Status: Finished!

I Know I'm Not The One You Call When You Are Alone

Let's Not Pretend Like You're Alone Tonight.

“Joshua, who said you could take that sofa?”

He just grinned. “Me.”

“Urgh. I wanted that couch.” I pouted, putting my hands on my hips that were cocked to the side.

“Share?” He tried to compromise as he moved over a little to give me some room.

“I guess.”

I climbed next to him and cuddled my best friend as he ran his fingers through my hair. It was so peaceful.

“You’re mum is so trusting letting me stay over here.” He chuckled.

“Yeah, she knows you wont pull a stunt.” I sighed. I only wish he would.

“Because I’m a good boy I am.”

“Yes Joshua. Of course you are.” I said sarcastically ruffling his hair.

“Hey! Off the hair, and I obviously am. Well better than most boys anyway.”

“You talk shit.”

“It’s my job, I’m a male. I’m meant to talk shit.” He grinned.

“I can’t believe it’s midnight already.” I sighed.

“Shit really? That went fast.”

“I know. At least we can sleep in in the morning.”

“True dat.”


“That’s how I roll homie.”

“Ok, that voice and accent really doesn’t go well with your pale white skin!” I chuckled.

“Fine.” He huffed.

“Oh is Joshua Franceschi in a royal huff?” I teased. So easy to wind up.

“Maybe.” He said jutting his bottom lip so far out I thought it was about to migrate to a different country!

I cuddled him further as I felt his arms envelop me and kissed his cheek.

“Thank you.”

I so wish I had the courage to kiss him properly, I always chicken out.

“So, any boys on the scene at the moment you would like to tell me about Miss Miller?”

“Miss Miller? I sound like a 5 year old girl who should be skipping down the road my yellow sundress and have a huge vanilla ice cream permanently attached to my hand.”

“Why don’t you?”

“Uhhh…. Because I’m not 5.” I said in a matter of fact voice.

“So yeah, the boys?” How am I supposed to respond to that? I can’t exactly just go, ‘Yeah Josh, as a matter of fact there is, well there is a guy I like who happens to be my best friend in the world and is currently snuggling into me and has oh so kindly just kicked me in the leg under the blanket whilst stretching. Yeah if you hadn’t guessed, it’s you.’ Somehow I can’t see my little plan succeeding, more like failing miserably. So instead I stuck with a…

“No, no one about. They’re all just silly and immature. I plan on being single for eternity.”

“Oh... well THAT’S reassuring.” He snarled.

“Excuse me?”

“Nothing.” He sighed. I couldn’t be bothered so I just ignored what he had said.

“Can we like not talk about boys, it’s awkward, these are the things I talk to my girl friends about.” I smiled.

“I guess.”

“Any girls on the scene?” I winked at him, secretly hoping there would be a negative answer and I could be happy knowing there wasn’t anyone he was interested in.

“I thought we weren’t going to be talking about this?”

“Look, I had to tell you so you tell me. It won’t hurt will it?”

“Well, ok, I guess there is this one girl. It’s a friend of Dan’s girlfriend, remember the one I was telling you about? Lauren.”

My heart felt like it had dropped down to my feet. I thought I was going to be sick. Why? Why did he have to like this girl? He told me that she was more like a sister to him, so now he’s incestuous?

“Oh right, her? That’s nice.”

“Yeah, I’m unsure whether to tell her or not.”

“Do what you want. Look I’m tired, I’m going to sleep.” I said making a feeble excuse to escape this conversation.

He turned the light out and got with me under the duvet, his arms wrapped around my waist and his head nuzzling the back of my neck.

“Are you ok?” He whispered.

“Yeah.” I whispered back, not daring to speak any louder incase my voice cracked.

“You know that no matter what happens with Lauren, you’ll still be my favourite girl in the world. Nothing can change that.”

And in that moment, 3 minutes before we both fell into a slumber, I pathetically believed him.