There's Just Too Much That Time Cannot Erase

Chapter 41

Next Week: Uncle Ryan's: Amy's P.O.V.

"Amers!" my uncle said as he picked me up and hugged me, spinning me around a little before setting me down. "You must be Gerard, I've heard a lot about you," he said extending his hand to Gerard.

"You too sir," Gerard said smiling.

"Call me Ryan please, now introductions please?" Uncle Ryan asked looking at me as the others joined us at the front gate.

"Okies, this is the rest of My Chemical Romance: Their manager, Brian, Gerard's brother Mikey, Ray, Frank and Bob. Over here's From First To Last with Sonny, Matt, Derek and Travis. Then we have The Used: Bert, Quinn and Jeph," I said all in one breath as I pointed everyone out.

Everyone waved and Uncle Ryan smiled.

"Amy's told me a few of you don't know how to ride, we'll take care of that. You all are gonna have a lot of fun today and you can ride as long as you want but here at Lucky Stables we use the buddy rule. There's a lot of land and it's easy to get lost, just like that house you're staying in, Paramour isn't it?" Uncle Ryan asked and we nodded.

I unhooked Layka's leash and she followed behind Uncle Ryan obiediently when he whistled, this was where Layka was born really. We arrived at the stable barn and the guys looked around wide eyed at all of the horses as Uncle Ryan went to get the tack.

"Mikey," he said as he got Jake out of his stall and put on his halter and equipment (saddle, briddle, blanket, ect).

Jake was a completely black horse except for the white star on his forehead, his mustang looks showed but he was really sweet.

I clipped the rope onto Jake's halter and helped Mikey up, they definately looked like a good match.

"Ready?" I asked him when he was in the saddle and he nodded.

"We're gonna walk around in circle's for a bit, hold the reins like this," I said moving his hands so he was holding them correctly. "C'mon Jake, nice and easy boy," I said leading the two out of the circle.

I walked them into the corral and closed the gate behind me before I started circling the gates, Mikey following behind on Jake.

"How's it Mikes?" I asked when Jake got a bit faster.

"This is really cool, I'm just afraid I'll fall off," Mikey replied.

"You won't, if you trust Jake he'll keep you safe, now I'm gonna show you how to stop," I said as I turned around. "Pull this way to go faster, that way to go slower and he'll stop if you keep doing it," I instructed and he nodded. "Now you're on your own partner."

I unclipped Jake's lead rope and sat on top of a rail, watching as Mikey and Jake circled the corral on their own.

"Ride 'em cowboy!" Bert called out smiling.

"Great job Mikes," I said as he stopped in front of me. I opened the gate and they followed before I clipped the rope back to Jake's harness and tied it around a rail so he wouldn't go anywhere.

"Sonny's up next," Uncle Ryan said as he came out with Zorro who was a pale gray all over.

"Alright shorty, ready?" I asked with a smirk as I walked over to him.

"Yep," Sonny said nodding.

Matt helped him up and showed him how to hold the reins before I clipped the lead rope on Zorro's bright red halter and led them into the corral, doing just as I had minutes ago with Mikey.

"Just relax man," Mikey said when Sonny tensed up if Zorro went faster.

"I'm not gonna let you fall Sonny, neither is Zorro," I said reassuringly. "Remember, you're the one holding the reins, Zorro will stop if you tell him to, he can sense your scared and it freaks him out too."

"Really?" Sonny asked and I nodded.

"Horses are herd animals, and right now my friend, you and I are his only heard. You're the one in charge, so if you're afraid Zorro's going to be afraid too, that's how they stay safe out in the wild, following the herd," I told him as we walked.

Sonny nodded and took a deep breath, making Zorro calm down rapidly.

"See? Ready to fly solo?" I asked as I stopped and Sonny nodded with a smile.

Sonny and Zorro did great together, even if a rock was in the way Zorro went right around it and slid to a stop when Sonny pulled on the reins.

After Bob, Ray, Bert, Quinn, Jeph, Frank, Matt, Travis, and Derek had been assigned their horses and were all mounted, that left Brian, Gerard, and I.

Uncle Ryan showed Brian how to ride outside the corral and Gerard followed behind me as I went inside the stable to get Flame.

"Wow, he looks even stronger in person," Gerard said as I went to go get Flame's tack.

"He's a sweet boy, aren't ya Flame?" I asked the horse as I slipped his briddle on and laughed when he nodded.

Flame was what you call a dapple gray, and the sunlight bounced off and made his coat look shiny as he looked at the two of us.

I got Flame out of his stall and he nuzzled my neck, making Gerard and I laugh.

"He likes you alright," Gerard said as we walked out of the stable.

"He likes everyone, well except for Flash," I said chuckling. "Alright babe, ready?" I asked as we got outside.

"Ready as I'll ever be," he said as he put his foot in the stirrup and pulled himself on like I'd shown the others.

"Someone's been paying attention," I said nodding as I clipped the lead rope on Flame's black halter.

"You're a great teacher," he said smiling.

"Thanks Gee," I said blushing slightly as I led them into the corral. "We're gonna circle five times and then I'll let go," I said as I checked to make sure the gate was closed and that Gerard was holding the reins right.

I truly didn't have to give Gerard any advice, he and Flame bonded very quickly and two times around was all they needed before I unclipped Flame's lead rope.

"Hey Ames?"

"Yea Gee?" I asked as I sat on a top rail of the fence.

"Why do you lock the gate behind the rider? Just curious," he said as he and Flame slowed to a walk.

"It's for two things, the main one being safety. If and I'm saying if you were to fall off, the gate is low enough for you to climb over and out, but high enough to keep Flame in so he won't hurt you, himself or anyone else," I said nodding.

"And the other?" he asked.

"It helps the rider and horse focus, like it's just you two and nothing else matters, if you were to start out riding in a crowded place you'd get distracted very easily," I told him and he nodded.

"Makes sense," Gerard said as he slowed Flame to a halt in front of me, leaning forward as he looked over my head. "Your uncle's going back into the stable."

"He is?"

"Don't turn around yet," I heard Uncle Ryan's voice come from the barn, he knew me too well.

"Wow," Gerard said with wide eyes. "That is the most beautiful horse I've ever seen in my life."

"Now turn around," Uncle Ryan said and Gerard had to grab my arm before I fell off the rail in shock.

"Holy," everyone said as they rode their horses back towards us and looked at the horse standing next to Uncle Ryan.

"Boys, this is Fallen Angel, she's a rare breed called a Gypsy Vanner," Uncle Ryan said stroking the horse's neck. "Either Fallen or Angel for short."

Fallen Angel was mostly black with a black and white mane, white splotches in different places and looked similar to Bob's Belgian but her tail flowed down to the ground almost and she had 'feathers' on the lower part of each leg, making her look like she'd just stepped out of a fairy tale.

"Uncle Ryan I thought you were kidding when you said you got another horse!" I said hopping off the fence post and walking up to him.

"Nope, she's been here for a few months now and she's completely trained, thank Robbie for that," he said smiling.

Angel cocked her head to the side and leaned toward me, sniffing the top of my head before nuzzling my shoulder, of course she was a bit taller than me.

"Hey pretty girl," I said softly as Uncle Ryan went to go unlock the corral gate for Gerard and Flame to get out.

When she knew that she could trust me Uncle Ryan helped me up and Gerard rode over towards us, turning Flame so he stayed in step with Angel.

"She's beautiful isn't she?" I asked looking at him.

"Not as beautiful as you," Gerard said smiling as he turned his head and leaned in towards me. I smiled and kissed him back, not even caring that Mikey and Frank were snapping pictures.

We pulled away and held hands, keeping one on the reins as we slowly led the way down a trail into the woods.

"You know this trail Amy?" Frank asked as he pulled his camera out and got some pictures of the trees, they formed a roof over us as the branches intertwined above and let sunlight stream down onto the path, dim light being our only guide.

"Yep, it gets a bit rocky at one point but I'll warn you guys before hand, right now we're just going slow," I said looking over my shoulder to make sure everyone was there, they were.

We rode for an hour before we came to a stream and I told the guys to dismount so the horses could drink and everyone could stretch before we continued.

"Wait a minute Ames," Mikey said when I went to get off of Angel.

"What is it Mikes?" I asked rolling my eyes.

"Perfect scene for a picture, say cheese!" Frank said making a goofy face and Mikey snapped a picture as I laughed.

"Can I get off now or are we doing a photo shoot?" I asked.

Matt whispered something into Gerard's ear as he got off of Flame and he nodded before walking over to us.

"We want one of you two together and then we'll stop bugging you for now," Matt said smiling.

I rolled my eyes and stretched my hand down to help Gerard up. He sat behind me with his arms around my waist and I turned Angel a little so we were looking at the camera. I leaned into Gerard and smiled, Frank snapping a picture along with Mikey.

"We are so making a photo album when we get home," Mikey said smiling.

Gerard got down first and could probably tell that I was a little nervous about getting off.

"I've never ridden a horse this tall, freaks me out a bit," I confessed.

"I got you, just slide down," he said.

I nodded and gulped as I slung one leg over to join the other and closed my eyes, fearing I'd hit the ground but instead landed in Gerard's arms.

"And the judges award the couple a perfect ten!" Jeph said clapping as Gerard set me down.

"Oh shut up," I said blushing as Gerard and I led our horses over to the stream. We sat in the grass and he wrapped his arms around my waist, his chin on my shoulder, now of course that called for more pictures.

"I wonder how these would look in black and white," Frank said as he hit a button on his digital camera, holy, look Mikey!" Frank said, jaw dropping at the screen.

"Wow, save a copy of it," Mikey said. "We can do like a colored and black and white version of each picture, that'd be awesome," Mikey said smiling.

"You two getting into photography?" Gerard asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Seems like it," Ray said sitting down next to us. "Thanks Amy, I haven't done anything like this since pony rides at the carnival when I was a little kid," he said smiling.

"No problem Ray, the best part's that my uncle says we're welcome to come back anytime," I said smiling.

"Oh my god, we need to come back tomorrow!" Sonny said sitting down next to Ray. "Pleeeeeease Amy," he said begging me.

"Fine, but only because you're cute when you beg," I said laughing.

"Why thank you," he said smiling.

"I feel unloved," Gerard said pretending to be sad.

"Aww you know I love you babe," I said looking up at him and kissing him softly.


Would those two stop anytime soon?!