There's Just Too Much That Time Cannot Erase

Chapter 67

"We've got a car crash on the road to Caway Hospital, five males and two females, let's get moving men," a fire fighter said as the ambulance arrived at the scene, paramedics jumping out left and right.

"They're all in there chief," a recruit reported to the captain, ready to follow orders. "I'm not sure about the other car, looks like the driver was drunk."

"Can we identify the ones in the van?" the captain asked looking down at the young recruit with experienced eyes.

"Gerard and Mikey Way, Ray Toro, Bob Bryar, Laurie and Frank Iero and a Courtney Aarons, it just looks like scratches and maybe a few broken ribs," the recruit nodded.

"Get them out and on that ambulance, have the hospital check them over and they're free to go, let's move!" the captain yelled, action immediately taking place as the passengers were safely removed from the vehicle.

"Are you alright? Feel like anything's broken?" a paramedic asked as the seven were brought to the ambulance with help of the fire fighters.

"Besides some bruises and headaches I think we'll all be fine," Gerard nodded as he looked around at his group. "But we've got an emergency and kind of need to get to the hospital in a hurry."

"We'll ride you there," the paramedic said after checking over everyone quickly before helping them into the back of the ambulance, giving the fire squad the signal to head back to the station. The police were currently investigating the status of the drunk driver who was only unconscious, they'd be back to the group later to ask questions. So as My Chemical Romance were whisked away to the hospital in the back of an ambulance, let's see what's going on in the Maternity Ward, shall we?

Five Minutes Later: Amy's P.O.V.

"They're going to be fine Ames," Jenni assured me as she sat on the railing like Laurie had done awhile ago, trying to calm me down as I cried in pain and frustration. My husband, his band, my little sister and one of my best friends had just been a car accident and we'd gotten no news about it except for the fact that it was a drunk driver who'd hit them. So many situations were running through my head that it felt much more painful than the physical hell I was going through. And then the feeling of Jenni rubbing my back stopped, and arms were wrapped around me in a warm hug, had I been crying so much that I was alert to even the slightest change?

"Sorry I'm late."

His voice in my ear sent chills down my spine and immediately the headaches went away.

"I can't believe you're here," I sniffed as I clung to him, still crying as I buried my face into his chest and wrapped my arms tightly around his waist. "It hurts so bad Gee."

"I know, I know it does Ames, and I'm so sorry I couldn't be here every second of it to help you through," he said as he held me. "But I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere."

"Looks like the baby's calling the shots now, glad to see you again Mr. Way," Dr. Spencer smiled as she walked into the room, nodding her head to a machine I was hooked up to. "The worst is yet to come but she's basically all ready to start, Mr. Way can I have you get behind her, we're gonna need your help in the last of this."

Gerard's P.O.V.

I nodded as I kissed Amy's cheek, pushing her forward gently as I got into the bed behind her, waiting for further instructions from the doctor.

"Just lean your weight against her when she's pushing and support her when she rests, no rush," the doctor said taking a seat on a stool and checking off a few things.

"Deep breathes babe," I whispered into her ear as we started things off slowly, Dr. Spencer wanting to take precautions because of Amy's small form.

Thirty-seven minutes later...:Amy's P.O.V.

"One more and it's all over Mrs. Way," the doctor announced, her upbeat voice not really helping as I gripped onto Gerard's hands, feeling so weak from all of this.

"I don't think I can handle one more," I said panting as I fell back into his chest.

"Just one more Ames," Gerard said reassuringly as he stroked my hand with his thumb, his chin rested on my shoulder.

A loud cry was heard a minute later and looking down I saw Dr. Spencer smiling as she cradled a baby in her arms, our baby.

"Congradulations on a healthy baby girl you two, would you like to cut the cord Mr. Way?" she asked looking up at us.

"I'm fine right here Doc," he said shaking his head, wide smiles on both of our faces as the doctor did the honors and a nurse came over with a pale yellow blanket, holding this little infant that I'd been carrying for nine months and had put me through so much. The feeling that rushed through me as I opened my arms and received my baby was overwhelming, I hadn't known her for more than a second and I already felt immense love for her, that I was this baby's mother and that my job was to care for and protect her.

"Hey little one, welcome into the world after those long nine months," I smiled down at my baby, my heart stopping as her crying stopped and her eyes opened, pale green as she looked up at Gerard and I in curiousity.

"She is absolutely beautiful, just like her mom," Gerard smiled as he kissed my cheek. "You have no idea how much I'm in love with you right now, I'm so happy Amy," he said giving me a squeeze, his hand softly brushing the few black hairs on our baby's head.

So she had my eyes and his hair, really I think genetics couldn't have been more fair, the child I held in my arms at this minute was the most beautiful thing in the world to me, and it was unbelievable that I had been partly responsible for bringing her into this world.

"So what are we naming the first baby Way," Mikey asked smiling as he walked up to the bed with a video camera in hand, the baby turning her focus to him before looking back at me, her little fingers gripping mine tightly as I held her.

"We welcome Hayden Iris Way into the MCR Mafia," Gerard and I smiled into the camera. Hayden, the name of my first born child, a name that both Gerard and I had been skeptical about before it grew on us. As for Iris, that not only was the song that we first danced to as a married couple, but it gave our baby that unique name that we'd wanted from the start. The tabloids and teenies could talk all they want, but this baby was going to be remembered in this world, I could already tell that.

"And I couldn't have asked for a cuter neice, you see those two Hayden? That's your mommy and daddy, they're both really awesome rock stars, so if you listen to everything they say and play your cards right, you can be just as cool as they are," Mikey said looking down at Hayden with complete affection as Hayden let out a sound that was a mix between a burble and a giggle.

The disbelief was still there as the rest of our group came into the room and we all talked for awhile, Gerard never leaving my side and Hayden falling asleep in my arms soon after everyone headed home.

"I think you were wrong about our wedding Gee, this is the best day ever," I said smiling up at my husband.

"I completely agree," he said as he kissed me softly. "I offically have the best life a guy could ever ask for."
So would everyone please welcome our newest addition:

Hayden Iris Way
Born to Amy Lee Way and Gerard Arthur Way
October 30/31 11:59:59 PM
6 pounds, 5 ounces