There's Just Too Much That Time Cannot Erase

Chapter 62

The Next Morning: Amy's P.O.V.

"It's about that time isn't it?" I asked yawning after Gerard had woken me up by kissing my forehead.

"Afraid so," he nodded before switching off the alarm clock a minute before it was to go off. He went to work checking his suitcase after pecking my lips, giving me time to shower and get dressed before handing the bathroom over to him and making sure he wasn't leaving anything behind.

"Do I have to go?" Gerard sighed when I came out of the bathroom, wrapping his arms around my waist and wresting his head on my shoulder. "I'm seriously going to miss you like crazy as soon as we get on the plane."

"For the fans Gee, and you're going to have a great time while you're doing it, don't ruin a tour because of me, okay? I'm going to miss you every second but I should be able to hold myself together long enough until you get back," I chuckled.

"I know you'll be able to, I still feel guilty about leaving you though," he sighed as he pulled away, looking into my eyes.

"Don't, because there's absolutely nothing to worry about, I'll be fine Gee," I smiled before standing on my toes and kissing him softly. "Now go shower so we're not late."

"Yes ma'am," he mumbled before leaning down to kiss me again before releasing me and walking into the bathroom, closing the door behind him as I sat on the bed and looked through his suitcase, smiling when I saw his dog tag necklace with the word 'Evanescent' safely tucked away. He basically had everything packed and ready to go, and by the time he came out of the shower we were ready to go.


"But I'm not hungry Gee!" I whined, knowing exactly what he was talking about it. Ever since the doctor had referred to how small I was, she assigned Gerard the task of making sure I ate more, breakfast especially counted.

He sighed as he walked over to the bed, picking up his suitcase in one hand and setting it beside him on the floor, wrapping his free arm around my waist and pulling me up at the same time, walking out of the bedroom with me and into the kitchen, I wasn't winning the battle this morning.

"At least an apple and I'll be happy, at this rate we're going to be early anyway," he said sitting me down at the counter. I shot a playful glare at him before reaching for the fruit basket, munching on an apple while he made his morning cup of coffee. Another apple later and he was satisfied, kissing my cheek before taking my hand and grabbing the car keys on our way out of the house, Layka's head picking up as she watched us leave.

Another flight, another tour...

"Flight 471 to Sacramento, California has now landed, please make an orderly line in order for all passengers to safely board," the intercom buzzed, not really causing a change in the low populated airport.

"Well that's us guys," Brian sighed as he looked at everyone, it wasn't exagerrating to say we all looked pretty miserable, the realization that we wouldn't be with our loved ones for a month straight really was hitting hardest right now. And though I'd given off the impression at first that I could be strong about it, Gerard was first to notice the tear that I quickly wiped away.

"I knew it was hurting you from the second we found out we were leaving, I'm sorry it's for so long babe," he murmered as he pulled me close, rubbing my back soothingly as a few more tears dripped down.

"I'm gonna miss you so much Gee," I sniffed, feeling so stressed out from how emotional I've been for the past few months.

"I know Amy, I know," he said kissing the top of my head, sighing deeply. "Being away from you is going to be absolute pain, believe me."

I'd soon calmed down after he held me for a few seconds, finally looking up to him and wrapping my arms around his neck in a hug, knowing he had to leave soon with the guys. I smiled down at the chain around his neck, he'd probably taken the necklace out of his bag while I was in the kitchen earlier.

"I'll call you as soon as we get there," he said returning the hug, kissing my cheek. "I love you."

"I love you too Gee," I said nodding before we both stood up from our chairs, the girls also hugging their guys goodbye.

I was about to pull away from the embrace when Gerard squeezed me one last time, smiling as he pulled away slightly.

"Just four weeks, we can hold ourselves together for four weeks," he said reassuringly, his hands on my shoulders.

"I know you can, have fun," I smiled after we shared our last kiss for a whole month, finally pulling apart.

"I'll try, please take care of her for me girls," he smiled before hugging everyone else, Brian ready to lead the way to the plane.

"We will Gee, now all of you get before you miss your flight," Jenni laughed, shooing her fiance towards his band mates.

The guys waved like idiots as they finally started following Brian, the others in the airport either looking shocked that My Chemical Romance was in an airport so early in the morning or wandering who the hell the grown men wearing eyeliner were, though I must admit, both responses were pretty funny.

"They'll be back in no time," Kelly said with an arm around my shoulder as we watched our guys disappear around the corner, a slight emptiness forming in the pit of my stomach.

"I hope so," I said sighing as I got hugs from the other girls, walking with them as we made our way outside and to the parking lot. This would be a long four weeks...

Hours Later, Back At Home

"She's been asleep for five hours, should we wake her up?"

"The doctor said that was normal, shh!"

I woke up to find myself lying on my bed, Jenni and Kelly standing in the doorway.

"Sorry Ames, we were just checking in on you," Jenni said, making Kelly glare at her when she poked her in the side.

"That's alright guys," I laughed as I sat up. "He called while I was asleep didn't he?"

"Yep, we told him you were out cold and he said he'd-"

Jenni's reply was cut off by the ringing phone in her hand, making her smirk as she looked down at the caller I.D. and answered. "Speak of the devil. Yes she's alive and awake, see, five hours and we haven't lost her or anything Gee!"

She tossed me the phone a few minutes later, she and Kelly closing the door behind themselves as they left me alone with a sleeping Layka still dozing next to me.

"Hey sleepyhead, how are you?" Gerard asked in a cheery voice, a tiny bit of that empty feeling slinking away and comforting me.

"Just throwing up and everything, the usual," I said sarcastically, smiling when I heard him laugh. "But I'm okay, how was your flight?"

"Mikey's sitting right across from me so I'm afraid I can't give you a detailed description of our flight, let's just say I couldn't have gotten any sleep if I wanted to," he said chuckling seconds before I heard noise in the background, rolling my eyes when I heard Ray, Frank and Bob cheering Mikey on in the background. "And he just tackled me for that, so I'll call you back soon."

"I told you that he'd get you one day for cracking on him like that Gee," I laughed. "Tell the guys I said hi, love you."

"Love you too Ames, talk to you soon," he laughed before hanging up, and judging by the background cheering I heard, Mikey was winning so far.

I stretched out my arms and got up, walking out of the room to where the girls were all chilling out in the living room, maybe with them this month wouldn't go by as painfully slow as I was thinking.