There's Just Too Much That Time Cannot Erase

Chapter 59

Six Months Later, Gerard's 26th Birthday: Amy's P.O.V.

"Wake up birthday boy," I laughed as I jumped onto the bed, this being my fifth attempt to wake up my deep sleeper of a husband.

"Five more minutes mom," he mumbled, making me laugh as he pulled me down and rested his head on my chest, I knew he was awake, he was just faking.

"No, and I will use force if nessicary to wake you up," I threatened, making him look up at me with a smirk.

"Oh real-"

I cut him off by pushing him over the edge of the bed, unfortunately he'd gotten a hold of me and ended up landing on top of me, causing Layka to wake up and stare at us like we were crazy as I smiled innocently up at Gerard.

"You really are persitant when you want to wake someone up," he smiled before leaning down to kiss me.

"Well I can't let you sleep all day, you might start hibernating," I said poking his stomach, this causing him to start tickling me like mad.

These past six months have been amazing, just waking up next to Gerard and knowing how much in love we were was enough reason to be happy. Our wedding had gone perfectly, and of course the bands we invited had all played one or two songs for us as we danced around the club, and the special guests that Jenni and the girls had invited? None other than the Goo Goo Dolls, who flew in all the way from their UK tour just to play one of Gerard and I's favorite song, one called Iris that I'd fallen in love with awhile ago.

By now there'd been two weddings, it was Bob and Kelly on New Years Eve, the day before Bob's birthday; and Laurie and Frank on Valentine's Day, our group definately had a thing for holidays so far.

"Amy are you sure you're okay?" Gerard asked when I'd abrubtly gotten up and ran into the bathroom, feeling sick to my stomach. Okay, so for about three weeks now I've been under the weather, nothing really shocking for me. It was always hard for me to get sick growing up, but whenever I did it usually lasted awhile.

"Probably just a virus or something Gee, I'm fine," I assured him after I'd emptied the contents of my stomach, flushing the toilet and rinsing out my mouth at the sink. What I was really wondering was why I was looking paler than usual, that wasn't something that usually happened when I was sick.

Gerard came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, planting a few soft kisses on my neck before resting his head on my shoulder.

"I hope you feel better soon, it sucks to see you not feeling well," he mumbled into my neck, making me smile at how caring he was.

"I'll be fine, but it's about you today Gee, don't worry about me," I said turning in his arms, burying my face into his neck as he held me, slowly rocking me from side to side.

"That's like trying to master Jimmy Hendrix's guitar playing, not even possible," he said kissing my cheek.

This guy was too sweet sometimes....

Later On In The Day, The Birthday Party

"You are the most amazing person to ever live," Gerard grinned as he pulled me down onto his lap, hugging me tightly as I smiled.

We were now unwrapping presents, and though Gerard had made it clear that he really didn't want anything other than to spend time with his friends and family, we'd all thrown him a suprise party and both his parents and mine had made sure to show up and wish him a happy birthday.

He'd just unwrapped the few CDs that I'd bought him to replace his others, who would think that a CD would stop working after you've listened to it almost everyday since you were in highschool? I'd also gotten him a new sketchbook since he'd filled up his old one, and can you believe that after all this time, he's still managed to make sure that it was well hidden?

So far he'd gotten a very large stack of comic books from Mikey and Courtney to keep him busy during touring, an art set from Ray and Jenni, a pair of dog tag necklaces with the word 'Evanescent' on one and 'Romance' on another from Laurie and Frank, and a promise of no more MTV interviews for awhile from Brian, something he was more than happy about.

Next up was Bob and Kelly who handed Gerard a manilla folder, a smile on both their faces as Gerard raised an eyebrow, Robbie stopping him from opening it for a moment.

"Before you get mad or anything, I swear to god I thought Layka was away from the other wolves," he said holding up his hands in defense.

Both Gerard and I had confused expressions on our faces as he proceeded to open the folder, pulling out what looked like a sonogram and a few papers of some document, wait a minute....

Animal's Name: Layka
Owner(s): Amy Lee/Gerard Way
Date of Appointment: February 26, 2006
Animal's Status: Currently un-neutured, pregnant....

"Oh my god, look," Gerard said pointing to the one word that stood out the most to me, then holding up the sonogram, sure enough, I could see two little objects forming, Layka was having puppies.

"The doctor said the puppies would be due around late March or mid-April, which is why she's been lazier than usual, we wanted to tell you sooner but kind of wanted to hold off until the right time..." Robbie trailed off.

"No Robbie, this is an awesome gift, thank you guys," he smiled before kissing my cheek.

"My baby's growing up so fast," I said pretending to cry as I looked to the floor where Layka was curled under Gerard's chair and asleep, causing everyone to laugh at my randomness, but really, this was exciting.

Gerard's parents had given him an actual comic book version of Breakfast Monkey, a cartoon that had been rejected by Cartoon Network when he used to work there before the band was formed. He teared up a little at what his parents had wrote on the inside of first page, and it made me smile at how heartfelt the message was.

When you raise two sons that grow up to be some of the most successful rock stars out there, men that kids look up to for guidance and acceptance, you know you've done right. But when you have a son that not only can sing his heart out with every emotion in his being and can also draw circles around De Vinci anyday, you know you couldn't have asked for more to make you proud. We bet Cartoon Network's feeling pretty stupid right about now...

All our love and support for where ever life takes you,
Mom and Dad

"Thanks Mom and Dad," he smiled as he hugged his parents. "That really means so much."

"Well it's true," I smiled as I hugged him.

Now everyone cracked up laughing when Gerard looked to my parents with a smirk, seeing that they had no visible present.

"What? Your present's sitting right on your lap, bud, we didn't even have to wrap it!" my dad laughed, the whole room applauding his craftiness.

"And it's the best present I could ever ask for," Gerard said squeezing me, smiling as I turned my head and pecked his lips.

"I'll be right back," whispered into his ear, waiting for him to nod before kissing him again and getting up, trying not to look as sick as I felt at the moment as I made my way to the bathroom, god what the hell was wrong with me?

Five Minutes Later: Frank's P.O.V.

"I'll go check on Amy for you," I whispered to Gerard when I noticed he was looking a bit worried after Amy still hadn't come back downstairs. We'd all noticed that she'd been sick for a few weeks, but usually she'd just shrug it off and say she was perfectly fine, there was something wrong here though.

I told Laurie what I was doing before getting up and making my way upstairs, it didn't take too long to find Amy. She was sitting against the wall of the bathroom connected to she and Gerard's bedroom, knees pulled up to her chest and head in her hands as she cried to herself.

"Woah, woah, what's wrong Amy?" I asked kneeling down in front of her.

"I've been throwing up for the past three weeks and not only is it physically hurting me, but it's stressing Gerard out and I'm just ruining his birthday by being sick and making him worry about me," sne sniffed as she looked up at me. "And I'm late."

"Are you sure it's appropriate to quote Alice In Wonderland right now?" I smiled in confusion as I tried to figure out what she was saying, she wasn't exactly laughing.

"Frank, let me say it again, I-am-late, do I need to be any more specific?" she said, a tear dripping down her face.

I caught on soon after and had to think of a smart way to reply, trying hard not to upset her when I spoke.

"Amy, you and Gee are having a kid, that's amazing. You both love and care for each other so much, what's the problem?" I asked with my hands on her shoulders.

"I'm scared Frank," she said sniffling. "I don't know how he's going to take it and there's so much that could go wrong..." she said as the tears started coming again.

"Shh Amy, stop worrying. Gerard's going to be there for you every step of the way, we all are," I said hugging her.

"Thanks Frank," she smiled as I pulled away.

"What're brother-in-laws for? Now, when are we revealing this suprise?" I asked, making her laugh.

She had no idea how excited Gerard was going to be about this.