There's Just Too Much That Time Cannot Erase

Chapter 74

"I could've swore I screwed the cap onto the bottle right," I mumbled to myself as I plopped Hayden down into the warm water of the tub, her giggling face wet with the milk trickling down from her ever growing hair. We'd had a breakfast disaster minutes ago and after giving Hayden her bottle and turning to do something, all I heard was the bottle dropping to the ground. She'd somehow poured it on her head and down her clothes, I had to give her points for creativity though, because not many baby's could make a sure-fire mess like that at her age.

Shadow walked in with something in his mouth and once he'd dropped it in my hand and waited for the pat on the head that he knew he deserved, I found that it was my cellphone, already knowing that Gerard was awake.

"You weren't gonna let me forget, huh?" I yelled out the door as Shadow exited, seeing that he didn't need to keep watch on Hayden at the moment.

"Not in a million years. Showdown in the kitchen, aye?" Gerard asked, now standing in the doorway with arms crossed and a smirk on his face.

"I gave her the bottle and turned around to get something off the counter and I heard the bottle hit the floor. I turned back around and smarty over here is splashing in the spilled milk on her high chair, it's all in her gorgeous locks too!" I smiled, Hayden laughing when I tickled her.

I started on washing her hair, using my other hand to dial John's number.

"What's up Ames?" he asked as he answered.

"Hey John, are the other guys over there? I have something pretty important to ask," I said, Gerard chuckling at my attempt to keep both the phone on my shoulder and Hayden balanced. He came over and kneeled next to me, washing the milk and suds from her hair with no problem.

"Guys! It's Amy, get in here!" I heard John yell, the sound of footsteps running in the background. "Putting it on speaker Ames, go for it."

I did the same with my phone, setting it behind me on the counter in order to take care of Hayden.

"Well Gerard's been suggesting it since before Hayden was born and I'm just now thinking about it, but what would you guys say to putting together our own album?" I asked, awaiting their response.

"Is that water splashing in your background Ames, don't even tell me..." I heard Rocky trail off, the sound of someone slapping his head soon sounding.

"No! Hayden spilled milk on herself and we're giving her a bath, back to the question guys, please," I begged them, already feeling nervous about this call.

"I think it'd be an awesome idea, we've been trying to get our name out there for almost seven years now, why not start now?" Terry asked, giving the album one positive vote.

"I'm in, Amy already rocks onstage, and we're used to playing together, but there's that one little problem," John said, everyone nodding their heads.

"The case of the missing bassist," Rocky answered.

"You guys can always do auditions for a new bassist," Gerard suggested.

"Gee is right, no hurt in trying," Terry said.

"I think we should have all band members present at said auditions, like that one chick living in New Jersey," John said sarcastically.

"Okay, so what can we do as far as meeting up?" I asked, draining the bathtub as Gerard wrapped Hayden in a towel, taking the diaper that I handed him.

"Well Hayden's only a month old, you don't really want to confuse her with new surroundings or leave her for a few days, how about you send us what you've been working on, we can make suggestions and everything, and then figure out notes and everything," Terry said, everyone voicing their agreement.

"Sounds like a plan, I'll send it to John's laptop in a minute, love you guys," I smiled.

"Love you too Ames, talk to you soon," they all said, the call soon being disconnected on both ends.

"See Ames, things are working out so far," Gerard said as he kissed my forehead, the two of us standing up and flicking the light switch to the bathroom, Hayden now smelling of the lavendar shampoo that'd rid her hair of the dairy.

"I guess they are, but I would've never called had you quit being so persistent," I smiled up at him as we walked into the living room where both Shadow and Layka were lying down for a morning nap.

"Like I said, it's my job, and I'm glad I can enjoy it everyday," and with that, the three of us sat down on the carpeted floor for some family time.