighty," Bert said as our plan went to action. We followed behind him and stopped at what must be Quinn and Jeph's room. Bert opened the door and I heard a chorus of "Hey Bert" and we all listened for our queue.

"I have a little suprise for you guys, take it away guys," Bert said and before I knew it, Ray and Bob had got in front of Layka and I and we all walked into the room.

"Oh my fucking god, how are you guys?!" asked who I had could only guess was Sonny Moore.

"Pretty good, how're you weirdos?" Gerard said and I could tell he was smirking.

"Taking a break along with The Used," said one of them.

"Well MCR also brought along a suprise with them," Bert said nodding at Gerard who gave Ray and Bob the signal to step aside.

"Ello," I said waving shyly as they all stared wide eyed at me.

"Guys this is my fiance, Amy. Amy this is the rest of The Used: Quinn and Jeph. Joining them is From First To Last members Sonny, Matt, Travis and Derek," Gerard said introducing everyone.

Like I said, The Used had came to Fuse before so I'd seen Quinn and Jeph already, but had never seen From First To Last in person.

I knew Sonny was the lead singer, shortest in the band at about 5'4 and also the youngest. He had black hair that alomst came down to his shoulders, brown eyes, snakebite piercings and I'd heard he also knew some guitar.

Matt was the tallest at 6'2, an inch taller than Ray. He also had black hair and it was cut in an 'emo' style so it hung in his face, his eyes were a dark blue and I knew he was one of the guitarists in the band.

Travis reminded me a bit of Bert with his long black hair but no one could rock that look better than Bert himself of course. He was 5'7, the other guitarist and 'screamer' as he was often referred to.

Derek was the drummer and even though he wasn't tall like Matt, he was about Travis's height probably. He had short redish brown hair and brown eyes.

"Dude!" Quinn started.

"You weren't kidding when you said she was gorgeous!" Jeph finished, earning a slap upside the head from Derek.

"Smooth Jepha, very smooth," Matt said shaking his head.

"He did?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

They all nodded.

"Layka?" I said and she looked up at me for the command. "Get 'im!" I said pointing to Gerard.

Everyone started laughing madly as Layka growled at Gerard and she chased him out of the room, Quinn even fell off the bed from laughing. Layka returned soon after with a look of triumph on her face and a rather large piece of denim in her mouth, no doubt the back of Gerard's black jeans.

"She didn't," Travis said trying to catch his breath.

"She did," Frank, Mikey, Ray, Bob and I said in unison.

"I need to change," we heard Gerard mumble as he passed the door.

"Amy's sicked Layka on me many times, I feel his pain," Frank said glaring at the two of us.

"And she always finds you," I said smirking. "For example, Layka, sit," I said pointing to where Sonny and Matt were sitting. She obliged and hopped up on the bed with them, looking at me for instruction.

"Sonny and Matt, I'm gonna go hide somewhere in the hallway, when you hear me whistle I want you two to follow Layka and see if you can find me," I said slipping off my shoes.

"Cool," Sonny said nodding.

I walked outside and quickly found an empty hall closet which wasn't far from the room and I could easily squeeze into it. I made sure the door wasn't locked and shut the door, waiting a bit before I whistled loudly.

"Alright girl, where is she?" I heard Sonny ask as they neared the closet.

"I think she's heading that way," Matt said and I soon heard the familar sound of Layka's paws as she ran down the hall, stopping at the door which I was behind and whining.

The door opened and Sonny and Matt smiled before helping me out.

"How'd you even fit in there?" Matt asked looking at the tight space.

"Well when you have two sisters that just loved playing hide and seek growing up, you learn to hide in some pretty odd places, though I have no idea how our older brother always found me," I said as we walked toward Quinn and Jeph's room.

"I can relate, I'm the oldest of five siblings," Sonny said laughing. "I always found them too."

"I remember once I'd hidden under our parent's bed and I was being so quiet I think I might've broken the record for holding my breath. Five minutes later Robbie gets down on his knees and sticks his head under the bed saying 'Gotcha'," I said laughing.

"Gerard told us you have a nephew?" Matt asked.

"My older sister Carrie had Aiden last year on my birthday," I said nodding.

"Very cool," they said as we walked into the room.

"Told you she'd find her that fast," Ray said smirking.

"Where was she hiding?" Jeph asked.

"She somehow fit into this packed hall closet," Matt said laughing as I slipped my shoes back on.

"Yeah we were trying to keep up with Layka but she just ran to this closet door and we're both looking at each other like 'There's no way'," Sonny said chuckling as he sat back down.

"That's Amy for ya," Gerard said as he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Missing something Gee?" I asked with a smirk as I took the denim from his now ripped jeans out of my pocket.

"Evil," he said smirking as he leaned towards me.

"Ah but you love it," I said brushing my lips against his.

"Awww," the others cooed, laughing when Gerard gave them the finger and kissed me again.

"I can imagine the little Gee's and Amy's running around now," Frank said laughing, the others nodding in agreement.

"Who ever thinks that the first one'll look like Amy, raise your hand," Mikey said raising his hand and everyone's hand rose up as well.

"That's messed up bro," Gerard said chuckling. "And that won't be for awhile now."

"Such a good boy," I said reaching up to pat his head, making everyone laugh.

"You two are definately meant to be together," Quinn said as he eventually stopped laughing.

"You should've seen them the first time we went to her older sister's house, Amy blackmailed Gerard and he and Frank threatened to spray whipped cream on her in the middle of the night," Ray said chuckling.

"Blackmailed?" Bert asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Apparantly Gee didn't know how to hide his favorite pair of skeleton pajamas, and I just happen to have the footage," I said nodding to Frank who threw me the tape.

"I knew you two were up to something on the plane," Gerard said shaking his head as I went over to put the tape into the VCR.

Bert switched off the lights and everyone gathered around the T.V. as the film started.

"Amy Lee here, as you guys know I'm on tour with our favorite New Jersey band, My Chemical Romance. Now I'm afraid I have some bad news for all of you girls that think Gerard's a tough guy, and now, the evidence," I said as I bended down holding up Gerard's skeleteon pajamas to the camera as I set it down on a bed.

"There you have it ladies, Gerard Way's favorite pair of pajamas, looks like he has a soft side after all. Uh-oh, gotta go, stay tuned for their live performance later on tonight!" I said as the camera clicked off.

By then everyone was rolling around laughing and Gerard was just embarrased.

"You seriously sent that in?" he asked me and I nodded with a smile.

"E-v-i-l," he said kissing my forehead. "So that's why you were hiding something behind your back when I walked into the room."

"Guilty as charged," I said taking the tape out.

"That was awesome," Sonny said as he finally stopped laughing.

"Sonny, I have so much embarrasing things about these guys on film it's not even funny," I said smiling.

"Whipped cream?" Frank asked looking at Gerard, Mikey, Bob and Ray.

"Definately," they all said nodding.

Looks like the whipped cream was coming out tonight, good thing I hid those other tapes.....