There's Just Too Much That Time Cannot Erase

Chapter 8

Amy's P.O.V.

I woke up on my bed and looked over to see Gerard asleep, Layka curled up next to him.

"Awww," I said, I took my flash camera out of my bag and quickly snapped a picture, waking Layka up as the camera clicked, signaling that the picture had been taken, really the two were really cute.

"Wanna go on a walk girl?" I asked Layka quietly, being careful not to wake Gerard, he looked really tired still.

Layka hopped off of Gee's bed and I snapped on her collar before jotting down a note for Gerard.

Gee, gone to take Layka on a quick walk, be back soon.


I pulled on some jeans, pulled off my large t-shirt and replaced it with a Panic! At The Disco tee and ran a hand through my hair before quietly opening the door and leaving the room.

We walked outside of the hotel, the cool October breeze blowing around us as we walked to a nearby dogpark. It was about five or six in the morning so no one else was there, I opened the gate and walked in behind Layka, closing it before taking off her leash and sitting down at a bench, thoughts of last night replaying through my head as I closed my eyes.

About twenty minutes later I felt someone sit down next to me and knew who it was without even opening my eyes, proving myself right as I turned my head and smiled softly at him.

"Morning," Gerard said smiling back.

"Didn't wanna wake you, you looked kinda wiped out," I said chuckling at the last part.

"Well I'm up now," he said shrugging. "Hope you don't mind but I read a few of your lyrics last night," he said scratching the back of his neck.

"Not really. It's not like they'll be of much use to me anyway, I just write them," I said shrugging.

"Amy they're really good, you shouldn't put your work down like that," he said looking into my eyes.

"Gerard, listen to yourself please. I work at Fuse interviewing bands and yeah, once in awhile going on tour with them, and I can't sing that well, how are they anything but dark, depressing lyrics that mean absolutely nothing to everyone else but...everything to me," I said, the last part barely a whisper as I broke eye contact with Gerard.

"They do mean something, Amy a lot of people could relate to them. Besides, how do you think our band started out? We took a risk and made something out of what we got, I know you could do the same," Gerard said softly as he lifted my chin and focused my eyes back on him.

"I'm not so sure about that Gee," I whispered.

"I am," Gerard said kissing my cheek before hugging me close to him.