There's Just Too Much That Time Cannot Erase

Chapter 45

Back To Paramour

Well I knew we couldn't stay away from it for too long, thankfully Sonny and his band were coming back with us, The Used had some concerts to do. From First To Last were riding behind us in Travis's car while Brian was leading the way back to the all to familiar house, I don't think anyone was too eager to get back.

We were greeted by the same deadly silence of the trees as we pulled up in front, the same chill in the air that made me shiver as I got out after Brian and looked around like I had when we first arrived.

"Things are gonna be okay this time babe, trust me," Gerard said into my ear as he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I hope so Gee," I said sighing, watching as From First To Last pulled up behind Brian's car, that's what made me laugh.

Now you'd think that the four of them would come out just fine, right? Wrong. First one out was Matt who almost fainted when he got out, Sonny landing on his back with a face paler than I've ever seen, Derek was the first. He managed to get two feet away from everyone before holding his stomach and chucking up what must have been today's breakfast. Now Travis, oh yeah, he was fine, he was the one driving.

"," Matt managed to get out as he pushed Sonny off of him, looking just as breathless.

I think at that point everyone was laughing when Derek came up behind Travis and slapped him in the back of the head, Sonny had went off to empty his stomach as well.

"Did he drive that bad?!" Ray asked with tears in his eyes as he tried hard to stop laughing.

"Every bump in the road, every crack in the street, every pothole, he hit it," Derek said taking a peppermint out of his pocket and popping it in his mouth. "Who the hell taught you how to drive?"

"My older brother," Travis said proudly. "You all just have weak stomachs."

"Will someone please go find Sonny, he's been back there for more than five minutes," I said holding in my laughter. "Loose him and there's no more touring for you guys."

Thankfully Frank and Bob came back with a pale but healthy Sonny, who made sure to glare at Travis every chance he could as Brian led the way into the house.

"Alright kiddos, you know the rules, we're using the buddy system and this time there should be no excuse, we're definately not allowed to loose Amy or I have seven people ready to let me have it, not even counting her band. Sonny and Derek and Travis and Matt will be sharing rooms upstairs if that's okay?" Brian asked standing in front of us all.

"Got it, loose Amy and we're in trouble," Matt said nodding. "But really it might be easier to loose Sonny."

"Hey, don't make fun of us midgets," Frank said, coming to Sonny's defense.

"Well it's 11 am now, lunch is in an hour so go have fun, but please, keep it clean," Brian said looking at Gerard and I, everyone trying to hold in their laughter.

"With that crazy chick? Don't think so Bri," Gerard said gently pushing me away, the smirk gave it away that he was kidding but I decided to play along. (Credit for Amy's reply going to Diana, a fan fic author that never failed to make me laugh)

"Calling me crazy? Oh please, it looks like you got in a fight with a bleach bottle, guess who won?" I asked making everyone burst out laughing, Matt was on the floor and it tears when Gerard acted like he was about to cry.

"Whatever you say lovebirds," Brian said chuckling as he rolled his eyes.

When everyone could contain themselves we went upstairs and back into our old rooms, naturally we were going to crowd into Frank and Mikey's room in about ten minutes but everyone still had to get settled in. Since Ray and Bob were across the hall, Matt and Travis were to their left, Sonny and Derek to their right.

"Really, is my hair that bad?" Gerard asked hugging me from behind after shutting our bedroom door.

"No, your hair is actually quite sexy," I said smiling as he turned me around in his arms, our foreheads touching as we looked into each other's eyes.

"Good to know," Gerard said smiling before leaning in and kissing me, arms wrapping around my waist as I did the same.

"So what do you wanna do after dinner?" I asked when we finally ended the kiss, still holding on to each other.

"Dunno, either watch the guys fight over who cheated on video games or lie in bed all day, my vote's on the second option though," he said with that smile that I loved about him.

"I opt for being lazy too, but I think Layka would appreciate a walk before, how about now?" I suggested.

"Sounds good," he said giving me a quick peck on the lips.

I clipped Layka's leash to my belt loop, we told the guys we were leaving and headed outside, not even knowing how the day was going to turn on us.

The Walk

"Never knew it could be so beautiful out here," I said looking at the trees which were now swaying softly in the comforting breeze, rather than standing statue-still.

"Not as beautiful as you though," Gerard said kissing my cheek as we held hands.

"Aww, you're too sweet sometimes Gee," I said smiling as I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Well it is true, I am one lucky guy," he said with one arm around my waist.

"I'm not perfect, stop making me blush," I said with red cheeks as I playfully pushed him.

"You know your even more adorable when you blush?" he asked as he pulled me back to him. "I'm not perfect either, so we can be imperfect together."

"I'm not sure if that's gramatically correct but okay," I said chuckling. "But I disagree, you are perfect. I couldn't do what you've been doing every day of your life for so long, I'm not strong like you babe," I said looking up at him.

"No, I'm not," he said as we stopped, Layka only going off to sniff a bush. "Amy, you are stronger than you think, we've talked about this, you can do whatever you put your mind to and you know it," he said looking into my eyes as our foreheads touched. "I believe in you, the guys believe in you, your family does and thousands of fans do. No Amy Lynn Lee, you are not perfect, you are yourself and that is why I love you, because that's all you ever try to be."

"I love you too Gee, so much," I said sniffling as I hugged him, a few tears falling from my eyes.

"Don't cry Ames," he said rubbing my back as he held me close, my tears slowly stopping. "Wanna head back?"

"Sure," I said nodding before kissing his cheek.

We held on to each other the whole way back to the house, the silence welcomed as the sky brightened.

After Lunch: Gerard's P.O.V.

"Is she okay?" Frank asked when Amy and Layka had went upstairs. "Seems upset about something."

"I think she's just tired, I'll go check on her-"

"Give her a minute Gee, trust us," Brian said stopping me, he was probably right but I was just worried."Who's phone is that?" he asked when a Smashing Pumpkins ringtone sounded off.

"That'd be me," I said taking my cell phone out of my back pocket, noticing that the call was from Robbie.

"What's up Robbie?" I asked as I answered it.

"I just got a call from Laurie, she said she'd called Amy's cell to check up on her since you guys just got there and that Amy wouldn't answer her phone, what's up?" he asked.

"I honestly don't know Robbie, I think she's tired still, we did leave the hotel kind of early."

"Ooh, Gee's in trouble," I heard Frank whisper to Sonny.

"Okay, just checking since Laurie was kind of freaking out, she probably just misses Frank but just please make sure Amy calls her back later on so her sister doesn't have a heart attack," Robbie said, I could almost see him shaking his head. "I'm really starting to dislike you Gee, I got cursed with three sisters and you got a brother," he said chuckling.

"Will do, talk to ya later bud," I said before we both hung up. "Well that was Amy's older brother, basically Laurie's freaking out because she called Amy and Amy didn't answer her phone, Frank, take care of your fiance and I'm going to check on mine," I said putting my phone back, Frank nodding as he pulled out his cell.

Hopefully Amy wasn't asleep, I didn't want to tell Robbie but I knew something else was going on with Amy, I just didn't know what.