There's Just Too Much That Time Cannot Erase

Chapter 52

Later That Night: Amy's P.O.V.

"Amy? You in there hun?" I heard Jared ask from the other side of the door. See I didn't expect all of 30 Seconds To Mars to be at the door when I opened it, but they were.

"We're under strict orders to escourt you to tonight's venue, apparantly MCR and the rest of Evanescence are plotting something, so you'll be riding on our bus," Shannon said offering me his arm, Jared doing the same.

"I had that feeling," I said whistling, Layka immediately jumping off the band and walking over to me, sniffing curiously at the band. "Shall we gentlemen?"

"We shall, Layka help us out here girl," Jared said smiling.

"Gerard tells us that you're a ghost magnet?" Tomo said chuckling.

"I guess after you're pushed down stairs, screamed at out of nowhere and bitten on the wrist you could say that," I said nodding.

"We had our fun at Paramour, that's what gave Jared the idea for The Kill's video," Matt said looking at Jared.

"I did see some creepy stuff there, but shame on those ghosts, picking on Amy like that," Jared said mumbling the last part, making me laugh to myself. "Did you guys hear that?"

"Hear what?" Matt asked with a raised eyebrow, we all freaked out when Layka's head picked up.

"Like bells ringing..." Jared trailed off, that's when the lights went out.

"And now that's scary," I said nodding as a shiver went down my spine.

"Let's just keep heading towards the elevator, maybe the power'll come back on, can anyone see except for Layka?" he asked trying to lighten the mood.

"Dude the only thing I can make out is Layka," Shannon answered.

"That might be a bad thing," Tomo said quietly. "Anyone notice this hotel looks strangely like the one in our video?"

"What if I wanted to break, laugh it all off in your face, what would you do? What if I fell to the floor, couldn't take all this anymore, what would you do, do, do?" Jared sang softly, getting louder every so often. "Come, break me down. Bury me, bury me. I am finished with you."

Shannon joined in as he used his free arm to drum the beat on the wall as we walked. Matt and Tomo humming the beat of the guitars.

"What if I wanted to fight, beg for the rest of my life, what would you do? You say you wanted more, what are you waiting for, I'm not running from you. Come, break me down, bury me, bury me, I am finished with you. Look in my eyes, you're killing me, killing me, all I wanted was you. I tried to be someone else, but note I really am inside," Jared sang in the same tone, getting louder. "FINALLY FOUND MYSELF, FIGHTING FOR A CHANCE, I know now, this is who I really am."

The weird thing is, as Jared kept singing, everything and everyone stayed calm.

"What if I wanted to break...? What if I, what if I, what if I..." he trailed off, the lights slowly flicking back on. "Everyone okay?" he asked looking down at me.

"Fine, but I think we better hurry up before the lights go back off," I said taking a quick glance at the ceiling, sure enough, they were already dimming. "I have an idea," I said unlinking my arms from Shannon and Jared's, the both of them giving me a weird look.

"Amy we completely trust you and everything, but you do know Gerard's gonna murder us if you get lost and or hurt?" Tomo asked worriedly.

"Relax Tomo," I said as I took the lead, turning left in the direction of the stairs. "It's either getting stuck in an elevator for god knows how long or risking the stairs?"

"Stairs," everyone said in unison.

"Just in case, anyone have something from the bus that Layka would be able to track?" I asked looking back at them.

"My lyric book was under Matt's bed for awhile," Jared said taking the small notebook out of his pocket and handing it to me.

I bent down to Layka's level and let her sniff the notebook, smiling when she wagged her tail and led the way, she had it.

"Thank you," I said handing Jared his notebook back.

We were soon at the stairs and wouldn't you know it? The lights flicked off.

"Where is the venue anyway?" I asked, hoping that keeping up a conversation would keep me from freaking out, I'd never gotten over my fear of the dark, I was just good at hiding it.

"It's about an hour and a half from here I'd say," Matt replied.

"Everyone's already there?" I asked.

"Well we're the only ones in the hotel, except for the top floors, but pretty much, yeah," Jared said nodding. "Please no one trip, we don't need the domino effect."

"Hopefully we'll avoid that," I said chuckling as I used my hand to feel my way down the staircase. I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard footsteps, loud footsteps.

"What the hell was that?" Matt asked, voice echoing.

"Shh! Sounds like it's coming towards us, not behind, just stay calm," Jared said quietly. "Amy get behind me."

I quickly obliged and Shannon stayed close behind as we carefully continued on our way, the beating of my heart getting faster and faster as we continued to hear the loud footsteps.

I hadn't even noticed I was crying until Shannon put an arm around my shoulders, Jared stopping everyone.

"What's wrong Amy?" he asked, still listening for the footsteps, trying to figure out how close they were.

"Afraid of the dark, and no, I'm not kidding," I said wiping my eyes.

"We got your back hun, Shannon? You still have your car keys, right?" Jared asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"I just thought of it now, but do you still have that flashlight keychain?" Jared asked.

"Let me check," Shannon said before looking for his keys, finding them and in what seemed like forever, turning on the light of his keychain and handing it to Jared.

"Alright everyone, I don't care what's coming but we're making a run for it, everyone ready on three," Jared said looking back at us, making sure that everyone had nodded in agreement. "One...two...three!"

Everyone of us bolted down the stairs, completely ignoring whatever was the cause of the loud footsteps, Layka was the first one to reach the last set of stairs that would lead us down to the lobby, much to everyone's appreciation. I think everyone was relieved to finally see the floor of the lobby, the fact that the lights came on as soon as we reached the doors was just ironic.

Jared gave Shannon back his keys and we all walked out to the parking lot, I think I was the first to realize that we'd just been tricked.

"I'm killing Bert," I said with my hands on my hips, parked right next to the 30 Seconds To Mars bus was of course the The Used bus, it had been Bert, Quinn and Jeph making the noise and messing with the lights, that's why Layka didn't growl.

"I believe we just got punked," Jared said shaking his head when the commiters of the crime came walking out of the hotel with very wide grins.

"Bert, so help me god if there weren't any witnesses-" I threatened as I walked up to him, not really knowing how to finish the threat which made everyone crack up.

"Dude we are so telling Gerard that you made his fiance cry," Tomo said still laughing.

"Shame Bert, shame," Shannon said mimicking his brother.

"We didn't mean it Ames, I'm sorry," Bert said as he hugged me.

"I still hate you," I said trying not to laugh, alas I gave myself away. "And you better tell us what Gerard's done with the rest of my band," I said pulling away and glaring at him.

"She's lookin pretty serious bro," Quinn said smiling.

"I'm sorry Ms. Lee but I just can't do that, it's a suprise," he said smirking.

I probably wouldn't get anything out of Bert so I decided to play along, Layka and I following Jared onto their bus.

"McCracken is definately up to something," I said to myself as I walked onto the bus, sitting down next to Matt on what I guessed was his bunk before Shannon started the bus, waving one last time to Bert and the guys before we were off to the venue.

"Something tells me that was only to keep us busy, they're plotting something big," Jared said sitting down on the other side of me. And Jared was right, we definately weren't expecting what the others had planned, but we would soon find out.