There's Just Too Much That Time Cannot Erase

The Day We've All Been Waiting For

Jenni's P.O.V.

"Their flight's gonna be a few hours late so Laurie and I are going to pick them up," Courtney nodded to me as we went over the preperation plan for in case Amy went into labor. Being three weeks past her due date, it really wasn't exagerrating in saying that she could "pop" any day now. MCR finished their last scheduled show in London at two in the morning today and we'd all just learned that their flight would be delayed after their secret concert in a record store. The main thing was to keep Amy calm, she was pretty stressed as it was.

It was seven o'clock at night when the guys called back to say that they were on the plane, arriving at our airport in four hours, so they'd be home around eleven.

"I'm gonna go use the bathroom," Amy told me as we were all sitting on the couch and watching The Corpse Bride for the third time that week. I nodded simply, eyes staying on the screen as she got up to leave the room. None of us were expecting what happened next. Not a minute after Amy had left we all jumped when a scream sounded, coming from the direction of the hall where Amy had disappeared to.

All four of us jumped up and ran, finding a sobbing Amy leaning against the wall and a small puddle on the wood floor beneath her, oh god.

"Her water broke!" Laurie said wide eyed, Kelly reaching over and pulling Amy into a hug.

"It's alright Ames, we're here for you," she soothed as Amy continued to cry.

"What if Gerard misses the baby being born Kelly? This is something for both of us," she sobbed, the realization hitting all of us. MCR's plane was landing in four hours, Amy's water had broke just now; depending on how long this whole labor process would take, she was right, the odds were looking pretty slim for a happy ending for everyone.

"We'll worry about that later Amy, but we've gotta get you to the hospital and Laurie and Courtney are going to get them all there as soon as possible," I said gently as Kelly handed Amy over to me, running into the bedroom to get the hospital bag. Courtney grabbed the car keys and Laurie and I helped Amy out of the house and into the car, Kelly hopping in the passenger seat with the bag on her knees.

We soon arrived at the hospital, trying not to panic as we all piled out of the car, locked the doors and walked quickly across the parking lot and into the building.

"What can I do for you ladies?" an elderly nurse asked politely as we arrived at the reception desk.

"Amy Lee Way, her water just broke and she's a patient of Dr. Spencer," Laurie said hurriedly, the nurse keying something into her computer before looking back up at us with a warm smile.

"Megan, please take Mrs. Way to 357 in the Maternity Ward," she said turning, talking over her shoulder to someone. A girl no older than Laurie with long blonde hair pulled back soon appeared with a wheel chair, helping Amy into it and nodding at the nurse.

"Follow me ladies," Megan said as she put her hands on the handles of Amy's chair, leading us down a long hallway. "So are you all the family?"

"Well Laurie's her younger sister and we're friends of the family, our husbands are on tour right now and asked us to watch over her," Kelly explained, Megan nodding as she stopped at a door and took a key from her pocket, unlocking the door and flicking on the lights.

"We're going to take a few minutes to get everything set up and then we'll call you all back in to sit with her until Mr. Way arrives, alright?"

"Sounds great," Laurie nodded before crouching down and wrapping her arms around Amy. "You're gonna be fine Ames."

"Thanks sis," Amy smiled as she returned the hug, waving a goodbye at us before Megan wheeled her into the room and gently shut the door.

"I'm calling them now," I nodded as Kelly gave me a worried look. Pulling out my cellphone I dialed the number for Gerard's cell, his voice meeting my ears on the second ring.

"What's up?" he asked slightly worried as he picked up.

"Gerard, I need you to be as calm as possible when I tell you this, it's nothing bad, okay?" I asked letting out a sigh.

"Just tell me she's okay Jenni," he answered honestly.

"Her water broke a few minutes ago, nothing's happening yet so you guys have time to get here. Courtney and Laurie are picking you guys up from the airport and bringing you straight here. Remember that this could take hours Gee," I explaining, hoping he wouldn't freak out or anything.

"Oh my god," he said in shock.

"We're going into the room now, I think you need to be the one calming her down Gee," I said when Megan opened the door and beckoned us in, taking the hospital bag from Kelly and setting it down on one of the chairs in the room. Gerard agreed and I handed the phone to Amy as soon as she saw me, knowing that this all would be a lot easier if they were just here right now.

Amy's P.O.V.

"Hey babe, how're you doing?" Gerard asked I put the phone to my ear.

"Scared out of my mind and very nervous right now, you?" I asked, smiling at the sound of him chuckling lightly.

"MIssing you terribly and feeling some of that worry," he replied. "But we both just have to calm down and let things fall into place, we'll be there as soon as possible though," he assured me.

"Mikey's biting his nails right now isn't he?" I asked randomly, noticing that Gerard hadn't made a comment about his brother's alleged snoring yet.

"And Frank's bouncing up and down with excitement, guess I should fill them in, huh?"

"If it were me I'd keep them in suspense, but go ahead if you want to," I laughed. "God I'm really not looking forward to hours of pain."

"I know babe, but I'm hopefully going to be there in time, just hang in there for us, okay?"

"Sure, love you Gee," I smiled.

"I love you too Amy, see you soon babe," he said before the call was disconnected and I handed Jenni back her phone.

"Well for now we're going to play the waiting game until the baby's ready to decide when thing's are going to start moving. Call us the second you feel anything different, even if you think it's a false alarm, better to be safe than sorry. We're going to take good care of you Mrs. Way," Megan smiled after writing down a few things on a chart and handing it to an assistant that quickly scurried out of the room. "Dr. Spencer's on her way, she'll fill you in on a few things and then it goes from there, I'll be at the nurses' desk," she said before following the assistant, leaving the five of us in the room.

"You better not give us any heart attacks, little Way," Laurie said smiling down at my stomach as she sat down on the railing of my bed. "This could be a long night."

Indeed it would be, there was no doubt about that......