There's Just Too Much That Time Cannot Erase

Chapter 55

Jenni's P.O.V.

"Hello?" asked a woman's voice after she answered the phone on the third ring.

"Hey Ms. Atwood, remember Jenni? Ray Toro's fiance?" I asked, hoping she remembered me from walking around the set with her.

"Oh of course! How are you doing Jenni?" she asked, something telling me that she was smiling.

"I'm fine, but Gerard and his fiance, Amy, are getting married in a week and we've litteraly searched through thousands-"

"I'd be delighted to design Amy's dress," Colleen cut me off in that same warm tone. "I don't have any projects to work on at the moment and I fear rapairing holes in the table cloth doesn't keep me very entertained. How about you ladies drop by tomorrow so I can take Amy's measurements?" she asked.

"Let me ask real quick," I said putting the phone to my shoulder. "You guys have no plans tomorrow, right?"

"We're checking out a flower shop in the morning but that's it," Gerard said looking to Amy for clarification who nodded.

"We'll be there tomorrow then, thank you so much Ms. Atwood," I said smiling.

"Anytime, and tell the band that I love the new album, see you at noon tomorrow dear," she said before hanging up.

"Colleen Atwood is offically going to help design Amy's wedding dress. So we'll be taking Amy over to her studio at noon tomorrow, what kind of flowers are you getting anyway?" I asked.

"I really like the idea of roses, not black roses though," Amy said as she got up, taking a seat next to Gerard who gladly wrapped an arm around her.

"Roses sound like a good idea, and my mom said something about the shop spray painting flowers so once we figure out the color scheme of things, we can look into that as well," Gerard said nodding.

"Now we just have to order a cake, find out colors, get decorations, hire a photographer and make sure the reservations are set for the party," Courtney said sitting up.

This whole wedding planning thing wasn't so complicated when you had friends to help you out, and we were gonna give it our all to make sure Amy and Gerard's wedding was a memorable one.

The Next Afternoon: Colleen Atwood's Studio: Amy's P.O.V.

"Hello ladies, how's our bride to be?" Colleen asked with a smile as the four of us walked inside, Gerard just looking around at all the different designs in complete amazement, he really did love the costumes that Colleen designed for so many movies.

"Just nervous that something's going to go wrong, but with the girls helping us plan, I know I have to try looking on the bright side," I smiled as she hugged everyone, moving to get some measurement tape from an open drawer.

"I'm sure everything'll be fine, so before I get your measurements, what're we thinking for the dress' general style?" Colleen asked, looking from Gerard to me. "Sit, sit."

We all sat down on a nearby couch, Gerard's head on my shoulder as we both thought for a minute.

"The girl's were thinking of something off the shoulder for Amy, but we honestly have no idea as to what color the dress is going to be-" Gerard started, Colleen cutting him off.

"The important thing for Halloween themed weddings is to have fun with it. No one wants a black dress on their wedding day, and orange isn't that traditional, and when you think red you think bride's maids," Colleen said tapping her fingers against her thigh as she thought. "I think once we figure out how the body of the dress will look we'll be able to decide on color, what kind of flowers are you having?"

"Red roses and for my bouquet it's a mix of lillies and daisies, they're kind of springy looking, but they said that once we decide on wedding colors they can spray paint the flowers for us," I said nodding, remembering the trip Gerard and I had taken earlier this morning.

"For now I'm thinking instead of one solid color, we either blend or use the three of them in harmony, later on I'll make some sketches and we can go from there," she said nodding before taking my hand. She stood me in the middle of the room, arms held out as she measured my chest, waist and hips.

"I think depending on how exactly the colors are blended, maybe it could work," I said shrugging.

"And who knows, you two might actually decide on the traditional white either way, but it's good to have open options all the same. Now I'm going to lock myself in my drawing room and come up with some sketches, I want you ladies to go back home and the happy couple to come back in a few hours, now shoo," she said as she finished up.

"Thank you so much for this Colleen," I said hugging her.

"It's no problem Amy, I think it'll be fun designing a real wedding dress, my work's never really fully appreciated in movies anyway, but if you all ever need costumes, I'll always make time," she smiled at Gerard and I as I pulled away.

"And this is why I consider this woman a hero," Gerard laughed as Colleen hugged everyone again before we left the studio.

"She is amazing, your dress is going to look fantastic Ames, I know it," Courtney said hugging me.

"I'm really interested in what she'll come up with, promise to call?" Kelly asked as we started the walk back home, the studio really wasn't that far from our houses. Gerard and I had offically been living together for a month after the tour started, everyone basically lived in the same neighborhood, and luckily, our fans didn't know about the recent move, and if they did, they gave us our privacy.

"Of course," Gerard smiled as he wrapped an arm around me, pulling me close to his side as we walked. "God, we have that interview today at like three, why do we put up with MTV again?" he asked.

"Because their award show is the only thing worth watching," I said laughing as I looked up at him. "And since the girl's are kidnapping me today you're on your own with fending off any attractive hosts."

"That last chick wasn't even remotely cute," he muttered as he leaned down to kiss my forehead, making me smile.

"Really, it should be illegal for two people to fit together so perfectly, it's like that dream puzzle that has all the right pieces," Kelly said faking a sniffle.

"Save it for the wedding speech Kelly," Jenni laughed when we reached home. Everyone hugged before heading off in seperate directions, knowing there was still much more to do.

"I'm so glad Brian scheduled our interviews a week apart each, it's the same questions everytime!" Gerard sighed as we walked inside. Layka's head picked up as we entered the bedroom, falling back onto the bed, attention returning to her afternoon nap. Really, you couldn't ask for a better life.

"Well that is part of the job desciption I guess," I laughed as I kissed him. "And once we find another bassist we'll be right up there with MCR."

"We would let you borrow Mikey but he's ours," Gerard smirked. "But I'm sure you guys'll find someone."

"Yeah, I know we will," I smiled. "Ten bucks that Colleen's going to come up with the most awesome design."

"I'm not betting against that, she really is an amazing designer," he said running a hand through my hair. "But it'd be impossible to be any more amazing than you Ames."

"Did I mention that I love you and still completely don't deserve how sweet you are to me?" I asked with a grin.

"It has been mentioned before, but I disagree with that last part," he said kissing me. "And I love you too."

The Interview: Gerard's P.O.V.

"So we're here with the five members of famous rock band, My Chemical Romance," a guy with spiky, black hair said into a microphone as he leaned back in a chair across from us. The girls in the crowd all screamed, all five of us resisting the urge to roll our eyes at the shouts of "Marry me!" and things that teen girls really shouldn't be thinking about, the thing about doing this so long, we got used to it.

"So let's start out with the first question: The album dropped yesterday, how does it feel?" the guy asked, his name suddenly coming to memory, he'd introduced himself as Noah.

"I think we're all really nervous, and not that I'm giving anything away, but Gerard's also been busy lately," Frank said nodding, a chorus of "oohs" going through the crowd before they quieted down.

"Care to share anything Gerard?" Noah asked looking at me.

"All I'm saying is that we're doing something qute different for Frank's birthday this year, and it's just taking a lot to double check and make sure things are working right, but we've got a lot of support so I know we're gonna pull through almost stress free," I said, having no desire what so ever to announce my upcoming wedding on one of my least favorite channels.

"So you've gone from loud and aggresive in Bullet's, kind of toned it down in Three Cheers but kept that meaning, how do you think this album is different from your previous two?" Noah asked.

"Like we've been saying, this one really had that epic mood about it. We had to dig really deep down inside ourselves and bring out whatever we'd buried under the hatch, basically the good, the bad and the ugly. And at one point we really were close to breaking up, it was just overwhelming at first and none of us knew how to deal," Ray explained.

"As some of you know, we did the recording for the album at Paramour, which is basically one of the scariest places I've ever lived. Shortly after we got back from Warped, still living at Paramour, Mikey had a breakdown and had to leave the band temporarily. We're fine now though. When it all stops meaning something, we'll just walk away. The point of our band is to save lives and show our fans that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and really, I think this album taught us that," I said, the guys nodding in agreement.

"Like Ray said, it was really hard at first, we argued about song choices, it took forever to make sure the notes were really communicating what the song was trying to betray, and bringing back old memories was really overwhelming, I just felt like I couldn't do it anymore at that point. I would be up onstage performing and I wasn't having fun, but the break we're taking for a few months before we kick off our touring is really my chance at calming down. I know now that being in this band is where I belong, and having such great bandmates, I can deal with the stress," Mikey finished.

"Awesome, so is there another album forming in the future, or are you guys just letting this one take it's course and worrying about it later?" Noah asked.

"We'll you can never stop Gerard and Ray from writing, but you never know. The important thing about being in such a widely known band, is you can't get cocky. No one can start a band and expect to make 50 billion albums before they call it quits, then you don't pay attention to the songs right in front of you. We're definately going to discuss it after our touring's over though," Bob nodded.

"God I hate asking these, but some have been wondering about what's going on with you guys behind the music," Noah said, the expression on his face clearly uncomfortable.

"We're all engaged, that's all you guys need to know," Ray laughed.

And wouldn't it just be my luck that my cell phone buzzed at that exact moment, signaling that I had a text message. The whole crowd "oohed" when I un-successfully tried to sneak it out of my back pocket, smiling when I saw that it was Amy.

"It's Amy!" Frank said excitedly, making the crowd laugh when I reached behind Mikey's head to smack him.

"Really, you'd think Gerard would be one of the more mature members," Mikey laughed before looking down at my phone. "I'd answer that Gee."

How's the interview going?

They're on the infamous personal lives question, great timing babe :)

"Aww," Ray said leaning over to see my reply.

Lol, sorry, good news when you get home, love you <3

Love you more, see you soon

I closed my phone with a smile on my face, sliding it back into my pocket with an innocent look on my face.

"Well that answers something," Noah laughed. "So to end this off the right way, you guys are going to be performing something for us off of the new album, correct?"

"Yes, we will be performing one of our favorites, The Sharpest Lives," Ray nodded.

"Okay then, here we go with The Sharpest Lives by My Chemical Romance, stay tuned everyone!" Noah said as the cameras flipped off, giving us comercial time to set up.

The three minutes were up pretty quick and we were ready to go, not to sound airheaded or anything, but we rocked that set.

Well it rains and it pours when you're out on your own
If I crash on the couch can I sleep in my clothes?
'Cause I've spent the nice dancing, I'm drunk I suppose
If it looks like I'm laughing I'm really just asking to leave

This alone. You're in time for the show,
You're the one that I need, I'm the one that you loathe
You can watch me corrode like a beast in repose,
Cause I love all the poison, away with the boys in the band

I've really been on a bender and it shows,
So why don't you blow me a kiss before she goes?

Give me a shot to rememeber,
And you can take all the pain away from me.
A kiss and I will surrender,
The sharpest lives are the deadliest to lead
A light to burn all the empires,
So bright the sun is ashamed to rise and be
In love with all the vampires,
So you can leave like the sane abandoned me

There's a place in the dark where the animals go,
You can take off your skin in the cannibal glow
Juliet loves the beat and the lust it commands,
Drop the dagger and lather the blood in your hands Romeo.

I've really been on a bender and it shows,
So why don't you blow me a kiss before she goes?

Give me a shot to remember,
And you can take all the pain away from me.
A kiss and I will surrender,
The sharpest lives are the deadliest to lead.
A light to burn all the empires,
So bright the sun is ashamed to rise and be
In love with all of these vampires,
So you can leave like the sane abandoned me


Give me a shot to remember,
And you can take all the pain away from me.
A kiss and I will surrender,
The sharpest lives are the deadliest to lead.
A light to burn all the empires,
So bright the sun is ashamed to rise and be
In love with all of these vampires,
So you can leave like the sane abandoned me
