There's Just Too Much That Time Cannot Erase

Chapter 4

Gerard's P.O.V.

After a few hours our manager called and told us to get back to the hotel we were staying at, last minute band practice he said.

"Well we've gotta hit the road now but we'll see you later Amy," I said getting up. The guys and I all gave her a hug and patted Layka's head before waving a goodbye and heading down the hallway.

Amy's P.O.V.

There is no way that my favorite rock stars just hugged me. Oh god I think I'm gonna faint. The good thing was that Layka seemed to like the guys, she was usually moody around strangers, one of the reasons I didn't bring her to work often. After talking to Mr. A about some tour rules and things, such as no giving out information to the press without his, their manager or their consent, stuff like that, I got Layka and we went back home, almost time for me to go to bed anyway.

A Week Later: Touring with My Chem


I flicked the alarm clock off and groaned before sitting up, today I'd be going on tour with My Chemical Romance, and I couldn't wait to get to the studio this morning. I'd already told Cassie and Laurie about it and they were really happy for me, I hadn't been able to get in contact with Robbie for some reason, he hadn't picked up the phone.

Layka's stuff was already at the studio, her food, bowls, bed and all of that. I'd packed my suitcase last night along with my duffel bag that contained my make-up, notebook with my many lyrics, sketch book, and straightener to keep my hair in order. I IMed Cass and Laurie before putting my laptop in my duffel bag, getting Layka and driving off to the studio. I smiled as I saw the My Chem tour bus in the parking lot, the guys, Mr. A and who I assumed to be their manager, Brian I think his name was, standing around talking.

"Good morning gentlemen," I said yawning as I got out of the car.

"Morning Amy," they said smiling. Frank and Ray helped me with my bags as I got Layka and walked up to the group.

"Layka's stuff is already on the bus," Mr. A said as he gave me a hug. I had to admit, Mr. Arsona was pretty cool.

"Thanks Mr. A," I said.

"So, ready to go on tour with these knuckle heads for three months?" their manager asked me with a smirk.

The guys stuck their tongues out at him and I laughed.

"They don't seem that bad," I said chuckling as Frank hugged me.

"Sure they don't," Brian said chuckling as he shook his head. "Alright guys, on the bus."

I waved a goodbye to Mr. Arsona before following behind Mikey onto the bus with Layka. The bus was pretty big actually, their was a kitchen area, the bunks were down the hall and there was a video game room with some couches on the other side of the bus.

"Kitchen, bunk area, lounge, bathroom, and the studio's in the very back," Mikey said pointing in the direction of each room. I nodded and followed the five of them into the lounge where Mikey and Ray plopped down in front of the T.V. starting a war of video games, already saying their gonna beat each other. Bob sat down in a chair and watched the two bicker, Frank went into the kitchen for some sodas and Gerard gestured for me to join him on the couch.

I unhooked Layka's leash and went over and sat next to Gerard as Frank came back with six cans of Coca Cola, setting two near Mikey and Ray before giving us one each and sitting down himself.

"So, excited yet?" Gerard asked.

"Very, you guys are one of my favorite bands," I said smiling.

"Thanks," Gerard, Frank and Bob said smiling, Ray and Mikey were too busy playing some race car game.

"Well our first show's tonight at about seven," Frank said nodding.

"How about we take over the T.V. and watch some movies?" Gerard suggested.

"Way ahead of you," Bob said smirking as he picked up the remote and flicked off Mikey and Ray's video game, making them turn and glare at us.

I cracked up laughing when Bob gave them that 'I dare you to do something about it' look and they quickly moved from in front of the T.V. screen and sat down on a couch nearby.

"So what're we watching?" Gerard asked.

"Nightmare Before Christmas!" both Frank and I exclaimed.

"She's cool," Frank said nodding before he came over and hugged mebefore sitting back down.