There's Just Too Much That Time Cannot Erase

Chapter 50

Evanescence, You're Up

"Okay guys we have five minutes until you go onstage, everyone needs to get dressed and go over the songs before they start going crazy," Brian said nodding his head toward the window where the fans were already walking over to the stages.

For today's performance I was wearing a dark red/orange corset with a black plaid skirt, my hair was going to be pulled back and the guys were all wearing black shirts and dark jeans, it was way too hot out here to do anything above that.

"Done," I said as I came back into the room, the guys applauding when they saw me.

"Oh shut up, you guys look way better," I said blushing.

"We have to disagree, but I think we best hurry unless Warped wants a riot starting," Rocky said doing what Brian had earlier. He was right, the fans were getting pretty roudy.

So as nervous as we all were, the guys got their instruments and led the way out of the dressing room, down the stairs and up to the curtain that would be pulled back in about five seconds. Chants were screamed as the curtain rose, the guys all ready to go as I walked to my microphone, this was it.

"How're we doin' Sacramento?" I asked as the screams got louder, making me have to raise my voice slightly."Well we're gonna play a couple of songs for you all, this first one's called Imaginary, and for that we're going to need a little extra instrumental help, please welcome our violinists that'll be helping us out today," I said gesturing to the row of people behind Rocky.

The crowd quieted down significantly as I sat behind the piano, starting off alone as I sang.

Swallowed up in the sound of my screaming
Cannot cease for the fear
Of silent nights
Oh how I long for the deep sleep dreaming
The goddess of imaginary light

In my field of paper flowers
And candy clouds of lullaby
I lie inside myself for hours
And watch my purple sky fly over me

I linger in the doorway
Of alarm clock screaming monsters
Calling my name
Let me stay
Where the wind will whisper to me
Where the raindrops as they're falling tell a story

If you need to leave the world you live in
Lay your head down and stay a while
Though you may not remember dreaming
Something waits for you to breathe again

In my field of paper flowers
And candy clouds of lullaby
I lie inside myself for hours
And watch my purple sky fly over me

I didn't know that the audience would love the song that much, but we certainly found out when we recieved an enormous amount of applause and demand for more. I looked to the guys and they gave the okay to start our next song, Bring Me To Life, what the fans didn't know is that we'd made a few changes to bring me to life, compliments of Paramour.

Is It Over Yet?

The rest of the show went as fantastic as it started, and I was relieved that Day 1 was finally over, at least the performing part. We were back to the trailers by 9:30, and I discovered one of Warped Tours traditions, the BBQ Band. See every year Warped would pick a band that, in exchange for the priviledge to get on the tour, had to prepare food for the bands and crew of Warped, the unlucky band this year was The Fabulous Rudies.

I had just heard of The Fabulous Rudies today, and from what the guys told me, they were alright. Cassandra, their lead singer, was born in California but grew up in Germany, so that added to the fact that their sound was different than anything else out there. The other members included Aaron (sax/vocals), Mark (guitar), Joe (bass), Tommy (vocals), Don (trombone), Milton (keyboard), and Glenn on drums.

Gerard's arm was around my waist as MCR and the rest of Evanescence walked to the parking lot where everyone was already eating, the smell of charcoal blowing through every now and then.

"Hey, how are you guys?" Mark asked when he saw everyone approaching. "This is your fiance right?" he asked looking at me, everyone nodding.

"Hi," I said shaking his hand, the rest of his band looking up and smiling.

"Holy crap, I thought you guys would never show up, well, actually I can, Aaron's not the best cook around," Cassandra said as she walked over and gave everyone hugs.

"I heard that Cass," Aaron said pointing a spatula at her, making everyone laugh.

"Glad to meet you guys, sorry we couldn't make your set, but Gerard did let me listen to your CD, it's awesome," I said smiling as Cassandra hugged me as well.

"Aw thanks, but the CD wouldn't rock as hard without these guys-Glenn could you help Aaron out before he burns something else, please?" she said turning around and shaking her head at Aaron who had walked away from the grill to get a beer. Glenn gladly took over the job of cooking, leaving Aaron to run out and get more plates.

"So I know MCR, intros please?" Cass asked looking at me.

"Sure, these are my band mates, Rocky, Terri, Will and John," I said pointing to each as they waved.

"I haven't seen Bert or any of his guys all da-"

I was cut off by a pair of arms wrapping around my waist from behind and spinning me as they picked me up, it didn't take long for me to figure out who it was.

"Hey Bertie boy, long time no see," I said smiling as he set me down, giving him a hug.

"Where's Layka?" Bert asked looking around, I didn't know that he was stalling, but the suprise was pretty awesome.

"She's at my parent's house, we didn't want to bring her on tour because her leg's still healing and all, I really miss her though," I said sadly.

"Well if she's with your folks, then who's that cutie behind you?" Bert said smiling as he put his hands on my shoulders and spun me around.

"Oh my god guys," I said covering my mouth when I saw Layka sitting down and looking straight at me with what I could only describe as a smile on her face. I got right down on my knees and hugged her neck, recieving a sloppy kiss on my cheek as I pulled away from her.

"Was mainly these guys, we just drove to the airport to escourt her," Quinn said as he and Jeph walked up smiling.

"Thank you guys so much, seriously," I said looking up at my guys.

"We also talked it out with the vet, she says that Layka can stay on tour as long as she gets a check up every three weeks," Brian said nodding.

"Thought it might be a nice suprise," Gerard said as he squatted down next to me and kissed my cheek.

"You guys rock so hard," I said smiling as I kissed his cheek as well, getting up to give everyone hugs.

Later That Night, Time For Bed Everyone

"Night babe," Gerard said kissing me softly as he went to get up from my bunk.

"Night Gee, love you," I said sitting up and yawning.

"Love you too baby, I'll see you in the morning," he said smiling at me. "I'm really glad you guys are on tour with us."

"Me too, now leave before I kidnap you and make you stay," I said chuckling as I hugged him, making him laugh as well.

"I'll be all yours when we go to San Francisco, Warped's rented out a whole hotel for a majority of the bands to stay in, we'll both survive until then," he said giving me one last kiss before ruffling the fur on Layka's head and leaving the trailor to walk over to his own where the guys were probably watching The Nightmare Before Christmas for the fifth time.

"Layka," I whistled, Layka immediately hopping up into my bunk and snuggling close to me, I slowly drifted off to sleep, wondering how Gerard and the others had so much energy after a performance like this, all I knew is that I was crazy tired right now.