There's Just Too Much That Time Cannot Erase

Chapter 68

Going Home: Amy's P.O.V.

"It's now November 1st, the day that baby Hayden's finally coming home with mommy and daddy," Mikey said as he and Courtney walked into the room, Gerard laughing as I rolled my eyes at my brother and law.

Hayden was currently being held by her father, looking up at him as he smiled down at her, giggling every time he made a goofy face or tickled her.

"You're documenting every minute of this aren't ya Mikes?" I asked smiling as the video camera was aimed at me.

"I wouldn't say that, maybe though," he laughed as he hugged me. "Aww, I should so leak this onto the Internet, Hayden and Gerard are adorable."

Sure enough, we all looked over to where Gerard was sitting with Hayden, her fingers holding onto his bottom lip pretty tightly so that he was left sighing down at her, unable to pull away.

"Aw poor Gee, Hayden being mean to you?" Courtney laughed as she sat down next to him, attempting to capture Hayden's attention so she'd let go, the tickling seeming to work.

"She has a strong grip, ow," he said smiling down at his daughter. "And now Aunt Courtney is going to hold her neice for a second while Daddy goes to complain to Mommy." He gently moved Hayden into Courtney's arms, moving her hand so that she was supporting Hayden's head before getting up and walking over to me, sitting on the railing of my bed and smiling down at me.

"Kiss and make it better Mommy," he said making me laugh as I leaned up and wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing his bottom lip and pulling away with a smile.

"Okay, it's a close cut because that's adorable, and I want to hold my neice!" Mikey whined as he went over to Courtney and Hayden, Hayden giggling as Courtney continued to tickle her neice, acting like she hadn't heard her fiance until she looked up at him and laughed at his pouty face.

"Fine Mikes, you can hold the bundle of cuteness," Courtney laughed as she took the video camera from him with one hand, setting it down on a nearby chair before handing Hayden over to her uncle, his smile wide as she looked up at him.

"Now this just keeps getting cuter," Courtney said, taking the camera and aiming it up at the two, Mikey gently rocking Hayden in his arms.

"Cutest baby in the world, right here," Mikey said walking over to where Gerard was still sitting, placing her in my open arms. "So when is the happy couple free to go?"

"Well Dr. Spencer wants to make sure everything's okay with Hayden before I'm released, and then we're heading back home," I said nodding

As if on queue, a smiling Dr. Spencer walked into the room, her clipboard held under her arm as she greeted us.

"We've got a healthy heart beat and clear lungs, bring her back in about two weeks to make sure everything's in check and then once a year is all, we'll be seeing you," she said before tickling Hayden, waving a goodbye before walking out the door.

Mikey gladly took Hayden as I stood up, Gerard's arm around my waist and my head on his shoulder. The four of us walked down the hallway, Hayden's attention always on Mikey as we signed me out at the front desk, walking into the cool November air of the morning. While the guys and Courtney and Laurie had come out of the accident with only scratches and bruises, the same couldn't be said for the van. The dealership happily replaced the van though, and thanks to the help of our family, a car seat was waiting for baby Hayden to be strapped in.

"We've got a suprise for you guys waiting at home," Mikey said hugging me after I'd safely strapped in my daughter, moving onto his brother. "You are the luckiest guy in the world right now Gee, and I hope you know Hayden's destined for great things."

"Thanks Mikes," Gerard smiled as he hugged his brother. "And I know she is, no doubt about it."

With Gerard driving and I in the passenger seat, Hayden in the seat behind me and Mikey and Courtney in the back, sure to keep Hayden entertained on the ride home. I knew that this was a day that would forever be in my memory, and I was proud of myself for all the good that had come out of such a dark past I'd come from, a past that from this moment on, would be left behind for good.

A Suprise For The Newborn


Both Gerard and I jumped after Mikey had flicked on the lights, a room full of our family and friends jumping out from various hiding places, Hayden waking up from her peaceful sleep at the sudden movement but suprisingly not crying at all.

"Oh my god, Jack, Don, Donna, look at our granddaughter," my mom said speechless as she and my father walked over to us, smiling widely down at Hayden.

"Hayden Iris Way," I smiled as Don and Donna soon gathered around after Courtney had closed the door behind us.

"A beautiful name for a beautiful baby," Don smiled, our parents nodding in agreement. "Welcome to the family Hayden."

And that's exactly what we all were, a family. We were there for each other when times were good or bad, we made each other laugh and supported one another, and to know that my baby was going to have so many people to care about her, made me all too thankful of the choices and situtations that'd led to this.

"The real suprise is waiting for you guys upstairs," Cassie smiled as she hugged me, making sure to kiss her neice on the head before she and Laurie led the way upstairs, Gerard and I following with confused expressions on our faces as we arrived upstairs, my sisters standing with wide smiles in front of the door across the hall from Gerard and I's bedroom that'd been left empty for as long as we'd lived here, not now.

Stepping inside the room with Hayden in my arms and Gerard's arm around me, my jaw dropped. Walls painted in fall colors of warm oranges and browns, a rocking chair in the cornner by the door, a crib placed along the wall and toys in a toybox were only the contents of the room that made me so shocked. No, what was the wall across from Hayden's new crib, was what made me want to cry tears of joy.

A frame that was painted the color of fallen leaves, jack-o-lanterns in the corners of the paper it held inside, was the very best part of this room.

At first for your parents, music is what kept them going. It kept them strong and gave them faith, led them down the right path. But on the balance of October 30th and 31st, a second away from midnight when you were born, they knew that their love for each other would spread to this welcomed addition.

Both of your parents have had so much happen to them before they met, and now that they have you Hayden, never forget that they'll always love you with all their hearts.

Hayden Iris Way, the name of a baby girl who'll grow up to achieve great things and will have the support of a large family in whatever she chooses to do with her future, is welcomed into this family. Know that you'll always be loved, and that we all care about you, we always will. Never forget that.

Signed at every free corner of space left on the paper, was the signature of every band that My Chemical Romance had ever met and befriended, of every person Hayden would have to love her immensly as she grew. Green Day, The Used, 30 Seconds To Mars, From First To Last, Taking Back Sunday and so many more, every member had signed their name.

That, everything that our family had done for us over this period of time was what made me want to cry. Because at this moment in time, I knew that I had the best family and support group I could ever ask for. And I knew that had I never agreed to do something as small as agree to go on tour with a band that I'd liked from the beginning, that none of this would ever happen. And I was glad that such a small choise had led me to such happiness, because sometimes, that's all you needed, a small chance to lead you in the right direction.