There's Just Too Much That Time Cannot Erase

Chapter 71

Family: Amy's P.O.V.

"Hey guys," Gerard said smiling as he answered the door, Frank nearly tackling him to the floor. "A bit excited to see the baby, aren't ya bud?"

"Our favorite baby!" Laurie said smiling as she brushed past her husband, she and the girls following her over to where I was feeding Hayden her bottle.

"Hayden loves you too Laurie," Jenni said as she sat down next to me. "Looking more like your mom everyday, huh kiddo?"

"She only has my eyes," I laughed as Hayden finished her bottle, looking in curiousity at her 'aunts' as I gently patted her back.

"I still think she's gonna look like you," Courtney said as she took the empty bottle from me, walking into the kitchen and soon coming back out. "Now hopefully we can find out what Kelly and Bob are hiding."

"Not really hiding anything, just waiting until the perfect opportunity to spring it on you guys," Bob smiled as he came over and hugged me, picking Hayden up out of my arms.

"How come Bob gets to hold her first?" Frank whined as he rolled off of Gerard.

"Because he didn't tackle anyone on his way inside and he got to the baby first," Mikey explained as he helped his brother up.

"Seems reasonable," Ray laughed as he walked over and leaned down to hug me. "How're the parents holding up?"

"We've established a system at night and she hasn't woken up more than twice the whole time she's been home," I said nodding as Mikey walked over.

"Definately going to look like Amy," Bob smiled as he handed Hayden over to an excited Frank.

"Such a cute little bundle of joy," Frank smiled. "So she seriously was born on the borderline?"

"A second away from midnight, so it was cut very close to Halloween," Gerard said as he came over and kissed my cheek, sitting down on the other side of Mikey.

"Presents and candy the next day, I wouldn't mind that," Ray laughed as he and Jenni took seats on the pile of pillows that were still on the floor.

"So when is this great secret going to be revealed?" Gerard asked Bob as he sat down on the floor, his arm around Kelly.

"As soon as Frank stops hogging the cuteness," Kelly said holding out her arms to Frank.

"I'm taking her back later," he mumbled as he reluctantly handed Hayden over, making us all laugh as he walked over to his wife with a pouty face.

"Well I recently started feeling pretty bad, so Bob and I went to the doctor's-"

"This would be the third month, and we're expecting a baby girl in August," Bob said smiling, every one of our jaws dropping.

"There is no way!" Courtney said with a speechless expression.

"So we're on our way to evening up the gender score," Jenni smiled. "Congrats you guys."

"Any names planned?" I asked as Kelly bounced Hayden up and down on her knees.

"I've always liked Scout," Kelly nodded.

"To Kill A Mockingbird!" we all said at once, remembering the name of the character from that..popular book.

"Scout Sabia Bryar," Bob nodded. "Sabia meaning the sweetest thing."

"Damn, they've already picked out the middle name. We came up with Iris the night before you guys left for those two weeks," I laughed.

"Something tells me we're going to get a few boys out of this group though," Jenni said as she leaned over to Kelly and recieved a baby Hayden who was definately loving the attention.

"When's our girl Layka coming back?" Ray asked as he looked at Gerard and I.

"Robbie said it would be a suprise, so knowing him it could be tomorrow, could be two months from now. The last we checked though, he was starting some basic training with the pups and exposing them to new things, so that's something we don't want to rush," I nodded.

"Which one are you guys getting?" Courtney asked as Hayden was being passed around every few minutes.

"We both told Robbie that the runts ours, and I was right, he is turning black," I smiled.

"Yeah, we're going to be original and name him Shadow," Gerard said as I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Seems like a fitting name," Mikey said nodding.

"Robbie did say that he was a sweetheart, and around next month he'll be around thirty pounds," Gerard said as he handed Hayden over to Mikey where she sat between her dad and uncle.

"Two big dogs and a baby, you guys really do like a challenge," Ray said laughing.

"Bring it on," I said chuckling. "Robbie has two of them and they both like to get into trouble, I can't imagine having patience for five of them at once."

"Our brother is definately wolf crazy," Laurie said smiling. "But I miss having Layka around."

Everyone laughed when a cough came from Frank's direction.

"Even Frank, he's just trying to cope without having her here."

I had to agree with Laurie though, I missed Layka a lot too, hopefully she'd be home soon.