Status: Getting edited and writing new chapters

What's The Worst That Could Happen

Chapter Four

We ended up eating breakfast in the mess hall a few minutes after Sandra left the cabin. When we got there Mariah was already seated with her posse at the main table. Although, since I had walked in and sat at the table where most of the counselors were eating it earned me a snide comment and a few glares. Though I don’t understand how it’s always me that they target. Xander never has a problem with anybody and they have no problem with him in return.

“Oi, Jasper!” Xander called out as his best friend walked through the doors of the mess hall.

“Hey, man. What’s up?” He replied with a huge smile plastered to his face giving Xander a 'man hug'. You know, the ones where they grab the others hand, pull in for a chest bump, and pat backs.

“Not too much. Just eating breakfast with my sister and waiting for Sandra to get back from speaking with Ms. Schry. We’re trying to get Anthony transferred into Sandra’s cabin.”

“Oh, okay. That’s cool. Hey, let me go get some food and then we can keep talking ‘kay.” Japer says as he begins to walk towards the table with breakfast items laid out.

He returned a few minutes later with a plate laden with waffles and various fruits. By this time Sandra had already gotten back and brought with her a plate with fruit and was about to tell us the news regarding the bunking situation leaving the only spot open across from me.

“I spoke with Ms. Schry and she said that we can move you into my cabin but we can’t change your schedule so if Mariah is in any of your scheduled classes you’re just going to have to grin and bear it.” She said as she stuffed a strawberry into her mouth still chewing as she spoke.

“Alright, that’s fine as long as I don’t have to live with her I’m good.” I replied with a small victorious smile on my face. I was so glad that I wouldn’t be sharing a cabin with the girl that caused the injury to my eye. Normally anyone who injured another camp attendee was banned from the camp but because they couldn’t ‘prove’ that Mariah had done it on purpose there was no way to get her to leave the camp.

You see, here's what happened; I was swimming out at the lake during our free period and Mariah had followed me out because she wanted to talk to me about something that had happened in our music composition class. She was upset that the director liked how I had decided to compose a simple piece on the keyboard, nothing complicated, just a simple collection of chords that harmonized with each other. When she had gotten to the end of the dock she told me she wanted to ask me some questions about how to get simplistic music to sound nice. I decided that I would help her and as I was climbing onto the dock she pushed me back trying to make me fall back into the lake. Instead, because the ladder wasn’t secured and I was still holding onto it, it fell to the side pulling me with it sending me face first into the corner of the dock. This resulted in me getting multiple splinters in the area around and in my eye which is what caused me to lose most of my vision and gave me a concussion. It would have been lovely if the injury had decided to stop there, but it didn't. I passed out as I fell into the lake.

I would have drowned had it not been for Xander.

He was my knight in shining armor, as always. He came around just in time to pull me out and perform CPR. Of course, Mariah tried to brush it off as an accident and since I was immediately taken to the hospital I had no say in the matter.