There's Just Too Much That Time Cannot Erase

Chapter 48

Later That Day: Gerard's P.O.V.

"So how's she been?" Robbie asked as we walked outside and I lit a cigarette.

"She hasn't said anything to me about it ever since that day, I don't know if we should just bury it under the hatch or what, I feel like I'm prying if I ask her about it," I blowing out a puff of smoke.

"I think we should look at it this way: she was really depressed about the Derek thing until she started talking about to us, mainly you," Robbie said as I nodded. "When was the last time she was even upset about him?"

"That show in New York I think when we ran into her old friend Brad," I said looking at him with a confused expression. Where was he going with this?

"After she'd talked it out she felt better about it. I don't think all of this is related to the accident, a good chunk of it, but we're missing one piece of the puzzle. After the accident of course we were all sad for a few weeks and we even talked to a guidance counselor about it, but I think I know why Amy had that breakdown as you described it. Maybe Derek did a little more damage then we thought, I think Amy may have confided in him about it while he was high or something," Robbie said running a hand through his hair.

"So you think he brought back up the memories and made her think it really was her fault?" I asked looking at him and he nodded. "But that still doesn't explain something, Amy was talking about some kind of feeling, she told me that something really bad is gonna happen," I said putting out my cigarette.

"Well I can't say that she's ever been wrong about those, she woke up with a headache one time and it just happened to be the day when Laurie fell out of a tree and broke her arm, I don't know if it's coincidence or what-"

Robbie was cut off by a very load scream, what the heck?

"Gerard, get up there now!" Mikey said opening the front door. "It's Amy."

You have no idea how fast I bolted up those stairs, Robbie right behind me.

I was just about out of breath by the time I got to our bedroom, never expecting what we all saw.

Amy was backed up into a corner, eyes wide with fear as she stared ahead at nothing in particular, Laurie and Carrie were both on the other side of the room.

"What happened?" Robbie asked with the same confused look I had on my face.

"I have no idea, we were just talking and the door flew open, we heard something growl, Layka freaked out and Amy cowered into a corner," Laurie said all in one breath.

"Where's Layka then?" Ray asked looking around the room, he was right, there was no sign of Layka in here.

"Under the bed, it was like something hit her hard and she fell over and crawled under there," Carrie said as she tried comforting Laurie who was almost about to cry.

"Amy, Amy, babe, can you hear me?" I asked as I kneeled in front of Amy, waving my hand in her face, she didn't even blink.

"Rocky, help me get her out from under here," Robbie called to him as he tried coaxing Layka out from under the bed, she wasn't budging.

"Amy, snap out of it Ames," I said with worry in my voice. Some weird idea told me to snap and as soon as I did, that's when I got scared.

"I don't know what happened Gerard, it was like another dog was in here," Amy started, tears welling up in her eyes as I held her in my arms.

"Gerard, what's that on her wrist?" Mikey asked with wide eyes, looking down at the hand that Amy had cradled in her lap. I carefully pulled away from Amy and gently lifted her wrist, turning it over and staring in shock at how much blood was there, this was no papercut.

"Bob, I need you to go in the bathroom and get that first aid kit, like now," I said not even looking up from Amy's wrist.

"That definately wasn't Layka, we were in here the whole time," Carrie said almost reading my mind.

Bob soon returned with the first aid kit that Brian had insisted we bring and he held Amy's wrist as I dug through it, finally finding the roll of bandages and gauze. I cleaned up most of the blood and gently started wrapping Amy's wrist, something she definately wasn't happy about.

"You need to hold still Ames," Robbie said comfortingly as Amy tried holding back tears of pain.

When it was tight enough that the bleeding had slowly stopped, Brian let Amy's hand go and she quickly latched onto me, crying into my shoulder as I held her tightly.

"So something bit her? You're positive Layka didn't snap at her out of fear or something?" Courtney asked when the room had gone quiet, Robbie and Rocky were still unsuccesful in getting Layka out from under the bed.

"Layka didn't even have a chance to defend herself! Something knocked me and Laurie over, rammed right into Layka's side and then went after Amy, that's probably why she screamed," Carrie said as Frank took over the job of calming Laurie down.

"That's too weird, nothing like that happened when we were here, but I think Jared said some creepy stuff happened when they were here," Matt said thinking.

"Well I think we should just chill out for the rest of the day, if Layka decides to come out from under there Robbie and I can run her to a vet and make sure everything's okay," Brian suggested and everyone more or less agreed. Frank was taking Laurie for a walk, Ray and Jenni were watching TV with Mikey and Courtney, Bob and Kelly were playing video games with Matt, Sonny, Travis, and Derek, Carrie was hanging out with the rest of Evanescence downstairs and Robbie was going with Brian downstairs to figure out a way to get Layka out from under the bed, therefore everyone was pretty much busy.

"This place creeps me out so much sometimes," Amy said quietly when everyone had left.

"Trust me Ames, we aren't staying at this place any longer than we have to, we've discussed it with Brian already and at the rate we're going it'll be out a few days before our wedding," I said kissing her head. "How's your wrist?"

"Itchy," she said sniffling as she wiped a few tears away. "Sorry for being such a baby Gee."

"Amy you are not a baby, something pretty much attacked you guys and you called for help, that's being smart, not a baby," I said looking down into her eyes.

"Well screamed really," she said smiling. "Hey Gee?"

"Yeah babe?"

"I think I need some sleep, lie with me for a minute?" she asked.

"Amy, I'd lie with you for the rest of my life if I had to," I said smiling as I leaned down and gently kissed her

"You are so corny sometimes," she said smiling.

"Ah but you love it."

"This is true," she said as we both got up and fell back on to the bed, holding each other close as we both slowly fell asleep, hoping that the rest of the day wouldn't be so hectic. Well we could only hope after all....