There's Just Too Much That Time Cannot Erase

Chapter 69

That Night: Amy's P.O.V.

"Well we're going to head home and leave you guys, don't ever hesitate to ask us to baby sit," my mom smiled as she kissed my cheek and hugged both Gerard and I.

"We won't, I'm sure Hayden's looking forward to it," Gerard laughed as his own mother came up and did the same.

"We're grandparents Sara!" Donna said happily as she hugged my mom. That was one of the things I was grateful for, both Gerard and I's parents got along like they'd known each other since they were in diapers.

"Now the first night is usually the hardest, what worked for us is to take turns when the baby wakes up during the night, a warm bottle is usually all you need to put them asleep and sometimes just holding them is all you need," my mom told us, while I was glad that I had experienced people to help me out, it still made me want to laugh at how she didn't hesitate to share her knowledge.

"They'll be fine Sara, we had to figure it out with Robbie, they can do the same," my dad laughed as he walked over to us. "Good luck you two," he said hugging the both of us.

We waved our parents goodbye, Gerard's arms around my waist as he held me, smiling down at me as I looked up at him.

"Really, you get even more beautiful every day," he said running a hand through my hair.

"While I don't agree, I'll take that comment," I smiled as I stood on my toes, his lips gladly meeting mine as we shared a lingering kiss. "Bedtime now Daddy?" I smiled.

"I think that'd be a good idea Mrs. Way," he smiled, kissing me one more time before going over to the couch where Hayden had been surrounded by pillows, already half asleep as her father gently picked her up, my hand in Gerard's as we walked upstairs with our baby. I opened the door to Hayden's nursery and flicked on the light, smiling down at her as Gerard leaned over the railing and layed her down, pulling the yellow blanket up to her chin and planting a soft kiss on her head.

"Night kiddo," he smiled as he stood, his arm around me as we stood smiling at our sleeping daughter, knowing we'd truly done right by bringing her into this world. "Ready for bed then?" he asked smiling down at me, making me laugh as he picked me up off of my feet after I'd nodded.

"I think Layka would gladly sleep in Hayden's room and keep watch," I laughed as Gerard flicked off the light to Hayden's room, walking across the hall and setting me down on our bed, standing so that he was in between my legs.

"No doubt about that," he smirked as he leaned down and kissed me, caught completely off guard when I grabbed his waist and pulled him on top of me, rolling over so that I was sitting up and straddling him. "You know, I miss those daily make-out sessions whenever you'd be on tour with us," he said looking up at me.

"Oh really now?" I said leaning down so that I was right in his face, my lips inches from his as I smirked down at him.

"Very much so, yes," he nodded, his hands moving to my waist where my t-shirt had lifted from me leaning over, making me shiver as they went under my shirt and traveled up my sides.

"You know, I do too," I smiled as I kissed him, his lips capturing mine once again, the both of us pulling away breathless about three minute later. "I'm tired though."

"Okay, but you so owe me later on," he smirked before kissing me again, pulling my t-shirt over my head and smiling up at me. "Now go get dressed for bed Mommy."

I smiled as I crawled off of him, walking over to the dresser and making Gerard laugh when I pulled out one of his old t-shirts and slipped it over my head, kicking off my jeans so that I was left in my usual pajamas. I flicked off the lights before being pulled onto the bed, snuggling up next to Gerard as he pulled the blanket over us.

"Glad to be back home?" he asked looking into my eyes with a smile.

"Where ever you are is fine with me, but definately so," I said before burying my head into his chest, his arms wrapping around me as he sighed deeply, the both of us falling asleep soon after.

You know, we had to have the greatest baby in the world, because during her first night in a completely new room, without having fallen asleep in my arms first, she only woke up twice during the night, only needing a warm bottle or a few seconds of being rocked before going back right to sleep. Not like those other babies that woke up every hour on the hour, and to my suprise, Gerard was happy to get up the first time.

What blew me away though, as he rocked her the first time and she wasn't seeming to calm down, he started singing Helena very softly, and she went straight to sleep, no questions asked. And that was the first thing my daughter and I had in common besides our eye color, we both couldn't resist that song being sung to us by the most talented guy in the world, knowing that our baby already had good taste in music put me to sleep with a smile on my face.