Status: Updating Rip the Jacker

Imaginary Dancers

The Advanced Class

By the time Ms. Caw-Caw finished role-call, I felt like I was going to explode. Her crow like voice had pierced into the deepest part of my brain, driving me insane.

Oh, how fun; I rhymed!

"Alright class. Since this is the first day, I'm going easy on you. But by tomorrow I expect you to know the difference between a pirouette and a pas de deux. However, I don't expect you to know how to perform them. That's why you are in the novice class," Ms. Caw-Caw squawked out.

I can tell right now that I have no hope whatsoever in this class.

"If you're finished, Ms. Urvine, I would like to interrupt," a purely masculine voice said, echoing in the room.

Everyone's heads snapped instantaneously to the man that had walked in from the side door. A scarily delighted smile grew onto Ms. Caw-Caw's face as she walked over to the man and gave him air kisses.

"Novices! This is Mr. Matthews, the advanced class instructor. I've asked him to have his class give you a demonstration of what you all could... possibly become."

Now that woman has some real faith in us.

"Well, she put that kindly. My class is next to impossible to get into. There are only twelve students in my class because they are currently the only ones talented enough to be in it. But enough of that. I have prepared my students to display their talents for you," Mr. Matthews stated.

I watched as a girl with short black hair daringly raised her hand. Her eyes, however, expressed her repressed fears.

"Yes, Julia?" Ms. Caw-Caw responded.

"Mr. Matthews, I-"


"What?" the girl, Julia, asked when she got interrupted.

"Everyone will call me Sean."

"Oh. Um. Okay... um Sean? W-what will the advanced class be performing?" she whimpered.

Sean stared at her lazily, a slight tick working in his jaw.

"I'll tell you what; if you can tell me where the dance is from, I'll give you a chew toy. Would you like that, little runt?"

I don't think a single person in this room, aside from Ms. Caw-Caw, wasn't in shock. I looked at Julia, who looked like she was on the verge of tears. A short girl sitting beside her clutched Julia's hand in a small attempt to comfort her. I realized something now. This school is seriously... serious! It just won’t take any bullshit.

Everyone’s focus returned at the loud and strained sound of Ms. Caw-Caw clearing her throat.

“Enough of idle chat!” she exclaimed. Ms. Caw-Caw placed an old hand on Sean’s arm and cracked a mischievous smile at him. “How about you go ahead and bring your glorious dancers in?”

With a sharp call from Sean’s whistle, I watched with anticipation as twelve dancers, adorned in gorgeous outfits, gracefully danced into the room. From what I could see over a multitude of heads, I could see there were four guys and eight girls. At least my question was answered; the Advanced Class didn’t wear black leotard like the novices.

“Novices, this is the Advanced Class.”

I sat on my knees and craned my neck to view their glory. The group quickly huddled together and squatted low, a musical silence bouncing in the room. Then a calm violin flowed out the speakers and a flurry of graceful arms jutted into the air. They all leaned back until multitudes of upside down eyes were meeting each other. The violin pauses and a silence envelops the room.

A loud clonk of wood echoes; following an andante pace. One. Two. Three. Four. Five clonks. On the sixth clonk, the dancers separated from each other and twirled away. I watched as each guy gather two girls on his arms and danced with them both mutually. The girls on each arm would gently touch fingers before parting to sway around the man they both seemed to cherish. I glanced over at Minne, who seemed as if she was warped into a different world. I suppose it really is her dream to be where those girls are now.

When a long and peaceful string of violin sounded, the girls slid on each guy slowly till they were on the floor. The men walked away from them and moved into a carefully knit group. I tried not to fall over on top of the person in front of me as I unsuccessfully leaned forward to see who was in the center of the group. Slowly, one girl from each on the floor rose and twirled towards the men, only one being able to enter their protective shield to meet the one in the middle.

A deep organ burst into the room and the remaining girls seemed to rise from the dead; holding onto the hand of someone who was not there. The three pairs with men did a lovely dance together; the four girls remaining copying the moves of the partnered women. But it was the pair in the center that called for attention. Their dance was heartbreaking, a dance that screamed love over the lust the others had. The blond man in the center carefully dipped his partner, holding her dearly as to never let go. I wanted to see his face so bad, I wanted to see if his eyes held the truth his dancing portrayed.

I leaned too far forward and I toppled onto the innocent guy in front of me, who gave me a nasty glare. Bashfully sitting back, I focused again on the dancers that seemed to swallow each other. But as the music ended, all but the pair in the center died. They collapsed to the floor, the lone girls alone and the pairs holding onto each other. In the center was a wondrous spectacle. The blond man held his partner high into the air, surrendering her to heaven before he too gently flowed to the ground.

I choked on the air I breathed. His face was just as gorgeous as his dance. And it scared me. He just seemed… too…

He’s not real
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Ok, I have to post this and run so sorry if I made a mistake and haven't caught it yet!! Next will be longer, promise.