There's Just Too Much That Time Cannot Erase

Chapter 70

A Few Days Later: Gerard's P.O.V.

My eyes slowly opened as I awoke from a peaceful sleep, the first thing I noticed was that Amy wasn't lying beside me. I quickly and quietly got out of bed, walking across the hallway to find that Hayden wasn't in her crib either. Just before I was ready to freak out I heard the soft sound of piano keys, smiling as I realized that Amy was playing downstairs.

Without making a sound I crept down the stairs, smiling at what I saw. Sitting at the piano, an arm wrapped securely around a curious Hayden and playing with only one hand was a tired looking Amy as she played a few notes of a song called Imaginary.

"Someone looks like they didn't get much sleep," I said as I crept up behind her, my arms wrapping around her waist as I kissed her cheek.

"She woke up and would not go back to sleep, didn't want to wake you up so I just stayed up all night with her and this was my last idea left before I went brain dead," she smiled as she turned her head and kissed me, now playing the chorus of what appeared to be a lullaby to a sleepy Hayden.

"Seems like it's working, and now I'm putting you both to bed," I smiled as I stood up, holding Hayden against my chest with one arm and pulling Amy up with another, her head on my shoulder as we walked upstairs together. I lied Hayden down in her crib, walking with Amy across the hall into our still dark bedroom and pulling her down with me onto the bed.

"But I'm not tired," she whined, making me laugh as she tried to hide a yawn.

"Oh shush you," I said pulling her close to me. "And I would've rather had you wake me up then suffering by yourself, we're in this together babe," I said kissing her head.

"I know," she said looking into my eyes, "I'll definately send you in next time."

"And I'll be glad to go, I can't believe Helena worked with her though," I said smiling.

"Well who can resist that song being sung to them by the most talented rockstar in the world?" she smiled as she closed her eyes. "But I know you got sleep, you don't have to stay up here with me Gee."

"But I do want to, I'm just cool like that."

"If that helps you sleep at night babe," she laughed when I poked her in her stomach.

"As a matter of fact it does, thank you very much," I said smiling. "But go to sleep Amy, you're not gonna miss anything."

Later On That Day: Amy's P.O.V.

I heard Hayden's familar giggling as I woke up, rolling over to see that it was only eleven in the morning, I'd been asleep for about five hours. Running my fingers through my hair, I got out of bed and walked across the hall, smiling when I saw Gerard lying on his back, holding Hayden above him and making her laugh as he made silly faces at her.

"Mommy's awake Hayden!" Gerard said, smiling as he saw me standing in the doorway. "Have a nice nap?"

"Very much so," I said nodding as I walked over to them Gerard sitting up as I sat next to him with a smiling Hayden looking at the both of us. "No more all-nighters, okay Hayden?" I asked her as I smiled.

"Well it's almost noon anyway, how do you want to spend the rest of the day Mrs. Way?" Gerard asked with his head on my shoulder.

"We could put Hayden down with her toys and just chill downstairs all day, plus the girl's are dying to see Hayden again so we could invite them over at about four I guess," I suggested.

"See Hayden, Mommy's the smart one of the bunch," Gerard said to the baby, making me shake my head as I poked him.

Gerard and I walked downstairs with Hayden and into the living room, getting an idea of what to do. Taking a few pillows from the couch and lying down on the carpeted floor, we surrounded ourselves in them and placed Hayden between us, kind of a make-shift bed really.

"She seemed to like 'Imaginary' this morning," Gerard said looking at me, Hayden's head against my chest as she stuck a finger in her mouth, making us both smile as she giggled.

"I've been writing some new stuff and making some slight changes, nothing really major," I shrugged.

"Talked to the guys about recording an album yet?" he asked.

"There's still the whole 'our bassist left the group in the middle of Warped' thing to worry about Gee," I sighed.

"Believe me, you guys could find one in no time, and I don't think that's the only thing on your mind Amy," he said taking my hand in his and looking into my eyes.

"I don't know how people are going to react to our music being out there, some of your fans already had a problem with me performing with you guys on the first tour. I don't want to ruin your relationship with the fans, you guys have worked too hard to gain all of that," I said sighing, feeling a tear drip down my cheek against my will. We both knew that was a flat out lie.

"Hey," Gerard said softly as he moved Hayden so that she was lying parallel to us, now fast asleep. "It's about Derek, isn't it?" he asked as he pulled me close, my tears coming quicker as I nodded.

"I feel so guilty all the time Gee," I said, unable to stop the flow of painful memories as they flooded my thoughts. "And I lied to you earlier, I woke up in the middle of the night after a nightmare and spent hours crying until Hayden woke up. I saw him Gee, he shot himself because of me and he was right about everything."

"No he wasn't baby, not at all," he said rubbing my arm as he tried to comfort me. "You can't let your past control you Ames, and I know this is something you've been wanting to do your whole life. You've got nothing but support from all of us," he whispered in my ear.

"I don't want to remember him at all Gerard, but that whole time we were at Carrie's and the guys asked me to start the band, all I could remember was him screaming at me how useless I was," I sniffed, his whispering in my ear calming me slightly.

"Amy, you don't realize how wrong he was. You studied piano for nine years and are up there with Beethoven and Mozart, you made friends in high school that you can still depend on, you gave to the fans that even we couldn't help, you gave them hope from your music. You mothered the most beautiful baby in the whole world and on top of that, gave me the strength to keep doing what I love, and I don't see how any of that is useless," he said kissing my cheek.

"How do you do that?" I asked looking up at him, a few tears still running down my face.

"Do what?" he asked, gently wiping away the tears with a finger.

"Generally know every single aspect of me that there is to know, yet can always find a new way to make me see the light of things," I asked, smiling weakly up at him.

"They always told me I was creative," he smirked before leaning down and kissing me.

"Fine then, but I have one condition," I said biting his bottom lip.

"Anything if you stop teasing me like that," he mumbled as he looked down at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Hayden has to be at least nine months old, around that time she'll be talking, so July," I said after calculating it in my head.

"In July you're calling up your band and getting together to produce your first album, I can handle that," he said nodding.

"There's one flaw in your brilliant plan though," I said poking him.

"And that would be?"

"To get an album out successfully and be on good terms with a well known and famous record company, a manager is usually required," I said smiling triumphantly.

"You're gonna have to try a lot harder in order to throw me off my well thought-out plan babe, because I'm so far ahead of you, it's not even funny," he said tickling me.

"There's no way Brian said yes to that," I said in disbelief as I read his thoughts.

"Actually, when I told him of my brilliant plan, he kind of demanded that I ask you if I ever got past the first part of it, which I just did," he said kissing me.

"You evil mastermind," I said smiling as I looked into his eyes.

"Aww but you love me," he said smiling back.

"That I do," I nodded as I leaned up and rested my head on his shoulder, wondering what I'd done to have someone as great as Gerard Way as a husband. We spent the rest of the day there, just talking about any and everything, deciding to invite the family over later on and to make a night of it.