Status: New chapter is slow in coming, because the joint author is having computer issues.

Drumsticks 2.0

Return of the Prodical Luke

Tarra glared as Heaven and Rylan walked away hand and hand. She plopped down on the ground and pouted, knowing that she was supposed to go and wait at the front gate for Luke she just shrugged it off and figured that he would find her not far from it where she was.

Kill the messenger,
I swear it's not me
It's just someone I used to know

Smiling to herself she pulled her phone out of her pocket and laughed at the fact that Luke had just decided to call her. She quickly pressed the talk button on her phone.

"Tarra Lyn Bratton!"

"Lucas Jamison Harris!" She yelled back into the phone, and then let out a giggle. She loved this kid uber much, but sometimes he really did act more over protective than her friends Jarrett and Roger.

"Where the heck are you?"

"About ten feet in front of you pouting on the floor, come find me." With that she hung up on him with a satisfied smile on her face.

"What the fuck are you doing on the floor?" A voice asked above her.

Thinking that it was just someone Luke was with she raised her head with a small pout on her face. As soon as her eyes met with the blue ones of the person standing in front of her, the pout quickly turned into a look of shock.

"I-I …" She then smirked.

"There you are!" she heard Luke's voice come from behind her.

She quickly stood up and hugged Luke before turning back to the person in front of her.

"You never answered my question." The guy in front of her stated with an amused tone to his voice.

"Pouting, hi I'm Tarra."

"Bam Margera, but you already know that." He smiled at her.

"Yeah … Luke, you didn't tell me that Bam was here!" She stated smacking the younger boy upside his head.

"I didn't know I had to, what do we have a crush on him." Tarra's face turned bright red as Luke and Bam both began to laugh.

"I don't have a crush on him so much as I love to watch him actually skate." She nodded her head.

"And you," She added glaring at Luke. "Who gave you permission to go on and sing the unreleased songs when Rylan was around? He and Heaven both got me for it, besides I don't even know if we're actually going to put that song on the record!"

Luke looked at her with a frightened face as Bam laughed at the two of them.

"You two fight like you're related."

"He wishes!" Tarra said smiling over at him. "Now, let's go watch some people hopefully not fall off their boards." She muttered taking both Bam and Luke's hands and dragging them toward the nearest Skating event.

"Whoa, I don't even know you," and before he could protest any more; Tarra had shoved him into the seat next to her.

"You know," Luke piped up looking over at Bam then to Tarra. "Is this how you got Brendon to go out with you; by force?"

"No, I sang to him in front of lots of people at his set and announced we were dating to them."

"Wait, Brendon?" Bam asked looking at her. Luke was nodding his head enthusiastically.

"Yeah, she's the drummer for the Dominant E and she's dating Brendon Urie, the lead singer of Panic! At The Disco."

Tarra shook her head at Luke and turned back to Bam whom had an amused look on his face.

"Yeah, yeah; shuddup," She stated looking over at Bam. "Just because I like-eth you doesn't mean you get to make any comments, yet."

Bam started to laugh before taking Tarra's hand and dragging her up out of her seat.

"I've heard about you from Jared."


"Leto, he said that you did him a favor with Shannon and Tomo's Rock Band at the end of Warped Tour."

This caused her to stop and laugh at the memory of sneaking on to the 30STM bus and stealing the game.

"Are you serious?"

"Hell yeah; and now I've met you. He told me the entirety of your band was filled with strange girls and he mentioned something about how you're the ones that got Shannon's hand stuck to the bus's door latch."

This caused all of us to laugh.

"Oh gods that was one hell of a plan that Frank and I had come up with Heaven seriously. So where the hell are you taking me?"

"Back to meet Tony."

"As in Tony Hawk?"


"Seriously Luke, you are totally going down in those brownie points."

"I was going to tell you that Shaun White and Tony Hawk were here, but Bam here beat me to Tony."

"Oh god here comes the other one." Shaun called over to them as they were walking.

"Shuddup Shaun." Luke said from beside me.

"I just got rid of Rylan and his 'famous' Heaven."

"Yay, he's met my counterpart, you hear that." That's when Tarra did what she and wanted to do since she heard his voice. She jumped on Shaun White and warped her legs around his middle.

"Uh, hi …" Bam and Luke were laughing at Tarra as Shaun had to wrap his arms around her as to ensure that they both wouldn't go tumbling to the floor.

"Hiya, my name is Tarra, Heaven's other half and I effing Love-ed you."

"Brendon's going to be jealous!" Luke said as he reached in his pocket for his phone to snap a picture of her.

Tarra glared over at him and jumped down from Shaun before Luke could snap a picture.

"Hey, why didn't you greet me like that?" Bam asked looking at her with a small glare.

"Because I don't trust you all that much, you probably would have dropped me to the ground." Bam nodded his head, indicating that she was right.

Tarra reached over and ran her hand through Shaun's hair just like she had done when she had first met Ray Toro and smiled at him.

"Do you know where Tony Hawk is?"

"Yeah; is that where you three are heading?"

"Yehp, for Bam here deemed me cool enough to meet him." Tarra nodded smiling at him and moving her hand out of his hair as he smiled at her.

"By any chance Tarra, did you have any coffee before you came here?" Luke asked looking at her. She just smiled at him.

finefortherestofthedaysoonecupturnedtotwothenthreeandfour!" She stated in one long breath Bam was laughing at her as was Luke while Shaun just shook his head.

Together they all made their way toward where Shaun had last seen Tony, Tarra skipping the entire way.

"You know that Moto X is going to be starting here in a bit." Luke whispered over to her. Her eyes got wide as she gasped.

Moto X had always been her favorite; she had no clue as to why. It just had to have something to do with the fact that she liked watching people flying through the air doing tricks on a motorbike, not that she didn't like BMX no, she liked that too.

"Seriously?" She questioned looking ahead of her just to see Tony greeting Bam.

"Seriously!" Luke stated.

Tarra hurriedly ran over to the three men that were talking to one another and ran head on into Tony knocking both of them onto the floor. Bam began to laugh and squatted next to their heads.

"Tony, I'd like you to meet Tarra."

"Hello," he said laughing up at her. She blushed softly and waved at him before getting up off the floor for the second time that day.

"Look as much as I'd love to boost all three of your egos right now, but Luke here just told me that Moto X is starting, or has started, so we've got to run."

Laughing at her comment they told her to go have fun. Reaching for Luke's hand she ran all the way to the designated area, just in time to find a spot to sit and enjoy the show.

Halfway through the trick section of the games her phone started to vibrate. Sighing to herself she quickly pulled it up to her ear and answered without even looking at the screen.


"Tarra?" William's timid voice asked.

"William." She stated in an annoyed voice as she watched Kyle Loza get ready to speed off to do his trick.

"Don't hang up on me, please!"

"I'm not going to hang up on you Billiam. Though in my mind it's telling me I should, but if I did I think I'd get scolded later by Brendon."


"He made me effing promise not to hang up on you if you called me."


Just as that word left his mouth Loza's bike took off and into the air. She held her breath as she did every time a Moto rider was in the air. He quickly did a body varil. Tarra's eyes got wide as he had quickly landed his bike and speed up the ramp. He jumped up off his bike letting it fall back down the ramp as his arms shot in the air. Tarra couldn't help but join in the rest of the audience and stand up to cheer him on.

"TARRA! TARRA!" Her eyes went wide as she placed the phone back to her ear.

"Sorry, Billiam. I'm at the X Games with Luke, Heaven, and Rylan; and the new kid Kyle Loza just got gold for his trick."

"Cool, but can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Aren't you doing that already? Seriously, as much as I love Brendon, I'd rather you just you know, respect that Heav wants some space. And I can tell you Billiam that you're a good guy and all, but you need to work out your issues and so does Heaven."

"That's actually not what I wanted to talk about."


"Yeah, I just wanted to know when you guys were going to be hit Chicago, Pete won't tell me."

"That's more or less because of Cristi."

Tarra sighed to herself as she looked over at Luke whom was looking at her then down to where Heaven was standing with Rylan talking to Kyle Loza.

"Look we've got four months off. A month at home, then we're off to Chi-town and staying with Pete some more."

"Thanks Tarra."

"You're welcome Billiam, but just you know, lay off the phone calls for awhile for her sake as much as yours."

"I can't promise anything."

"I'm just asking you to try."

"Alright, how is she?"

"Right now she's talking to Kyle Loza, but other than that, she's Heaven, she's hiding what she's thinking more than half the time and the other half she's moody." William sighed in her ear before saying a quick talk to you later, but Tarra wasn't going to let him off that easily.

"Later Billiam, oh and p.s. you're an idiot!" She hung up the phone before he could say anything else to her and smiled over at Luke.



"Pa-pa-pa-Pete!" She said rolling her eyes as Pete danced into the room holding her cell phone in his hand.

"What the hell are you doing with my phone?"

"You left it in the freezer again, and as I was getting the Cran-Raz out of the fridge, I heard this lovely ring tone that you have set for Brendon-"

"Until You're Mine by Negative, I've been trying to get you to listen to them. Now hand over the phone." She smiled at him as he rolled his eyes and tossed the phone at her.

"You know you really shouldn't stuff your phone in the freezer anymore." Brendon laughed into her ear. She couldn't help the smile that graced her face as soon as she heard Brendon's voice.

"Ha-ha, the thing there is, I don't even remember getting into the freezer when we got back." She shrugged her shoulders and looked out on the porch just to see Keri talking on her phone and Heaven talking with Cristi and Pete.

"How were the x-games?"

"How are they always?"


"Well then there is your answer. That and I got to meet Bam Margera, Shaun White, and Tony Hawk."

"I really should have come in to go with you."

"Oh, William called me."


"I didn't hang up on him if that's what you're getting at."

"It was. What did he want?"

"To know when we were going to be in Chicago. We leave here soon to go home for a month."

"That's right," Brendon's voice then got all airy and excited. "Ryan and I are coming into L.A. in a couple of days."

"What happened to going into the mountains to record?"

"We're going to be a bit later, for the reason that I miss you." He mumbled the last part which made Tarra giggle even more.

"You admitted it."

"Of course I admitted it, Ryan's still being a douche, so I'm having him come with me so that Heaven can bitch slap him for me." They both laughed at just the thought of Heaven hating the male species and actually smacking Ryan for him.

Twenty minutes and several 'I Love You's later Tarra finally got off the phone with Brendon just to have it ring right as she was about to walk outside to join her friends in the pool.

Looking down at her phone she couldn't help the big smile that crossed her face as she seen the name that was flashing at her.


"Hello Bert."

"TARRA!" she couldn't help the laugh that escaped her lips as she opened the patio door and walked out to sit on one of the pool side chairs.

"Still talking to lover boy?" Pete called over at her laughing. Tarra flipped him off and glared at him.

"What do you need Bert?"

"Why do I have to have a reason to call you?"

"Because you hate your cell phone…"

"I don't really hate it you know!" He giggled into her ear. Tarra couldn't help but giggle right along with him.

"Seriously though, what do you need?"

"One to say hey you, two to ask that you pull the phone away from your guitarist ear and hang up on Quinn, we kind of need him to get his ass to the studio and none of us can get a hold of him."

"Figuring he was on the phone with the girlfriend?"

"Fuck yeah, but seriously Tar, unless you don't want a new record out."

"Alright, alright I'll do it."

"Thank you." He hung up the phone as she stood up and walked to where Keri was still sitting on the porch phone glued to her ear.

Tarra smiled at her cousin evilly as she stole the phone from out of her hand and took off running into the house and locking the door behind her before Keri could even make a move to open it.

"Keri, Keri, Keri are you still there?" Quinn's voice came out of the phone. Tarra laughed evilly before placing the phone to her ear and laughing into it.

"No Quinnifer, It's Tarra I just stole the phone from Keri.


"Bert called me. He's been trying to get a hold of your ass to get you to the studio."

"Fuck, I got to go. Tell Keri I love her and I'll call her again later on tonight."

"Alright, later Quinnifer."

"Stop calling me that already!"

"Never!" Tarra then hung up the phone on his protesting and unlocked the door to let the enraged Keri into the house.

"What the hell was that for?" Keri asked as soon as she snatched her phone out of Tarra's hands.

"Bert had to call me to get you and Quinn to stop making love sounds to one another over the phone so that Quinn would get his ass to the studio." She stated rolling here eyes and moving back out side, just to run head on into Pete and knock them both into the pool.


"But, Pete I want to watch Dune!" Tarra whined as Pete was placing Star Wars Episode One in the DVD player.

"We watched Dune a week ago Lyn, remember you drooled over Paul Atreides and we wouldn't let you watch the second one." Heaven called from the kitchen.

"What are we watching?" Keri asked as her, Cristi, and Heaven walked into the room, all of their arms full with provisions for the movie day.

"Star Wars" Pete's eyes lit up when the three smiled at him, what he didn't know was that after they watched all six of the Star Wars, it was Keri and Cristi's turns to pick out movies, and they were all going to be doomed to watch Chick flicks.

Half way through the first movie Keri was already complaining with Tarra, Heaven, and Pete all throwing their chips, popcorn, and cookies at her.


"Jesus Brendon, did you have to scream?" Pete asked turning to face the door of the living room just to see Brendon and Ryan running and jumping over the couch just to land on top of him and Tarra.

"Right now yes, we knocked on the door and rang the bell nine times." Brendon's eyes got wide as he nodded his head with every word. Pete had paused the movie right when Anakin Skywalker was winning the Pod Race

"Sorry, Star Wars marathon." Heaven stated stealing the control away from Pete starting the movie back up.

"Well then, share the snickerdoodles and I'll be quiet!" Brendon snuggled into Tarra's side and stole half of her blanket before giving her a kiss.

The rest of the time that they spent all day and part of the night watching the movies was spent in random pausing moments when someone demanded the movies be stopped so they could get up and go to the bathroom or to go get more food.

"You know what?" Keri stated by the time the last movie was over.

"What?" Ryan asked looking at her and yawning.

"That last one was the only one I've ever seen." Everyone minus Tarra looked and gaped at her.

"That's right; you're the weird part of the family." Tarra stated jumping up from cuddling with Brendon to tackle her cousin on the couch before she could stand up.

"The Star Wars-a-thon is over and it's my turn to pick the movie!" Keri whined trying to shove Tarra off of her. "Come on Tarra, you picked the last three of Star Wars as Pete picked the first three, It's my turn then Cristi's and Heaven's."

Sighing Tarra stood up and let Keri go grab Dirty Dancing as Cristi named off The Notebook and Heaven named off Blade Runner. It took ten minutes of debate between them all before they all decided that seeing how it was about ten in the morning when they started Star Wars it was now going on eleven at night. Cristi was always the first one to fall asleep; they went with her pick of The Notebook.

"I have an idea," Brendon said not even ten minutes into the movie. Pete paused the movie and gave him a weird look. They all liked The Notebook and Brendon opening his mouth was about to get Heaven's last cookie thrown at his head.

"Yes, love what's the idea?" Tarra asked causing Heaven to take a bite out of her cookie instead of tossing at her best friend's boyfriend.

"Why don't we all just road trip back to Missouri with you."

"What?" Ryan asked his eyes going wide as Pete smirked.

"Come on Ryan, this is going to be one of the last times we get to see then, unless we pack up and go with them." Brendon argued with him.

"It's true Ry; they're staying with their families for a month before they head to Chicago to my place there." Pete added in with a smile on his face.

"I didn't pack to go on a road trip," Ryan grumbled as Brendon smiled.

"We have enough shit here to pack for it," Tarra laughed at the two as Cristi yawn and cuddled into pet more and Heaven smacked Ryan upside his head.

"Alright, alright; let's do it." Ryan said rubbing the back of his head and glaring at the culprit that had smacked him.

"THANK YOU!" Brendon yelled standing up and doing a happy dance, causing Tarra to fall off the couch in the process.

"Okay, so this means we need to pack as soon as we wake up in the morning, fill the van up with gas, and get on the road by at least tomorrow night." Heaven stated looking around her to see all the nods of agreement.

"One thing though," She added as a big smile got on her face.

"What do you want this time Heaven?" Keri asked with a slight frown to her face.

"We have to stop off at the Omaha Zoo."

"Heck yes as long as I don't have any Peacocks chase me around again like back in sixth grade all shall be good." Tarra stated smiling over at Heaven. "One question though."


"How the hell are we all going to fit in the van with all of our luggage and with you always wanting your bass to have a seat of its own?"

"I'll just sit on Ryan's lap or you can sit on Brendon."

"Alright then, start the last two movies so we can all go and try and get some sleep." Ryan said, then glared over at the giggling Brendon and Tarra as Brendon kissed her neck. "Seriously, sleep you two."

"I'm not some horney little teenager Ryan, I CAN go with out sexing the girlfriend after seeing her for the first time since Warped." Brendon stated rolling his eyes over at him.

"I couldn't," Pete laughed kissing Cristi full on as he started the movie back up.


They had all woken up to Pete jumping on beds at ten thirty the next morning and spent a good hour packing and loading the back of the DE van. Two hours and twelve suitcases later they were on the road and headed toward Omaha Nebraska to the Zoo.

"Oh look Cristi IHOP, let's stop and eat." Heaven said twenty minutes into the Car drive. They had just gotten onto the highway out of L.A. when she had spotted the sign for the restaurant.

"No, we need to get the hell away from L.A. Heav." Ryan said, not soon after his stomach made a grumbling noise at the same time that Heaven's did.

Twenty minutes later and many complaints about his own hunger and Heaven's; Cristi finally had enough of it when Pete, Keri, Tarra, and Brendon too had started in and pulled off the road near a Las Vegas IHOP.

"Told you we should have stopped two hours ago at the IHOP near L.A. to eat, but no, you just had to keep going." Heaven said rolling her eyes at Cristi when they were all seated and waiting for their waitress/waiter to come get their orders.


"Oh, oh; look everyone. The world's biggest skillet!" Brendon squealed out when a sign made its appearance to their view about the attraction that was five miles out of their way. They'd been on the road for about a total of five hours, the horizon was getting darker with each mile they made.

"It's out of the way, Brendon." Ryan complained from behind the wheel of the van.

"But, Ryan!" Heaven and Tarra said together. Heaven turning to him from her spot in passenger seat, pouting.

"Fine, but I'm not driving anymore, afterwards."

"Good with me, Brendon can drive this time," Pete stated shrugging his shoulders.

Ten minutes later and Ryan was pulling the van over for every one to stumble out of it to look up at the skillet that was about as big as a two story house.

"Now all we need is a really big egg." Heaven said looking up at the skillet and smiling, turning to face everyone behind her she laughed at their gaped mouths. "Oh come on you know you were all thinking it too!"

They all nodded in agreement and then made their way back to the van. Brendon taking Driver's seat as Tarra got in passenger. They had at the most another day's drive ahead of them, and with everyone taking turns driving (minus Pete for heaven threatened to kill him with one of Tarra's drumsticks if he got in the driver's seat) they'd be able to drive nonstop until they reached the Zoo.


By the time that they reached Omaha, the Zoo had already been opened for two hours. Standing in line to buy tickets Heaven and Tarra were debating what to go see first: the desert dome or the aquarium. After five minutes of debate they decided on the desert dome considering that it was closer to the front gates.

Walking through the zoo they all felt like they was all little kids again. Running from one house to the next. They only thing that they hadn't figured out that they were going to do yet was which of the two IMAX documentary movies that they wanted to see.

Walking through the Big Cat house Tarra stopped Brendon in front of the Snow Leopards as the rest of their group moved on to the next case.

"Why'd we stop?" He asked her as she leaned her body up as close to the glass that she could get. A Snow Leopard walked up tot the glass on the other side and they began to watch each other.

"I love them, and I want to steal one. Do you think the Zoo would mind if I go to the employees only and try to steal one?" She asked turning to face him.

Brendon only laughed as he moved behind her to wrap his arms around her waist as they both stared into the blue eyes of the leopard in front of them. Soon they heard the talking of the others leaving the house, and Tarra's joyful grin turned into a soft smile as she faced Brendon.

"I take your laughter as a no." Brendon nodded his head as he slowly leaned his 5'8" body down to her 4'11" height to lay his lips softly against hers. She moaned softly before slowly pulling away from him and smiling up at him.

"Mmmm I haven't had one like that in ages from you." He eyes slowly closed as he brought him lips back down onto hers. Tarra wrapped her arms around his neck as he pulled her flush up against him. They fed at each others mouths as if it would be the last time they would ever be able to do so.

Brendon pulled away from her, standing to his full height before picking Tara up and sitting her on the barricade in front of them so that he wouldn't have to bend so far down to assault her mouth again.

This time as mouth met mouth, Tarra couldn't help the moan that escaped her throat as Brendon's hands roamed up and under her shirt in the back. The world disappeared around them as only each other entered their heads.

As soon as Tarra's hands started to reach and pull up Brendon's shirt their was a loud gasp from behind them.

"What do you two think you are doing, this is a public place, and children are here."

Tarra's eyes went wide as she let go of Brendon's shirt letting it fall back into place as his hands came out from under her bra and shirt. The blush on their faces was a deep red by the time they both faced the Zoo Keeper behind them.

"Both of you, out of the Cat house." They didn't have to be told twice. They both nodded at him and walked hand and hand out to where the rest of their group was waiting on them.

"Where were you two?" Ryan asked looking at them, then laughing. Heaven was smirking at them and shaking her head.

"Get caught making out?" Pete asked looking at them and smiling.

"More or less." Brendon stated the blush slowly easing away from his cheeks as Tarra's got redder. She grabbed a hold of his shirt collar to pull him down to her for a small kiss before moving completely away from the Big Cat house, to make their way to go buy their tickets for the show.

"Which shows are showing?" Keri asked as soon as they walked into the IMAX theater.

"Uhm, Mummies or Sharks it looks like." Pete stated looking up at the board on the wall behind the cashiers. Everyone minus Heaven and Tarra called out that they wanted to see Sharks. Tarra was glaring at the posters.

"Oh come on Lyn, it's not that hard. Mummies Tarra, MUMMIES!" Heaven said jumping up and down as she smiled at her best friend.

"Okay, looks like we split up." Brendon stated smiling at Tarra.

"First let's check out the gift shop before Tarra and Heaven's show, and then we'll go around the Park to see the Apes, Bears, and Birds." Ryan stated looking over at the gift shop that was connected to the theater.

"Sounds like a plan to me." Tarra stated shrugging while dragging Brendon off to look at all the stuffed toys.

She had talked him into buying her a stuffed snow leopard, as soon as Pete seen it he and Heaven deemed it their love child. Brendon had rolled his eyes as he handed Tarra his Debt/credit card so that she could go pay for the stuffed animal as he and Pete started in on a conversation about their

Soon the group parted ways: Heaven and Tarra into see their show as the rest of them went to circle the parts of the Zoo that they had yet to see, meaning that the roles would switch as they were watching the documentary on sharks and Tarra and Heaven were circling. The agreement was that they'd meet up at the front gates as the zoo was closing.
♠ ♠ ♠
Kate left a comment. Thus, chapter two. You must all go bother Tarra, as chapter three is the last one that is prewritten.
Poor Drumsticks has been slightly abandoned :(